Presentation - Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev “My entire biography is in my writings. Social studies project on the topic "my biography" List of used literature

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An autobiography is a document containing detailed information about the applicant, presented in writing in his own hand. In essence, this is the biography of any person, which he demonstrates publicly. That’s why people so often try to embellish an autobiography in order to make the best possible impression. AUTOBIOGRAPHY

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An autobiography and a resume have in common not only the reason for its creation, but also the fact that both of these documents are not standardized, that is, they are not written according to a template. In fact, an autobiography template simply cannot exist, just as there are no identical destinies and sets of life events. However, there is a certain minimum information that every author of his own biography must provide: Subtleties of writing an autobiography

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first name, patronymic, last name of the author; his date of birth and/or age; place of birth and place of residence; received education, both basic and special, as well as advanced training; work activity, career growth, time and reasons for changing jobs; marital status and brief information about immediate relatives (spouse, parents); hobbies, sporting achievements, awards, etc.

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Like other official documents, the autobiography should be written on a vertically oriented sheet of white paper in standard A4 size. Try to fit all the text on one page and be sure to accompany it with a photograph. It, unlike a portrait in a personal file, resume and/or passport, can be a little less formal: a smile is allowed, casual clothing is allowed, in a word, you can choose a photo in which you like yourself. Rules for writing an autobiography

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You can write your biography in advance, print it out and put it in a folder with other documents, but be prepared for the fact that during the interview you will be asked to write your autobiography by hand. Therefore, it is better to think through the content in advance so that you can easily reproduce it later in the presence of an HR employee. This is not to say that this requirement is universal; rather, it depends on the position you are applying for and the type of organization. But in many enterprises it is due to the fact that not only the HR manager, but also a psychologist, graphologist and security officer will become familiar with your biography. These people expect the CV of a worthy applicant to look like this:

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At the top in the middle of the line is the title of the document: Autobiography. There is no period after it, and the subsequent text begins with a new paragraph. The autobiography is written in the first person, in the singular. It begins with the pronoun “I”, after which a comma is placed and the surname, name and patronymic of the author are called. Immediately after the full name, the date and place of birth of the author is indicated. It is advisable to briefly describe the parents’ occupation: in a family of employees/workers/military, etc. Then follows information about education, and in the order in which it was received, that is, starting from primary school (preschool institutions can be omitted). The name of the educational institution, year of admission, year of graduation and form of education, qualification assigned are indicated. Similarly, higher education, courses and training are reported. The dates and topics of completed seminars and courses must be indicated.

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5. Work experience, if any, is stated starting from the very first place, also indicating the beginning and end, as well as the reasons for dismissal. This information is accompanied by a description of the scope of responsibilities, the number of subordinates, and career growth. The total work experience is indicated. 6. It is mandatory, if available, to report on scientific works, publications, and titles. The year of the dissertation defense and its topic. 7. This is followed by information about additional responsibilities and achievements. In particular, it is indicated that the applicant successfully performed the duties of his manager while he was on vacation or sick leave, and what results he achieved. 8. If, in addition to work, the applicant has hobbies, then he talks about them, and mainly about those that are somehow related to the position he wants to occupy.

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9. A laconic message about your personal life: marital status, number of children, spouse’s occupation. 10. Additionally, the years of change of residence, military service and other information that the author considers important may be indicated. 11. Each thematic block of the autobiography begins with a red line. 12. After the last sentence, an indentation is made downwards and the date of writing the autobiography is placed on the left (the date and year are written in numbers, the month in words), and the author’s personal signature is placed on the right.

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A resume serves as a business card for the applicant, so its design should be taken as seriously as the preparation of the document itself. The presence or absence of errors in the text of the resume indicates the general level of preparation of the candidate: erudition, theoretical knowledge, and the ability to clearly and coherently express his thoughts. It is better to “check” a document seven times before sending it to a potential employer than to later be “rejected” due to some unfortunate mistake. Summary

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When preparing a resume, you should take into account the fact that in most cases it is sent by email and then viewed on a computer screen. Therefore, if the resume is extremely inconvenient to view under normal working conditions, then the likelihood that your application for a vacancy will be read by the employer is sharply reduced. Therefore, when drafting, pay attention to the necessary standards that the document you create must meet: Generally Accepted Standards

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One A4 page. Common font: for example, Times Point size is from 12 to 14 points. It is advisable to leave a 2 cm wide margin on the right so that the recruiter has the opportunity to make some notes. The optimal resume file size is 100–150 kilobytes.

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You should not include large photographs or bulky design elements in your resume. You should not archive your resume. There is no need to name the file prepared for sending with words like resume.doc or resume.rtf. It is highly undesirable to use CAPS LOCK. You can't do that

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Grammatical and stylistic errors. The presence or absence of errors in the text of the resume indicates the general level of preparation of the candidate: his erudition, theoretical knowledge, ability to clearly and coherently express his thoughts. If you are not sure that you have compiled a document correctly, ask your friends to read it and make the necessary corrections and additions. Anna Kruchinina, in turn, advises avoiding the use of cumbersome phrases, sentences and figures of speech. Do not forget that “brevity is the sister of talent.” A little about the sad

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Invalid desired position. In this part of the resume, you need to accurately and clearly formulate the position for which you are applying. It is advisable to correlate the name of the position you are looking for with what the employer’s vacancy sounds like

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Irrelevant information. Do not include information in your resume that is not directly related to your professional activities. The “Work Experience” section of your resume should include only a description of your functional responsibilities and a statement of professional achievements in past jobs, and not a formal job description.

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A standard resume should contain five main sections: the applicant's personal information, purpose (desired position), previous work experience, candidate's education and additional information. Now we will talk about the information that should be indicated in the “Personal data” column, since often, by neglecting to fill out this section, applicants question the effectiveness of the entire document as a whole. And finally, about myself beloved

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It is advisable to indicate your full name. In most cases, the anonymity of applicants is not welcomed by employers, as a resume is an official document, and accordingly, formalities are required. If you do not want your management and colleagues to know about your job search, then it is better to use the “closed resume” function available on many job search sites.

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A resume without contact information seems pointless. The document should indicate an email address, as well as several telephone numbers (work, home, mobile) at which you could be promptly contacted. If you are in a passive job search and do not want to be constantly disturbed by calls from potential employers, but prefer to initially familiarize yourself with all the options via email, then it is better to immediately reflect this fact in your resume so as not to be “distracted” by unnecessary calls .

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Having only an email address in the application form may not work in your favor. Having sent out invitations with the date and time of the scheduled interview, the employer most likely will not track their receipt. Thus, for “technical reasons” you may miss an important interview. In addition, by talking with the HR manager by phone, you will have a chance to get enough information about the vacancy at this stage by asking clarifying questions. If you do not have the opportunity to communicate with the recruiter by phone during working hours, then next to the phone number indicate the period during which the employer can contact you

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A statement has long been a means of communication between a person and some structure. In most cases, it is written to simplify interaction within the organization: writing applications for leave, transfer, dismissal, etc. In fact, such paper is a physical confirmation of your desires, which greatly simplifies the life of clerks - it creates order. In any other organizations where we are not employees, but want to describe our desires, we also need to write statements. Thus, your appeal will be actually recorded and confirmed on paper, which means it will definitely be considered for obtaining a ticket to kindergarten, for opening a case in court, etc. It is very important to know the basic rules for writing an application so that your application is considered on time. Statement

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Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev “My entire biography is in my writings.”
Prepared by teacher of Russian language and literature, GBOU secondary school No. 402 OKSENENKO Natalia Borisovna, 2010.

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Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev
Together with Tolstoy and Dostoevsky, he became one of the three titanic Russian writers who first spoke about the secret life of the human soul. Chronicler of the passing noble era.

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Varvara Petrovna Lutovinova
Extraordinary abilities, strong will, pride, lack of love turned into a desire to rule, to control the destinies of people. The mother’s diary shocked her son: “What a woman!.. May God forgive her everything!” But what a life!”

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"A few words about love"
It is from Turgenev’s mother that he contradicts women: worship, rejection of family, marriage, “philistine happiness.” Strange love for Pauline Viardot. “Oh, my feelings for you are too great and powerful. I can no longer live away from you, I must feel your closeness, enjoy it; the day when your eyes did not shine on me is a lost day!” Her appearance is inspired by the prose poem “Stop!”

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An officer who comes from an old noble family. Served as the prototype for the father of the main character in the story “First Love”.

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Childhood impression.

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University (1833-1841)
1833 - Moscow University, transferred to St. Petersburg. 1838 - went to Berlin”, listened to lectures on history, philosophy, classical philology. I became interested in the German philosophy of Schelling, Kant, Fichte, and the dialectics of Friedrich Hegel.

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Passion for philosophy in the West:
Disputes about Russian “eternal” questions: “What to do?”, “Who is to blame?”, “To be or not to be?” Turgenev is a professional philosopher (candidate of philosophy), which is reflected in his work.

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Turgenev was closely acquainted with Mérimée, Flaubert, Zola, Georges Sand, and Maupassant. He was loved and respected, his opinion was listened to, and it was with Turgenev that the recognition of Russian literature in the world began. He honestly and nobly promoted the work of Russian writers in the West. Maupassant wrote touchingly about him: “He was simple, kind, extremely straightforward, charming like no one else, and extraordinarily devoted to his friends, dead and alive.”

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Creative activity
1844 - poem “Parasha” (Belinsky praised it and said it smelled like strawberries). 1847 - the first serious story was written - “Khor and Kalinich”.

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The series “Notes of a Hunter”. (1847-1852)
“Khor and Kalinich”, “Buyer”, “Office”, “Death”, “Bezhin Meadow”, “District Doctor”, “Hamlet of Shchigrovsky District”, “Two Landowners”. Topic: depiction of the spiritual appearance of the serf peasant, protest against serfdom, call for the liberation of the people from the yoke of the landowners. For the first time in Russian literature, the theme of self-worth, the moral significance of people from the people, is heard.

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“Under this name I collected and concentrated everything against which I decided to fight to the end, with which I swore never to reconcile... This was my Annibal oath...” The writer does not hide the downtroddenness and darkness inherent in the peasant masses, but at the same time shows creative and poetic started.

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Comedy plays (1846-1851)
“Lack of money”, “Breakfast with the leader”, “Conversation on the highway”, “A month in the village”. The stories continue the satirical principles of Gogol's dramaturgy and the socio-psychological problems of the era. The plays influenced the Russian playwrights A.N. Ostrovsky and A.P. Chekhov.

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Tales of the mature period 1854 - 1856
“Mumu”, “Inn”, “Diary of an Extra Man”, “Yakov Pasynkov”, “Correspondence”. Topics of the historical destinies of the noble and common intelligentsia. The plays influenced Russian playwrights A.N. Ostrovsky and A.P. Chekhov.

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Novels by I.S. Turgenev
Each of his novels captures a specific moment in the historical existence of Russia. “Rudin” (1856) “On the Eve” (1859) “The Noble Nest” (1860) “Fathers and Sons” (1862) “Smoke” (1867) “New” (1877).

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"Rudin" (1856)
“Rudin” - describes the appearance of a man in the 1840s, his real contribution to history. novel about an extra person (“The Diary of an Extra Man”, 1850)

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Rudin craves activity, constantly talks about it, writes plans, creates projects, dreams, captivates young hearts, but doesn’t really do anything. A novel about the incredible power and weakness of words.

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"The Nobles' Nest" (1858)
“The Noble Nest” is the most lyrical of the novels with a lot of love. The image of the “Turgenev girl” - Liza Kalitina. The only novel unconditionally accepted by the public as a masterpiece.

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"The Nobles' Nest" (1858)
The main action takes place in 1842 and is dedicated to the fate of the Russian nobility, which is gradually disappearing from the historical scene.

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"On the Eve" (1859)
The novel provoked a split in Sovremennik (Dobrolyubov: “There is no Russian hero yet who would go against the “internal Turks”, like Insarov against the external ones.” But Turgenev had already been in exile and did not want major troubles, and out of the blue.

A sample of a literary autobiography I was born in Moscow on May thirty-first, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-two. My father came from Cossacks. My mother was a domineering and stern woman. Our family was large and diverse, inclined towards the arts. The family sang a lot, played the piano, argued, and loved the theater. I studied at the first Kyiv classical gymnasium. When I was in sixth grade, our family broke up. From then on I had to earn my own living and education. In my last year at the gymnasium, I wrote my first story and published it in the Kiev literary magazine “Lights”. This was, as far as I remember, in nineteen hundred and eleven. After graduating from high school, I spent two years at Kiev University, and then transferred to Moscow University. In Moscow I lived through the October Revolution and heard Lenin several times. Traveled a lot. During the Great Patriotic War, I was a war correspondent on the Southern Front and also traveled to many places. I have written quite a lot in my life. I have always been interested in the lives of wonderful people. I have large sections of prose dedicated to Chekhov, Pushkin, Gaidar, Lermontov... But most of all I like to write about simple and unknown people, village children - my bosom friends.

Sample business autobiography Autobiography. I, Ilyina Yulia Vladimirovna, was born on September 20, 1988 in the city of Togliatti, Samara region. Mother, Ilyina Irina Viktorovna, works as a cook at school 30. Father, Ilyin Alexander Nikolaevich, works as a driver at VLAKO-SERVICE LLC. I entered MS(k.)OU boarding school 5 in the city of Togliatti (Lesnaya str., 13) on September 1, 1996. Currently I am in 7th grade. I play in the volleyball section. January 16, 2004 Ilyina.

Plan for writing a business autobiography Title of the document. Full Name. Date and place of birth. Brief information about parents. Brief information about your studies (full name of all educational institutions where you studied). Brief information about work activity (place of work and position in chronological order). Information about public work. Brief information about family composition. Date of writing the autobiography. Author's signature.

Exercises 2. Complete the sentences. I, (last name, first name, patronymic), was (born) (when? where?). Mother, (last name, first name, patronymic), works (by whom? where?). Father, (last name, first name, patronymic) works (by whom? where?). I entered MS(k.)OU boarding school 5 in Tolyatti (school address) (when?). I'm currently in (what?) class. I study in (what?) section (club).

Exercises 3. Put punctuation marks Autobiography. I Ilyina Yulia Vladimirovna was born on September 20, 1988 in the city of Togliatti, Samara region. Ilyin’s mother, Irina Viktorovna, works as a cook at school 30. Ilyin’s father, Alexander Nikolaevich, works as a driver at VLAKO-SERVICE LLC. I entered MS(k.)OU boarding school 5 in the city of Togliatti (Lesnaya str., 13) on September 1, 1996. Currently I am in 7th grade. I play in the volleyball section. January 16, 2004 Ilyina.
Exercises 5. Find errors in the autobiography. Autobiography. I am Ilyina Yulia born on September 20, 1988. Mother Ilyina Irina Viktorovna, works as a cook at school 30. Father, Ilyin Alexander Nikolaevich, works as a driver at VLAKO-SERVICE LLC. I entered MS(k.)OU boarding school 5 on September 1, 1996. Currently studying in 7a grade. He plays in the volleyball section. January 16, 2004 Ilyina

When I grew up, they really wanted to make me a village teacher and therefore sent me to a church teachers' school, after graduating from which I was supposed to enter the Moscow Teachers' Institute. Fortunately, this did not happen. I started writing poetry early, at the age of nine, but I date my conscious creativity to the age of 16-17. Some poems from these years are included in “Radunitsa”. At the age of eighteen, I was surprised when I sent my poems to magazines that they were not published, and I went to St. Petersburg. I was received very cordially there. The first person I saw was Blok, the second was Gorodetsky. When I looked at Blok, sweat dripped from me, because for the first time I saw a living poet. Gorodetsky introduced me to Klyuev, about whom I had never heard a word. Despite all our internal strife, we developed a great friendship with Klyuev. During these same years, I entered Shanyavsky University, where I stayed for only 1 1/2 years, and again went to the village. At the University I met the poets Semenovsky, Nasedkin, Kolokolov and Filipchenko. Of the contemporary poets, I liked Blok, Bely and Klyuev the most. Bely gave me a lot in terms of form, and Blok and Klyuev taught me lyricism. In 1919, with a number of comrades, I published a manifesto of Imagism. Imagism was the formal school that we wanted to establish. But this school had no basis and died by itself, leaving the truth behind the organic image. I would gladly give up many of my religious poems and poems, but they are of great importance as a poet’s path to the revolution. From the age of eight, my grandmother dragged me to different monasteries; because of her, all sorts of wanderers and pilgrims were always living with us. Various spiritual poems were chanted. Grandfather is opposite. He was not a fool to drink. On his part, eternal unmarried weddings were arranged. Afterwards, when I left the village, I had to understand my way of life for a long time. During the years of the revolution he was entirely on the side of October, but he accepted everything in his own way, with a peasant bias. In terms of formal development, I am now drawn more and more towards Pushkin. As for the rest of the autobiographical information, it is in my poems.