Motivation to start a business: where to find strength? Motivation in business is the beginning of everything! Motivational articles for business

Good day everyone, dear readers of my blog! We have been researching the topic of motivation for a long time, everyone has their own goals, plans and desires, but, as I noticed, most often they are associated with career achievements, when a person tries to create and promote his idea. So in this article I want to talk about what motivation for a business is, because not everyone is ready to take a risk to open it, much less continue to develop it, without quitting at the first difficulty or halfway through. Therefore, it is very important in the activities of every businessman and entrepreneur.



The best motivation to start your own business is to understand exactly why we need it, what needs we will use to satisfy it. After all, we exist because we sometimes need something, want something, and these desires move us forward. Thanks to them we are active and proactive. So it is with business, answer the question for yourself: “What will I get as a result of opening my own?” Why do I need this? If options come to mind, for example, money, then dig deeper, what exactly do you want to get from a lot of money? Maybe this is independence, freedom? The desire to receive recognition from a loved one or in general? Maybe you want to enter the international market to achieve global success? This is a very important step, otherwise interest may disappear midway or with the slightest failure. It's difficult to move forward with all your efforts and not understand where you are going.

2.Success Journal

Every day you just need to feel the taste of victory, even if it’s a very small one in the form of an insignificant achievement. To do this, you should plan your every day so that you always have tasks to complete, deadlines and the necessary resources that will be spent. And each completion of the intended task will give a feeling of small joy, because everything is going according to plan, and therefore under control. This point is especially important for business development at the initial stages, thereby motivating you to continue and strive for more. You can even create a so-called “success journal” where you can write down your smallest victories and completed tasks.


We have already spoken more than once about the role of responsibility in the life of every person, but I will repeat it here. The more we want to get, the more we will have to do or risk. And accordingly, then bear responsibility for the consequences and results. Therefore, it is important to understand that owning your own business gives you more freedom, but at the same time imposes more obligations.

After all, you must admit that the life of a person who works, for example, in a bank, is very different from the life of a person who runs an online business. Yes, he has fewer opportunities in life, but even after work he can relax, forget about it, having completed his amount of work for the day. While a leader must always be on his toes. Therefore, listen to yourself, ambition is very good, but the guarantee of success is the ability to act and understand the level of your responsibility, are you ready to bear it?

4.Comfort zone

Look around, where are you? Are you comfortable living like this? A person is able to achieve tremendous success when he takes the risk of leaving his own comfort zone. That is, when we get used to something and don’t change it for a long time. It seems to be a comfortable life, but very ordinary and without development, without gaining new experience, growth...

For many years the same salary, sometimes a person can feel completely immobilized, and at the same time be afraid to take the risk of changing something, in case it becomes even worse than it is now.

Therefore, if you are planning to open your own business, write a list that includes all the changes that will happen to you. What will change? Why is it scary? What are the risks? For each controversial moment, come up with options that can help resolve the situation.

This will give you more confidence in your abilities, and therefore create a basic foundation when starting a business.

By the way, on this blog you can find many quotes about the comfort zone.

5.Pleasure from the process

In order for there to be a desire to move in a given direction, to go towards your dream, you must also enjoy the process, then questions about motivation will not arise. After all, if you have a goal, for example, to achieve financial independence in order to buy a big house, but you have chosen the wrong tool for achieving this goal, you will not last long, because energy arises when we do what we like. But when you have to do something you don’t like and aren’t interested in, most of your energy goes into overcoming your own resistance in order to force yourself to do something. Therefore, to create your own business, it is important to choose a niche that is interesting.

If you are interested in financial independence, then you can read the basics for achieving it in the article: “”.


If you are not ready to take big risks, and first want to gain knowledge and experience in running a business, an excellent option is multi-level marketing, or MLM for short, that is, a network where anyone can become an independent distributor, disseminating information about a product. This can be done even without initial capital. This option is great for those who decide to test their strengths and resources, their willingness to depend only on themselves and their decisions. There are a wide variety of types of mlm, but the most popular are cosmetic products and household chemicals.

As soon as I find the time, I will definitely write an article on the topic of network marketing.

Ben Franklin's Principles

  1. Happiness consists of the small achievements we achieve every day. Yes, it happens that you get really lucky, but mostly global success was achieved by companies and people who gradually, step by step, moved towards their dreams, improving and modifying tools and strategies.
  2. You have the power and ability to control and change your life. Someone hides it very deep inside themselves, but this does not mean at all that it cannot be detected. Know that only you shape your life.
  3. A very interesting principle that says that success is a pleasure that we should experience as often as possible, then its quantity and intensity will increase.

Pros of starting your own business

Naturally, each has its own advantages and goals, but these are the main ones that accompany successful activity, which may give you the confidence to get started:

  • Liberty . No matter how it may seem that businessmen are very busy people, they still have the right to manage their time independently, without asking others, if they need to resolve their personal issues and so on.
  • Finance . By developing your business, you will receive more profit, and this cannot but motivate you to new achievements.
  • Personal growth . New acquaintances, ideas and simply information are a great way of self-development; your values ​​and level of knowledge will change, making you a multifaceted and interesting person, whom others will look up to over time, wanting to learn from their experience.


That's all, dear reader! And it doesn’t matter whether you are already an owner or just on the way to opening your own company, remember that if you believe in yourself, you will definitely succeed, the main thing is to act and not give in to difficulties, because on the contrary, they strengthen us and advance us. I recommend reading my article, which will help in this matter: « .

Good luck to you in your business!

Are you ready for new experiences? We have new interesting information for you! How to learn something new about business? Do you have your own business and want to develop it? You want to know how to do it, but the gurus and business sharks charge too much money for their advice! We understand everything perfectly. That's why we decided to talk about such wonderful things as business publics VKontakte. This social network helps us out once again!

What do I learn in business publics?

What are you saying? There are also a lot of free tips, recommendations, literature, motivational videos, films! Maybe you'll get lucky now and be able to sign up for some free seminar! Just improve your knowledge!

So, we have compiled for you reviews of the most popular business publics on VKontakte!

Let's start with the fact that business is an extremely relevant topic now! If a couple of years ago few people knew about business on the Internet, now people are starting to open their own communities all over the place!

Think and get rich! (With)

This is the first public page we noticed! What is there! What you miss so much! Motivation and registration for free webinars! Maybe by reading a few wise thoughts from Osho and Buddha, Richard Branson, you will become a little more motivated to achieve your goals! At the time of writing, the public has 1,022,481 subscribers! And the number has already increased while we were writing these lines! Haven't subscribed yet? In the albums you will see books that we would also recommend everyone to read! “Rich Dad Poor Dad” by Kiyosaki, which we recently talked about, Richard Branson’s “Naked Business” and many others! And now, having finished writing the article, we’ll watch the movie “Slumdog Millionaire”! Haven't you watched? In vain! Very motivating!

Business portal No. 1 (c)

Just found them in a search! These guys have 1,054,528 subscribers now! What is in the public? Free advice, motivation, have their own consultants, teachers and trainers to solve business issues. Now we are reading a post on how to easily and freely advertise yourself throughout the Internet! Interesting? Still business publics VKontakte useful thing! They also have video stories and audio books.

ABOUT! There is also a new post: tips on how to start a business without starting capital! This public is very generous with free, but useful and relevant advice. Come in urgently!

Business quote book. Online magazine (c)

What will we be treated to here? By the way, they currently have 1,392,251 subscribers! Not bad, really! Yes, they just have a warehouse of motivating pictures, quotes, poems, classical music and interesting facts about life and business. The videos are full of videos about business secrets. Already intriguing. Taxi... Audio recordings! That's it, we're signing up! There are plenty of audiobooks by famous businessmen and psychologists: Donald Trump, Robert Kiyosaki, Richard Branson, Dale Carnegie! Audiobooks are useful nowadays. Not everyone can spend a lot on printed books, and they don’t have much time to read. But listen - please! So, good blog!

Smart Mone y - Business magazine (c)

Let's see! They have 1,874,389 subscribers currently. Already very good! So! They just bought us. They have trainings, webinars, interesting videos on business: business secrets, history, motivation. Well, for example, look: audio training “How to manage subordinates.” Interesting, isn't it? A step-by-step strategy for creating an attractive business ad. If you didn’t know how, now they will teach you! ABOUT! Rating of the most read books about business. As always: Kiyosaki, Berezovsky, Carnegie. Somehow we didn’t see our beloved Richard Branson. Anyway!

In general, the public will definitely be useful to you! Subscribe!

Business, success, motivation. Smart magazine. (With)

They have fewer subscribers. “Total” 516,369... So, how will they surprise us? Let's look through it. Interesting thoughts, business news, motivational videos. What's in the audio recordings? Same Carnegie, Donald Trump! Positive songs... also very good. Here! Robert Cialdini - Psychology of influence. No time to read? Listen! We wrote about this book. And we found its audio version right here. Not bad. You post the necessary literature.

And finally we will say!

We did not intend to advertise these business publics VKontakte, we were not paid any money for this, we just want to recommend interesting material to you on our behalf. After all, many people don’t even know about the existence of these communities, where they can learn something new for self-development and business!

Thanks for taking the time to read! Write comments and special thanks for the likes and reposts!

Many people ask the question: “Where to start your business?” Start with what you want in business and why you need it. From personal experience I know that when starting your own business, you don’t need to immediately share this good news with others. There will always be “good” friends, acquaintances and relatives who will dissuade you from this: “You can’t”, “You don’t have experience”, “You don’t understand this”, etc.

They just don’t understand that, in addition to working as an employee, you can successfully be a businessman, a financially independent person, and simply... They do not set powerful goals for themselves and, for the most part, go with the flow of life.

Whether you like it or not, their words will constantly “sit” in your head and only interfere with the achievement of your goal.

Therefore my advice. Take the first steps, get the first result and only then tell them everything. And you will see that the attitude of those “good” people will be completely opposite. It makes no sense to tell someone that you can make money on the Internet, even if you tell them how to make money on the Internet, few will listen to you, but when you show your own income, even if small at the initial stage, it will be impressive.

The first results help in 100% of cases.

So, what is motivation in business? This is the desire to act, setting useful goals. Success when working for yourself, and not only that, critically depends on the degree of your passion and self-confidence.

For example, if you want to achieve a result of 80% of 100%, then you will definitely achieve a result of at least 20%. But if you set a goal to achieve a result of 20% out of 100%, then, accordingly, you will achieve a much smaller result.

In questions, you need to proceed not from the trend that is fashionable today, but only from your own desires. Some people want to be an entrepreneur, some want to be a teacher, some want to be an engineer.

The whole point is that you must choose an activity that interests you and could support you financially.

You need to constantly move closer to your goal, even in small steps. But these will be steps forward. And when you see that the goal has become closer, your motivation will begin to increase, and you will want to do more and more.

Never compare yourself to people who have achieved success in business. This will reduce your motivation. You will begin to feel incapacitated and worthless. And, as a result, one gives up, energy and positivity disappear, and the business falls apart.

Naturally, you will make mistakes. Do not despair. As the proverb says: “Only those who do nothing make no mistakes.” Try again and again, and according to the law of physics, quantity will always turn into quality. And look at the mistakes from the other side. After all, with them you gain both practice and life experience. All this will be very useful to you in the future.

Lately, more and more people have begun to contact me, who seem to want to start their own business, who seem to be ready, but something stops them at the last moment. The reasons are different: lack of self-confidence, fear that the business will be unprofitable, the desire to play it safe and the reluctance to leave their previous job before the new business ensures their existence. To be honest, people like this touch me. Until recently, I tried to respond loyally to everyone, help, suggest, tell, but, as they say, everything has a limit. The cup is overflowing, and today I will write an honest, blunt, frank article that will open the eyes of many to what is happening. And if it doesn’t open, then it’s your burden to be a worker all your life, waking up at 6 in the morning, jostling on the subway, hating your boss, and huddling in a stuffy office.
Today I will try to tell you why you should quit your job, why you should start your own business and create a foundation for future achievements.

1. The middle class is dying
If you follow the latest trends in the world of economics, and have at least a little understanding of modern terminology, then you should know and understand what outsourcing is. In economic terms, outsourcing is the transfer by an organization, on the basis of a contract, of certain business processes or production functions to be serviced by another company specializing in the relevant field.

The middle class is dying, as every year more and more companies stop hiring long-term workers. It is much more profitable for them to outsource some of the work to other companies, or to hire an employee to perform a specific process. In the USA, a similar trend is developing more and more. Look at Apple, Nike, Adidas and many other companies. They have central offices in the USA, but all production has long been located in China, Singapore, Malaysia and other Asian countries.

Also, every year a large number of smart and impetuous people move into the upper class, becoming the elite, managers, but the lion's share also falls to the very bottom. The middle class, as such, ceases to exist. The gap between the poor and the rich is becoming larger and larger. You may disagree, say that on the contrary, people start working, start seeing money, start living differently. But look who lives differently? The one who works in the office and hates the boss? The one who spends hours every morning getting to work on a crowded bus or subway? No! Entrepreneurs, those who work with their heads, think, develop, create, are reaching a qualitatively new level.

2. You will be replaced
If you think that a good diploma, excellent grades, work experience and practical knowledge will somehow help you, then I want to disappoint you - all this is nonsense. Eventually you will be replaced. You just have to be a super specialist, a mega top player in the market, in order to be able to defend your suitability and necessity. Otherwise, a very unpleasant fate awaits you. Modern technologies, outsourcing, temporary work practices, increased worker productivity - all of this ultimately displaces the middle class.

Look at the realities of the modern world. Most professions that were popular 15-20 years ago are simply not needed now. Perhaps they were not in great demand before, but many did not know how to get rid of hundreds of thousands of unnecessary workers at once. The global financial crisis of 2008 provided an excellent chance to solve this problem. Many enterprises were laying off people en masse. And although the economy has recovered a little, jobs for the middle class are not returning much. Yes, you can go to work as an ordinary worker at a factory, there is no problem. But is this what you want? If previously it was possible to keep three multidisciplinary specialists on staff, now they are trying to expand specializations as much as possible. It is the survival of the fittest, and it is not a fact that it will be you.

3. Big companies don't like you
Many people think that they can make a career in a big company. If you are smart, promising, with an unusual vision of the world and the situation, then there is a good opportunity to reach the level of TOP managers. In fact, in our country this is practically impossible. All leadership positions are occupied by certain, necessary people. Getting among these “needed” is not so easy. Sometimes it’s easier to win a million in the lottery or take a leadership position in a big company for weeks.
Why is this so? It's simple. Bosses want smart people who can work really hard and always strive. But these smart people only grow to a certain level, and that’s it, no one is going to let them go further. They may tell you for years that you need to work even harder, that you need to try, make plans, increase sales. And you will do all this, you will hope. But a certain Petya, the son of a friend of a board member, will receive a promotion. That's all. Instead of directing your strength, knowledge and ambitions into your own business, you developed someone else's.

4. Money is not happiness.
Why are many people afraid to start their own business? One of the fears is losing an already heated place at work. It seems that they are paying money, and there is some kind of stability, and confidence in the future. Although confidence, to be honest, is such a myth. A month before the 2008 crisis, hundreds of thousands of managers were also confident in their inviolability and necessity for the company.

So, you think that it is better to choose an unloved, but money-making business, than a favorite one, but without guarantees that it will begin to generate at least some income. Let's talk about money now. It has long been known that increasing your income does not increase your joy and happiness in this life at all. If you start earning $5,000 more, then your needs will increase by exactly that amount. You will buy the same things, but at many times more expensive, you will dine in prestigious restaurants, and wear expensive perfume. At first it will seem like something wonderful, you will think that life has changed dramatically. But over time, the euphoria will pass, and you will realize that life remains the same, only your demands have increased. So is it necessary to work many times more so as not to change anything? Maybe it’s better to earn less money for a while, but really do what brings joy, happiness, pleasure, moral and physical satisfaction?

5. Your life can be destroyed in an instant
Do you still think that your job means stability and independence? Then let's think a little together. Right now, name the people on whom your position in the company depends. This could be a director, publisher, producer, investor, or anyone who, by their decision, can deprive you of a bonus, demote you, or even fire you from your job. In essence, you are not protected, and stability and independence are just a myth that will suddenly burst with a bang. One day, when you smell something fried, you will grovel before the “chief”, dance on your hind legs and beg to be left in your position. Is this what you want? Personally, I don’t, so I chose a development path where no one will ever be able to significantly influence my financial situation. When you become your own boss, that's when things will start to get better.

6. Does your work satisfy you?
When I ask people whether their job meets their needs, I very often hear that it does. But to be honest, this is a lie, an open, blatant lie. A person is simply trying to protect himself, because it’s hard to admit the fact that he is a slave who spends days without getting any pleasure from it. Of course, there are people who really love their work, and I am sincerely glad that they were able to find themselves.
Personally, I was only able to get hired for such a job once. And even then, I liked it only because I worked at the bar for several hours, at the same time had free access to the Internet, could read useful forums, and after work there was a lot of time left for writing articles, communicating with friends and having fun. In essence, it was not work, but something incomprehensible, and I got pleasure from what I could do outside the bar.

Some might argue, “not everyone can satisfy all these needs at work.” This is true. But since we already know that a salary will not make you happy, you can easily change your lifestyle and work to at least satisfy more of your needs. And the more of these needs are met, the more you will create the conditions in order to let true abundance into your life. Your life is a home. Abundance is the roof. But the foundation and plumbing are of utmost importance, otherwise the roof will fall and the house will become uninhabitable. You build the foundation by following Daily Practice. I'm not saying this because I'm selling anything, but because it works for me every time my roof collapses. My house was bombed, it was cold and the burning winds stung my face, but I managed to rebuild everything. This is my personal experience.

7. Pension is a great deception
It’s very, very funny when people say: “You need to work to have a good pension,” or something like this: “I can’t quit my job now, because I’ll lose my seniority, and with it my pension payments.”
Just think about it, there are still years until retirement. Someone else will have to work for decades, someone less, but the fact remains that you will work with the belief that in twenty years everything will be fine, and someone will provide for your old age. Do you believe it? Now look at our old people. They built a huge country, the most powerful and powerful in the world. They were part of a great state and believed that in their old age they would live calmly and without problems. What's the bottom line? Survival, life on the brink of poverty, and many problems.

Article on the topic:
Only you yourself can ensure a comfortable old age. The government you pay and hope for may not exist in 20 years. Your payments may be so meager that you can’t even buy bread. You don't know how fate will turn out. Therefore, try to turn it around yourself by laying the pension foundation today. Start your business, develop it, collect money, and in old age you will relax in the Maldives, and not stand in the bank in order to receive a 5,000 ruble pension.
What other choice do you have? Staying in a job where the boss is trying to drag you down, will eventually replace you, will pay you just enough to survive, will swing from compliments to insults so that you will be a fish caught in the bait, while he will pull the rod. Is this your best choice? You and I have the same 24 hours every day. And this is how you will spend them?

8. Stop making excuses
Excuses, here's another problem why you can't start your own business. “I’m too old”, “I can’t achieve anything anymore”, “I have a family, and it’s better to have at least some stability”, “What can I do, such people already work there.” There are tens of thousands of these excuses, and all of them are aimed at justifying your fear of taking a decisive step forward. Of course, everyone has their own path, their own lessons, their own choice. Maybe you need to go down to the very bottom to understand what you are losing and where you have slipped.

I recently read an interview with a businessman, where he told his life story. One day at a party, a woman came up to him and said hello. She was a gorgeous woman who glowed, smelled delicious, and exuded confidence and sexiness. Our hero did not immediately understand who it was, but the girl spoke confidently as if they had already known each other for months. A couple of minutes later, he realized that it was his former employee. In the office she was nondescript, never drew attention to herself, constantly muttered something under her breath and was afraid to stand out. But at one point she noisily quit. As it turned out, the woman decided that she would no longer deceive herself, that this job was not for her, and that she deserved better. After her dismissal, she decides to open her own business and provide consulting services. The business took off, and along with it, her femininity began to blossom.

9. Are you moving in small steps? Consider yourself standing still
Very often people say that I can’t quit my job today and start doing something else. I need to feed my family, pay for the house, pay off my debts. You need to do everything in small steps, gradually, without haste. In some ways I agree. Before running a marathon, you also need to prepare very long and hard. The key word here is “prepare”. After all, you can justify your “small steps” for a very long time, without ever budging.

You may not be ready to give up your job at this stage, but start preparing the foundation for your future business. Study the market, customer needs, write a business plan, calculate financial capabilities. Take a few small steps now so that you can quickly move forward without looking back at the past.

10. Feel the abundance
Abundance never comes from your work. Only by leaving the prison in which you have been imprisoned since birth can you achieve abundance. You don't see it now. It's hard to see the gardens when you're locked in prison. Abundance comes only when you move according to your settings. When you truly improve the lives of people around you. When every day you wake up with this desire to improve. Do better for your family, friends, colleagues, clients, potential consumers, readers, people you don’t even know yet but would like to meet. Become a beacon of improvement and then, when it begins to get dark, all the ships will move towards you, bringing their inexhaustible riches. Don't believe me. Stay with a boss who hates you. With a job that keeps you on a chain, tempting you with constant salary increases and promotions up the career ladder. Stay in a culture that is quietly replacing the entire middle class. It's not anyone's fault. These are tectonic plates of the economy, destroying an entire provincial culture that has been going on for almost 100 years. Until you set yourself up for success and all that that choice entails, you will be locked in prison. You will look into your partner's eyes for clues as to whether he or she loves you. But gradually the light will fade, the warmth of the other body will grow colder, and you will once again fall asleep without dreams in this darkness.

I am sure that every person is a genius by nature and can make his life perfect, and for this, only one component is needed - a strong business motivation.

If there is a motivation about which all your thoughts, about which your soul hurts day and night, then: you will be able to set the right goal. You will find teachers and master everything that is so necessary to achieve your goal.

The majority of people do not have such motivation

Therefore, they get excited about some idea and abandon it as soon as they are faced with the routine of certain constant actions. Therefore, only a few are able to reach a high level and become a master in their field.

From generation to generation, people are looking for the “fire” of such motivation that can not let you go all the way to achieving your goal. This fire inside you, which is capable of leading through all obstacles, is called inspiration.

Just imagine what you could do, how you would act, if your life depended on the goal you were striving for! What if the life of your loved ones?

I am sure that you could do the impossible! We would move mountains and cross all rivers. That's why I created this blog, to ignite your inner fire of motivation. So that you can see the path of incredible online entrepreneurship opportunities.

As you probably already understood, motivation in business decides almost everything. If there is no motivation to achieve a goal, then you will not do anything. This means there will be no income. In such circumstances, 99% of beginners quit the race! Unfortunately it is so!

I will continue to write articles, shoot video lessons, talk about the possibilities and features of the Internet. I have my own motivation for this. I will do my best to light this fire in you..

And together we will definitely find yours and determine your goal. And God help us!

I am sure that the Almighty created us and this whole world for a reason, everyone has their own purpose. And we need to fulfill it! Therefore, I consider us one team, and I want you and me to live our lives 100%.

P.S. I know we can do it!