How much profit does a coffee machine bring? Business on coffee machines. Where to start a vending business

Sometimes entrepreneurship can be built on things that for some reason simply do not come to mind from the very beginning. For example, a business on coffee machines: how long does it take to pay for itself, reviews from other entrepreneurs in this business, what are the risks and disadvantages of the business, as well as other aspects of such a project are probably of interest to you.

Coffee is a popular drink, on par with tea and hot chocolate, which is why its sale is one of the most profitable. Well, a coffee machine allows you to do it without direct human intervention. Let's take a closer look at the coffee project.


The undoubted advantages of this project are:

  1. Relatively small investment for opening from scratch.
  2. Possibility of opening in a small retail space.
  3. There is no working staff as such; the business can be managed independently.
  4. Without spending on a marketing campaign, the coffee machine will become popular almost anywhere.
  5. Possibility of moving the machine to another location.
  6. Extremely high profitability of the project.

There are some disadvantages to using coffee vending machines as your main source of income. The most obvious of these is strong competition. There are machines of this type almost everywhere, so it’s difficult to find a room where you can put yours. The problem is that the most profitable places, from a commercial point of view, are occupied, and in order for the project to pay off, it is important to search for a suitable premises for a long time.

The second extremely unpleasant disadvantage is the activity of vandals. Of course, recently such people are extremely rare, although in the regions there are still a sufficient number of them capable of opening the device without a key. Therefore, it is important that the installation is located in a protected area or in the field of view of surveillance cameras.

Registering a business

For legalization, it is enough to register you as an Individual Entrepreneur. This is done with the help of the tax office, where you also need to choose a tax system: UTII or simplified tax system.

Personally, as a novice entrepreneur, you should turn to the first system. You don’t have to license anything; you only need a quality guarantee for fillers obtained from suppliers.

The following documentation will be required:

  • Agreement with local governments received by any vending machines.
  • SES permission.
  • Fire department permit.
  • Space rental agreement.

Choosing a suitable place

As mentioned above, before opening, it is important to find a suitable location by commercial standards. The most suitable premises for such trade can confidently be called the following traditional places:

  1. Train stations, bus stations and other route stations.
  2. Airports.
  3. Hospitals and clinics.
  4. Other government agencies, for example, social service centers, tax inspectorates, state road inspection departments, etc.
  5. Banks.
  6. Educational institutions - schools, universities, colleges, etc.
  7. Cinemas, theaters and similar recreation centers.
  8. Trade fair centers, markets, wide supermarkets, etc.
  9. Business business centers.

Unfortunately, each of these places probably already has its own vending coffee, so the search will be quite difficult. Of course, some entrepreneurs decide to compete with an existing machine, and this is also the right approach with proper strategy planning.

Try to experiment: if the machine in a given location is inferior in profit to a similar competitor, try to change the supply of the product or move the coffee machine to another location.

The lowest prices will almost always be in educational institutions and stores. You can also agree to pay the lessor not a fixed rent, but a percentage of sales, which is extremely beneficial for a novice coffee machine owner.

Selecting the machine model

It is important to find a device that does the job well, but is not too expensive. You can purchase both a domestic version and a foreign brand; it is always difficult to understand which model will ultimately perform better.

It may be worth investing in a more expensive model that has a good reputation and performs more functions, such as green tea or mulled wine, in order to quickly pay back the business and make more profits in the future.

Try to monitor the quality of work of models located in different places in your city. Some work more efficiently and offer more services. Be sure to read reviews on online forums about the model you want to purchase. Don't get hung up on expensive options and pay attention to the following signs:

  • Are there service centers of this company in your city?
  • Is it important for you to overpay for vandal-proof protection of your device?
  • How long are the guarantee periods?
  • How much will the device and its maintenance cost?
  • Is the model you have chosen widespread on the market and how long has its production been in existence?
  • Which varieties, ground or instant, of coffee are used in making drinks.
  • Exactly how many servings of the drink the coffee machine is ready to dispense before the next refill.
  • How strong technical characteristics does the machine have for its price?


It is recommended to refill the machine once every three days. In the beginning, it is better to ensure its operation with frequent presence, because, unfortunately, it is impossible to predict how well the machine will work. It is the first days that influence the future reputation of the place.

Keep the machine clean; there will probably be dirty coffee stains or just unpleasant stains. Dirt may well scare away the client, so it is necessary to wipe the device and clean around it. Periodically you need to collect the proceeds from the machine.

Also, sometimes you will have to fix various kinds of problems at the manufacturer’s company; they are the ones you should contact to troubleshoot problems. It is for the availability of such services that it is important to buy a new, and not a used device.

Internal filling

It is important to find truly delicious coffee that would be in demand among customers. Therefore, it is worth testing each option yourself. Those working in the vending coffee market have long been well aware that varieties that are classic and have been sold on the market for quite a long time will pay off better. Remember that you need to purchase the following products:

  1. Bean or ground coffee of a couple of varieties.
  2. Black and green teas, as well as fruit-flavored teas.
  3. Hot chocolate.
  4. Cocoa.
  5. Filtered water.
  6. Powdered milk powder for additives or hot milk.
  7. Dry cream.

You will also need disposable cups and spoons for stirring. You also need your own fillers that differ from store-bought options. Such ingredients are stored longer, have a non-stick consistency, are not able to absorb foreign odors, do not absorb moisture, and dissolve much faster than standard ones.

We select staff

For a ready-made business, you will need only two workers, and it makes sense to do the work of both of them yourself at first. The first vacancy is a manager responsible for purchasing fillers and other goods, relations with suppliers and similar organizational issues. He must monitor the business project, plan its work, identify what is most profitable at the moment, and also keep track of documentation and money.

You can remain in this position permanently. In addition, you need an employee to service the coffee machine itself. He must have a driver's license, and it is also important to have knowledge of the city in order to navigate to different machines.

Calculating expenses

Expense line Amount of costs, thousand rubles.
1 Rent of space 2
2 Coffee machine with advanced functions 200 x 2
3 Delivery of the device to the site and its installation 2
4 Public utilities 1
5 Paperwork 3
6 Purchase of beverage refills, sugar and water 5
7 Purchase of cups and other equipment 2
8 Service employee salary 10
9 Taxes 3,5
10 Unexpected expenses 10
Total: 436,5

It is not necessary to buy two machines at once, and in this case the amount of expenses will be only 236 thousand, which is really small for a business project. Remember, in addition to the start-up capital, you will have to invest monthly, paying taxes, rent and utilities, as well as purchasing some materials and paying salaries.

What is the yield?

Calculations show that on average the cost of one serving of a coffee drink should be 35 rubles, tea – 25 rubles, and cocoa or hot chocolate about 30 rubles per glass.

It may seem that the prices are quite low, but a machine in a place with a large flow of people will sell 70-100 portions, making a monthly profit of 50-120 thousand rubles. The most minimal income after paying expenses will bring about 30 thousand rubles in profit. Increasing the number of machines will bring greater profitability, but even one machine can pay for itself in 7-8 months.

Video: coffee machines as a business.

  • Description of the object
  • Production plan
  • Business risks
  • Financial plan
        • Similar business ideas:

Business plan for organizing a network of coffee machines in a city with a population of 250 thousand inhabitants.

How much money do you need to start a business?

According to preliminary calculations, the entrance ticket to a business with coffee machines consisting of 10 vending machines will be 2,230,000 rubles:

  • Deposit for renting premises - 80,000 rubles.
  • Purchase of machines (10 units) - RUB 2,000,000.
  • Materials and ingredients - 100,000 rubles.
  • Business registration and other organizational expenses - RUB 50,000.

Capital for starting a business, according to the business plan, will be formed from the personal funds of the project initiator (40%) and borrowed funds - a bank loan (15% per annum for 5 years). Monthly loan payments will be 19,725 rubles.

Description of the object

Vending in English means the sale of goods and services through a vending machine. Today, this is one of the fastest growing areas of business. Especially when it comes to selling coffee and drinks through a machine. These products are in constant demand, regardless of the time of year. The advantage of vending is that the outlet does not need sellers, a counter and a cash register. The machine combines all these functions. You just need to choose a good location and the business will generate income. The machine does not get tired, it works for the entrepreneur 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. She will never cheat, steal money, run away from work early, or be rude to a client. Promising places for installing coffee machines are bus and railway stations, shopping and entertainment centers, higher education institutions, office and business centers, cinemas, and fitness centers.

Step-by-step plan for organizing a network of coffee machines

  1. Finding advantageous locations for installing coffee machines
  2. Business registration
  3. Conclusion of lease agreements
  4. Purchase of vending machines and ingredients
  5. Installation of machines at the point of sale
  6. Hiring operators

Download a business plan for coffee machines from our partners, with a quality guarantee.

What equipment to choose for business

At the first stage, it is planned to create a small network of vending machines, consisting of 10 machines. For this purpose, coffee machines from the Italian brand Veneto will be purchased. The machine has an attractive design, a self-cleaning program and a large selection of products. The device offers a choice of 8 drinks at once:

  • Coffee with milk;
  • Espresso coffee;
  • Cappuccino;
  • Hot chocolate;
  • Frothed milk;
  • Latte;
  • Mochaccino;

Ingredient loading volume includes:

  • Instant coffee - 1.5 kg;
  • Chocolate - 3.1 kg;
  • Milk - 2.2 kg;
  • Sugar - 5.3 kg;
  • Coffee beans - 3.5 kg.

How much can you earn from coffee machines?

The average bill according to preliminary calculations will be 25 rubles. Depending on the traffic of the point, one machine will sell an average of 80 drinks per day. 10 machines will sell 800 drinks per day, per month (30 days) - 24,000.

Expected monthly revenue (on average for the year) will be 600,000 rubles.

Production plan

It is planned to install vending machines in local shopping centers, a university, a railway station and two cinemas. The average rent will be 8,000 rubles per month (in a shopping center it will be slightly higher, in a university a little lower). To service the network of coffee machines, it is planned to employ one operator with a personal car. His responsibilities will include daily monitoring of the operation of the machines, timely loading of ingredients and withdrawal of proceeds, maintaining the external condition of the machines, and resolving disputes with customers. The salary will be 15 thousand rubles. per month + fuel and lubricants. Monthly bonuses are possible for exceeding the plan.

Which tax system to choose for an organization

The organizational form of the business will be ordinary individual entrepreneurship. It is planned to use the simplified taxation system as a taxation system. Tax payments will be 15% of the organization’s profit per month.

Business risks

In the course of running this business, the following negative aspects may arise:

  • Vandalism and theft of equipment;
  • Increased competition, emergence of major players in the market;
  • Fall in demand in summer;
  • Equipment breakdown, downtime;
  • Increased rental payments, decreased business profitability.

Financial plan

Let's move on to calculating the main indicators of business economic efficiency. Fixed monthly costs for the coffee machine chain will include:

  • Rent - 80,000 rub.
  • Operator salary - 15,000 rubles.
  • Insurance deductions - 5,000 rubles.
  • Loan payments—RUB 19,725.
  • Fuel and lubricants - 20,000 rub.
  • Depreciation - 10,000 rubles.
  • Other unforeseen expenses - RUB 15,000.

The total expenses according to the plan will be 164,725 rubles. Variable expenses

  • Raw materials (sugar, coffee, cups) - 25% of turnover or 150,000 rubles. per month.


  • Average check - 25 rubles.
  • Number of sales in 24 hours - 800
  • Revenue in 24 hours - 20,000 rubles.
  • Revenue per month - 600,000 rubles.

Hence the profit: 600,000 - 164,725 (fixed expenses) - 150,000 (variable expenses) = 285,275 rubles. Minus taxes (USN, 15% of profit), net profit will be 242,483 rubles per month. Business profitability is 77%. The return on investment, with such indicators, will occur after 10 months of work.

This is a full-fledged, ready-made project that you will not find in the public domain. Contents of the business plan: 1. Confidentiality 2. Summary 3. Stages of project implementation 4. Characteristics of the object 5. Marketing plan 6. Technical and economic data of the equipment 7. Financial plan 8. Risk assessment 9. Financial and economic justification of investments 10. Conclusions

Often business ideas lie on the surface, but people do not notice them or underestimate them. But in vain, sometimes you can make good money on familiar and ordinary things. One such idea is a coffee machine business. They do not require the constant presence of an operator and bring good money. That is, the owner of the devices has passive income with minimal effort and time.

Sale of drinks and goods through automated systems (vending machines) - vending. This is a fairly profitable business with a short payback period and guaranteed profit. To open your own business, you only need to buy a coffee machine, ingredients and choose a location for installation. With proper organization, business profitability can reach 130-150%.

Where is the best place to buy equipment?

There are many sellers of coffee machines. An Internet user just needs to enter the corresponding query in a search engine and select an acceptable option. It doesn’t hurt to study the reviews and capabilities of the device before purchasing. The leading positions in this business are occupied by European and Korean equipment. In the first case, you will have to pay 130-150 thousand rubles for a high-quality device, in the second – 100-120 thousand. If there is no start-up investment, then the equipment can be rented.

You need to request the availability of documents for the machines from the seller or lessor. Their absence can lead to problems with regulatory authorities. A license is not required to operate this business.

Beginning entrepreneurs often wonder: how to properly organize a coffee vending business - buy or rent? Each solution has its pros and cons:

  1. A significant start-up capital is required for the purchase, but from the very beginning the businessman works only for himself, and he will not have to share part of the profit for rent. At the same time, a lot of effort should be made to find a profitable place for equipment, otherwise there is a high risk of going into the red.
  2. The monthly rental fee for a machine is about 10,000 rubles, while repairs and maintenance are at the expense of the owner. This approach makes it possible to study the business and check the profitability of the point without the risk of going broke and losing your hard-earned money. True, every month you will have to pay 10-15% of the profit for the device itself.

Against the backdrop of another wave of the economic crisis, the government once again thought about preferences that would attract the maximum number of people to small and medium-sized businesses. They are guaranteed numerous advantages in matters of its organization and management. It remains only to consider those types of entrepreneurship that will be equally successful both in the event that the promised benefits are actually provided and in a situation where the real assistance turns out to be not so significant. Many market analysts for individual entrepreneurs, small businesses and joint ventures recommend paying attention to the vending business, which has been constantly gaining popularity in recent years, regardless of external macroeconomic and microeconomic factors.

Types of vending business and its popularity

A special feature of this form of business is the ability to minimize the costs of maintaining staff and renting premises. Most likely, everyone remembers the very first examples of this production - vending machines for soda water, metro tokens, and railway tickets, which appeared back in the 70-80s of the twentieth century. Moreover, the first automatic machines ready to sell various goods appeared more than a thousand years ago in China. A prototype of vending equipment found by archaeologists sold pencils. Waves of development of vending were noted at the end of the 19th century - in the 20s and 30s, such devices offered cigarettes and matches to customers on the streets of Moscow and other Russian cities.

Modern technologies have made it possible to make such equipment more advanced and visually more impressive. Today, such equipment allows us to offer customers a wide variety of products. They can be either packaged or bottled. The general principle is the opportunity to make a substantial profit from using a device installed in a high-traffic area. Moreover, this profit actually goes solely to the owner of the vending machine. After all, its purchase fits within the budget, installation requires a minimum area, and the device works independently without the participation of an additional hired salesperson.

Where to start a vending business?

Only at first glance it may seem that in order to start a vending business and receive a stable income from it, you don’t need to make any effort at all. This option for small or individual entrepreneurship is actually quite accessible and simple to operate, but it will still require certain financial investments and an assessment of market risks.

So, how to open a vending business? The first step for each future recipient of profit from using an automated trading device is a clear assessment of the potential demand for its offer to customers. To evaluate, you will need to understand where the machine can be installed, what is the social and demographic spectrum of consumers of its services.

Currently, there is equipment on the market that is ready to provide services to consumers, offer industrial goods and food products. From the point of view of making a profit, it is food products that are in stable demand among any buyer. Moreover, here too there are leading directions.

The highest profitability indicators are shown by equipment offering hot and cold drinks. Considering the obvious seasonality of supply, soft drinks are most in demand during the hot season, which in our latitudes rarely lasts longer than three to four months. But it can be difficult to refuse a cup of coffee, tea or hot chocolate in any weather.

How to open your own vending coffee machine?

Regardless of the choice, the next step is to evaluate potential locations for the proposed equipment. And in order to install a coffee machine, you will need to register as an individual entrepreneur, a representative of a small or medium-sized business.

The simplest option is registration or PBOLE, depending on the experience of activity and the intended use of a convenient taxation system.

By switching to the “simplified tax system” (USN), it will only be possible to sell bags, chewing gum or chocolate bars.

Why do experts recommend choosing coffee vending equipment to start a business?

Equipment for vending services appeared on the market as a convenient and inexpensive alternative to going to a cafe. And today, this purchasing option is most convenient for those who are not ready to set aside time in their busy schedule for a long trip, even to a fast food restaurant. It is also convenient to combine a light snack and a sip of an invigorating drink with your usual activities.

Experience in using vending machines has shown that coffee is in maximum demand in such situations. It is not such a simple and familiar drink as, for example, tea. Carbonated drinks are harmful to health, and hot chocolate often finds its admirers among children and visitors to women's cafes. However, in pleasant cafeterias, waiters usually bring hot chocolate for the fair sex, and its connoisseurs choose to relax at a table or bar counter.

Coffee brings almost everyone together. This vending machine is equally popular in the office, shopping center, and just on the street near the metro or at the train station. Considering the variety of options for drinks that a coffee machine can prepare without the participation of a barista, it makes it possible to get a pleasant moment of relaxation during a working day or a trip.

Where to put the coffee machine?

However, the success of a future enterprise depends not only on the choice of drink or food and the choice of a vending machine that is ready to provide both. It is worth immediately understanding where such a compact “catering point” is convenient and appropriate to place. It becomes a win-win situation when the device was installed in an office center. Moreover, not only in the dining room or dining room, but simply next to the offices of office employees. In such a situation, its services will be readily used by the employees themselves, who will definitely prefer the opportunity to use the machine to simply throwing a spoonful of instant coffee into their cup.

In an office meeting room, this equipment will defuse the most difficult negotiations, and in the reception area or next to it, management visitors can while away the hours of waiting.

Waiting areas generally become an appropriate option for placing a vending machine for preparing instant or natural coffee. Today such equipment can often be seen at airports, railway and bus stations. Ease of use and financial accessibility ensure a constant flow of people who want to diversify their time waiting for departure or arrival with a cup of coffee. It is convenient to place machines here that are ready not only to offer coffee, but also to provide the opportunity to buy already packaged goods. Today, the choice of such machines is large and varied - from options that provide the opportunity to buy a pack of chewing gum and a chocolate bar, to equipment that is ready to send a heated sandwich, a package of salad or even soup in a plastic container to the receiving box.

Is the vending business profitable in a movie theater, in a hall where slot machines are located, in a shopping center? Undoubtedly. Coffee machines are increasingly being installed in the waiting rooms of financial institutions and post offices. What all these placements have in common is a large flow of people passing by or, even better, waiting.

It is important that the machine is located indoors, since such equipment is ready to operate successfully only at temperatures from -4 to +40 degrees Celsius.

Coffee machine installation and maintenance

Installing a coffee machine does not require any special skills. All you need is a dedicated, level place and the ability to connect to an electrical outlet. In the future, such a device is ready to work independently.

The involvement of a specialist will only be required at the time of assessing the successful operation of the coin acceptor and bill acceptor. It is how successfully they operate and how well the relationship is ensured with sending the amount of funds to the receiver and receiving the finished product that becomes a guarantee of obtaining a stable profit.

It is advisable to refill the devices and remove the received funds daily., monitoring the quality and condition of the products in the device. Today, as an additional service, many owners of vending systems install reading devices that allow them to pay for food products received using bank cards.

How many machines are convenient for running a vending business?

The first assessments of the prospects for using different numbers of devices can be made already at the stage of choosing their location. In this situation, the flow of potential buyers and the willingness of the future “king” of vending to work with several types of products or goods at once are calculated.

At first, experts recommend limiting yourself to installing one vending machine or a maximum of two. This applies equally to those entrepreneurs who are just starting their own business in this area, and to those who are trying to explore new territory.

Experts recommend not taking into account the profit of the coffee machine for the first two months when assessing further business expansion. It is either excessively high (due to the new offer to clients), or, on the contrary, it is small, since the client is not yet accustomed to the new type of service.

On average, with the right placement strategy and type of product, the payback period for a coffee machine is from 1 to 2 years.

How can placeable coffee vending machines work?

Most vending coffee machines have quite significant dimensions. The height of each type of equipment is comparable to the average height of a person. It is determined by experience of use. After all, it is more convenient for the buyer to pick up the purchased drink without bending or jumping. It is for this reason that the window in which the purchased drink is displayed is located approximately one and a half meters from the floor surface.

The outer bar of the device is equipped with buttons that allow you to select up to 13 types of coffee. Milk can be immediately included in the drink preparation or additionally poured from a separate tank. Depending on this, the coffee machine can be programmed to produce a variety of coffee options. For ease of use, the equipment is equipped with coin acceptors, bill acceptors and devices that read the amount from a bank card.

Profitability of coffee machines

The multifactorial components of the potential success of such a business include a large list of parameters. Either personal experience or marketing research will allow you to accurately compare them. But a minimal idea of ​​the potential profit can be obtained based on the simplest financial calculations.

An average vending machine of this type costs its owner from 1,500 to 5,000 US dollars. The variability of cost ensures both the complexity of the model and the possibility of choosing used equipment.

The purchase of coffee for one medium-power machine will require from 150 to 200 dollars per month.

Approximately the same amount will be required to purchase tea and hot chocolate.

An average portion of coffee in such a machine costs the buyer from 10 rubles. On average, the machine dispenses from 40 to 120 cups of plain coffee per day. Even such minimum indicators guarantee the owner a monthly profit of at least 12,000 rubles. Even such modest results, plus the amounts received from the sale of portions of coffee with additives and food products, will increase this amount to 20,000 per month.

Excluding from such profit the costs of servicing the coffee machine (no more than 2,000 rubles per month) and the purchase of ingredients (from 4,000 rubles per month), the net profit for each machine for the month will be at least 5,000 - 6,000 rubles.

Protection from vandals and hooligans

Vending market specialists point out that the most serious cause of damage can be a machine breakdown due to the actions of hooligans.

To exclude this possibility, it is important to pay attention to the placement of equipment in a crowded place, preferably in places where it is located in the field of view of representatives of security services, and also to carefully monitor the availability of everything declared in the assortment and the serviceability of coin and banknote acceptors. Failure to do so may result in a deliberate attempt to damage the equipment. Most modern equipment options are equipped anti-vandal protection.

Today, the vending business is just beginning to develop in our country, although throughout the world it has long become a noticeable player in the market for making pleasant and simple profits. It is this, coupled with the relative cheapness of equipment and components to support the work, that becomes a good basis for using this type of activity as a successful option for obtaining a virtually guaranteed income.

According to expert research, in 2012, each Russian consumed 300 grams of coffee per year, each American consumed 900 grams of coffee per year, and each resident in the Scandinavian countries consumed 3 kg of coffee per year. Russia has always been considered a “tea” country, while Europeans are more “coffee lovers”. However, the popularity of natural bean coffee in our country is growing every year. And as experts predict, in 2014, coffee consumption by Russians will increase more than 6 times and amount to almost 2 kilograms of coffee per year.

Residents of large cities are increasingly happy to use coffee vending machines, whereas just a few years ago they were often wary. Now many consumers fully understand that the coffee there is no worse than in a restaurant or in a specialized coffee shop, but the drink from the machine costs less. And if you really want to grab a glass of coffee and don’t want to sit too long, then it’s easier and better to purchase a drink from a vending machine. Instead of overpaying for service at a coffee shop and wasting time waiting.

But, even despite the fact that coffee consumption in our country is growing, it is necessary to install a coffee machine carefully choosing a point, so that it brings full return to the owner of the vending machine. Where are coffee machines installed? Here is an example of theoretical installation locations.

1. Shopping centers - contrary to popular belief, shopping centers are not gold mines and rents there are higher than in other places. It all depends on many factors. When installing a device in a shopping center, you need to understand who your consumer will be. You shouldn’t count on store employees making up the bulk of customers.

If there are chain stores in a shopping center, then the sellers in them work on a strict schedule and the administration will not welcome any absences from your machine. Especially drinking coffee and walking around the building. In addition, where there are networks, and therefore a large number of visitors, rental prices are usually high.

If this is a shopping center where small individual entrepreneurs rent premises, then perhaps they can become your clients, but not a fact. This point must be considered from all sides - whether landlords provide premises for meals, if there are cheap catering outlets, etc. Many shopping centers have special rooms for tenants, with kettles, where they can bring their lunch and snacks.

Basically, when installing a coffee machine in a shopping center, they are counting on visitors to the center. But in this case, it is necessary to take into account the presence of inexpensive cafes in the shopping center and other retail outlets that provide visitors with food and drinks. In any case, it is best to place the vending machine near the waiting area where there are benches, or near the entrance. Shopping center parking lots are also a good place.

2. Universities and colleges are rightfully considered one of the most highly profitable places. But they also apply to high-problem points. If students start throwing glasses around the building, the university administration often tries to simply get rid of the vending machine. Also, students often deliberately try to break a vending machine. Income in educational institutions is usually high, but the equipment can also be damaged.

3. Office centers, indoor markets and fairs, enterprises, municipal institutions. This category can also include tax departments, traffic police departments, driving schools, city hall, etc. This is a fairly large category of points where there is constant traffic of visitors and people directly working in the building. In this case, you cannot consider every point. It is necessary to evaluate on the spot (traffic of people, waiting, etc.).

When installing the device at such points, they focus on both visitors and employees. For example, there may be no visitors at the plant, but the machine is placed near the break rooms for workers. Or in the traffic police inspectors themselves may not use the coffee machine, but visitors will be happy to use it. Swimming pools and large libraries, fitness centers, car services, auto centers, etc. can also be considered as possible installation points.

4. Railway and bus stations, transport hubs are considered good points, but only if they are large transport hubs. The city itself may not be large, but if it is a transit hub, where people spend time waiting, then the vending machine can very well bring profit to its owner. However, vending machines installed at transport hubs are also considered a risk group, just like machines in universities.

Promising locations also include parks and recreation areas, bus stops, metro crossings, taxi stands, medical institutions, large city hairdressers, etc. In general, it is impossible to recommend a counter point for a coffee machine as some kind of panacea. In one place, a vending machine installed in an office center can bring profit, but in another, also installed in a similar center, it cannot. There are approximate guidelines where vending machines are most often installed. But any place needs to be analyzed. In addition, having tested a vending machine in a certain place, you need to wait three months and only then draw conclusions. Since it takes time for people to get used to the vending machine and learn how to use it.

Conventionally, space for vending machines is divided into two categories

1. Where the audience is constantly changing (stations, parks, etc.)

2. Points with a regular clientele (office centers, universities, etc.)

Vending machines must be installed in a visible place, they cannot be placed in nooks, dark corridors or where they will be covered by doors, and you should not install the machine near a series of display cases. The device must be placed in a clean place, not next to trash cans, smoking boxes, etc. Place your own bucket under the machine for used glasses.