How rich and successful people live. Great people who rose from the bottom to become rich and famous. Psychological research and questionnaires from Thomas Corley

Welcome to my blog. Statistics say: one percent of people own half of the world's wealth. The remaining 99% are sure that getting rich requires only a little luck. But scientific research proves that there are habits of rich people that are formed in childhood and certainly lead their owners to success. So today we’ll talk about the habits of millionaires.

Thomas Corley spent five years studying the lifestyles of people whose annual income was $160,000 or more (and they made it themselves) and who owned assets worth $3.2 million or more. He came to the conclusion that wealthy people are similar in many ways. As a result, he wrote a book about how the habits of billionaires differ from the lifestyle of average workers.

The lucky ones who suddenly inherited a fortune or won a lottery jackpot, in most cases, spent all the money within a few years.

For example, Vivian Nicholson from the USA won $3 million in 1961. In comments to reporters, she said she would “spend, spend, spend.” It took her only five years - nothing was left of her rich life. She was widowed, remarried (five more times), became a drunk, tried to commit suicide several times and ended up in a mental hospital. Having spent all her funds, she remained single and lived the rest of her life on a pension of $300.

They say that money can change your life: unfortunately, both for good and for bad.

What habits of rich, strong and successful people helped them achieve and maintain prosperity?

Psychological research and questionnaires from Thomas Corley

The psychology of wealth and the habits of the rich is a topic of interest to many. Thus, American experts from Brown University conducted a large-scale study in this area. It took 5 years.

They observed the daily habits of 50 thousand families consisting of almost 150 thousand people. Analyzing the way people handle money, the pronounced biases of poor people have been revealed. The rich did not have these habits at all or tried to get rid of them. Heirs were not included in the study. The scientists included in the sample only those who achieved financial success on their own thanks to many years of habits.

The aforementioned Thomas Corley interviewed 233 rich and 128 poor people for his book “The Key to Success: The Daily Habits of Every Rich People.” It turned out that, indeed, the former have their own habits, which relate not to actions, but to attitude towards life.

Habits of wealthy people

So, after summarizing several studies, I have compiled a list of the most important habits of "wealth" - the lifestyle of millionaires and billionaires.

They read a lot

The interests of rich people are not limited to just their career. They spend a lot of time on self-development, improving skills, so-called skills.

The richest people on the planet call the habit of reading one of their most important daily activities. This can be either scientific, professional, or fiction.

Playing sports

Sports is another important point that distinguishes the habits of the poor and the rich.

You will say that the poor simply do not have enough time for this. But, according to scientists, the habit of leading a healthy lifestyle and regular exercise can increase not only the amount of energy, but also stimulate mental activity.

Every day dedicate 15-30 minutes to reflection

Rich people know that to make good decisions, it is important to stop and think. You can also plan your day over a cup of coffee in 15 minutes.

Get up early and go to bed early

It is not for nothing that it is said that whoever gets up early, God gives to him. The lives of billionaires prove this truth. So, early risers plan their time better and earn more.

But that doesn't mean you can't change your daily routine. Getting up and going to bed early is a habit you can accustom your body to.

Plan for the day, week, month, years

Planning is the key to success not only in business, but also in personal life.

Rich people often draw up a personal financial plan for decades in advance, and also set goals for the coming day, week, month. Often, a personal accountant is hired for this, who draws up a detailed document breaking down income, expenses, and investments.

It is also customary abroad to draw up pension funds in order to know exactly what savings you will have in 10, 20, 30 years.

Focus only on what is truly important

What is important is up to you to determine.

But setting priorities is not a luxury: anyone (not just the rich) can do it if they want. For example, most rich people, in addition to making money, are interested in sports, healthy eating, traveling and taking part in social activities. The poor, according to scientists, on the contrary, have a habit of not being interested in other areas besides everyday life.

Act quickly without delay

Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today. This is a habit that contributes to financial success.

Being organized and understanding that your destiny and future rich life depends only on you will help you make quick decisions.

They pursue only their own goals and work only for themselves

I don’t mean pure selfishness, as you might think. It is important that rich people know how to focus on their desires and clearly set goals for their implementation. Many people strive to work for themselves, but only a few gain courage.

Set global goals

I'm not talking about taking over the planet (rich cartoon characters often have such habits). Poor people usually think about how to quickly escape from work and relax, what to do on the weekend, what purchases to make. The rich set global goals, for example, where they want to be in 10 years, what to do, what kind of people to surround themselves with. This is an obvious difference in mindset.

Doing what they love

If you like assembling a car engine in the garage, make it your business. History knows a lot of examples of billionaires who turned a hobby into their life’s work, became famous and earned a fortune, becoming rich people.

Looking for mentors

It's never too late to learn. Even if you are a professional, there will always be someone who knows and can do more. Seek guidance and don't be afraid of rejection. 93% of rich people have a personal mentor to whom they owe their success.

They know their worth

“I don’t sell myself, I buy myself” is one of the important principles of a rich person. He will never work for next to nothing, much less for free. Each work has its own market value - and you must know it exactly.

Have a positive outlook on life

Of course, wealth itself leads to positive thinking. But, turning to the stories of millionaires, one can trace a trend - even in moments of failure, they did not give up and continued to believe in their success and a rich life.

Don't follow the majority and think outside the box

Thomas Corley in his book says that rich people are not afraid to stand out from the crowd, although herd behavior is genetically embedded in us. Most rich people believe that creativity, not intelligence, is critical to achieving financial success, while just 11% of poor people agree.

Learn new things and improve themselves

Taking care of yourself is not just about going to beauty salons and the gym. Rich people regularly attend trainings, seminars and events that allow them to develop.

They value their time

And again the truism: “Time is money.” People who spend both wisely become successful. Make it a habit to appreciate every minute.

Take responsibility

Millionaires are not afraid to jump over their heads: for example, take a higher position or take out a loan to start their own business. Although this will bring not only new responsibilities, but also responsibility for people or other people's money.

Help others become successful too

The rich are grateful for their position and are often ready to help people like them reach new heights. They do not have the habit of gloating over other people's failures; they will always lend a helping hand to less wealthy colleagues or friends.

They seek feedback and make new contacts

68% of rich people and only 11% of poor people say they love new acquaintances. This habit, research shows, correlates with respondents' belief that relationships are critical to business success.

In addition, rich study participants said the habit of liking new people was important. Although this must be learned if you do not have natural talent.

Spend time with other successful people

Yes, yes, the Masonic lodge is a reality for the rich and successful. They unite in closed groups and clubs based on interests. This allows you to establish new connections, which are so important for business. In addition, it has become a habit for many rich people to attend specialized events, various charity evenings, film festivals, and theater premieres.

See opportunities

One of the greatest investors of our time, Warren Buffett, who started out selling trash bags and delivering newspapers, once said: “The best investment opportunities arise when thriving companies suddenly find themselves in difficult situations.” It was the habit of seeing such opportunities and the courage to make innovative decisions that made Buffett a billionaire.


How do rich people behave to protect their capital from inflation? Rich people have a good habit of investing in risk-free or low-risk instruments:

  • shares of reliable companies that regularly pay dividends;
  • bonds;
  • deposits;
  • gold;
  • gems;
  • real estate;
  • pension funds.

Always looking for additional sources of income (passive)

Even successful businessmen, owners of large businesses, have the habit of renting out their villas, apartments, offices, yachts and other property. And they are not shy about it. Financial instruments can also become a good source of passive income in a new, rich life.

Always spend less than you earn

Billionaires believe that it is important to spend less than you earn, that is, to save and accumulate capital. The poor are sure that they just need to earn more - and this has nothing to do with them.

Get into the habit of putting 1,000 rubles a month into a bank account and investing this money, for example, in mutual funds. In 10 years, pay for your children’s education or open your own business - it’s up to you.

Don't give up

If you haven't heard of Traf-O-Data, I'm not surprised. This is Bill Gates' first company. He invented a device that he could never sell to anyone. The venture was not successful, but it marked the beginning of the development of the first Microsoft product. Today, Gates' fortune is estimated at $92 billion. He learned a valuable lesson from his first experience and did not give up. This habit will not be superfluous for anyone.

Habits that keep the poor from getting rich

And now about the sad thing... what habits prevent 99% of the world's population from achieving success? How to become rich?

Self pity

Feeling sorry for yourself is a feeling that often arises even among the rich, but it can be overcome. Psychologists believe that this destructive emotion leads to negative thinking, self-doubt, anxiety and fear.

At first, pity may be mild in nature, associated with stress and external circumstances. But after some time, it no longer needs any excuses to grow. It will be fueled by negative feelings. Complaining will become a habit.

First of all, realize that only you are responsible for your life. Identify the reasons for self-pity and think about what to do to overcome unfavorable circumstances, resentment or injustice.

Doing things that don't bring you satisfaction

Sociologists say that a quarter of Russians are not satisfied with their jobs. Just over a third (37%) are satisfied with their salary. At the same time, 9% of respondents have 2 jobs, another 2% have three. Why do you need the habit of living without pleasure?

Think about what you dreamed of as a child. If you wanted, for example, to be a veterinarian - go volunteer at a dog shelter, fate itself will give you the opportunity to learn, earn money and get rich doing what you really like.

Whining and communicating with whiners

More than once I have watched office workers over a mug of coffee tell each other what a bad boss, job, and salary they have. Just think, this time can be spent usefully - discussing plans, attending a seminar or training, and ultimately looking for a new job.

Greed and stinginess

Uncle Scrooge, although he is the standard of a rich stingy man, does not reflect the truth of life.

Often it is poor people who spare money, and on the most important things, for example, education. To start self-development, you don’t have to spend money. There are now plenty of free online courses from leading universities in the world. Make it a habit to constantly study.

Beliefs that wealth is bad

And again the popular wisdom: “It is not money that spoils a person, but its absence.” The idea that being rich is bad is a remnant of the USSR. Nevertheless, officials could afford what an ordinary, not so rich citizen could not, and did not feel like villains. Now the system gives you the opportunity to earn as much as you want.

Short term thinking (here and now)

Living for today in the modern world is an unaffordable luxury. Poor people are united by precisely this harmful habit - running around in a vicious circle of “home/work” and not even thinking about the near future.

A simple exercise - take a piece of paper and write down how much you want to earn in a month, a year, 5 years. Next to it, indicate what needs to be done for this. Stick it on the wall and get into the habit of looking at the recording every day.

Love of borrowed money

Credit, if it is not used to make money, is absolutely useless and sometimes even dangerous. Don't spend more than you earn.

Living beyond your means

Another problem of our time is that the market offers a huge selection of absolutely unnecessary goods, and advertising forces people to buy them. Moreover, a person does this out of habit, and not out of necessity.

Stop and think about whether you really need this gadget, car, suit or watch.

Obsession with money

Don't think about money. Think about what would make you happy and how to achieve it. And the money will definitely come a little later.

Comparing yourself to others

Comparison is not always a bad thing; for example, during sports competitions, it determines the winner. But in life, the habit of comparing oneself with others most likely leads to envy, irritation and negativity, and this prevents one from achieving results.

It’s better to think about what experience to learn from a rich colleague or friend in order to get what you want.

Wasting time on entertainment

Business before pleasure. However, there are entertainments that, in addition to relaxation, can bring real benefits - sports, reading, attending various events, communicating with successful people. These are useful habits for a future rich life.

Fear of change

This is one of the most powerful psychological factors. The fear of change is as natural for people as the fear of death. Why do we habitually fear new things?

The unusual order of things increases stress levels and creates a feeling of unpredictability and uncertainty. We can and should fight this. Psychologists advise identifying the factors that you influence, focusing on the result and going towards it.

Thank you for reading our article. I sincerely wish you all success and prosperity! Be rich! Subscribe to my blog and pages on social media, share with friends.

This is not a rating or a top, this is a story about people who were born in the poorest, unremarkable families, lived beyond poverty, but from early childhood dreamed of becoming rich and famous. This is an article about people whose inner core was so strong that thanks to their talents and unrealistic performance, following their dreams, they became those at whom we cast admiring glances.

This article is for people who believe in their dream, believe that someday they will definitely achieve their goal and the whole world will talk about them.

Aristotle Onassis

Now we know him as a multimillionaire, shipbuilder and financial tycoon. And once upon a time, back in 1923, at the age of 17, this handsome Greek left a devastated country with a suitcase of tobacco and 63 dollars in his pocket and went to Rio de Janeiro to look for a new, happy life. Working as a waiter in a restaurant and as a clerk at a telephone exchange, the young man, who had received only 6 years of education, did not lose heart, but firmly decided to take revenge on his life, for all the torments it bestowed on him. And you and I can see what came of it to this day.

George Soros

This Jewish youth, whose family miraculously escaped Nazi persecution, went to Britain in 1947 in search of a better life. Working in a haberdashery factory as a manager and salesman, then as a traveling salesman, driving an old Ford and trying to sell goods at retail, young George did not give up thoughts of wealth and universal recognition. Having graduated from a school of economics in London also gave me confidence. George Soros achieved his goal by joining the arbitration department of Singer and Friedlander. Now Soros is known throughout the world as a financier, philanthropist and founder of the George Soros Foundation. It's funny, but in 1992, playing on Forex, this extraordinary entrepreneur managed to earn 2 million dollars in a day on the pound/dollar exchange rate.

Steven Jobs

It’s hard to believe that once upon a time, the founder of Apple and Pixar, Steven Jobs, had to sleep on the floor of his friends’ dorm, because he didn’t even have a place to sleep and had to sell bottles of Coca-Cola for 5 cents in order to somehow feed himself. I had to go to the Hare Krishna temple, where they gave free lunches on weekends. It was the dream of a better life that made Stephen the man we all remember. At the age of 12, while assembling some electrical appliance and not finding the parts, he plucked up the impudence and called William Hewlett, one of the founders of Hewlett-Packard, and asked for the missing parts. So impudence and ingenuity brought the young man to the company, which became the starting point in the fate of the great Steven Jobs, who was able to change the world. After all, it was thanks to him that the iPhone, iPod and the thinnest laptop in the world, the MacBookAir, were born.

Bill Gates

This multimillionaire founder of Microsoft, who developed the Windows operating system, thanks to which we all use computers and the Internet, although he grew up in a wealthy family, from childhood he was not like everyone else. He was not interested in the games of his peers, he was extremely purposeful. I memorized 3 chapters of the Gospel of Matthew to win a competition held by a local pastor. Parents would never have thought that from a shy young man with no leadership abilities at all, a real “shark” of business would grow up. And Bill Gates never ate at home, so as not to waste time on cooking. All thoughts had to be aimed at achieving a single goal - to become successful.

Walt Disney

Born into a poor family and moving from place to place, young Walt worked as a newspaper delivery boy, rising at 3:30 in the morning, and made jelly with his father. And at night, secretly from his parents, who did not share his hobbies, he drew pictures and comics, which he then sold to neighbors for cents. After 50 years, these pictures were sold by Walt Disney's neighbors at auctions for huge sums of money.

And sometimes the despot father severely punished the young man for the idleness that the young man was engaged in, drawing some pictures.
Despite his parents' prohibition, Walt still entered the Chicago Art Institute and became what we all know him to be.

All these stories carry one main idea - it doesn’t matter who you are and what you do, it doesn’t matter what others say about you and how your loved ones feel about your hobbies, the main thing is that you have a goal. Having a goal, you can turn the whole world upside down, build it for yourself. Not everything in the world is decided by talent - in any business there is only 20% talent, the rest is faith in success and extraordinary hard work. Believe in yourself!

The TOP 10 richest people in the world in 2016 were determined by Forbes magazine.

TOP 10 richest people on the planet in 2017

On March 1, Forbes published its ranking of dollar billionaires. In total, there were 1810 people on the list of names; the size of their capital was estimated by the volume of assets as of January 2017.

  1. Bill Gates, net worth: $75 billion.
  2. Amanisio Ortega, his assets are $67 billion.
  3. Warren Buffett, owner of $60.8 billion.
  4. Carlos Slim Helu, with $50 billion in personal property.
  5. Jeff Bezos, owner of $45.2 billion.
  6. Mark Zuckerberg with a capital of $44.6 billion.
  7. Larry Ellison, worth $43.6 billion.
  8. Michael Bloomberg, owner of $40 billion.
  9. Charles Koch with $39.6 billion.
  10. David Koch, brother of Charles Koch, with a similar capital of $39.6 billion.

What do people who handle billions and invest tens of millions in the development of new projects do?

Rating leader - Bill Gates

Bill Gates heads the TOP 10 richest people in the world this year. His income increases not only thanks to the activities of the Microsoft company he founded, which once made a revolutionary breakthrough in the software market, but also thanks to investing in developing projects, such as:

  • mechanical engineering;
  • railway companies;
  • development and disposal of industrial waste.

The biography of Bill Gates is one of the stories of rich people who started from scratch. While still a student, he devoted a lot of time to studying and developing programming languages ​​and writing programs for various tasks.

A kind of breakthrough in his career and in the fate of the Microsoft company he founded was the development of the MS-DOS operating system and a contract with IBM. Further expansion led to the development of the Windows OS, which allows the company to still dominate the software market.

Successful businessmen are always strong personalities, and the famous rules formulated by Gates confirm this. Here are the most valuable and meaningful of them:

  1. "Life is unfair - get used to it."
  2. “Change the way you think about failure and learn from your mistakes.”
  3. “Before you criticize your parents, start with yourself.”
  4. “You don’t become a chauffeur-driven vice president until you earn both.”

This year it turned out that among the TOP 10 richest people in the world there were several people who earned multi-billion dollar capital thanks to computer and network technologies.

In 5th place among the ten richest people on the planet was Jeff Bezos, head of the Amazon online store. He also owns the aerospace company Blue Origin and the publishing house The Washington Post.

Bezos, like many influential businessmen, actively invests funds without stopping at the achieved figures. He invests in projects such as Twitter, UBER, AirBNB, Rethink Robotics and promising startups.

Interesting facts about Amazon and Jeff Bezos himself (pictured):

  1. The company prohibits the use of color printers and all information is printed in black and white to save money.
  2. The size of the teams working on a project is determined using the “2-pizza rule.” If a group at lunchtime does not have enough 2 pizzas to eat lunch, then the group size is too large.
  3. Special robots are used to sort goods in Amazon warehouses.
  4. Bezos personally designed the boxes in which orders are packaged so that they can then be used in everyday life rather than thrown away.
  5. In 2015, the company was allowed to deliver goods by drone in some states.

Mark Zuckerberg has raised many eyebrows with his presence in 6th place among the 10 richest people in the world. The founder of the social network Facebook made it to the TOP of the rating for the first time. His interest in programming began with computer graphics and creating simple computer games. School friends brought him primitive pictures from which he copied future game characters.

At the moment, Zuckerberg is the youngest billionaire in the world (his age is 31 years old), and he can rightfully be called a businessman who is rapidly increasing his capital. While Bill Gates lost $4 billion over the past year, and Warren Buffett, who is in third place in the ranking, lost almost $12 billion, Zuckerberg increased his capital by $11 billion in 2015.

Brief biographies of the richest people in history

The most successful entrepreneurs in human history laid the foundations for doing business in modern civilization. Some of the names have become household names, and aspiring businessmen take their cues from the rich themselves. How did those whose biographies later become models of entrepreneurial thinking get rich? The capitals of prominent businessmen throughout history have been adjusted to modern levels to account for inflation.

  1. The most successful entrepreneurs in history are the Rothschild family, whose fortune is now estimated at $350 billion. Mining enterprises, winemaking, investing money in banks, agricultural land and private assets helped them accumulate such capital.
  2. John Rockefeller, who earned $340 billion (in today's dollars) during his lifetime. His areas of business included oil refining - he founded the Standard Oil company, and also invested in railroads, steel mills, shipping companies and real estate companies.
  3. Andrew Carnegie is an industrialist with American and Irish roots, owner of the steel company Carnegie Steel, whose assets would now amount to $310 billion.
  4. Henry Ford, the American automaker, left his mark on history as a successful businessman and a wise man of his time. The company he founded, Ford Motor, which has many branches in various countries around the world, brought him billions. His capital would be $199 billion by today's standards.
  5. Cornelius Vanderbilt, who also founded a dynasty of entrepreneurs, actually changed the course of American history. His main profitable business was investing in the railway, which was actively developing at that time. In total, during his life he earned 185 billion dollars in terms of the level of our days.

How did rich people become rich? This question haunts many people and it is almost impossible to give a definite answer to it. A promising businessman who feels the so-called “vein” in himself acts simultaneously with cold calculation and relying on intuition in making important decisions.

One of the main features noticeable in many biographies of rich people is the ability and desire to take risks. The Rockefeller quote, “Whoever works all day has no time to make money,” reflects the state of mind of a successful entrepreneur - at a certain point, you need to be able to quit one activity and switch to another in order to achieve success in it.

Successful people and charity

Many of the success stories of wealthy people include lines about charitable donations and sponsorship of organizations that do not generate significant profits. Charity as an activity for successful people deserves special attention. What makes rich people donate their capital and for what purposes?

  • educational programs;
  • vaccine development and vaccination in developing countries;
  • AIDS research;
  • assistance to refugees;
  • fight against polio.

Michael Bloomberg, who is in 8th place in the Forbes top ten, has currently donated about $4 billion to charity. The main areas of his assistance are contributions to the development of art, educational goals and medical research, in particular, cancer therapy and diagnosis.

The Koch brothers, co-owners of the Koch Industries holding, actively donate funds to the development of education in the United States, and in 2014, one of the areas of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York was named after David Koch in gratitude for the funds allocated for its reconstruction.

Many people ask themselves the question: why is he a billionaire and not me? Wealth will not just fall into your lap; if you want to become rich, you not only have to really want it, but also make some effort. You need to learn a lot, spend all your time (rich people don't have weekends or regular working hours), change your thinking and your life radically. If you're ready for a change, then we're sharing six secrets that separate you from a billion.

1st secret: Learn to think like a rich person

    Before you get what you want in reality, you must get it in your consciousness. You can't become a billionaire if you don't imagine yourself in this role.

    Your thinking is your limit; it sets the boundaries of what is possible.

    Stop thinking like a poor person. What is the difference between the thinking of the rich and the poor?

    Change your thinking and your lifestyle to match your new image and status.

    Do only what will bring you success, that's what billionaires do, the rest do whatever they want.

    The rich have order everywhere: at home, at work and in their heads. Get to cleaning.

    Read a lot, look for the information necessary to develop not only your business, but also your thinking.

    Set up your workspace in a way that inspires you to work.

2nd secret: Find a role model, your ideal

    To become a wealthy person, create a suitable environment. Hang out with rich people. Find someone who has already received their billion and learn from them.

    Take the issue of choosing an ideal seriously. Only someone can be a role model who can teach you something.

    One of the important rules to remember is that the teacher needs you, not you.

    If you find a person from whom you can learn experience, hang on his every word, do not miss a single opportunity to communicate with him.

    It wouldn't hurt to have a mentor in every area. How to find a mentor: .

    Don’t miss trainings conducted by famous people, regularly read their books, interviews, listen to their audiobooks and audio courses.

3rd secret: Determine your life principles and remember them

    Always treat people the way you want them to treat you.

    Don't give up on your desires, be yourself, do what brings you joy.

    A person cannot be defeated until he himself admits defeat. The winner is not the one who is stronger or smarter, but the one who is ready to go to the end.

    5th secret: Focus on the main thing

    • Pay attention only to activities that bring you pleasure. It is impossible to become a billionaire doing a job you don't like.

      All your troubles come from the fact that you don’t know how or can’t focus on one thing for a long time.

      Every rich person does something much better than others. Think about what you are good at.

      Failure to focus will cause you to stagnate or run in circles, which is very ineffective.

      Dedicate yourself entirely to your chosen activity, become the best specialist in your industry.

      Every day you will have to choose something and refuse something. No one has the right to judge you for your choice.

    6th secret: The goals you set must be correct

      Set your goals every day.

      Know how to prioritize. You need to know exactly what needs to be done today, and what can be put off until later.

      Goals should be set not only for today, but also for the week, month, year. You must clearly understand where you will be in a year, how close you are to your goal.

      Goals must be realistic and achievable.

      Every goal should have a start time and an end time when it should be accomplished.

      Your goals should always be visible.

      Don't set too few goals, but also don't forget about the 5th secret.

    Now you all know all the secrets of how to become a millionaire. All that remains is to listen to them and begin to implement them in your life. Be rich and successful!

Oman Abramovich
Old regime billionaire

The richest Russian and also the governor of Chukotka, Roman Abramovich, is a public person. So he makes no secret of his hobbies. Moreover, all his hobbies are for the most part traditional, characteristic, so to speak, of this stratum of society. Abramovich loves to buy. Indeed, the money has to be spent somewhere. And perhaps only kindergarteners have not yet heard about his most high-profile purchase. One of the best football clubs in Great Britain, Chelsea, in the minds of any European, is strongly associated with the name of the richest Russian. There were, of course, other striking acquisitions in Abramovich’s biography. Either the governor of the most distant Russian region purchased a huge yacht for himself, or, more recently, the most popular hotel on the Cote d'Azur. Apparently, so that the rooms are always free for themselves, their families and a large retinue of compassionate people. There is, of course, a house in London that looks more like a palace. There’s not even anything to say about the plane - that goes without saying. So Abramovich can be classified with absolute certainty as an oligarch (this word is a passing nature, because the period of oligarchic capitalism itself is in the past, although Roman Arkadyevich was its bright sign) ordinary, so to speak, old regime. The only thing that sets him apart from the list of others is his passion for the singer Zemfira.

Mikhail Fridman
Billionaire "lighter"

Another thing is the mysterious head of Alfa Group, Mikhail Fridman. That's who loves to "light up"! Moreover, his democracy is very aristocratic. From time to time, after beating the driver and security guards, he gets behind the wheel of his seventh model BMW and goes to work. According to rumors, he once drove so fast in one of the countries in South America that he smashed a jeep to smithereens. About a year ago, he also opened a music restaurant “only for his own people” not far from the Patriarch’s Ponds, where he sometimes plays music. Who among us doesn’t like to eat delicious food and spend quality time with close friends? They say that he even rode in the Moscow metro on a dare and without security. And by the standards of tycoons, this is already extreme!

Friedman also has another hobby - a very unusual one. The owner of Alfa Group is impressed by the philosophy of the samurai. He seeks reassurance in her. And along the way, he collects samurai swords. The whole house is hung with these same swords. But they are real edged weapons! Finding a real samurai's sword is very difficult. For many years now, Japan has been trying to return all its swords that have been distributed around the world back to their historical homeland. But Friedman's friends are smart people. If anything happens, they will take the sword out of the very palace of the Japanese Emperor. And in the pursuit of treasures, whatever you say, there is something philosophical.

Victor Vekselberg
Aesthetic billionaire

Fridman's close friend, owner of the SUAL company Viktor Vekselberg, likes football. But not like most of our men who love to kick the ball, but like Roman Abramovich. True, Vekselberg has less money than Abramovich, and the scale is not the same. Last year he took over and acquired the rights to 24 friendly matches of the Argentina football team until 2011. Apparently there wasn't enough to buy the team. Nevertheless, the oligarch considered it possible to pay all the costs of transport and food for the national team, in return receiving television broadcasting rights and income from matches. It seems like your team, but only in the sense of looking. Timeshare, in a word.

He is inclined towards high art, reads a lot, and tries to keep a low profile at parties. But it was precisely the masterpieces of art that played an important role in its national recognition. Because Russia learned Vekselberg's name in connection with his eggs. Could old Faberge have thought, when creating his famous “jewelry” for the royal family and others like it, that the subject of his Easter efforts would arouse not only admiration among his descendants, but also all sorts of common hints of indecency? If I had known, I wouldn’t have messed with the sharp-edged ones. But the fact remains: Vekselberg’s eggs, which he returned to Russia, evoked a greater response from our people than the “Black Square”, which for some reason did not stick to the name of another philanthropist...

Rustam Tariko
Oligarch partying

One of the most outrageous Russian oligarchs, vodka magnate Rustam Tariko, loves to party. At the age of 44, he managed to surprise the whole world more than once with the scale of his parties. I took, for example, about a year ago and gathered a huge party at the foot of the Statue of Liberty in New York in honor of the launch of a new vodka of our own production on the American market. I invited as many as a thousand people to it. And he treated each of them to beluga caviar, quail eggs, sturgeon and suckling pig.

Tariko also became famous for buying the fastest boat in the world. He called her Terrible, which can be translated into Russian as “Terrible.” That's right - with two "w". Three engines of 1,000 horsepower each propel it to an incredible 90 miles per hour. On this boat, Tariko travels around his beloved Sardinia, a fashionable Italian resort that the businessman tirelessly promotes among the Moscow elite.

Oleg Deripaska
Billionaire bohemian

The head of Basic Element, Oleg Deripaska, does not like to shoot. This is not a delicate matter for a true balletomane. Tutus, legs, pas de deux and, dare we say, even pas de trois - that’s what occupies his fair-haired head. And as a true man of art, Deripaska is famous for his somewhat strange taste in clothes. At all business events he is dressed to the nines. But as soon as the time comes to go somewhere to the officials, to the presence, he dresses in deliberately careless, one might even say, noticeably worn suits. Apparently, he doesn’t want to provoke bureaucrats with his glamorous appearance. Maybe they will require less money? And what is a representative of a bohemian, who only has ballet in his head, to ask?

However, Deripaska, according to some sources, is also partial to music. More precisely - to the singer Zemfira. Here he is a soul mate with Abramovich.

Mikhail Prokhorov
Billionaire bachelor

Co-owner of Norilsk Nickel Mikhail Prokhorov is not at all drawn to art. Ballerinas are not his type. Give him models. And they are happy to try. A real hunt has been going on for the 41-year-old bachelor for many years now. Moscow girls - young and not so young - dress up every weekend and scour the clubs in search of him, desired and free! And they say he really likes this kind of excitement - he enjoys such widespread adoration not without pleasure. Some beauties are even taken around the world. But here’s the problem: he doesn’t promise to marry anyone. And all because he has another passion in life - basketball, which he has played since an early age. They say that not long ago he even became a co-owner of the CSKA basketball team.

Vladimir Lisin
Billionaire gunshot

The owner of the Novolipetsk Metallurgical Plant, Vladimir Lisin, fully justifies his “animal” surname. The billionaire cannot imagine his life without hunting and shooting. And this is very opportune, since he would not live up to the proud title of oligarch if he had not “patronized” some sports club. They say about Lisin: “Don’t feed him bread, but give him a gun.” And to satisfy this passion, he created a real shooting club at his residence “Fox Hole”. And he became the president of the Russian Shooting Union (and who among the tycoons does not want to be president?) And even established his own Russian Cup with prizes from himself. Champions in shooting sports go to Lisin’s “Fox Hole” because Lisin’s prizes are very significant.

Friends-oligarchs also go to the Fox Hole. Even seasoned party-goers are surprised by the scale of Lisin’s banquets. Spending 10 million dollars on a birthday is not a problem for Lisin. Inviting Sting to the party - even more so. In Lipetsk they say that he even “gave” this very Sting to one of his friends, sending the singer to perform at his birthday party. The performance fee is already standard - a million dollars.

Vladimir Potanin
Child-loving billionaire

The head of the Russian company Interros, Vladimir Potanin, can be classified as an exemplary family tycoon. He spends all his free time with his family. And he doesn’t go anywhere without his wife and children. And they all feel so good together that the Potanin family even found several common hobbies. Firstly, they go skiing (mainly in Courchevel, France). But the most important thing is that they have all been involved in jet skiing together for many years. Children do pirouettes on the water, and their parents actively support them from the shore (morally and financially, because this sport is not akin to chess, which can be bought from 75 rubles in a Chinese market version). In general, Potanin values ​​family values ​​above all else. They say that he even selects his employees based on their moral qualities. However, the passion for new sensations did not bypass this tycoon either. For several months he conscientiously studied to become a TV presenter and showman - for his own TV show “The Candidate,” which is now successfully broadcast on one of the Russian TV channels. But even here everything is orderly: the “candidates” participating in the show are, for the most part, people tied hand and foot by marriage and the presence of offspring. And the winner of the show will ultimately receive not some erotic tour to Thailand, but a prestigious job in Potanin’s company.

What does an “ideal” oligarch need to have?

1. Apartments in London or Paris

2. A dacha on the Cote d'Azur or Sardinia

3. Yacht (at least 60 meters long)

4. Airplane (exclusively designed)

5. Collection of antiques

6. A beautiful wife (preferably also smart)