Making money on binary options: reviews. How to make money on binary options for a beginner. How a beginner can make money on binary options Make money on binary options

Over the past few years, it has been difficult to spend at least an hour on the Internet without stumbling upon colorful banners promising instant success to anyone who starts working with certain “”. However, as this progresses , the information has become extremely contradictory: numerous reports of losses of invested money often confuse beginners who decide to try themselves as a professional trader.

Making money on binary options is it true or a scam?

However, one of the most profitable is making money on binary options. The price rate of any exchange commodity (currency, shares, commodities, etc.) during trading on the exchange can change up or down, that is, increase or decrease. this is essentially a determination of whether the value of a particular commodity commodity will increase or decrease by a given point in time.

I usually do not advise my visitors and partners to get involved with projects that do not require
investing money, since most of them are financial pyramids to one degree or another, but this is a different matter. Firstly: the minimum contribution is not that great. I think it's worth a try. And secondly: you will be the master of your money and your profit will depend entirely on your luck and professionalism and not on other people. Try it, trade and real money!

In fact, you can get rich with binary options, and this is the truth and not a scam. But the chance of such an outcome is the same as in the usual: information, banking, service industries. And it depends on the same factors: your personal qualities and desire to work for your own well-being.

Brokers' offers, coming as if from a cornucopia, are just an opportunity that you need to be able to take advantage of correctly. But some people succeed.What you are reading now is not a call to immediately forget about any option and go to the factory, no. Quite the opposite: this is true training in the correct highly profitable business.

Demo account for binary options: what advantages does it provide?

As you already understood, upon registration you are given the opportunity to practice for free on virtual money – a demo account.However, in reality, practicing at minimum bets will bring much greater benefit. Among other things, this is a school of frugality - well, you don’t want to thoughtlessly waste your hard-earned money? But it is precisely this quality that is the cornerstone of a trader’s career: no error on the chart will let you down as much as your own carelessness.

To get acquainted with the interface, you can watch training videos on the website of any broker you choose.

Reasonable conclusions can be drawn using a simple chart and one indicator. But to learn such “magic”, you need to spend several years studying economics and the developments of experienced specialists. Nothing else can be offered - humanity has not yet come up with other options.

A huge number of people lost because they confused financial trading with a slot machine. Logic faded into the background, discipline disappeared altogether in an unknown direction, and the broker’s platform became a branch of Las Vegas. Alas, professional gamblers are not born either...

No amount of success on a demo account guarantees the same with full-fledged transactions. Learn not to press “Up” - “Down”, but to make informed decisions - you will be richer.And finally, the last argument: you will not be able to withdraw anything from the “accumulated” in the simulation mode to your wallet (by the way, such attempts sometimes happen, and I’m not kidding - there are actually messages on the forums from friends who tried to cash out a demo account).

Let's summarize: virtual trading differs from real trading, like the game “Asteroids” differs from flying on a spaceship. Don’t sit with a computer toy - at the top of trading it’s much more interesting, and the benefits are much greater.

Binary options are not a new scam scheme?

The most philistine and narrow-minded question, which, frankly speaking, belongs on second-rate public pages, and not in an article about e-commerce. Binary options are a scam? No, of course, its origins are quite clearly traced: for people who do not understand the financial side of the Internet, it is really difficult to understand such a thing as binaries, sometimes regardless of the level of general development. However, this topic is most often inflated by individuals who accidentally stumble upon it, who do not even think of opening Wikipedia and reading about the Chicago Board Options Exchange and the types of securities.

And it’s even worse if such a person suddenly creates an account with some broker. Since he, as a rule, does not suffer from hard work either, he concludes deals according to the principle “maybe it will work, I’m the smartest one here.” It is clear that sooner or later even the theory of probability gets tired of working for his well-being, and the deposit gradually drops to the original zero value. This is how VKontakte posts are born like “business is only for rats, there is a scam and a scam everywhere, everyone despises and despises the simple hard worker.”

What happens next, I think you yourself have observed many times: a newcomer who sees such messages panics, leaves the platform and, in some cases, adds to the collection of lamentations the contrived joy of escaping from the “fraudulent” site. Whomever do these “sufferers” blame: an allegedly dishonest broker, an unfair financial system (and they don’t care that it is constantly developing and individual bankers, like the heads of corporations, do not play such a significant role there), even the American dollar periodically comes under attack. It’s even more funny for successful traders who actually make money in the options business.

What to do if you lose your deposit?

Failures are an integral part of any development. Unfortunately, sometimes you have to pay for your own inattention in the most utilitarian sense of the word. There are also ways to reduce the damage from such mistakes: do not bet large amounts, for example. All the same, you won’t save up for a Mercedes in a day - this is self-deception generated, as already mentioned, by the apparent simplicity of such trading.

In general, be prepared to lose money from the very beginning - a competent trader learns from his own and others’ mistakes, because you simply cannot find a better textbook. How else can you check whether this or that strategy works under the given conditions, and whether the signals from the new supplier are reliable? Only in practice - to model the world market you will need a supercomputer and intelligence of appropriate power, so you have to engage in expensive experiments.

So your plan for the first month includes not so much making money on binary options, but rather “testing the waters” - choosing the right methods of work and finding your own trading style.

Remember the difference between a professional and a gambling beginner. The first one works, applies logic, endurance and patience and, in the end, gets the money he deserves. The second one plays and waits for manna from heaven in the form of random luck and, after which it will be possible to order a payment and after a while again tempt fate.

Try not to fall into despair after the first loss - this is not a sign of your stupidity or inferiority, it is a lack of necessary knowledge. Think about why the deal suddenly turned out to be so unsuccessful. Check the schedule again at that time - what did you not take into account, how did this happen? Falls are for that reason, so that you can get up after them and move on.

And if you lost $10 invested, that's not a problem. Object as much as you like, this kind of money can be easily and quickly obtained from Advego , Wmmail Therefore, the number of attempts is limited only by your willingness to start again.

Consider the amount you lose as your business training fee. It's like an economics university, only without budget places - well, that happens. Try to get a decent scholarship, and it won’t keep you waiting.

The rules are very simple: don’t give up - you will receive several hundred for a quarter of an hour of waiting after a good analysis, if you get scared - no one is holding you back. Just please blame yourself exclusively afterwards.

Will the broker pay out the accumulated money?

Yes, there are scammers in the world of binary brokers who, hiding behind beautiful signs, steal the deposits entered (if you are interested in details, go to the MMGP forum, many people share their impressions there).

Therefore, carefully check the reputation of a potential partner, or better yet, immediately register with time-tested brokers who have been serving clients for a long time and are mentioned above in this article. I have no reason to deceive you. I make money on binary options myself, which is what I wish for you. By the way, advertisements for new companies sometimes come across even postal workers and axleboxes, but trusting her is a thankless task; in some cases, stolen funds cannot be found at all.

Do not be afraid of verification procedures, this is the key to the existence of an intermediary office. The law prohibits making money transfers to anonymous users, so prepare a scan of your passport and copies of receipts in advance - it’s a fact. There is also no point in worrying about the safety of personal data: no one in Europe or the United States needs a passport from post-Soviet territories, especially a copied one, not an original one.

Yes it's true, Is it possible to make money on binary options?! It’s not as simple as it might seem to you at first glance, but it’s quite possible. The amount of your profit (as a percentage of the size of your account) will directly depend on your professionalism and luck. Don't have sufficient professionalism in this area yet? No problem. After all, at some point you need to learn and start somewhere, because right here and now it’s quite possible to get very decent money. If you are new to trading, then I recommend that you do not risk large sums at once, but try and learn from a good project for beginners .

Where does profit come from in binary options?

Where does the profit come from? The binary options market is one of the types of financial trading platforms, such as stock exchanges, Forex and so on. When buying a transaction, we acquire a contract with a determined time of its execution, when the result of the transaction will be summed up.

To start making money on binary options, you will need a minimum deposit of $10, for example in the project, this is the broker with whom I make money. Ideal for beginners, as it has a very simple interface and a minimum deposit of only $10 or 500 rubles, while for a pro broker it will be $100. But be sure to keep in mind that the process of trading in financial markets is a constant learning process, so be prepared to constantly learn something new and useful.

Just 10 years ago, no one had even heard of binary options, but now they are very popular in the field of financial Internet technologies and show extremely high profitability. That is why most traders today are switching to this method.

If you are still new to this business, but you have a desire to try yourself in binary options trading, I strongly recommend that you do not risk a lot of money to begin with, but try trading on the best of these projects for beginners . It is this broker that, after registration, gives you 20 free trades to try trading. You can either reinvest the profit from these contracts in further trading or withdraw it to your electronic wallet. Read in detail about this project on a specialpage project.

That's all. If something is still unclear, pay attention to the links in the main menu: website boasts a whole category "". VKontakte, Google+, and trading forums also have useful groups and sections - do not ignore the experience of your colleagues. Well, don’t forget about practice: if you’ve already taken a similar path, then take the appropriate motto - “Study, study, and finally - trade!”

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Quite an important question for those who want to try working with binary options, but don’t want to just take risks and lose money. Using my personal experience and the experience of other people, I will tell you how much you earn on binary options, whether it’s realistic to make money, and answer other questions.

Is it possible to make money on binary options?

Do you make money on binary options? Of course yes, but you need to understand that you can also lose. That is why some people with such questions believe that. But not everything is so simple. I agree that binary options This is a scam only if the broker closes along with the investors' money. There are many unregulated brokers who can do this and nothing will happen to them. Such companies can be called fly-by-night companies. When they open up, they say they are the best, but their goal is completely different. On the other hand, why go to unregulated brokers?

  • For example, I am working with which is regulated TsROFR.

Is it possible to make money on binary options? Of course yes, otherwise they would have closed in a month. But it is important to understand that buying options this is not a game and not entertainment, but serious work. Most people want to make money on binary options, but do not treat this with full responsibility; they allow themselves to open trades on intuition, on some weak signal, or simply without confirming their forecast with other analysis tools. As a result, investments are made at random. These are the things that lead to luck or losses.

Do ordinary people make money on binary options?

Yes, there are risks and you can lose, but you can also earn.

I believe that most people are only a centimeter away from success, or “sticking out their tongue.”

The point is, in order to make a profit, you need to do minimum effort, but they must be directed correctly. That is, those who lose and those who earn make the same minimal efforts, but they get results opposite.

Why should you try to achieve minimal movements?

It’s just that every asset, be it a stock or a currency, has hundreds of influencing factors. It is simply impossible and unnecessary to keep track of each of them, since at a certain moment there are only one or two factors that affect the asset by 90%.

For example, let's take a currency pair EUR/USD. At the time of the release of the most important USD What factor will have the most influence on the quote? Of course the indicator itself. If it falls, it will bring down the dollar; if it rises, this news will make it stronger. Example:

The indicators fell below expectations, I immediately invested in growth of EUR/USD quotes (dollar fall):

And after 15 minutes the deal was closed and I received my profit:

That is, each asset has one important signal at every moment of time, and this is exactly what you need to look for. Now I managed to earn 74% profit on the fall of the dollar:

I looked at the calendar in advance and knew that in 17:00 the news will come out I haven't sat at the computer for hours and read something without interruption. At 17:00 I looked at the calendar results and opened a trade based on it, returned 15 minutes later and here it is profit!

It is, of course, possible to actually make money on binary options, and it requires very little effort. As I already said, each asset has its own important signal that needs to be found in time.

Let's take the stock. The publication of the company's annual report was planned Alibaba.

Already a few days before the report on financial sites like Wall Street Journal or Reuters Articles by analysts and insiders appear regarding forecasts for the future of the company. That is, a few days before the report, new strong trends may already appear, for example, the day before the publication of the report.

I always wait for official news, so on the day the report was published, I opened Reuters and read the positive forecasts, and before the opening of trading, I opened the report itself. It said that the company’s revenue increased by 60%, in general there was growth in almost all indicators, and how do you think the shares performed? Of course, the demand for shares increased and they began grow in price. I also managed to make money on the growing trend:

How much do you earn on binary options?

It all depends on your capabilities; the larger the investment amount, the greater the profit. But, if we talk about the long term, I think that the figure is close to 100-150% per month. That is, everyone has losses; even the best traders do not have break-even trades. But the question is that there are very few such deals. In general, if you open two successful trades out of three, you will already be in profit.

  • And plays an important role, since it may happen that one profitable transaction will cover the losses of three.

I saw a lot of comments where people with 300-400 dollars in a month made 1500. This is a good result.

To earn money constantly, it is important to strive to open not a large number of transactions, but transactions with maximum reliability and signal strength.

Is it possible for a beginner to make money on binary options?

There is a strong opinion that it is newcomers who earn the most, and this is by no means due to luck. The fact is that novice traders use either minimal analysis or pure signals simple and easy methods of analysis.

Even professional traders strive for this pace of work, since complex analysis and complicated strategies can greatly distract from the essence and make you miss a lot of opportunities. For example, simple is known for its simplicity, and it is on its basis that most strategies in the world work.

Is it possible for a beginner to make money on binary options? I think I have already answered with examples above, but I will add that Yes. Most traders in the world do not have any special education at all and came to trading not because they studied, but because it was interesting to them.

You can use and, but all this and much more does not require much effort from you and, especially, education.

It’s funny, but judging by the reviews, even children make money on binary options, although their mistake is that by law you can only work if you are +18, so children simply do not pass verification and cannot withdraw money. The interesting thing is that they never even complain; for them it’s some kind of pleasant experience in any case.

With the advent of this trading instrument, the list of opportunities for investors to both earn and lose invested funds has expanded significantly.

What are binary options?

This is a contract in which only two outcomes are possible. There is an underlying asset (for example, the US dollar to ruble exchange rate). The trader needs to “guess” the movement. If the forecast is correct, the trader earns money. If it's wrong, he loses.

However, not all so simple. In fact, profit in this area, as in any other type of investment, depends on correct forecasts regarding future developments. The main tool is the ability to interpret events occurring in financial markets and draw conclusions about how these events will affect changes in the prices of financial instruments (which are the basis for concluding option contracts). Then it’s a matter of little things, and at the end of the transaction, observe the increase in funds on the trading deposit.

The vast majority of successful traders have their own strategies for making money, and it is not so important how the forecasts are fulfilled, the main thing is the profitability of the work. You need to understand that no strategy can guarantee the profitability of every contract. During a trading session (or workweek), a trader closes a number of trades with a loss, but the remaining trades are profitable and the success of the strategy is measured in the ratio of losing and profitable trades. If over a long period of time (month, year) a trader manages to earn money consistently, then he can be called successful.

Principle of option contract

This type of trading arose as a result of the logical development of Forex trading and is a simplified investment model. The model is built on the principle of an option - this is a type of exchange contract in which the buyer has the opportunity to purchase a certain product (a certain amount of currency, coffee, oil, shares) in the future at a fixed price, regardless of how much the market price of the product changes.

If the price of a product changes downward, then for the buyer the opportunity to purchase at a fixed price loses its meaning, since the product already acquires a lower price than the one at which it was planned to be purchased (therefore, such a contract is unprofitable and is not implemented). If the price of the product rises, the buyer implements the contract and buys a batch of goods at the price specified in the option (this price is lower than the market price at the moment). Thus, for the trader there are only two outcomes of the transaction - the price of the product rises relative to the declared one and the transaction is implemented, or the price falls and the contract becomes unprofitable.

Benefits of binary options

What is the fundamental difference between binaries and remote investments on Forex, and from working on the stock or commodity market? First of all, this is the minimum possible number of transaction outcomes, in other words, the trader must predict only the moment of entering the market; the position is closed (in most cases) automatically.

When working on Forex, the same transaction, depending on the closing time and the nature of price changes, can have many outcomes - a large profit, minimal profit, zero result, a slight minus or a significant loss. Already in a transaction, a trader must constantly analyze events and make a decision - to close this transaction or wait for changes. This is what is a common cause of losses, especially for beginners.

In options, on the contrary, there are only two outcomes; the transaction either makes a profit or is unprofitable. Moreover, each of these outcomes is known in advance and in monetary terms. There is an investment amount, this amount is equal to the amount of loss in case of an incorrect forecast, and there is a payout amount, which is calculated according to the payout percentage set by the broker.

Further, binary options, unlike many other investment methods, have, that is, the outcome of the transaction becomes clear within five minutes (for most contracts), which significantly increases the productivity of operations. For example, when trading on Forex, an investor waits for a favorable moment to close a transaction, on average, for several hours (when working with stock market assets, the transaction time is measured in days, or even weeks).

Here, the need for long waiting is eliminated, which makes it possible to carry out an almost unlimited number of transactions during the day, thereby increasing the level of earnings. The rapid release of funds makes it possible to enter into more and more new transactions, which has a positive effect on profitability; with a proven strategy, a trader has the opportunity to amass decent capital in a relatively short time.

Investing in Experience

However, it is difficult to imagine a successful binary options trader who would have little understanding of the method that brings him money. Of course, no trader can be an expert in all aspects of trading, just as no investor can have a thorough understanding of all market instruments. But without knowledge in a certain segment, it is impossible to acquire high-quality experience in concluding transactions; accordingly, it is impossible to create a working strategy that will demonstrate profitability in the long term.

Therefore, it is stupid to hope to earn huge amounts of money in a short period of time, even if you have significant capital, and even more so without the necessary knowledge and experience. First you need basic concepts, principles, technology and tactics for working with binary options, which can take quite a lot of time. Afterwards, you need to learn how to apply this knowledge in practice, improving your analytical abilities (even when using automatic trading systems and ready-made strategies). Only after the profits from transactions begin to cover losses can we talk about developing personal strategies for trading binary options and starting to make serious money.

Trade training. Find out what you're dealing with

The basis for fruitful work with binary options is quality training. Beginners who have read a sufficient amount of advertising materials on the Internet about what is simple and fast set records regarding the speed of losing all the money on their deposit, without ever understanding what is happening. As a result, those of them who want to seriously develop in the direction of binary options trading find the strength to “sit down at their desk” and acquire the necessary amount of basic knowledge.

Already having information about how the market of financial instruments works, how the price changes and what changes depend on, beginners come closely to planning their transactions, no longer trusting their intuition, which usually fails at the most crucial moment.

Money management is the key to success in binary options trading

In addition to planning, beginners learn to make sure that the amount on deposit remains as long as possible. That is, the fate of the first few deposits, as a rule, is deplorable, and should not be repeated with enviable regularity. During the initial acquaintance with trading operations, the account, as a rule, melts before our eyes and in a short time ceases to exist. The second deposit may take a little longer, but ultimately it will have the same outcome. From about the third deposit, the trader begins to plan the amount of bets, correlating them with the total amount that is on the account.

It is known in advance that some transactions concluded over a certain period of time will be lost, and some transactions will have a positive outcome. As a result, the amount on the trading balance will change smoothly, either down or up, and this will happen until the trader accumulates enough experience so that the overall result of the trading session is a plus and not a minus.

This scenario is possible only if the amount that appears in the transaction correlates with the size of the deposit. If a trader with a hundred US dollars enters into contracts for $20 or more, then there is a high probability that they will quickly disappear. In this case, the trader will not even be able to analyze errors, not to mention calculate the profitability of his work and earnings. But the ratio: five US dollars per transaction with 1000 “green” on deposit can give the necessary statistics.

What is the job of a trader?

All a trader needs to do to make a profit is to correctly predict the price behavior. However, how does he decide on the direction of the option contract?

To do this, an analysis of financial instruments is carried out, because each asset (stocks, gold, currencies, commodities) is a business instrument; the demand for each instrument (and, accordingly, its price) can fluctuate under the influence of certain market conditions. The task of a binary options trader is to study and analyze conditions that can in one way or another affect the price of an asset. Observing a set of conditions that can most likely lead to an increase in the price of a product, a trader can decide to buy a bullish contract and make a profit.

There are other ways to predict price changes - this is the study of charts in order to detect certain patterns in price behavior. There are a number of mathematical techniques that eliminate the need to study market conditions and allow you to work exclusively with charts. There are also special advisor programs that are built on algorithms for repeating certain price behavior patterns, indicating favorable moments for entering the market. Conclusions about upcoming changes can be drawn from the forecasts of independent experts, who can be found in significant quantities on thematic resources.

It doesn’t matter how exactly the trader comes to a decision, the main thing is that this decision is correct, since only in this case the investment will bring profit and there will be no doubt that you are being scammed.

Avoid good deals... Why?

During a trading session, situations often arise when a trader develops the illusion of the possibility of carrying out an “ideal transaction”, the outcome of which can only be one – winning. At the same time, the trader uses a larger amount in this transaction than in other transactions, in the hope that this option will be able to bring a greater profit, which will cover the loss resulting from the conclusion of a number of unsuccessful contracts and, as a result, be able to make good money.

It should be said that there are no transactions whose outcome can be predicted with 100% certainty. If such a possibility existed, the broker would never offer his clients a “win-win” deal, since this is fraught with direct loss. As a result of a “large and successful contract,” the trader loses more money than the amount he is usually used to risking, and the loss of this amount may no longer allow him to carry out work as before. Therefore, even if the percentage of confidence is off the charts, you should not risk a lot of money and strive to make a large profit in the shortest possible time.

It should not be forgotten that a binary options trader's earnings are the difference between the amount brought in from successful trades and the amount lost as a result of failures. Large bets most often result in large losses, which cover the profits from successful transactions.

Features of bet management: what not to do!

When working with binary options for a long time, a logical question arises about when it’s time to change the bet amount, because you can’t always work with the same amount, you need to develop... So, the biggest mistake is to increase the bet amount after a losing trade, which is done with the expectation of being able to cover the loss.

You can increase the rate in the following cases: when the amount on deposit exceeds the planned level or after a series of successful transactions. In these cases, the trader has room for maneuver; if he fails in further transactions and the amount on the deposit decreases, the trader will remain, as they say, “within his own hands.” If you increase the rate after a losing transaction, there is a possibility of a critical depletion of the balance, which may make it impossible to continue further work. After losses, the rate should be reduced rather than raised.

Despite the obviousness of this statement, many traders ended their careers this way. After the first losing trade, the rate was not reduced, due to the fact that the trader had a fairly successful session and earned a certain amount. Within a few hours, several more transactions were carried out involving an increased amount, which resulted in a critical drawdown of the deposit and the cessation of trading operations.

Trust the opinion of “experts” - we are often fooled!

Another mistake binary options traders make is excessive trust in the opinions of those who are considered market experts. There are many entrepreneurs who spend quite a lot of time not analyzing market factors, but searching for forecasts, reviews and opinions of recognized experts. This is also a way to get some idea of ​​the development of a dominant trend or a change in its direction.

On thematic forums, lively debates often flare up regarding the further behavior of the prices of various financial instruments. There may be a rational grain in such disputes - participants express different thoughts regarding various aspects, and also submit their own trading strategies for public assessment. However, it should be understood that while defending his point of view, a trader of any level and qualification cannot be held responsible for his opinions. Because the real responsibility comes when a trader enters into a trade using his own money.

However, novice players actively listen to different opinions and use them as a basis for concluding their own deals. This is fundamentally wrong, if only because if the author of a certain hypothesis were confident in the correctness of his own conclusions, that author would be more likely to make a profit at the moment, rather than take part in the controversy.

Two sides of the transaction: trader vs. broker

As in any transaction, there are two parties to transactions with options contracts, and the interests of these parties are polar relative to each other. One side of the transaction is occupied by a broker offering a contract on his own terms, and on the other side there is a trader who accepts these conditions based on his forecasts.

If the principles of generating a trader's profit are obvious, then what is the nature of the earnings of the one who proposes a trade, how does a binary options broker receive his profit? The trader invests his own funds in the transaction and, as a result of the transaction, receives income or suffers a loss. The broker offering the transaction does not actually invest anything, but undertakes to pay the trader a profit (under pre-agreed conditions).

And this broker will not be able to present its services on the market for any long time if the majority of traders work in profit. However, the resource itself cannot influence the outcome of the transaction, since it cannot in any way affect the price of financial instruments (after all, it, in fact, does not even take part in asset trading). Also, the broker is not able to provide the trader with incorrect information about price movements (true information about all price changes is freely available and can be easily verified). And if something like this happens, the company’s future work can be put an end to.

Statistics show that the amount of investment lost by traders as a result of incorrectly predicted transactions is approximately equal to the amount of payments made by the broker under the terms of the contracts. The profit of a binary options broker lies in the difference between the investment amount and the payout amount, this truth seems quite obvious, but there is something more...

The operator will not offer contracts on which he can obviously lose money; all transactions offered to traders have been carefully worked out by experts on the broker’s staff. A number of offered contracts are assessed by the broker himself as obviously profitable (for him); the outcome of a small part of transactions is difficult to predict. Thus, the broker increases his income and

Therefore, it is necessary to be aware that the trader is confronted by experienced specialists, and it is they who propose the terms of transactions; by definition, the trader cannot change these conditions. This means that the primary task is not an attempt to predict the outcome of each transaction (since this has already been done by the broker), but the elimination of contracts that were assessed as obviously winning for the broker.

Binary options broker scam

In some cases, brokers themselves, unscrupulous operators of options contracts, “work” as scammers. The simplest scheme is to use a powerful advertising campaign, which allows you to attract a significant number of customers and then soon stop withdrawing funds. That is, in any case, the client will not see not only honestly earned money, but also the money that was deposited by him ().

There are brokers who use small fraudulent schemes, for example, they do not advertise the fact that they do not have the right to provide services to citizens of certain countries until the moment when the trader needs to make a withdrawal. However, you can protect yourself from unscrupulous companies by carefully checking licensing documents and carefully reading reviews before replenishing your balance. In addition, it is necessary to study the terms of cooperation, which must be on the official website of a self-respecting broker, in this way you can avoid many unpleasant surprises.

However, there are delays in payments that are not related to the company’s desire to appropriate the client’s money. Binary options operators cannot afford to carry out suspicious manipulations by the trader himself and must prevent fraud. Therefore, the security service sometimes takes some time to check the client’s personal data and request additional information from him.

Lifetime of an option contract and chances of winning

The following dependence is known: the shorter the expiration period, the riskier the contract. Therefore, novice traders are strongly advised not to participate in ultra-short options, this tool requires a lot of experience in forecasting as well as deeper knowledge of the subject.

The difficulty of working with options that last from thirty seconds to two to three minutes is that price movements are very difficult to predict using macroeconomic data analysis. In addition, it is quite difficult to track tick changes and their correspondence to real movements that occur within the framework of exchange trading. In some cases, the broker itself “regulates” price changes in ultra-short ranges, due to which the trader’s chances of winning are sharply reduced.

The longer the life of the contract, the less likely it is to cheat on the part of the broker who seeks to follow stock quotes. In general, the rarer the transactions and the longer the long-term perspective is chosen for trading operations, the higher the probability of the transaction being successful. Naturally, this somewhat reduces the opportunity to earn quickly and a lot.

Problem: Trading Options for Last Money

Traders often decide to risk funds, the loss of which would cause a critical situation. This is akin to playing in a casino with borrowed money, when the player wants to use the “last chance” and improve his financial situation (return the lost amount) with the help of money that he cannot control.

In such a situation, strong emotional tension arises, which greatly interferes with calm forecasting. As a result, the funds are lost, and to the other problems of the gambling trader is added the need to invent a method that would allow the debt to be repaid.

Quite often, a trader experiences excitement while working; this feeling is due to the possibility of quickly receiving significant funds. Excitement and euphoria are the enemies of sensible decisions and balanced forecasts. It often happens that a trader is inclined to consider a trade successful, when in fact the trade was lost. So, if the price at the time of contract expiration “did not reach” the profitable zone by only a couple of points, the trader considers the forecast correct, and attributes the loss to an unfortunate combination of circumstances.

Therefore, the next transaction, which is concluded in a similar market situation, is predicted using the same methods, occurs with the participation of a larger amount and, oddly enough, also turns out to be a loser. You should not give in to excitement and change the tactics of transactions on the fly, as well as the amounts of contracts, since such behavior is more typical of casino players. The gambling establishment is interested in causing confusion in the player’s head, since sober and balanced decisions are more likely to cause a loss than the excitement and euphoria of momentary profit.

All outcomes should be taken as a matter of fact, that is, if the transaction brought a loss, you need to analyze the errors, but if the transaction brought money, then you should draw conclusions about how you managed to achieve a positive result.

Are binary options too risky?

A little time has passed since the offers from binary options brokers appeared, but the attitude of Internet users towards this type of earnings has already formed. Traditionally, opinions have divided the inhabitants of the global network into two camps - some consider it something like roulette, the profitability of which depends entirely on chance (in other words, a scam for money), and others believe that earnings are quite real, since it has a fairly transparent mechanism and set tools necessary for fruitful work.

It must be said that under certain circumstances, binaries can truly become a real roulette. This happens if a trader does not bother to study the factors that influence the market price and enters into contracts, guided only by his own internal feelings. On the other hand, even roulette can be turned into a profitable business (albeit extremely difficult) if you use mathematical models and adhere to the basic rules of money management (correct distribution of funds during bets).

When working with paired contracts, there is indeed a significant risk of losing investments - this is the idea of ​​​​this earning model. While some market participants are losing their investments, other market participants are making profits. The broker, in turn, only receives his percentage - these are funds that are the difference between the amount of the trader’s investment and the amount of payments in case of successful completion of the transaction.

What they say on the Internet: a review of reviews

The topic of binary options has been discussed on the Internet for quite a long time, and the opinions of the participants in the discussions were radically divided. Some are convinced that the entire remote investment market is a global scam, carried out by brokers with the connivance of the state. There are also opinions that the operators are ordinary “scammers” who simply have not reached the hands of law enforcement agencies.

In contrast, there are reasonable arguments from those who, in principle, admit that not a single “scam” can exist for several years with impunity. And only the few citizens who actually manage to live well on the money earned with the help of “binaries” say nothing. They avoid disputes and prefer at this time to monitor the brokers’ ranking (for the purpose of offering the most attractive trading conditions).

However, there are not so many people belonging to the latter category, but there are much more citizens for whom this type of activity has turned into real additional income. They also rarely enter into discussions, but are happy to visit thematic resources, hoping to receive Against this background, newcomers who simply want to try a rather interesting type of income at first glance find it difficult to formulate a definite opinion.

What does Russian legislation say about binary options?

There are currently no companies offering their services on the Runet. In addition, the law does not contain a classification that could be used to link binaries to any type of activity, and thus control the market.

However, at the moment, there is an active development of laws that will regulate the market of Forex brokers (also one of the methods of remote investing), who for ten years have been actively offering their services and raising the same doubts among the inhabitants of the Runet - whether they are scamming us or not. That is, at the moment, the activities of Forex operators offering contracts with currency pairs have been recognized as financial institutions.

So, the law does not say “for”, but the law does not say “against” brokers. Confirmation of this is their very existence in the Internet space of the Russian Federation, otherwise their official resources would quickly be banned, and Internet providers would be obliged to prevent users from accessing these sites. This is exactly what happened to countless online casinos shortly after the law was passed banning gambling on the territory of the Russian Federation (outside of specially designated “gambling zones”).

In addition, the largest option operators are companies officially registered (in most cases, in Cyprus and the UK) and have appropriate licenses issued by the financial control services of these states. The ability to check registration and license availability is not difficult; moreover, this is one of the first actions that traders (company clients) take before depositing funds with a new operator.

What does common sense say about binary options?

So, the following is obvious: first of all, this type of remote investing is a business for brokers who offer contracts to their clients, as well as a business for traders who can potentially earn money by accepting the terms of these transactions.

What exactly does a binary options broker offer? The company's offer, in essence, is a bet - the trader is asked to predict the further behavior of the price of a financial asset (oil, gold, shares) relative to its current price for a certain point in time. Moreover, the bet can work in two directions; the trader can make a deal to increase the price or to decrease it. If the trader’s forecast turns out to be correct, the broker pays him a reward (approximately equal to the amount of investment in the contract). If the trader makes a mistake, the money he invested goes to the company.

All terms of the contract are known before the transaction is concluded - the amount and direction of the transaction are selected, the period of time during which the contract is valid is determined, as well as the level that the price must reach before the transaction is closed. The current price of a financial instrument is known equally to both the broker and the trader (these are real stock quotes automatically provided by news agencies around the world). Likewise, it is easy to check the price of an asset when closing a contract. That is, all information is open, and the betting conditions are fair, since neither the broker nor the trader can certainly know how the deal will end.

Thus, a trader can use knowledge of the principles of pricing financial instruments, forecasting techniques used by investment fund specialists, and select contracts that are highly likely to bring him profit. The broker is obliged to pay out the winnings, otherwise the negative will instantly spread across the Internet and he will lose all his clients.

Who is "in the black"?

However, binary options is a broader topic than just the relationship between a company and its client. There are many ways to make money in this niche, among them there are not entirely honest, as well as outright fraudulent scams, thanks to which trading contracts becomes a real disappointment for gullible beginners.

Among the honest ways to earn money are the creation of thematic resources, the creation or translation of educational materials. Questionable methods include consulting, providing signals to open profitable transactions (doubtful, since a specialist has no need to waste time on beginners when he can use this time for trading with much greater profit). Fraudulent schemes are an attempt to advertise and sell “guaranteed turnkey earning schemes” - trading robots, strategies, as well as other systems that can independently earn money on the operator’s trading platform.

So newbies who have encountered enterprising scammers are not so far from the truth when they claim that binaries are a scam or a “scam”. However, to implement such schemes, it is not necessary to be tied to a given topic; on the Internet at all times systems have been, are being offered and will be offered that can make their buyer a millionaire in a record short time without much effort on his part.

Is it easy to trade binary options?

It should be noted that remote investments are not at all a way to make easy money. In addition to the fact that a trader is subjected to serious psychological pressure with each transaction (he is risking his own money without knowing the outcome for sure), he must process significant amounts of information.

Despite the fact that brokers present to their clients working with options as a fairly simple and understandable task (in principle, this is true, the technical schemes for implementing contracts are very simple), making a forecast requires extensive knowledge, intense mental activity and a certain amount of experience. All this is achieved through years of practice and a lot of trial and error.

Does anyone make money from binaries?

Advertising placed by brokers in order to maximize the audience of potential clients can often be misleading, since they mainly mention the availability of this type of income, the minimum amounts required to start investing, as well as the ease of concluding transactions. Quite rarely does advertising talk about the inevitable risks (which is typical for any type of investment), as well as the enormous efforts that a novice trader must make in the process of learning and gaining practical skills.

The listed difficulties are the reason that this type of trading is not a suitable way to make money for everyone. A certain circle of citizens prefer quiet work in a familiar workplace with a guaranteed, albeit small, monthly income. It is quite difficult for some to accept the fact of the need to “sit down at a desk” again for in-depth training in their future profession. There are also those who do not want to risk their money and do not have the patience necessary to select suitable market conditions, for long-term daily analysis and forecasting.

However, binary options are not a scam (there are more questions for fraudulent brokers, who are often found in the world of “binaries”, than for the trading instrument itself) and really provide an opportunity for making money. And a trader’s earnings are significantly higher than the average salary offered at the vast majority of enterprises. Working as a trader is perfect for people with an active position, who do not want to put up with low income and are ready to invest their work, time, and analytical skills to get results.

Where are they - successful traders?

Quite often, for proper motivation, a novice trader needs to make sure that there are people who actually make money using binary options. For obvious reasons, many successful traders do not seek to advertise personal data or information about their location, however, companies, including very large operators, often post on their official resources information about those who earned record amounts during a trading session or based on the results of a working session. weeks.

In addition, brokers hold competitions in which participants receive an equal amount of bonus money at the start, and based on the results of the competition, the most successful ones receive quite significant amounts for their trading deposit. There are also a large number of independent resources where traders communicate; on these resources you can ask questions and receive competent answers, advice and comments.


The binary options market really allows you to earn significant sums, however, this is not its only similarity with other types of investing. To make money, in addition to having capital, you also need sufficient experience, otherwise the trader will have nothing to oppose to those who are on the other side of the transaction.

The principle of operation of financial markets is that some participants in transactions lose their money, and this same money is a profit for the winners. Any kind of intermediaries, which are also brokers, receive their percentage from each contract, so, in principle, they do not care which traders win and which suffer losses.

Knowing the true mechanics of the processes and having spent a sufficient amount of time, effort (possibly money) on training, acquiring practical experience, developing strategies, a beginner becomes a specialist, and then we can already talk about high and stable earnings on binary options.

Whether to work with “binaries” or not is a decision that everyone must make independently. I would just like to say that if the decision to master the profession of a trader is based on a natural inclination towards analytics and thoughtful planning, then there really is a chance to achieve success. If the desire to trade binary options is due to the desire to quickly earn a lot of money, in this case a beginner will most likely have to put up with the fact that he was scammed.

Since you are reading this article now, it means you have heard out of the blue from friends, acquaintances, on billboards or from an intrusive banner on the Internet about the possibility of additional earnings on binary options. Moreover, for some, this additional income is several times higher than your monthly one. Naturally, the question arises - what is making money on binary options?

Let's take it in order. First, we want to bring you down to earth. It is possible and quite realistic to make big money on binary options, but you need to do a lot of work to do this. Don't count on easy money that will fall on your head on the very first day of trading. People have been studying trading for years, you are no exception.

Therefore, have patience and perseverance to go through all the stages of becoming a trader. But the end result will not disappoint you!
What is it like to make money on binary options? It's really simple at first glance. You need to guess UP or DOWN whether the price will go for a certain period of time and press one of the two buttons. You guessed it right - a profit of up to 90% of your bet is in your pocket. That is, if you bet $1000, you earned $900 in less than a minute!

This is what the terminal of any binary options broker looks like. Of course, each of them tries to make their platform special, but as a rule they differ only in design and the list of trading assets and indicators presented in the program.

In short, all earnings from binary options can be combined into 4 steps:

  1. Open the Live Chart or the window of your trading terminal at the broker.
  2. You make a forecast regarding the future dynamics of a currency pair (stocks, indices or commodities) yourself, using indicators, graphical analysis, free signals on the Internet, etc.
  3. You place a bet, for example, 100 rubles, then set the expiration date (the expiration date of your transaction) - this is the time after which the price, in your opinion, will be higher/lower than the starting price.
  4. If your prediction turned out to be correct, then at the end of 15 minutes you will receive your well-deserved earnings.

In order for your earnings on binary options to become stable, you need to achieve results of 70% of successful transactions over a certain period (week, month). You will not be able to trade binary options every day for a profit, as the market is unpredictable and chaotic. The main thing is that after a specific period your net profit exceeds the drawdown.

It is almost impossible to achieve this in the initial stages - knowledge and experience are not enough. For novice traders, the first goal is to master trading and improve the trading strategy on a demo account, trying to at least break even.

The truth about binary options - earnings or scam?

In fact, this is a completely logical question that all novice traders ask themselves. There are a lot of conflicting opinions on the Internet right now. Some say that this is a pure scam and not true, others prove their multi-thousand dollar account statements with screenshots.

People were divided into two camps - opponents and supporters. Opponents are trumpeting on all forums that the entire binary options industry is a scam, while supporters defend this type of earnings. The most important argument for the former is that making money on binary options is very similar to playing in a casino.

Here it is worth agreeing that when placing bets, inexperienced players really experience excitement. And any losing trade is tempting to re-enter the market to win back. But binary options are not a casino! If anyone claims otherwise, then most likely it is a loser trader who bet only on luck without using technical and graphical analysis.

Making money on binary options is a whole science that you will have to comprehend throughout your trading career.

Therefore, do not believe such pitiful cries from losers on forums that binary options are a scam and a scam. They were unable to achieve success in trading, and they blame everyone but themselves for this, although in fact they are to blame because they did not devote enough time to study and practice.

What is the difference?

In a casino, everything depends on chance, fortune, coincidence. Everything in the market is subject to patterns, which you can easily learn to predict when you study technical analysis. Any event on the world stage, any macroeconomic report can have an impact on a currency pair or the price of oil. Therefore, by also studying fundamental analysis, you will be able to practically see through the market.

Another proof of the legality of the binary options industry are brokers. Leading companies have been working in the industry for the second decade! Think for yourself, could they deceive people and steal money under their noses for 20 years? Right! Of course, there are fraudulent companies that lure customers to their platform with numerous beautiful tricks in the form of bonuses, and then run away with the customers’ money.

This is why you need to choose a broker more carefully, because half of your success depends on him.

Don’t believe those people who write that they earned $1000 in one day with a minimum deposit of $10. This is pure scam. As a rule, they then offer to buy from them the very strategy by which they earn such huge money. Now think for yourself - would you sell your strategy to a complete stranger for $100-200, which is indicated in the price tag of this trading “genius”? Of course not!

In the binary options industry, it is important to learn to distinguish between what is a scam and what is the truth. Don’t be fooled by bright banners about a 100% indicator, a win-win options trading strategy, or large no-deposit bonuses.

There is no such thing as the Holy Grail, even professional traders on Wall Street make mistakes, let alone us. You should not be fooled by large bonuses, such as “replenish your account with $100 and you will receive another $200 as a gift.” In order to withdraw such a bonus in the future, you need to make a trading turnover that is at least 20 times higher than your $100... And where do newbies get that kind of money...

How to learn to make money on binary options?

If the first part of the article disappointed you, and you were upset and despairing. I want to assure you that it is indeed possible to become a successful trader. Now we will look at how to do this point by point.

So, your career begins from this point. Carefully study all ratings, read reviews on forums, find out all the trading conditions that the broker offers. Be sure to check for licenses from regulators - if they are not there, then most likely you will not get your money back, and the broker will disappear after a year. Better yet, go through the points from the article “”

Now all companies have a demo account. Thanks to it, you will be able to test the trading platform, see all the analysis tools that are available in the program, and verify the presence or absence of slippage.

Carefully study the financial aspects:

  • the size of the minimum deposit and the rate (whether you can afford them);
  • methods of depositing and withdrawing funds (are any of them available to you).

After you have decided on a binary options broker, register and fund your trading account.

2. Training in binary options trading.

A successful trader learns throughout his career. Start small - training courses that are available to every self-respecting broker. There are also many webinars on the Internet, both paid and free. They are more designed for practice, and this is the most important thing in options trading.

In your free time, read literature on technical and fundamental analysis, study graphical models and practice finding them on a live chart, understand the basic patterns from candlestick analysis, and so on.

Trading is a huge science, and if you decide to make money on binary options as your main income, you will have to work hard. The market does not like lazy people!

3. Trading plan and strategy.

To make consistent money from binary options, you must have your own trading strategy. You can take it from a large list of ready-made ones on the Internet, or you can create your own, which will satisfy all the features of your character and trading style.

You must write down a trading plan for yourself, in which you clearly outline the maximum amount of acceptable loss per day, a reasonable profit goal, after which you can complete trading and go on a well-deserved rest. And also, trading time, currency pairs, trading sessions acceptable for your strategy. In general, everything that you should never leave under any circumstances.

If you open the terminal, assess the market situation, and understand that the current market situation does not correspond to your strategy, then it is better to postpone trading until tomorrow.

Remember - the market will always give you an opportunity to make money!

Always keep your emotions to yourself, they are your biggest enemy in trading. Emotions give rise to envy, greed, excitement, despair, which entails a desire to get even. Ultimately, you will lose your deposit. This has already been tested on millions of beginners. The main thing is to learn from their mistakes.

Discipline and perseverance are your true friends. Be calm, treat both losses and wins equally. Understand that trading is exactly the same tedious job as your office job. You also sit at the computer for a long time, analyzing the market using indicators, graphic models and news reports.

And the sooner you understand this and get rid of the desire to surf the ocean on your own yacht with a laptop in your hands, the sooner you will achieve success.

Be patient, not everything will work out right away. And one more important point - always set yourself realistic and achievable goals. Don't try to make a million overnight, you will never be able to do that. And if you fail to achieve such goals, you will simply be disappointed in yourself, after which you will begin to enter into losing trades, which will ultimately lead to losing your deposit and disappointment in making money on binary options.

Well, the last important point in establishing your successful career as a binary options trader is money management.

The golden rule of money management is never bet more than 3-5% of your deposit amount at a time. This will protect you from draining it too quickly. There are people who prefer to hit the jackpot and put all their money on the line. As a result, they drain them all in a split second and are left with nothing.

When you deposit funds into your trading account, mentally say goodbye to them. Withdraw only profits from them, now this is your trading turnover, which you must increase as your profits grow. But never take it off.


Making money on binary options is quite accessible to each of us; it is possible to learn trading from scratch. The most important thing is to follow all the points described in the article. And then success in the market will not keep you waiting!

In this article we will try to tell you in detail how beginners and experienced traders can make money on binary options, with a minimum deposit or no investment at all.

If your level is completely beginner and you don’t know what binary options are, we will tell you about it in the next section, but if you are a more experienced trader and want to find out exactly how to start making money on binary options without investments, then go straight to the second

Binary options for beginners

How to make money on binary options for a beginner

There are at least three ways to make money on binary options, let's look at each of them:

1. Select or develop your own strategy for options trading.

On the Internet you can download many ready-made strategies for making money on binary options. You have to understand each of them until you find one that is understandable and profitable for yourself. However, we do not recommend starting immediately with the search for ready-made strategies; first, it is better to familiarize yourself with the most reliable indicators for binary options, such as, for example:

Once you understand how these indicators work, it will be much easier for you to understand the principle of operation of all other indicators for binary options trading. There are a lot of such indicators developed on the Internet, and the best of them are collected on our website in the “ Programs and indicators for binary options" Some of them essentially represent a ready-made strategy for options trading, these are the so-called “predictive indicators”, here are the most popular of them:

In no case should you trust any one indicator; you will definitely need to start combining them with something else. We recommend combining all indicators with support-resistance or Fibonacci levels, and if you are a novice trader and cannot yet determine these levels yourself, these two indicators will help you:

Why is it better to combine any indicator with one of these levels? Everything is very simple, the price never hangs in the air and in order to turn around and move confidently in the direction we need, it needs to rely on one of these levels. Therefore, even if your indicator shows you an entry signal, and the price has not yet reached any of the levels, it is better to skip this signal and open a deal exactly when the price reaches the level and there is a signal from the indicator.

Having understood the principle of how indicators work, you can try to create your own strategy for trading, or completely begin to fulfill the conditions of one of those already developed before you. You will find all the most reliable and profitable strategies for trading binary options in our section “Strategies for binary options"

2. Get training in trading

If at the stage of choosing a strategy you had difficulties and you could not understand how this or that indicator works, or all the strategies seemed too complicated to you, you should take training in binary options trading. Moreover, it’s worth starting from the very basics so as not to miss any little things that could later result in serious mistakes.

You shouldn’t look for special courses to teach binary options trading, any Forex courses that talk about finding entry points into the market will suit you, and they may contain some information that you don’t need at first, related exclusively to the Forex market, but after understanding How the Forex market works will make it much easier for you to make money on binary options.

But if you still want to immediately concentrate on trading options, you can undergo training in our company.

3. Trade using paid signals for binary options

If you haven’t been able to figure out a trading strategy yourself, and you don’t have the desire or time to undergo training, you should start trading using signals for binary options.

By trusting reliable signals, you save yourself from all the mistakes of novice traders and trade according to the signals of traders with extensive trading experience.

Of course, in this article we will recommend trading using our signals, but not only because the accuracy of our signals is up to 83% of profitable trades, but also because our signals are truly innovative, because you receive them immediately for the whole day, without any chats or SMS.

But of course you can look for other options on the Internet, but then you’ll come back to us

Why paid ones? After all, there are a lot of free signals on the Internet, and you yourself give signals for free!?

It is worth trading binary options, and on Forex too, only using paid signals, because not a single successful trader will waste his time issuing free signals, if only because he can earn quite a large amount of money at this time.

As for our free signals, they are no different from paid ones and are provided to everyone free of charge precisely to test their reliability, as well as to receive the first profit to pay for a subscription, because not everyone immediately has the amount to deposit and pay for a far from cheap subscription to our signals.

But there is also a 4th option that allows you to make money on binary options without investments, which is what we will talk about below.

How to make money on binary options without investment

Naturally, any earnings, especially on the Internet, require some kind of at least minimal investment. But if you have no money at all, there are also several options for how to make money on binary options without investments:

1. Tournaments on a demo account

The binary options industry is developing rapidly, and it is becoming increasingly difficult for brokers to attract clients to their platform, so they offer their clients numerous deposit bonuses, and recently they have also organized free tournaments on a demo account. The essence of such tournaments is simple: the trader needs to earn as much money as possible on his demo account and if you take a prize, the broker will credit you with the prize amount to your real account. In addition to real earnings, such tournaments are also beneficial for traders in that they can test all their strategies in practice without risk, and the broker, in turn, will receive a more interested and experienced trader on its platform.

Here are the tournament options currently available on the binary options market

1.1. Tournament on a demo account from Binomo

In this tournament you can earn up to $150 by trading binary options on your real account. There are a total of 20 prizes in the tournament, although the prize for the last ones is only $1-2. The goal of the tournament is to gain the largest balance in your account, as practice shows, on average, to win you will need to pump up your demo account from $1000 to $300,000-$2,000,000 in one day,

Yes, this is also possible with binary options, but unfortunately, you will most likely have to trade turbo options and forget about money management, since you will need to earn a lot, but in case of failure, the deposit can be updated for free right during the tournament.

1.2. Tournament on a demo account from Finmax

This tournament gives you the opportunity to earn up to $500 on your real account and has 5 prizes. The goal of the tournament is the same, to make the largest balance on your demo account, but not in one day, but in 30 days. Regarding the approximate amount for victory, it is difficult to say, since there are no transparent statistics,

however, you can find out all this information from your tournament manager during the tournament. Most likely, in this tournament you will be able to use more reliable binary options strategies, and even if you do not win the tournament, you will hone your trading skills without risk.

1.3. Tournament on a demo account from Bintrader

Tournaments from Bintrader are the longest, but also, perhaps, the most profitable. In the summer tournament you can win up to $2000, while in the spring tournament only $600 was awarded for first place.

There are a lot of prizes in tournaments, and even if you find yourself in the top twenty, you can earn up to $50 to your real account. The statistics are transparent and updated once a day, so you can see every day how much you still need to score to become a leader.

1.4. Tournament from Verum option

Tournaments from Verum option are already held on real accounts, but the conditions in them are much more acceptable for novice traders. The tournament lasts for a week, and to get a guaranteed prize, you just need to make a certain turnover of transactions.

To participate in the tournament, you will need to top up your account with at least $50, while participation in the tournament itself is free, and it is the amount of your deposit that you will trade. After making a deposit, you are placed into one of the money categories depending on your deposit (the higher the category, the more turnover you will have to make, but the prize will be larger)

Why is this tournament the most suitable for novice traders?

  1. By trading with real money you will overcome psychological barrier which you will have when trading on a demo account, trading with real money is much more difficult and this experience will be useful to you in future binary options trading.
  2. The tournament is absolutely transparent and has no competitors, you can calculate for yourself how much you bought options (no matter whether they won or not) and count on your prize.
  3. Even if your binary options trading strategy only produces 60% winning trades, you can still make money. Since in this tournament it is important for you to make as many transactions as possible, and it doesn’t matter whether they are profitable or unprofitable, in fact, you can simply drain the amount of money indicated in the turnover and receive a prize, but of course you shouldn’t do that. Just choose a strategy that will bring more profitable trades than unprofitable ones and go ahead!

2. Follow broker news

In addition to starting bonuses, binary options brokers often try to warm up their clients with cash or material prizes. Often, to do this, you just need to top up your deposit within the specified period and wait for the draw, but just as often, all that is needed to receive a prize is a deposit of a larger amount, for which you will receive a guaranteed prize.

If you don’t have time to follow all broker news, you can subscribe to the VKontakte group “ Binary options for beginners", it publishes all new promotions and broker competitions.

3. Become a broker partner

The easiest and most popular way is to create a VKontakte group and start advertising the broker’s services.

To do this, you will need to register in one of the brokers' affiliate programs and receive your affiliate link. Along with the link, you will have access to many advertising banners and landing pages that you can later use in your advertising.


This option requires minimal investment.

We offer and recommend that all our clients (especially beginners) start trading using our signals with a free subscription, this will allow you to personally verify their reliability and start paying for a subscription to signals only with the money you earn.

In order to get your first subscription for free, you will need to open an account with one of the brokers for which we provide signals for free, for example, this is a broker or Finmax. You open an account with these brokers using a link from our website, and you no longer have to pay for signals; we will give you a free subscription to our signals for up to 30 days. During this time you can make sure that everything