Basics of stock trading for beginners. Trading on the stock exchange. What you need to know and where to start. What are shares

Trading on the stock market is one of the types of earning income on the Internet. There are a large number of stories surrounding such earnings, many of which relate to the aspect that stock trading is a scam. A refutation of this can be the story from the life of a pensioner from Germany named Ingeborga Motz. A woman, trading on the stock exchange, was able to earn a million at the age of 75.

Three categories of newcomers to the market

All people who turned their attention to the stock market can be divided into three groups. The first group includes traders who view the market as a gambling environment. They believe that working on it does not require effort, but at the same time it will not be able to bring a large amount of profit. They often turned their attention to the securities market because of stories from brokers who want to get new clients.

The second category includes people who have knowledge about finance, investments and stock markets. Their decision to try their hand at trading was deliberate and balanced. Such people often lose a certain percentage of their initial capital due to poor training in stock market trading.

The third group are people who take the process of making money seriously. They studied this type of work in detail before making their first contribution. Most of these people remain potential traders, because during the preliminary market analysis they are frightened by the possible risks of trading, so they decide to stay out of the stock market.

Advantages of trading on the Internet

Online trading has a number of advantages. The most important of them is the opportunity to receive a stable income. Also, these receipts can be officially registered. Like all types of work on the Internet, trading on the stock market does not require any extra effort. A trader can earn money while sitting in his apartment.

Another advantage is mobility. A trader can quickly sell his securities if they begin to fall in value. This is done in order to keep losses to a minimum level.

The stock portfolio is formed at the discretion of the trader. Issuers can be disposed of immediately before they begin to cause significant losses.


Scalping is one of the most famous and popular trading strategies in the stock market. It belongs to the speculative category and is used on short time frames. The essence of the strategy is to close the deal as soon as it begins to make a profit. At the end of the last century, the duration of the transaction was several minutes. Nowadays, in order to close it, a trader needs a couple of fractions of a second.

To apply this strategy, the following conditions must be met:

  • highly liquid instruments;
  • small spread;
  • low volatility;
  • low commission.

Each transaction brings no more than 20 points of profit. Significant income is provided by opening a large number of transactions. It is very important to find out about the exchange and broker fees before using a scalping trading strategy in the stock market. It is necessary that the level of profit exceeds the amount of fees.

There are three scalping methods: impulse, classic and hybrid. The first type involves the permanent assessment of markets and financial instruments. When trading on the Russian stock market, a trader must monitor the movement of American and European futures, as well as the US dollar and oil. The second method is to determine the difference between supply and demand, which can cause quotes to move. The third type of scalping involves a combination of the two previous methods.

Swing trading

The basic principle of this strategy is to trade stocks in the direction of the long-term trend. However, it is necessary to start trading only when a number of transactions have taken place in the opposite direction.

One of the most reliable options for opening a position is opening on an uptrend after a wave of sales. After a number of purchases occur in a downtrend, it is necessary to open a short position.

Day trading

This is another type of speculative trading strategy in the stock market. It got its name due to the fact that all transactions must be completed within one day without transferring transactions to the next session. Using day trading, a trader can hold financial instruments for a period from several minutes to several hours.

Technical analysis is typical for intraday transactions. Market participants can also use margin trading in order to increase the amount of income received. However, as profitability increases, risk also increases.


These are stock market participants who prefer to hold financial instruments (as opposed to speculators). They do not take into account the fluctuations that may occur because they believe that over time their patience can pay off.

All investors can be divided into three types: long-term, short-term and medium-term investors. The first ones invest their money in shares of promising companies for a period of twelve months. They use fundamental analysis and take into account the economic and political situation in the state.

Short-term investors hold financial instruments for a couple of weeks. In order to analyze the chart, they use daily and hourly time intervals. Medium-term investors can hold shares for twelve months. They work on daily and weekly timeframes and use both fundamental and technical analysis.

How to start trading

First of all, you need to decide on the minimum amount of funds for trading. You should not immediately deposit a large amount of money, since the sad experience of many traders indicates that the first steps in the stock market most often bring losses.

Then you should be trained in the basic concepts and principles of trading in the stock market. For novice traders, there are a large number of special textbooks that describe the main aspects of working with the market. Before you start trading, you need to become familiar with two concepts: fundamental and technical analysis. The first one studies real factors of a political, economic and psychological nature that can affect the quotes of financial instruments. As for technical analysis, it studies the movement of quotes using charting. Its goal is to predict changes in quotes using mathematical techniques.

The next step is to choose a broker for trading on the stock market, since without his help it is very difficult to gain access to transactions. That is why everyone who wants to make a profit by trading on the stock exchange resorts to the services of intermediaries, which can be not only brokerage companies, but also commercial banks. The main points that should be taken into account when choosing an intermediary are reliability and the amount of commissions required to be paid when making transactions, withdrawing funds and servicing the account.

Next, you need to install a terminal. There are a large number of platforms for trading the stock market. On the intermediary’s website, you need to download a special application that will provide access to the market. Before you start trading, you can undergo training using a demo account. It allows you to fully master the operation of the terminal and create your own strategy, which can be used when trading using real money.

Platform selection

This is one of the most important stages when starting to work in the stock markets. A similar trade can bring different profits to a trader on different platforms. There are four main criteria for choosing a broker:

  • convenience;
  • functionality;
  • availability of access to the exchange;
  • amount of commissions and fees.

These characteristics are basic, but not the only ones. Each trader has his own list of platform requirements that he has developed over his trading career.

The best platform according to many specialized publications is Screen Market Systems. It provides a wide range of functions, ensuring high-quality and convenient work.


Professional traders have developed several rules for trading in the stock market, which must be followed not only in order to make a profit, but also to minimize losses.

The first rule is not to go all-in. A trader should not risk all of his capital. Trading shares on the stock market requires the investor to have the right approach and informed decisions. It is not recommended to trade either with borrowed money or with funds the loss of which would cause big problems for the trader. Quotes can move sharply either down or up. This often causes loss of capital. Especially among newcomers to the market.

The second rule is cutting losses. Every trader must control his greed. It appears in cases where the transaction begins to make a profit. The biggest mistake a trader makes is that he completes an operation before it can earn the maximum profit.

The final rule is to spread the risks. You should not invest all your money in one instrument in pursuit of excess profits. In order to reduce the risk of losing capital, you need to build a portfolio using different securities.

What not to do

Every minute, many new options to earn money appear on the market. It is important to remember that you cannot get all the money. Therefore, it is better to concentrate on one big transaction than to be scattered across many operations that are more likely to cause loss of money than increase it.

You should also not purchase financial instruments whose value is falling in the hope that they will become more expensive. This strategy very rarely gives a positive result. This will cause big losses in the long run.

Stock market or Forex

Trading the stock market is much more difficult than trading Forex. The difference between them is that in the first case, trading is carried out with shares and other securities, and in the case of Forex, currency pairs are financial instruments.

The downside of the stock market is its small currency leverage. This means that traders with small deposits have less chance of successful trading. Forex is a volatile market where you can earn more in a short period of time than in the stock market, which is focused on long-term investments.

And stock exchange (trading). You will encounter a number of unfamiliar terms. To understand the concepts and principles of trading, use specialized literature, attend free seminars organized by brokerage companies, read analytical reviews, listen to business radio and watch business TV channels.

Choose a broker (brokerage company) who will open an account for you and provide access to exchange platforms. The broker is the accredited agent between you and the stock exchange to carry out trading transactions.

Determine which trading (program) you will work with. Most likely, yours will be able to tell you in detail about existing programs and choose the best option for you. Today the most popular trading systems are QUIK and Net Trader.

Build your own trading strategy. Decide: - under what development of the market situation you will make transactions (purchase/sale);
- what source of information will you rely on when making decisions;
- how often to make transactions;
- what exchange instruments to trade (stocks, bonds, options, futures, etc.).

When trading, follow the basic rules: - Buy securities when their quotes (prices) decrease, sell when they decrease.
- Differentiate your portfolio: buy shares of several issuers (companies whose shares are traded on the stock exchange), do not invest more than 20% of your account in one type of securities.
- Fix losses: if the value of securities in your portfolio decreases by 2% -3%, sell them, do not wait for the price to start rising. Otherwise, you may suffer significant losses.
- Set stop signals - price limits, upon reaching which a certain type of security is automatically sold by the broker in order to avoid large losses.
- If you have suffered significant losses, do not trade for several days, take a break. This will help you reduce your emotional background and return to trading with a cool head.

Develop qualities in yourself that contribute to successful trading on the stock exchange:
- the habit of planning;
- self-discipline;
- endurance and self-control;
- consistency in actions.

Video on the topic


Main Russian trading platforms:
for transactions with securities: RTS - classical and exchange markets, MICEX - stock section and government securities section, St. Petersburg Stock Exchange.
for making transactions with derivatives contracts: RTS - FORTS, MICEX - section of the derivatives market, National Commodity Exchange.

Exchange patterns:

At the end of November - beginning of February, stock prices skyrocket.
- In summer, quotes remain at the same level or fall.
- At the beginning of the month, during the holidays, quotes grow faster.
- Monday is a day when trading is sluggish.
- At noon there is a reduction in trading and a cessation of growth.

Stock trading, investing or intermediation as ways to generate income are becoming increasingly popular in the life of a modern person. This type of income is no longer the lot of only wealthy people; more and more ordinary citizens want to put into practice the concept of “money should bring money.” The secret of its attractiveness lies in the high profitability of this enterprise (sometimes tens of times higher than in a bank).

The stock market is where buyers and sellers meet. The goods, depending on the type of the exchange itself, can be currency, shares, options, raw materials, etc. The formula for making a profit is extremely simple: in order to always be “in the black,” you need to buy cheaper and then sell at a higher price.

But in order to know how to do this correctly, you need not just start playing, but study the “stock exchange science” in as much detail as possible, understand the principles of trading and analytical activities.

Only after serious preparation is it worthwhile to plunge headlong into the world of numbers and quotes, where you need to have strong nerves, carry out constant mental work, be moderately passionate, and be disciplined in everything. At the same time, beginners should not be afraid in advance, but relying only on luck will be unproductive.

The main task of an exchange player is to buy currency at the minimum price and then sell it at the most profitable price. The difference between the purchase price and the price of the goods for sale will be trader's profit. Thus, the entire exchange process is of a speculative nature, and, therefore, unpredictable and fraught with risk.

Concept and types

An exchange is an organization that controls the market for financial instruments: securities (stocks and bonds), currencies, commodities (oil, metals, grain, etc.), contracts (futures and options) and a number of others.

An exchange on which securities (stocks and bonds) are traded stock. This is the simplest, most popular and profitable financial instrument. The stock exchange system is a securities market in which transactions with real assets are carried out on agreed terms.

With low commissions, the stock exchange is an ideal platform for the novice trader. By purchasing securities of a company, a person becomes its shareholder, that is, he can receive dividends and then sell these shares at a profit when their price rises. In Russia, such transactions are concluded on Stock exchange RTS or MICEX . Access to trading is provided through brokers who buy and sell shares and keep records of transactions and transactions at the request of traders.

Commodity exchange is a place for the purchase and sale of various types of goods: precious metals (gold, silver, platinum, palladium), agricultural products (wheat, corn, legumes, coffee, cotton), natural minerals and their derivatives (gas, oil, gasoline) and etc. Transactions here are concluded with an expectation of future deliveries, for which a deposit of 10-20% is paid.

Then, even before the end of the delivery period, a reverse transaction is concluded - the sale of the purchased product, which in reality was never in the hands of the buyer. The price difference will be the profit. It is much easier to predict price movements for commodities than for currencies or stocks.

On futures exchange purchase and sale of futures contracts and options is carried out. The name of the exchange comes from the English word “future”, which means an obligation to purchase or sell a certain number of shares at a certain price in the future with payment of their collateral value.

This mechanism is similar to trading on a commodity exchange. The trader makes a security deposit of 10-20% of the real price for an obligation to buy or sell shares in the future for a certain price, which is then repaid by a counter contract. Since not the entire amount is deposited here, but only the collateral value, you can purchase more contracts than when trading on the stock exchange, and accordingly, earnings can be higher.

Through currency exchange Forex national currency is traded. The word “Forex” itself is an abbreviation of two words: Foreign Exchange, which translated from English means: “currency exchange”. With a minimum starting deposit of $10, you can already start trading. Market prices are taken as a basis, according to the exchange rate ratio established on the exchange.

The goal of such trading is to profitably buy a currency pair and then sell it at a higher price. Any type of Forex operations can be carried out using the Internet around the clock in real time from anywhere in the world.

If the trader’s goal is to make a quick profit, then the currency exchange will be the optimal choice; if he prefers a market with large volumes and lower risks, he should opt for the stock exchange.

The rules for making money on the Forex currency market are discussed in this video:

As a percentage (% per annum) profit margin between exchanges can be distributed like this (subject to successful trading):

  • Stock market – 20-50%, with margin lending – up to 100%;
  • Commodity exchange – 50-500%;
  • Futures exchange – 50-200%;
  • Currency exchange – 50-500%.

Return-risk ratio will be the highest on the currency exchange and the lowest on the stock exchange.

Where a beginner can start making money on the stock exchange is described in the following video:

Ways and methods of making money on exchanges

Exist various ways and methods earning income on stock exchanges. A trader can participate in trading operations on the stock exchange independently, or transfer his assets to professionals (investment funds) for trust management. The most advanced way to make money is stock trading through robots - special computer programs that, according to a given algorithm, carry out trading instead of the trader.

Trading on the stock exchange is carried out through mediation– a brokerage firm that provides access to the exchange for a commission. The trader, receiving information from the broker, analyzes price fluctuations for his assets, draws up a strategy and opens transactions. To conclude transactions, the trader gives orders to the broker online. Communication between them is carried out via a trading terminal - a special program from the brokerage company’s website.

To generate income on the exchange, it is permissible to use three main strategies:

  • Investment , that is, the purchase of shares for a certain period (usually from 1 year) and the expectation of an increase in their value. The main condition for success is the choice of a reliable company from the blue chip category, whose shares are characterized by high value. Before purchasing, an analysis of stock prices over the last 5 years is carried out. This is the least risky strategy: the shares provide for receiving dividends, even small ones, and if their value has fallen, you just need to wait for it to rise.
  • Trading – a popular and most profitable strategy. Assets are acquired for a short period of time in order to extract maximum profit. Often, using the broker's borrowed funds, a short transaction is carried out: a certain number of shares are borrowed and immediately sold, then after their price decreases, the same amount is bought again and returned to the broker with a profit.
  • Arbitration allows you to find the difference between related assets, enter into a contract and make money on this difference. The advantage here is the almost complete absence of risks, but this strategy also involves a huge amount of analytical work and speed of reaction, which not everyone can achieve.

The following are distinguished: types of trade by time of holding an open position:

There are constant price fluctuations on the stock exchange: if they want to buy more, the price rises accordingly. If there are more offers for sale, then the price falls. Under trend the direction of price movement is understood, it can be upward (when the price rises), downward (the price falls) and sideways (the price remains the same).

People trading on the stock exchange, are divided into: bears – those who sell, hoping to then buy cheaper, and thus push the market down, and bulls – those who buy in order to sell at a higher price, and thus orient the market towards an increase. Accordingly, a long position is distinguished - long , that is, a purchase with the goal of then selling at a higher price, and a short position - shorts , that is, selling in order to buy cheaper.

The exchange player determines for himself key principle of bidding: either making as many trades as possible, or increasing your earnings on fewer trades.

A trader’s earnings directly depend on the size of the invested amounts. It is most convenient to calculate it as a percentage of the starting capital. With good work and a low level of risks, this is an average of 5-10% per month of the amount in the account.

To successfully trade on the stock exchange, you should constantly analyze your workflow. In this case, use the following types of analysis, How:

  • fundamental – analysis of the asset from the position of balance sheets, for shares – the development trend of the company, for currency – the level of the economy in the country;
  • technical – analysis of an asset on a historical price movement chart, for which resistance and support lines and readings of various indicators are compared.

Profitable stock trading is always based on the formation of your own unique strategy. Each strategy is based on the study of the features and patterns of functioning of the exchange market.

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Everything happens in a few clicks, without queues and stress. Try it and you will be surprised how easy it has become!

First steps in earning money

Step-by-step instruction for a novice trader it might look like this:

  • Acquiring start-up capital, that is, money that can be invested in stock trading.
  • Training in trading, stock exchange terminology, sales strategies in dealing centers, in courses, seminars, webinars, on your own.
  • Selecting the type of exchange and financial instrument for trading. The best options for a beginner would be trading stocks and currencies.
  • Determining the strategy of playing on the stock exchange and the type of trading based on the time of holding an open position. Here, to begin with, you should give preference to investing and trading, as well as day trading and medium-term trading.
  • Choosing a broker - an intermediary for entering the stock exchange, who will provide software, help you understand financial instruments and trading platforms, and start trading competently. The main criteria for selecting a good broker are: the amount of commissions, the amount of analytical and forecasting information and services provided, the quality and cost of the software, and the reliability of the broker as a whole.
  • Implementation of the trading process on the stock exchange. After connecting the trading terminal, the process of making transactions begins. To begin with, it makes sense to practice opening demo accounts (simulators) and transactions with virtual money, which does not involve risks and obligations. What is important here is drawing up your own sales strategy and the ability to keep your emotions under control.

How to develop and grow in making a profit

Stable, long-term earnings on the stock exchange are impossible without serious development of the trader himself, his professional skills and personal qualities. A high level of sales is achieved with experience, which can take years.

The success of a stock exchange player largely depends on compliance with a number of conditions:

  • Acquiring the necessary knowledge and constant self-improvement, studying the psychology of stock trading;
  • Ability to manage your emotions. In trading, thoughtless haste and unreasonable excitement in order to make a quick profit are unacceptable, trading only out of a desire to win back, trading “at random”, like in a lottery;
  • Correctly defining a trading strategy. It is necessary to develop a system of your activities as quickly as possible and constantly follow it;
  • Development of such important qualities as self-discipline, self-control, analytical thinking, attention, organization, efficiency, determination;
  • Constantly analyzing your mistakes. There is no break-even trading; it is important to notice your mistakes in time and prevent them in the future;
  • Minimizing risks in each transaction, competent capital management. Open a deal only if the risk of losing on it is no more than 2% of the amount;
  • Holding profitable positions for as long as possible, and the ability to quickly close unprofitable ones.

Tips for those starting to make money on the MMMB exchange are given in this video clip:

Existing threats of such games

Trading on the stock exchange, unfortunately, obeys an immutable law: If someone wins, it means that somewhere someone lost. Therefore, losses and drawdowns are integral companions not only for beginners, but also for exchange professionals. According to statistics, only 10% of beginners successfully start their activities, while 90% always lose their first deposit.

When starting an exchange game, it is important to know that such an event is associated with risks, and the greater the profit expected, the higher the probability of loss. Most players simply do not know how to trade, make gross mistakes and miscalculations, and rely on intuition instead of competent analysis. Inexperience, immaturity, greed, and impatience are unacceptable in this type of activity.

Often cause of failure are the inflated ambitions of a beginner who does not want to spend time learning, mastering the basics of market analysis, forming his own strategy, keeping a trading diary, making forecasts and calculating risks.

The Internet opens up amazing earning prospects. Thanks to binary options and financial markets in general, any user can climb the social ladder in a short period of time if they pay enough attention to education and practice.

At first, beginners have a lot of questions about what to trade, how much to invest, what expiration dates are the most profitable, etc. Having learned about the possibilities of making money online, novice traders are interested in the question: how to trade stocks, because the prospects for investing in this asset have enormous potential.

Where to trade?

An uninformed Internet user imagines the stock exchange as a huge building with quotes on electronic stands, a huge number of traders, monitors - this environment is inspired by films about successful investors. However, today you don’t even need to leave your home to make money on securities; trading takes place online in front of a monitor screen.

The availability of profit from asset trading is due to the emergence of a huge number of brokerage companies - intermediaries between real stock exchanges and traders. Some brokers are independent; user trades do not extend beyond the boundaries of such companies.

Are all novice investors interested in how to trade on the stock exchange without a broker? To engage in trading without an intermediary broker, you need to go to New York or another large economic center, deposit more than ten thousand dollars to gain access to the most popular trading platforms. Therefore, ordinary Internet users, as an option, can cooperate with brokerage companies - intermediaries.

So, in order to make a profit from trading securities, you need to cooperate with one of the following entities:

  • international Forex exchange;
  • binary options trading platforms;
  • investment intermediary companies.

How to make money trading stocks?

There are two approaches to how to trade stocks online. The first involves investing your own funds in shares in order to make a profit in the future. The investor will receive income if the shares rise in price, i.e. the company operates successfully. If the company's activities are unprofitable, the shares will also fall in price, and the investor will face losses in proportion to the decrease in the value of the shares.

You can invest your funds in shares directly or with the help of an intermediary. If the investment amount is large enough, you can contact company representatives directly. However, for direct cooperation with large companies: Microsoft, Apple, etc., you need to offer them a fairly large amount. Therefore, ordinary investors cooperate with intermediary companies that help invest funds in well-known brands and large corporations.

There are several disadvantages to investing directly in stocks:

  • you need to invest a significant amount of money, even intermediaries will not be interested in an investment of $100-200;
  • Profits can only be made when the stock price rises. However, even large and steadily growing companies have periods of pullback when securities can decrease in price.

Direct investing is a way to make money for large investors with market knowledge.

This option for making a profit is not suitable for beginners. The investment amount for beginners is usually small and they also lack knowledge of the specifics of trading in financial markets.

How to trade shares on the stock exchange?

Unlike direct investing, the stock exchange allows you to make money not only when shares rise, but also when their prices fall. If a trader effectively predicts the direction of asset prices, then he can make money even with a small amount of investment. It all depends on the trading conditions of the exchange broker.

There are two ways to trade securities via the Internet: on the Forex exchange and on binary options.

Both methods have their advantages, but the most important is the fixed amount of profit: on average from 70% to 85% of the transaction amount.

You can make money trading securities online in a matter of minutes. There is no need to wait weeks or months for securities to increase in value. It is enough to make one correct forecast for your profit to almost double.

How to make money in binary trading?

Domestic and foreign binary options brokers allow you to trade securities and other types of underlying assets directly via the Internet. To make money on trading platforms of binary options brokers you need to:

  • register on the company’s website and top up your account;
  • select a specific asset, for example, Microsoft shares;
  • make a correct forecast of the direction of the asset price in the near future;
  • open a Call deal if the price is expected to rise, or a Put deal if the value of the asset is predicted to fall;
  • if the asset price has changed its position by at least one point in the chosen direction, then the trader makes a profit; if not, a loss in the amount of the transaction amount.

Important! To trade stocks using binary options, you need to take into account not only technical, but also fundamental analysis data.

A trader must at a minimum monitor the economic calendar in order to profit from binary trading of this type of asset.

Jesse Livermore: How to Trade Stocks

Those who want to understand how to trade stocks on the stock exchange can read Jesse Livermore's book. It can be downloaded freely on the Internet; just type the corresponding query in a search engine. Jesse Livermore is a successful solo investor. The book was written back in the 30s of the last century, but is still very popular among traders.

At 45, Jesse was able to make millions of dollars from stock trading, using a huge number of his equations and formulas. This is reflected in the book How to Trade Stocks. Useful materials combined with autobiographical data are read “in one breath.”

Rules for successful stock trading on binary options

  1. To most of the deals on trading platforms of binary options brokers closed with a profit, it is necessary to take into account information from fundamental analysis. Economic news is the easiest way to keep track of stock prices. In this case, you should pay attention to the financial statements, which are also reflected in the value of assets.
  2. Better choose long-term options, because contracts with an expiration time of 10-30 minutes are unlikely to bring profit. It is best to buy options with a maturity of one day or more.
  3. The specifics of securities trading are absence of a large number of signals to enter the market. If the trader has a good deposit, then you can invest for the long term. Such trading will allow you not to be constantly at the computer.
  4. Auxiliary - indicators will also provide good assistance in predicting the value of this type of underlying asset, but they must first be tested on a demo account.

Features of trading on different platforms:

  • Large range of this type of assets. For some brokers, the number of shares can reach up to 150 varieties or more:
  • Low level of risk. It is not possible to trade binary options completely without risk. But with a competent forecast, if all components are taken into account, the risk is minimized.
  • No third party quotes. Brokerage companies have different quote providers, but when trading this asset, the prices are the same all over the globe, there can be no averaging, errors, or slippages.
  • Beginners need to practice, follow the news, then success is guaranteed.


Trading shares via the Internet is a real opportunity to increase capital. If investing on large world exchanges requires at least tens of thousands of dollars, then to work with binary options you only need a minimum amount to enter the market. To trade successfully, you need to follow the news of the economic world and company reports. Indicators can only help in predicting the direction of an asset’s value; it is only necessary to first test them on a demo version.