Earn money by entering captcha. Making money by entering captcha: deception or reality? A detective tests earnings Services that pay automatically for captcha

Earnings on captcha It is considered the easiest way to make money on the Internet. In addition, earning money by entering captcha does not require absolutely any investment. Entering captchas is a fairly simple and accessible job. No professional skills or knowledge are needed here.

Making money by entering captcha is suitable for both beginners and those who are simply looking for additional ways to make money on the Internet.

The disadvantages of making money on captcha recognition include the relatively low income. Therefore, you should not consider this way of earning money as your main job. The money earned from captcha is quite enough to cover the costs of the Internet, mobile communications, and will still be left for small pocket expenses.

Earn money by entering captcha You can use special services and websites for manual captcha recognition. The phrase “manual captcha recognition” means that a person enters the captcha.

What is captcha?

Captcha is a picture with distorted letters and numbers. Captcha can be found, for example, when leaving comments on websites, registering email, or downloading a file from file hosting services and the like.

Also, captcha (ReCapcha) is found in the form of various images: cars, airplanes, buildings, nature, animals, etc.

Why is captcha needed?

This invention (Captcha) helps to distinguish a person from a robot and protect Internet resources from automatic registrations and all kinds of spam.

For example, webmasters who promote websites need to enter the website they are promoting into various online directories and resources. At the same time, webmasters carry out a countless number of registrations during which it is necessary to enter a captcha.

A person cannot do such a task, because... this process takes a very long time. Therefore, the entire process is fully automated and registration is performed by a machine (program, robot, bot) instead of a person.

But there is one problem. Such programs, unlike humans, are not able to recognize the text or picture shown in the captcha, and this confuses them (blocks them).

Why do they pay money to enter a captcha?

Since programs that perform automatic registrations cannot recognize and enter the captcha themselves, a person must do it for them.

Therefore, webmasters order captcha recognition from specialized Internet services that provide captcha recognition services.

Captcha recognition services, in turn, require workers who, for a fee, will recognize and enter captcha sent by customers (webmasters).

That is, the customer pays money to the captcha recognition service, the service gives a certain part of this money to the workers who solve the captcha.

How much can you earn by entering captcha?

On average, captcha recognition services pay employees 30 - 60 rubles per 1000 correctly recognized captchas.

Simply put, your earnings per hour can be 20 - 30 rubles. It is possible that there are more.

The higher the speed of work, the more earnings you will earn.

Note for those from Alpha Centauri)). I often see from the statistics of visits to my website what people are looking for earnings on captcha with payment of one or ten, or even 100 rubles for one recognized captcha! People, please be realistic, no one will pay you that much money for just one solved captcha. If you see such an offer, then run from it like the plague. This is without a doubt a scam!

And yes! Earn money fully automatically by entering captcha also impossible!

There is no software that could completely 100% replace manual captcha recognition.

Otherwise, there would be no need to pay the captcha recognition work to its performers.

Where can you earn money by entering captcha?

There are few sites offering to earn money by entering captchas, and even fewer that are worth attention. In general - one, two and miscalculated!

1st place - RuCaptcha

Registration on the site is very simple, so I won’t focus on this.

2) To make money on captcha it is better to use the official program RuCaptchaBot to solve ReCaptcha. Working through the program is more convenient than on the website, and most importantly, it is more profitable, since the program has a greater flow of work and the payment for ReCapcha is higher.

Therefore, the first thing after registering in the section "Worker", follow the link « RuCaptchaBot for access to recaptchas" .

And download the program. We also immediately copy the key (needed for authorization).

3) Unpack the archive (the program does not require installation).

4) Launch the client by double-clicking on the application RuCaptchaBot.

6) Click the “Start” button, solve the recaptcha and get money.

For faster ReCaptcha recognition, the program has a sticky button function. That is, you can mark pictures without clicking on each square separately. Simply hold down the left mouse button and move across all sectors with the image at once, and with the right button you can confirm the decision.

To receive captcha in two windows at once, set the parameter in the program settings “Flow x2”.

If you often come across a difficult ReCapcha (slowly disappearing pictures, etc.) ... in this case, you can click on the envelope icon and log in to your Gmail account (Google Mail). Then press the start button again. After this, the recaptcha should be easier to solve. Also, the older the mail, the better. And from time to time you need to change your Gmail account to a new one.

And in the corresponding field we indicate your User Agent. Click “Save”.

How to find out your user agent?

To find out your user agent, type the following phrase into the Google search engine: my user agent and copy what Google gave us. Or go to this site and look at your agent.

It is not at all necessary to specify your user agent; you can specify any other one. Perhaps it will even be better this way. Try to choose a user agent for mobile devices.

You can find a list of different user agents.

Perhaps after these manipulations ReCapcha will be easier to recognize. And if ReCapcha can be solved easily, then you don’t need to do anything.

And when you solve a lot of recaptchas, Google may temporarily block your IP address. In this case, if you have a dynamic IP address, then you just need to reboot (Off/On) the router or modem to bypass this blocking. If you have a statistical IP, then use VPN. For example, you can use a free VPN Speedify or Windscribe.

Also, the RuCaptchaBot program can earn money without your participation by solving the invisible version of ReCaptcha (ReCaptcha V3). You don’t even need to press the “Start” button to do this. You just need to launch the program and that's it! The main thing is that the parameter "Score" was at least 0.3, otherwise ReCaptcha V3 will not be solved. This parameter and the amount that the bot itself earned can be observed in the program window below.

If the “Score” drops below 0.3, then you need to delete cookies in the program settings and close it. Then you need to change the IP address and run the program again. If after these steps the “Score” does not increase, then you need to repeat the entire procedure again.

How to increase earnings on captcha?

To increase your earnings from captcha recognition, do the following:

A) Return to the site RuCaptcha, indicate a new email and register another account (this is not prohibited by the site rules). The main thing is, do not register yourself using your own affiliate link, that is, with yourself, as your own referral. This is prohibited and may result in the blocking of accounts with all earned funds.

B) Registered a second account. Now, just like the first time, unpack the archive with the program again, only in a different folder.

G) Installed the Sandboxie program. Now we launch one RuCaptchaBot client, as usual, and the other through the Sandboxie program. Then we log in to each client under different accounts that we registered earlier and click “Start”.

The main thing is that in the Sandboxie sandbox settings, check the box next to “Do not show the Sandboxie indicator in the window title”, otherwise the client will not start.

Thus, the work will take place through two programs at once and the number of ReCapchas you receive for recognition will increase. And your earnings will accordingly increase.

Just do not work simultaneously from more than two programs (accounts) on one computer, otherwise you may get temporarily blocked.

I also advise you to periodically visit the RuCaptcha community VKontakte, there you can find out site news and ask questions.

2nd place - EnigmaSolvers

Then launch the emulator, sign in to your Google account. Then install the “Captcha Objector” application in the emulator, which you downloaded earlier on the EnigmaSolvers website.

How to install“Captcha Objector” andBlueStacks emulator.

The number of solved captchas over the last 24 hours is displayed at the top of the program window, next to the inscription “Solved”. Full statistics can be viewed in your account, Statistics section.

Also, several people from different computers can work under one account at once. This is also permitted by the rules of this project. For example, you can work with a relative using the same account. It is also allowed to use one e-wallet to withdraw funds from different accounts.

In general, in terms of accounts, there is complete freedom, except for multi-accounts, of course.

Description of the program menu:

Pause Bypassing – Pause

Show Statistics – Show statistics

Beep On Captcha – Turn sound on/off

Report Unsolvable – Skip captcha

Sign Out

3rd place - X-Captcha

X-Captcha is a domestic project that specializes only in solving recaptcha. Pays 40 rubles for 1000 captchas. The minimum amount for withdrawal is only 10 rubles. Payments are made within 2-5 minutes on WebMoney.

To get started:

1) Register on X-Captcha.ru. To register you will need a WebMoney or Payeer wallet number.

2) Download and install the X-captcha program to solve recaptcha.

3) Launch the X-Captcha client. Enter your username and password, click save.

The login must be entered in the following format: CapR00000000000 for WebMoney, and in the following format: CapP000000 for the Payeer wallet that you specified during registration.

4) Click “Start” and solve the recaptcha.

In the program settings there is “Clone mode +1”. If you enable it, then instead of one window with recaptcha, two will open. There will be twice as much work.

To open settings, right-click on the program window.

If a lot of slowly disappearing pictures come up for recognition, then you can enable “CAPTCHA MOD” in the settings. Then the pictures will change a little faster.

The program also has an assistant that automatically solves some recaptchas. To enable the assistant, click “Advanced” in the settings, then check the “X-Assistant” checkbox and click “Apply”.

Important, I almost forgot! After restarting the program, the balance always shows zero, even if there is money in the account. To view its current status, hover over “Balance”, right-click, then click “Update Balance”.

As for withdrawing money, they are ordered in the X-Captcha client itself. If you don’t see the “Order payment” button, update your balance.

If you need to change your login (wallet), go to the X-Captcha website using the link in the client (the icon in the form of a question mark).

Also, do not forget to monitor the release of new versions of the program. You can follow client updates on the X-Captcha page

In this article we will look at one of the simplest and most accessible ways to make money on the Internet - entering captcha for money.

The simplicity and accessibility of captcha entry to anyone who wants it attracts more and more workers to this area. After all, making money by recognizing captchas is great for beginners and those who need additional ways to make money on the Internet. And the money earned on captcha can be easily withdrawn to your e-wallet...

Before we get into the services, let's first go over a few important issues.

What is captcha and recaptcha? Purpose of captcha

Captcha or CAPTCHA (see Wikipedia for the abbreviation) is a picture with distorted or slightly blurred letters and/or numbers. You could enter the captcha, for example, on file hosting sites, when downloading files or when sending a message on VKontakte, or somewhere else.

Recaptcha is a captcha in the form of images of something or someone: transport, food, buildings, animals, people, and so on. Here is an example of a recaptcha from Google. By the way, many Internet resources have switched to this captcha format.

The main purpose of captcha/recaptcha is to create a barrier for bot programs, making it much more difficult for them to do their “dirty” work, and thereby protect themselves from their undesirable consequences, for example, automatic registrations on Internet sites, mass mailing of spam. In other words, captcha performs a protective function.

Why do they pay money for work on entering captchas?

In some cases, it is necessary to bypass the protective barrier in the form of a captcha: more often this is required by webmasters or optimizers to promote projects, for example, when registering sites in specialized directories or when using SEO software. This means that the webmaster needs to do a lot of work to enter only captchas, wasting his precious time.

Special websites come to the aid of optimizers, where they order (pay for services) for captcha recognition. And the services, in turn, require performers to work on entering captchas. It turns out that webmasters pay money for displaying captchas on intermediary sites, and performers receive a reward for correctly guessing the pictures.

Freebie lovers! There is NO way to make money from captchas automatically, that is, using software or any other method that replaces manual recognition, i.e. with the help of a person. Otherwise, there would be no point in paying the performers for entering captchas. And if you see an offer online to buy a program that supposedly recognizes captchas automatically, then remember that these are scammers.

How much can you earn by entering captcha? Captcha entry rate

Let's see how much a performer can earn by entering a captcha.

The average rate for one correctly solved picture is 0.03-0.05 rubles.

or $0.0005.

Those. for work of 1000 correctly entered captchas you will receive from 30 to 50 rubles or 0.5 dollars. USA and possibly more.

In other words, this is your earnings on the Internet using captchas in about an hour. Note.

The data was taken from one of the services (more about them below).

Earn 1 ruble for 1 captcha. Is it true? Fraudulent sites appear on the Internet that allegedly pay 1-2-3-4 rubles for entering 1 captcha, or even offer 100 rubles for one captcha. It is not true! In reality there are no such prices and you will not receive money from such sites for your work!

I assume that the scammers are aiming to collect data about users, including bank card numbers. After all, more often it is proposed to withdraw money allegedly earned from captcha to the card. Be careful! Do not enter numbers and codes from your cards on dubious sites!

Pros and cons of working on captcha

Advantages of earning money by entering captchas:

  • very simple and affordable work that does not require investment;
  • special knowledge and professional skills are also not required;
  • a quick way to make money.

The disadvantages of this type of income include:

  • relatively small income;
  • working on captcha is very tedious and boring;
  • During the process of entering captchas, your eyes will get tired from constant strain.

List of sites and services for making money by entering captchas

Here is a list of sites and services for making money by entering captchas.

Site No. 1: "RuCaptcha"

RuCaptcha is the best Russian-language specialized site for working on captcha recognition.

Features of "RuCapcha":

  • convenient and functional system interface;
  • the service is constantly developing and improving;
  • There is an official program (for Windows and Android) for working with regular captcha and expensive recaptcha with a check mark. How to find the program: go to the "Support" section - now on the left in the "For Employees" menu, go to the "RuCaptcha Bot" subsection);
  • payment for 1000 regular captchas is up to 60 rubles, for re-captchas - more than 100 rubles;
  • "Employee reputation" is a rating system. Higher rating, more captchas and, accordingly, earnings;
  • bonuses for recognizing complex captchas;
  • displaying on the main page of the service the average rate for entering a captcha.

Withdrawing money from RuCapcha:

  • instant payments from 15 rubles (in some cases within 10-20 minutes);
  • support for several payment systems: WebMoney, Yandex-Money, Qiwi, Payeer, Bitcoin, Perfect Money, AdvCash, VISA/MasterCard bank cards, to a mobile phone account (for the Russian Federation).

Go to RuCaptcha

Site No. 2: "Kolotibablo"

Kolotibablo is one of the first captcha entry sites to appear. Over time, the service was modernized: the interface became more pleasant, recaptchas were added, and payments are made in a variety of ways.

Features of "Kolotibablo":

  • top employees, statistics and other features;
  • the average “Kolotibablo” rate for entering a code from one picture is $0.0005-$0.0011;
  • There is a program for working with captchas (Windows only) and a browser plugin. You can find them in the "Information" section;
  • captchas here are in Cyrillic, Latin and digital, as well as recaptchas.

Withdrawing money from "Kolotibablo":

  • to order the money you earned you need to solve at least 500 captchas;
  • withdrawal from 0.5-10 USD (depending on the payment system) within 1 minute;
  • payment cards: Yandex-Money, Payza, W1 (RUB, USD), AdvCash, VISA/MasterCard cards, Litecoins.

Go to Kolotibablo

Site No. 3: "2Captcha"

2Captcha is a site worthy of attention; it is the English version of RuCaptcha with a similar interface, which should not be difficult to understand.

Features of "2Captcha":

  • digital and Latin characters;
  • the average input rate is $0.0004-0.0005, i.e. for 1000 captchas you will receive up to 0.5 USD.

Withdrawing money from "2Captcha":

  • fast withdrawal from 0.5 USD;
  • payment methods: WebMoney, Payza, Perfect Money, Bitcoin, AdvCash.

Go to 2Captcha

Site No. 4: "MegaTypers"

MegaTypers is an American project for entering captchas for money. Using the Google translator connected to the site, you can translate the service pages into Russian.

Entering captcha for money is one of the simplest types of earning money. Anyone can start receiving money on the Internet for such work, without experience or special knowledge. Earning money from captcha is available on special websites; before you start, you must go through standard registration.

Earnings on captcha

Captcha - what is it? Computer text, which is a word, a combination of numbers and/or letters, both Russian and English. Any Internet user is familiar with such a check. For example, a captcha appears during registration, when the system asks you to prove that the information is entered by a person and not a robot.

Often, symbols are displayed in a distorted form, positioned unevenly in height, against a special background, so that only a person can set them. Machine recognition of such text is impossible.

Payment for entering captcha and what does it depend on?

Making money on captcha involves entering symbols from pictures into an empty line on resources that provide similar work. The cost of one set ranges from 1 to 50 kopecks. Income depends on the speed of the user's typing, his rating in the system and the complexity of the ciphertext.

Recently, there has been an increase in the appearance of sites that offer: “earn money on captcha - 1 ruble per captcha.” Be careful 99.9% of such offers are SCAM!

Advantages and disadvantages

Entering captcha for money is a simple option for organizing income online. Although it is quite difficult to make a tangible profit. Its level depends on the speed of input and the attentiveness of the performer. For an hour of continuous work you can earn from 1 to 3 $. The main disadvantage: the process is routine and can quickly become boring. Eye strain causes fatigue over time. When working with captcha, it is advisable to have a good monitor; you can improve the perception by changing the scale in the browser. During execution, you won’t be able to be distracted by something else, unlike clicking on sites, where it is often possible to perform other activities on the computer.

During work, the performer’s rating for correctly solving the captcha is constantly growing, while the system offers more and more expensive options. Naturally, no money will be paid for an incorrect selection. The system can temporarily block an employee for a high percentage of defects. When solving a complex captcha, the site provides concessions in case of an error; if you disagree with the verdict, you can appeal it. On earning sites in the user’s personal account, all errors are displayed in a separate menu item.

Entering a captcha does not require special knowledge; even a child who owns a computer and can read and type can handle it.

Earnings on ru captcha

The most famous and popular platform for typing captcha is RuCaptcha. This is a Russian-language site that has options for guessing Russian and English characters, as well as numbers. While working, you need to carefully look at:

  • Is case required (uppercase, lowercase letters);
  • presence of spaces;
  • Are there any conditions about a limited number of letters if it is necessary to divide the characters into 2 fragments?

While earning money, if complex captchas are solved, a bonus is added to their cost. Also, the payment for entering captcha on this site depends on the time of day. Prices increase in the late evening, at night or early in the morning, when there are fewer workers on the service.

As the user gains a rating, he has additional options. For example, having scored 10 points, you can select only Russian captcha in the user menu, it is easier to solve it, and accordingly you will earn more.

In addition to the usual captcha, a ReCaptcha may also appear - nine pictures from which you must choose the correct answer.

The administration of the RuCaptcha site took care of its users and published detailed instructions on how to correctly enter a captcha. You can find it on the page " Start earning money» in your personal account under the cost chart.

To get started, click on " Start" And we begin to solve captchas, paying attention to the clues on the left. If you don't click on " Stop"stop entering characters after 20 seconds. you will be put into sleep mode. To resume, click on " Start».

If the text is complex, it is better to skip it by clicking on " I can't make it out" This way, you can save time and insure yourself against mistakes. If a large percentage of errors are made during the work process, the employee’s account will be blocked, without the possibility of withdrawing the money earned.
To get money on RuCaptcha, you don’t have to solve the encrypted text yourself; you can attract new workers to the site. 10% is provided for partners.

Having collected 15 rubles on your balance, you can withdraw them to popular electronic systems (WebMoney, Qiwi, Yandex.Money, Payer) or a mobile phone account. Applications for withdrawal of funds are processed automatically.

Program for entering captcha

Manually entering a captcha for money is a labor-intensive task, and for a more or less good income, it requires a lot of time. In this regard, many users are thinking about automating the process by typing queries like “program for solving captcha” into search engines.

If there were such a universal software product for recognizing ciphertext, then the activities of services that provide similar work for users would no longer be in demand. To date no such software exists.

But not everything is so hopeless. The developers of the above-mentioned resource have provided their users with a program for automatically entering captcha - RuCaptcha bot, which will help increase income. The essence of the program: through it you can solve expensive “recaptchas” (from 6.5 rubles). You can download the utility on the website itself (tab " Support"), you will need a Gmail account to log in to the program.

Earnings from entering captcha in dollars

Megatypers.com is an American platform. Pages are easily translated into Russian if the corresponding option is configured in the browser (Chrome).

The operating principle is similar to Russian-language services. Payment for entering captcha in the local currency “TK”, which is equivalent to the American dollar and varies throughout the day. Statistics on the rate can be viewed in your personal account. It is worth remembering that if a user makes 3-4 mistakes in a short period of time, the account may be blocked. To increase your income, you can activate the Smart Captcha function, which is located in the “Profile and Payments” section. The payment for it is higher, but it is also more difficult to solve.

To register on Megatypers, you need a code (C87V) to invite a project partner. Referral fees are 10%.

Money earned during the day is credited to the internal balance daily at 01.00 service time. You can withdraw them to your WebMoney, PayPal, or Bitcoin wallet by typing $3. Applications are processed automatically every Monday. Of course, making money on captcha is available to users even without experience, but income depends on fast typing skills. According to this, a newcomer to Megatypers will need at least a week of daily work, several hours a day, to reach an income of $3. In the future, earning about $100 a month can be a good additional source of income.

Sites for making money on captcha

In addition to the resources described above, there are no less popular and convenient services on the network, where you can also earn money by solving encrypted text.

Kolotibabblo- another service where you can organize earnings by entering a captcha. Payment on the site is made in American currency. Before registering, you need to get a personal dollar wallet in WebMoney, the money received for correctly entering the captcha will be transferred to it. The account number is required to be specified during registration; if a non-existent wallet is entered, the user’s IP address is blacklisted and the account is blocked. After confirming all the data and authorization in your personal account, you can go to the “work” tab and start receiving money for entering captcha. Tasks appear at intervals of several seconds. Payment depends not only on the complexity of the work, but also on the rating. The site has its own VKontakte group, where you can find out the latest news and share experiences with colleagues. 2captcha.com— an English-language dollar analogue of RuCaptcha. The operating principle is the same. Both platforms offer a variety of withdrawal options. The English version allows you to make transfers to PayPal and Payza. Sometimes captchas do not load immediately; turning on the sound allows you to be distracted by other work. It can be used as an additional service when text input tasks on a Russian-language resource will arrive at large intervals.

Antigate. A simple service for entering captcha for money. The standard payment is 1 cent. To get started, the user is asked to complete a regular registration by entering a login and email address, to which a confirmation email with a password will be sent. Considering that the captcha appears at intervals of about 5 seconds, an experienced user can earn about $2 in an hour. Socialink. A project aimed at website promotion and optimization. In addition to entering captcha, users who come to the resource to earn money can earn money from clicks and on social networks. All profits from tasks after the application are transferred to your WebMoney account. The minimum amount to order a payment is 10 rubles.

Bottom line

As a conclusion, it can be noted that there are enough services where you can make money on captcha. Income can be received both in rubles and in American currency. The main component of success is error-free and fast typing. You can acquire such a skill either with the help of special programs (for example, solo on the keyboard) or in the process of work, devoting a couple of hours of your free time to this area of ​​activity.

Earning money for captcha, although not big, is quite possible.

Making money by entering captcha is considered one of the most accessible ways to start making money on the Internet. But what is captcha?

Captcha is a security code on the site in the form of an image that can only be entered by a person.

Today, any website has a captcha, which appears during registration or any other action that requires human presence.

This was invented for security, so that any programs with robots would not clutter up the site, and would not create additional load that could overload the site.

There are sites that make money by solving captchas. Where webmasters, using code, automatically redirect it to the server.

And on the website it is determined which of the performers will solve the security code. As a rule, 10-30 seconds are given to solve, after which the correct answer to the captcha is sent.

Thus, the webmaster quickly receives a solved captcha. And the performer who solved it receives a reward. But how much do performers earn from entering captcha?

We tried the best exchanges in this area and the average earnings were 40 rubles per hour of work. And professionals earn 2 times more - 80 rubles / hour.

Sites for making money on captcha

2 60 +
3 45 -
4 40 -
5 30 +

Attention, to register with MegaTypers you need to enter Invite Code: BS3K. Without it, it is impossible to register on the site.

Example of earnings on ruCaptcha (2Captcha):

How to increase your earnings on captcha

As mentioned above, our average earnings turned out to be 2 times lower than those of professionals, but how do they increase profits?

First secret: Choosing the right time to work. At different times, they pay different amounts of money; the fewer performers in the service, the higher the prices for entering 1 captcha.

The most profitable time on different sites:

  • MegaTypers - from 9:00 to 15:00;
  • 2Captcha - from 1:00 to 6:00;
  • ruCaptcha - from 1:00 to 6:00;
  • SociaLink - from 23:00 to 7:00.

If you come across a very complex captcha, then it is best to skip it in order to avoid mistakes and waste time, this will help not reduce your personal rating.

Third secret: participation in an affiliate program, where for advertising each site you receive 10% of the profit from each new artist who follows your link.

It turns out that if you attract 10 performers, they will completely replace your work on the site and will bring in the same amount of income as you could make in a whole day.


Earning money by entering captcha- this is really not a bad way to spend time usefully. However, we do not recommend sitting all day typing one code after another.

If you spend 8 hours a day and work 22 days a month, then your earnings will be: 6,000 - 10,000 rubles, which is very little by the standards of the modern Internet.

There are many other cool ways to make money online. At the same time, you can spend less time and earn several times more.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Today I will talk about this type of earnings as input (a little earlier I wrote about that). I'll do this using the site as an example. ruCaptcha(or 2captcha- to receive income in foreign currency).

The Ru-Capcha service is considered one of the best in this area. It has been working steadily for several years, is constantly developing and regularly pays the money it earns. And just the other day she appeared in it auto earning opportunity— a lazy person’s dream (install the program and mind your own business while the money drips in).

Automatic earnings on ReCaptcha through the RuCaptcha Bot X program

If you're lucky, your passive income from using this program will range from $0.5-$2 per day.

Review of ruCaptcha (2captcha) and what is entering captcha for money?

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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