Breeding cattle for dairy purposes - an example of a business plan. Breeding cows at home as a business Business plan for dairy cattle

Peasant farming is a good business for a mid-level entrepreneur. Only initially it is necessary to draw up a peasant farm business plan for cattle (cattle) in order to be confident in the profitability of the business. As practice shows, the most profitable farm business plan for cattle farms provides for about 50-60% of the profit from meat sales. The remaining income can be provided from the sale of milk or straw, but they are no longer so significant.

It is especially worth noting that it is quite difficult to draw up a farm cattle business plan, because you need to make a forecast for a couple of years in advance. Keep in mind that first you will have to organize a farm, purchase all the necessary cattle equipment, and you will be able to make a profit only after a year or more. Why do you have to wait so long for profit? Because the peasant farm business plan for cattle provides for the main profit from the delivery of meat to the population and enterprises, accordingly, you need to wait until the cattle grow up.

When drawing up a business plan for a peasant farm for cattle, you will have to purchase a large plot of land outside the city. Renting is excluded here, since business requires time and large capital investments. Often, a business plan for a cattle farm provides for an initial expenditure of 2 million rubles for opening and 200 thousand for each month of caring for cattle, although after a year or a year and a half you can make a profit of 1.5-2 million.

Business plan for cattle breeding

We propose to consider a business plan for cattle breeding using the example of a small farm in the Ulyanovsk region. This business plan can be used as a feasibility study for agricultural activities. enterprises when receiving a bank loan or participating in government support.
1. Project description

We bring to your attention a feasibility study for the creation of a small cattle breeding enterprise.

The goal of the project is to breed beef and dairy cattle for subsequent agricultural sales. products to the population in the form of milk and meat.

The production of this type of product is a promising direction, since the meat products market is one of the largest food markets. Meat products are in constant demand both among the population and among organizations when purchasing meat products for further processing.

Main stages of the project:

1. Construction of premises for cattle breeding;
2. Purchase of young cattle for meat and dairy production;
3. Growing and breeding cattle in order to obtain a finished product in the form of milk and meat;
4. Sales of finished products (milk and meat) to the population.
To implement the project, it is planned to attract credit funds in the amount of 650 thousand rubles. The entire amount of the loan received will be used for the purchase of fixed assets and the construction of premises for keeping cattle.

Starting cost estimate:

2. Description of the enterprise

To carry out the production activities of a cattle breeding enterprise, an individual entrepreneurship was registered.

The main activity of an individual entrepreneur according to OKVED is code 01.2 - livestock farming.

The simplified tax system (STS) was chosen as the taxation system - 6% of gross income.

At the beginning of the project, the following cattle will be purchased:

1. Cows aged 24 months – 5 heads;
2. Young cattle (bulls) aged 6 months – 12 heads;

A total of 17 goals.

The main part of the feed will be purchased from farmers. processing enterprises at retail prices. The rest of the feed (hay and straw) will be partially procured by the individual entrepreneur.

The production activities of the farm will be carried out with the involvement of 2 hired workers for general laborer positions.

Table No. 1: Planned staffing

3. Product Description

The project provides for the purchase of young cattle from third-party organizations with further raising of the livestock on the farm and the sale of meat and dairy products.

The activities of our farm will be divided into 3 stages:

1. purchase of young cattle (up to 6 months old);
2. care of cattle livestock;
3. sales of the resulting products - meat and milk.

To obtain high milk yield, it is planned to purchase a highly productive black-and-white breed of dairy cattle. This breed of cow is capable of producing about 8,000 liters of milk with a fat content of 3.5 - 4% or 20 liters of milk per day during the lactation period (305 days).

The live weight of an adult cow is from 450 to 600 kg. In one calendar year, a cow consumes an average of 18 tons of feed.

To raise beef cattle, calves of the Simmental breed will be purchased. This breed of cattle is characterized by increased meat productivity; by the age of 18 months, the bull gains weight from 850 to 1100 kg.

The cattle feeding diet will include:
Compound feed;
Cake and meal.

4. Marketing plan

The main competitors of our farm will be similar producers, personal subsidiary plots, peasant farms and larger agricultural production complexes.

Sales of manufactured products are planned to be carried out in the following areas:
1. Sales of products at retail outlets in Dimitrovgrad, in particular at the “meat market”;
2. Sales of meat and milk in the locality at the place of registration of the individual entrepreneur;
3. Sale of manufactured products in small wholesale to reseller organizations;
4. Sale of products in the form of exit trade (from a car) in neighboring settlements.

Sales of products will be carried out at prices:

Beef retail: 250 rub./kg;
Beef wholesale: 170 rub./kg;
Milk retail: 35 rub./l.;
Milk wholesale: 24 rub./kg.

It is planned to sell up to 2250 liters per month. milk and 350 kg of meat, or:

1. Retail milk – 1000 kg;
2. Wholesale milk – 1250 kg;
3. Retail meat – 150 kg;
4. Wholesale meat – 200 kg.

The structure of sales of manufactured products is presented in the form of a diagram:

5. Production plan

To determine the main economic indicators of the enterprise’s activity, we will calculate the planned expenses and income of our farm.

To raise and maintain 1 head of cattle per month, an average of 1.5 tons of feed (hay, straw, grain) is required. One adult cow eats about 50 kg of feed per day. The average cost of a feed ration (50kg) per day is 80 rubles, per month – 2400 rubles per head. To maintain 17 heads of cattle per month, an average of 41,000 rubles will be spent.

Table No. 2 Fixed expenses of the farm

In total, the total monthly costs will be 79,000 rubles.

Let's move on to calculating the monthly gross income of the farm.

On average, one cow produces 20 liters of milk per day. For the first 2 months, 10 liters of milk will be used to feed the calves. Subsequently, all milk is used for sale. Considering that 2 months are allocated for calving, the planned volume of milk sales per year will be 5400 liters per cow:
1. 30 days*20 liters/day*8 months=4800 liters
2. 30 days*10 liters/day*2 months=600 liters
Accordingly, from 5 heads per year you can get up to 27,000 liters of milk.

Bulls purchased at the age of 6 months, with proper nutrition and care, will gain up to 500 kg of live weight in 1 year; with a meat yield of 70%, the yield is about 350 kg each.
Accordingly, from 12 heads you can get up to 4200 kg of marketable meat.

Table No. 3 Average monthly revenue of the farm

In total, the total monthly revenue will be 1,638,000 rubles.

* For ease of calculation, sales volumes are indicated by month. However, in the financial forecast, for the first time for several months, cattle meat will not be sold (unlike milk), but as young cattle grow, the entire volume of meat will be sold. As a result, the proceeds received from the sale of meat will cover all previous costs of maintaining cattle, and the remainder of the funds will be our profit.

6. Schedule

To implement the project it is necessary to carry out the following activities:

Table No. 4 Project implementation schedule

It is planned that milk sales will begin in the fall of 2013. The sale of the first batch of meat is planned for the summer of 2014.

7. Financial plan

To organize a cattle breeding farm, an investment of 650 thousand rubles will be required. A bank loan will be issued for these purposes.

The main expenses of a farm will be the cost of raising animals, that is, for feed - 41 thousand rubles per month. The second largest expense item is the payment of wages to two workers - 20 thousand rubles. per month.

The structure of annual farm costs is presented in the form of a diagram:

Based on the above data, we can calculate the main indicators of economic efficiency of the farm:

Net profit based on the results of annual sales of milk and cattle meat will be 556,720 rubles.
Farm profitability = 58.7%
The payback period for the project at these rates will be 14 months.

On the same topic:

A village or any plot of land opens up a lot of prospects for business. Some grow vegetables for sale, while others keep rabbits or goats. One option is to organize a small farm for cattle. In this way, you can practice raising cows for milk or meat as a business. Let's figure out whether it is profitable to keep a cow, how to care for livestock, how to raise calves, and what else you need to know about cattle breeding in both directions.

Before starting work on the farm, it is necessary to find out in detail all the nuances and possible pitfalls of this activity. Key points that play a key role:

  • Features of maintaining a cattle farm in the cold and warm seasons by zone;
  • Meat and dairy breeds of cows, the nuances of their breeding and production of products using modern methods;
  • How to most cost-effectively sell products and manure from large animals.

Possible areas of work

A modern mini cattle farm can be focused on milk or meat. Where to start in this or that version of livestock farming, what conditions to provide them with depending on the breeding method?

Meat farm

A beef cattle farm is less expensive than a dairy farm. The first and most important thing here is to choose the right bulls or heifers in order to fatten them later. A large number of additional premises will not be required, equipment for the farm is reduced to a minimum, and only the costs will remain for high-quality feed for the cow herd, which is necessary to raise a calf or heifer at home and further breed animals.

If you are interested in livestock farming primarily as a way to quickly make a profit, then choose this most suitable option. However, if you are planning a long-term business, then in the future, in terms of profitability, a mini dairy farm for cows will be more effective.

At the moment, home family modules are becoming more common, making it easier to breed bulls. These include the following methods and technologies:

  • Once the calves reach 1 year of age, the cattle are further raised in stalls;
  • The grazing period is used to the maximum by cattle during breeding;
  • The calf is fed on homemade milk for up to seven months;
  • Use of automatic feed dispensers and dispensers that are easy to clean;
  • The use of a home free-stall care option for livestock, with this method the animals simply stand in stalls.

Milk farm

The main element of a modern dairy farm is the hall where the cows are milked. For best results, its construction is regulated by strict dairy standards, as is the installation of equipment. As a result, a home farm, where cows are kept according to the rules, can become an extremely profitable economic enterprise, like any well-organized livestock farming with high-quality products.

Usually in business they use loose housing in separate stalls or housing in groups. The cattle are fed on the territory of the yard for walking, and the cows are provided with water from automatic drinking bowls inside the premises. Dairy cattle require water at a temperature of approximately 12 degrees when raised. Each heifer needs to be watered and milked daily.

Having finished milking, the products (milk) are placed in a special cold tank, where the temperature is 3 degrees, before being sent for sale to stores or other farms. No other milk processing equipment is required.

What is a mini farm?

Livestock farming is limited to fairly strict limits in all its areas. Premises in which bulls are raised or cows are raised as a business must meet several important requirements:

  1. Versatility, allowing you to raise livestock in any climate and in any way, so that the heifers feel good;
  2. Possibility of supplying water and electrical communications to all areas for comfortable care of each cow and milking;
  3. Availability of equipment with which cattle will be serviced - bulls and cows, including free-stall housing;
  4. To have a cow, bull or calf, the total usable area should not be less than 1000 sq.m., so your domestic livestock will feel comfortable;
  5. The ceilings in the premises are not lower than six meters - crowding has a negative impact on milk production and the rearing of milk-age calves;
  6. So that a loose-leash system can be organized.

Also, raising cows at home as a business requires certain types of premises, depending on the focus. Dairy farms always have a modern workshop for bottling milk, and meat farms have a modern workshop for cutting up carcasses (including dehorning) and a laboratory. Farms for cows should be as comfortable as possible for the animals, then they will be profitable in terms of turnover.

There is a cold method for raising calves, which implies the following: animals must constantly breathe fresh, cool air, and the temperature and humidity in the room are constantly maintained as close as possible to natural outdoor conditions. Projects of such farms for cattle are very common today - everyone is talking about cows that grow well in such conditions.

How to design a mini farm

Land selection

In order to choose the right plot of land and organize raising calves at home on it, you need to take into account the following criteria: an area of ​​at least 1000 sq.m., the presence of pastures or places for building various kinds of hangars, walking, and storing hay for the winter.

Much depends on how you raise calves at home - whether you practice free-stall housing or not, whether you have a meat or dairy farm. Keep in mind the rule - it is unprofitable to keep mini-farms that do not have their own food supply - almost all the profit from the family trade in meat or milk will be used to feed the raised animals. And livestock farming is, first and foremost, a serious business where productivity is important.

Keep in mind in the plan that the site should be located in a place where it is easy to connect the necessary communications (hot and cold water supply, sewerage, gas, electricity are required). Ideally, there was already a cattle farm here before. Then even some buildings could have been preserved, which would make your work easier.

It is undesirable to choose a site that is located in a lowland, has poor, depleted soil, or is difficult to access. Eliminating each problem will require investing a considerable amount of family money.

Building equipment

To build a successful business on cows and bulls, you need to adhere to certain rules and plans. The size of the stall for one cow or heifer is 100 by 200 cm. In each box, the calf needs to make a slight slope where waste will go. This compartment should also have a door for easy removal of cow dung. For a dairy farm, it is important to consider the milking system and timely supply of water to animals in the layout. Modern automatic milking machines will cost less than hiring milkmaids. Attention should also be paid to the zone in which the cows are bred. Cow breeding as a business must be profitable in terms of turnover, otherwise there is no point in it.

Purchasing animals

The choice of calves depends primarily on the future direction of the farm. For dairy, buy cows with large, hairless udders, a rounded body and sharp withers; such a heifer will most likely provide you with milk. It is best to take young animals, as you can get the maximum amount of milk from each of them. When choosing a meat breed, opt for completely healthy and unpretentious individuals with a large weight. When purchasing, when calculating the number of animals, take into account the estimated turnover of the cattle herd.


The farm must have equipment such as feeders for heifers - single or group. When wondering how to choose this element, the easiest way is to choose a wooden gutter - the design is simple, but proven over the years. The same applies to drinking bowls. And in order to check the weight of animals before sale or other procedures, the mini-farm must purchase special scales, especially if it is a meat business. You can also monitor the weight of young animals; calves or heifers should quickly gain weight.


If your farm is located in a village or rural settlement, then it is most convenient to hire local residents. Jobs required to care for beef/dairy cows and bulls, as well as other operations: milkmaid (optional if there is no milking machine), general laborer who monitors the farm, livestock technician who monitors the health of each animal, accountant and sales manager. According to the plan, the salaries of these people on farms in rural settlements are in the range of 13-17 thousand rubles.

Spending and profit

The approximate amount that can be met when organizing conditions for keeping dairy cows or bulls for meat is 650,000-1,000,000 rubles. This includes the construction or renovation of buildings, the purchase of livestock, registration of an individual entrepreneur, and the development of a business plan. During the first year you will have the following expenses: purchase of feed, payment of employees, taxes, as well as various unforeseen expenses associated with breeding. Profit depends entirely on how well the business is organized.

An alternative to building a mini farm

It is quite possible that the methods of raising calves do not appeal to you. Alternatively, you can build a dairy farm from the farm. They do this both from scratch and on the basis of existing buildings. In any case, it is necessary to pay attention to ensuring that the premises of the mini-farm are carefully repaired and insulated for each heifer. This is the key to obtaining quality products. You also need to install partitions if you prefer free-stall housing as a technique.

It is advisable that dairy farming work be carried out by professional builders. It’s better to pay once than to constantly spend money on repairs and alterations. Many construction companies even offer a choice of several ready-made dairy farm projects that you can use. These projects take into account all the nuances of keeping farmed animals. Then all that remains is to purchase equipment, acquire a cow or calf and start producing milk. Each heifer will grow up healthy and fruitful in a properly constructed facility.

Organizing something like a family farm or dairy is not an easy task. But if you want, you can deal with it. The main thing is to make plans, carefully weigh all the pros and cons and thoroughly study the rules associated with business, be it the production of meat or milk. And then livestock farming will bring you a decent profit.

Livestock farming is a complex, but interesting and popular subtype of agriculture. Cattle breeding as a business: profitability, farmers' reviews of meat and dairy production to help a novice entrepreneur.


Cattle breeding for the production and sale of meat and milk is carried out mainly in rural areas, where there is enough space to keep large animals. Without minimal knowledge and skills in working in agriculture, it is risky to take on such a business, because if you make a small mistake in nutrition or care, you can lose the entire livestock.

Experts estimate the profitability of the business at approximately 50% with a payback period of 1.5-2 years. Consumer demand for meat and dairy products is always high, but the farmer may have problems selling it at the desired price. Local producers compete with imported goods from other regions and abroad.

Business plan

It includes the following steps:

  1. Market analysis.
  2. Legal registration of activities.
  3. Equipping the area for cattle breeding.
  4. Formation of the herd.
  5. Purchase of feed.
  6. Hiring workers.
  7. Sales of products.
  8. Calculation of project costs and income.

It must be taken into account that the farm will begin to receive its main income from the sale of meat products approximately a year after the purchase of young animals.

Market analysis

Where to start implementing the project? Before starting cattle production, it is necessary to study future buyers - meat processing plants, markets. Knowing the minimum purchase price, you can determine the degree of savings at the initial stage of the project and when determining the cost of production.

It is also necessary to establish direct competitors - farms and personal subsidiary plots (FPHs and private subsidiary plots), livestock alliances. It makes no sense to launch a project near similar enterprises if they completely fill the market with products.

Based on the existing situation, it is necessary to determine the main parameters of a cattle farm - how many heads and the composition of the herd. To create a large-scale farm, millions of dollars in investments will be required, most likely with the involvement of borrowed capital. A small barn can be created much more economically on your own, but the income and prospects for the development of a cattle business plan will be very modest.


Activities for the production and sale of meat and dairy products are regulated by several supervisory authorities:

  • fire inspection;
  • sanitary and epidemiological station;
  • Rospotrebnadzor;
  • veterinary service.

Necessary documents for work:

  1. Sanitary records for all employees.
  2. Passports for all animals.
  3. Trade permit.
  4. Work permit from fire supervision and SES.
  5. Certificate of laboratory testing of products.
  6. Product certificates.
  7. Technical specifications for products.
  8. Veterinary certificate.

Retail sale of raw milk is not directly prohibited, but there are separate requirements for packaging and additional inspection of products.

Territory, premises and equipment

Farm plan includes:

  • barn for keeping a herd at the rate of 1.5 sq. m. per animal;
  • pen for keeping the herd in the fresh air at the rate of 10 sq. m. on the head;
  • utility room for workers;
  • warehouse of equipment and inventory;
  • feed storage room;
  • room for the preparation and storage of products.

To accommodate all buildings and herd grazing, an area of ​​at least 200 square meters will be required. m. Often, the farmer already has the required space in use. If not, you can rent an abandoned cowshed or empty land and build all the necessary buildings from scratch.

The premises for keeping cattle in the farm plan must comply with sanitary standards:

  1. Wooden floor with clean straw underlay.
  2. The height of the room is about 2.4 m.
  3. The height of the windows above the floor is 1.3 m.
  4. The total window area is 10% of the floor area.
  5. Wooden feeders measuring 0.6 m x 0.7 m x 1 m.
  6. Drinking bowls with clean fresh water.
  7. The walls are insulated with bundles of straw.
  8. There should be good ventilation without drafts.

In practice, several maintenance methods are used:

  • In separate boxes.
  • In a common room with thick bedding.
  • In a divided room with slatted floors, passages for feed and manure.
  • In a common area without a leash with equipped wooden flooring for relaxation.

If you have free starting capital, you can equip the barn with an automated feed and water supply system and purchase equipment for preparing feed.

It is necessary to provide a sewage disposal system. Used litter should be frequently replaced with fresh litter. You can dispose of it on your territory or sell it as fertilizer to agricultural producers.

If you have a large number of cattle, you will need a mini-tractor with attachments for making hay, transporting feed and removing manure.

A farm must have a sufficient supply of buckets, forks, shovels, overalls, livestock harnesses, containers for storing produce and large scales for weighing livestock. Delivery of milk and meat for sale is carried out by a refrigerated vehicle.

Formation of the herd

Different breeds have different characteristics. Beef cattle are Hereford, Limousin, Salers and Kazakh white-headed breeds. The dairy breed is the Red Steppe, Yaroslavl, Kholmogory breeds. The mixed breeds are Simmental and black-and-white breeds.

The following types of cattle are most popular on Russian territory:

  1. With black-and-white skin, one-year-old bulls weigh up to 400 kg, and adults up to a ton. They gain weight quickly and are not picky about their diet. The cows weigh about half as much and produce between 5,000 kg and 8,000 kg in 305 days, depending on location. Milk fat content – ​​3.5% – 4%. They adapt well to climate conditions.
  2. With red skin - newborn calves weighing 30 kg gain weight of 150-180 kg by six months, adults weigh about 800 kg. Cows weighing 400-500 kg produce 3000 kg - 5000 kg of milk per year.
  3. Simmental - calves are born large - 45 kg, grow quickly and weigh up to 180 kg in six months. An adult bull can gain weight over a ton. Cows are also massive - from 600 kg to 1000 kg, with an average milk yield of 4000 kg - 5000 kg, and sometimes more than 12000 kg.

To begin with, a farmer will only need to start a herd of 20 heads, consisting of 14 bulls and 6 cows. The livestock farm where young meat animals are purchased must issue all the necessary documents for cattle. To reduce the risk of disease and improper early feeding, experts advise taking six-month-old calves and raising them until they reach a weight of 500 kg - 800 kg. Dairy cows are best purchased at two years of age.


The health and weight gain of young bulls depends on proper nutrition. Up to six months, the basis of the diet is whole milk or its high-quality substitutes. In the future, the menu includes, for 1 animal per month:

  • mixed feed – 92;
  • vegetables – 60;
  • hay – 150;
  • silage – 180;
  • vitamins and nutritional supplements per 1 kg of live weight.

It is cheaper to purchase feed from wholesale suppliers, and it is best to prepare it on your own farm.

In the warm season, bulls and cows graze in the pasture, consuming green pasture. One individual receives approximately one and a half tons of feed per month. Animals also need plenty of clean drinking water.


Careful care of 20 heads of cattle, subject to all veterinary and sanitary standards, cannot be carried out independently. Therefore, the farm needs to hire 2 workers with experience in cattle breeding.

The main responsibilities will be:

  1. Feeding the herd.
  2. Manure removal.
  3. Animal cleaning.
  4. Maintaining order in the territory.
  5. Harvesting hay.

To monitor the health of animals and carry out vaccinations, you must enter into an agreement with a qualified veterinarian. During the period of slaughtering, it is necessary to attract temporary workers of appropriate specialization.

The farmer carries out administrative work, product sales and record keeping independently.

Sales of finished products

The main products of livestock production are beef and milk. Milk is sold all the time, except for the calving period (2 months) and the same period of feeding newborn calves. Meat procurement occurs approximately a year after the acquisition of young animals and their growing to marketable weight. One head of cattle can produce up to 70% beef.

Additionally you can implement:

  • skins for making leather and fur;
  • wool;
  • young livestock;
  • milk processing products (fermented milk, cheeses, butter);
  • semi-finished meat products.

Sales can be organized both at retail and wholesale - in markets, and enter into agreements with processing plants, cafes, restaurants and shops.

The competitive advantage of farm products is their environmental friendliness.

Economic calculations

Investments in a mini-farm for raising cattle consist of:

expenditures Amount, rub.
1 Registering a business and obtaining permits 50 000
2 Territory rental, 2 months 150 000
3 Equipment of the barn and utility rooms 200 000
4 Purchase of equipment and equipment 1 000 000
5 Purchase of a herd, 20 heads 450 000
6 Purchase of feed for the year 600 000
7 Workers' salaries, 2 months 80 000
8 other expenses 100 000
Total 2 630 000

The largest component of start-up costs is the automation of the feeding process, the purchase of a tractor and a car. It can be made cheaper if, before the profit arrives, you set the feed manually, rent a tractor, and buy a used car.

Monthly farm expenses are:

Additional costs may arise for repairing equipment, attracting livestock specialists, replenishing livestock and feed supplies. The annual cost of the farm will be about 2 million rubles.

The farm receives its main income from the sale of milk and meat. Moreover, milk is sold every day, and meat products will be available a year after the start of the project. Six cows with an average milk yield of 20 liters per day give an annual milk yield of 32,400 liters. (2 months for calving are excluded from the calculation and 2 months of 10 liters each will be spent on feeding calves). With a yield of 70%, bulls will produce about 350 kg of beef per head, a total of 4,900 kg from the herd.

Prices for both milk and meat vary greatly in different regions. Let’s say that dairy products are purchased wholesale for 40 rubles/kg, retail for 50 rubles/kg; Meat products at wholesale cost 300 rubles/kg, at retail 400 rubles/kg. Products are sold to intermediaries and end consumers in equal proportions. Then the annual farm income is:

The business pays off on average in 18-24 months, and profitability is at the level of 55%. For agriculture, this is a profitable area of ​​capital investment.

Video: breeding cattle for meat and dairy production.

According to the estimated set of consumer baskets approved for 2016, the consumption rate of meat and meat products for the average Russian is about 60 kg per year, milk and dairy products - about 300 kg per year. Actual figures are usually an order of magnitude higher. If you look at these figures from the perspective of not a consumer, but an entrepreneur, you can see a favorable ratio and the opportunity to make good money in the production of meat and dairy products.

Breeding cows on a personal farmstead as a business

When the preparatory stage has been completed and suitable conditions have been created for the animals, young animals can be purchased. Let's consider an approximate business plan for breeding cows using the example of the most common dairy breed in Russia - black and white.

To start a small home farm, you can purchase 4 heifers and 1 bull. Calves must be purchased from large farms. Healthy, normally developed animals bred from highly productive cows should be selected. The suitable age of a cow for forming a herd is 1.5 years, when the animal reaches sexual maturity.

Business Starting Costs

The cost of a one and a half year old heifer is about 12 thousand rubles, a bull - 18 thousand rubles.

Thus, it will cost you 66 thousand rubles to purchase young animals.

Cows will require mandatory vaccination against various diseases, and periodic testing for brucellosis and tuberculosis must be carried out. About 5 thousand rubles will be spent on veterinarian services per year.

One of the most important issues in livestock breeding is the organization of feeding at different times of the year. In summer, the bulk of a cow's diet should be fresh grass. In winter, the animal must be fed with pre-prepared hay, silage, vegetables (beets, carrots, potatoes), and mixed feed.

Feed consumption rate calculated for one cow per year:

  • hay – 2 tons – 7 thousand rubles;
  • straw – 1 ton – 2.5 thousand rubles;
  • silo – 4 tons – 4.8 thousand rubles;
  • green mass – 10 tons – 10 thousand rubles;
  • root vegetables – 2.5 tons – 10 thousand rubles;
  • concentrates – 1 ton – 7 thousand rubles.

It turns out that in order to feed one cow for a year it will take about 41 thousand rubles. You can save money if the farmer has his own land, which can be used as pasture in the summer and sown with grass for hay.

Attention! It is mandatory to give a cow at least 100 g of salt per day. This will help maintain the acid-salt balance in the animal’s body.

In order to milk cows 2 times a day, you should purchase a special machine, which will cost approximately 27 thousand rubles. However, you can save on this point if you organize the process manually.

If you do the calculations, it turns out that it will take the entrepreneur about 300 thousand rubles to launch a small farm for breeding cows and the first year of work.

When to expect profit

The farm will begin to generate real income only by the end of the first, and more often - in the second year of its existence.

A cow can give birth once a year in the amount of 1 calf. Lactation lasts on average 300 days. Moreover, in the first time after calving (2-3 months), 50% of the cow's milk will be used to fatten the calf.

On average, 1 cow produces 10 liters of milk per day. Thus, during the first 90 days of the lactation period, the farmer will be able to sell about 5 liters of milk per day from one cow. From four cows – 20 liters respectively.

The remaining 210 days of sales will take all 10 liters per day from one cow, which means 40 liters from the entire farm.

The average price of whole cow's milk in 2016 is 60 rubles. for 1 liter.

Consequently, in one lactation the farmer will be able to earn 153 thousand rubles. from one animal and 612 thousand rubles. from all livestock. And this is only when selling the primary product, that is, milk. If you engage in the production and sale of cream, sour cream, cottage cheese and butter, your income may increase.

In addition, the calves brought in can either be sold as young animals or fattened and slaughtered with subsequent sale of beef. At the same time, young animals can be sold immediately after weaning from the cow, and raising calves for meat will require about another year of fattening.

Attention! The average weight of a dairy cow at one year of age is 300 kg, and that of a bull can reach up to 400 kg. The slaughter yield of beef is approximately 50%. Price for 1 kg – 300 rub. That is, from the sale of meat you can earn from 45 thousand rubles. up to 60 thousand rubles.

If we compare the costs of maintaining a farm and possible revenue, it turns out that raising cows is a profitable activity, which, although it does not pay off so quickly, in the future brings a lot of money and has many development options.

From a personal farmstead to a real cattle farm

Activities in the field of agriculture today are also beneficial because every farmer has the potential opportunity to receive real assistance in developing the economy from the state.

Thus, every year, considerable funds are allocated from the federal budget to promote in the regions a targeted program for the development of family livestock farms on the basis of peasant farms. As part of this program, entrepreneurs are allocated:

  • grants for the creation and development of a farm;
  • subsidies that provide compensation for costs already incurred;
  • preferential loans.

To participate in the competition, a farmer must fulfill a number of requirements, more details of which can be found in the regional authority of the Ministry of Agriculture.