Responsibilities of medical staff in caring for bedridden patients. What are the general provisions of the job description of a nurse? Viral hepatitis in early childhood

General provisions

2. The nurse is appointed and dismissed by the chief physician of the hospice in accordance with current legislation. When hired, a nurse undergoes a preliminary medical examination and examination in accordance with the established procedure.

3. The nurse is directly subordinate to the ward nurse, as well as to higher officials.

4. The nurse in her work is guided by the orders of higher officials and these Regulations.

5. The orders of the ward and senior nurse, the head and doctor of the hospital are mandatory for the nurse.

6. The nurse follows the hospice commandments.


The hospital nurse must:

1. Clean the premises in accordance with established rules.

2. Strictly observe the sanitary and anti-epidemic regime when carrying out wet cleaning and performing other duties assigned to it under the control of the ward nurse and the housekeeper.

3. Carry out wet cleaning on window sills, windows, beds, chairs and other objects located in the premises.

4. Clean bedside tables, clean sinks, bathtubs, and toilets in the rooms assigned to her using special cleaning products.

5. Carry out current and final disinfection when an infectious disease is detected in a patient.

6. Monitor patients’ compliance with personal hygiene rules: wash, wash, comb and cut nails for patients who cannot do this due to their physical condition.

7. Keep the dishes in patients’ rooms clean.

8. Inform the sister-hostess about malfunctions in the heating system, water supply, sewerage and electrical appliances.

9. Systematically maintain the cleanliness of doors and doorways, both from the inside and outside of the rooms.

10. Maintain proper sanitary condition of refrigerators in assigned rooms.

11. Monitor the safety and proper use of the soft and hard equipment assigned to her.

12. Systematically, as it accumulates, remove garbage to the garbage bin.

13. Constantly, in accordance with the rules of the sanitary and epidemiological regime, disinfect rags and cleaning containers, carry out regular markings on equipment and rags.

14. Systematically (at least once a month) carry out general cleaning in assigned rooms.

15. Help the junior nurse in caring for the sick.

16. If necessary, participate in the transportation of seriously ill patients.

17. Ensure proper use and storage of cleaning supplies.

18. Participate in classes on safety rules, labor protection and sanitary issues.

19. In your work, learn the skills of caring for patients, social and psychological support for patients and their relatives and, if necessary, carry out interchangeability and continuity in work.

20. Comply with internal labor regulations.

A hospital nurse has the right:

1. Make decisions within your competence.

2. Obtain information necessary to perform their duties.

3. Make proposals to the administration on improving the organization and conditions of their work.

4. Take part in meetings at which issues related to the scope of his activities are discussed.


The hospital nurse is responsible for failure to fulfill the duties provided for by these Regulations and internal labor regulations.


Legal and official relations at enterprises and organizations are documented and determine not only the general activities of the organization and its direction, but also a specific segment of responsibilities for each hired employee. The fundamental document that prescribes duties and imposes responsibilities on employees is the job description.

Sample of a typical job description for a nurse

The work of a ward nurse, as well as the duties of other employees of medical institutions, is coordinated and secured by an internal regulatory document. The job description of a ward nurse is developed directly in a medical institution and adapted to the needs of a specific clinic, hospital or pharmacy. Usually, when hiring junior medical personnel, there are no requirements for education and experience. The applicant only needs to understand the functions assigned to the ward staff. If the newly hired person has never worked in such a job before, then he is given individual training in the form of mandatory courses or an internship.

General provisions

The job description of a clinic nurse and the job description of a dental office nurse have functional differences from each other, but in a general sense they have equal responsibilities. Since junior medical personnel are mainly responsible for maintaining cleanliness in the premises and area, they are required to have basic knowledge in this area. Ward staff are required to know sanitary standards, personal and collective hygiene standards, health and safety rules. Direct work requires knowledge of the purpose of detergents and the method of their preparation.

Job responsibilities

Depending on the place of direct work of ward staff, responsibilities vary. The general requirements remain the same, but the instructions also reflect differences. Working in a surgical, therapeutic department or operating room involves the responsibilities of the ward staff not only in general maintenance and care of the premises, but also in changing bed linen, transporting it to the laundry, caring for patients in the form of taking out and bringing in the bedpan, as well as its disinfection. But working in a dental office or X-ray room, a nurse has the following job responsibilities:

  • daily cleaning of premises and general cleaning;
  • disinfection of spitting vessels;
  • waste sorting and removal;
  • maintaining cleanliness on the premises of the institution.

Based on the specifics of the medical institution, individual instructions are developed and approved based on an approximate standard job description.


Regardless of whether the ward staff works in a hospital inpatient unit, a research laboratory or a boarding home, the nurse has the right to be provided with free protective clothing and work equipment. The ward nurse can seek help or clarification from both junior and senior medical workers. She also has the right to make proposals for her work and must be notified of all projects that contain information about her direct responsibilities.


The nurse is responsible for the dishonest performance of her duties and can be held liable for negligence, which entails a number of consequences. Ward personnel are held responsible for failure to comply with labor protection and fire safety rules and intentional mistakes. The ward staff is responsible for the safety of property and equipment, and in the event of its breakdown or loss, they bear financial responsibility.

Working conditions

Depending on the place of work, the instructions prescribe the working conditions of junior personnel. As for other employees, the working time schedule is prescribed in the internal labor regulations, and reference to the PVTR is made in this document. The preparation of this local document allows not only to clearly outline the range of work duties and responsibilities of personnel, but also to protect the rights of the employee, not allowing him to be burdened with functions beyond those specified.

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Job description of a ward nurse[name of organization, institution]

This job description has been developed and approved in accordance with the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other regulations governing labor relations.

1.1. The ward nurse belongs to the category of junior medical personnel and is directly subordinate to [name of the immediate supervisor].

1.2. A ward nurse is appointed to a position and dismissed from it by order of [name of the manager's position].

1.3. A person with secondary (complete) general education is accepted for the position of ward nurse without presenting any work experience requirements.

1.4. A ward nurse should know:

— rules of sanitation and occupational hygiene;

— purpose of detergents and rules for handling them;

— rules for patient care;

— basics of labor legislation;

— internal labor regulations;

— rules and regulations of labor protection, safety and fire protection.

2. Job responsibilities

The ward nurse is assigned the following job responsibilities:

2.1. Carrying out continuous round-the-clock monitoring of patients.

2.2. Providing assistance to medical and nursing personnel when performing diagnostic and therapeutic procedures.

2.3. Immediately notify medical personnel of a sudden deterioration in the patient's condition.

2.4. Carrying out all types of cleaning, maintaining cleanliness and order in assigned wards, sanitary room and department premises.

Job description of a nurse

Ventilation and quartzing of fixed chambers.

2.6. Cleaning bedside tables for bedridden patients after each meal.

2.7. Receiving underwear and bed linen from the sister-hostess and changing it.

2.8. Timely delivery, cleaning of the vessel and urinals, emptying and disinfecting them.

2.9. Assisting patients in taking a hygienic bath, undressing and dressing.

2.10. Observe precautions when working with biological fluids and disinfectants.

2.11. Carry out regular removal of garbage and medical waste.

2.12. [Other job responsibilities].

3. Rights

A ward nurse has the right:

3.1. For all social guarantees provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

3.2. To provide free special clothing, special shoes and other personal protective equipment.

3.3. Require the creation of conditions for the performance of professional duties, including the provision of the necessary equipment, inventory, a workplace that complies with sanitary and hygienic rules and regulations, etc.

3.4. Require the management of the organization to provide assistance in the performance of their professional duties and the exercise of rights.

3.5. Submit proposals for improvement of the organization and the methods of work performed by it for consideration by the management of the organization.

3.6. Get acquainted with draft decisions of the organization’s management relating to its activities.

3.7. Improve your professional qualifications.

3.8. [Other rights provided for Labor legislation Russian Federation].

4. Responsibility

The ward nurse is responsible for:

4.1. For non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of the duties provided for in these instructions - within the limits determined by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.3. For causing material damage to the employer - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

The job description has been developed in accordance with [name, number and date of document].

Head of HR department

[initials, surname]


[day month Year]


[job title]

[initials, surname]


[day month Year]

I have read the instructions:

[initials, surname]


[day month Year]



· know the basic rules of asepsis and antiseptics;

· clean the operating room;

· sort and hand over surgical linen and special clothing to the laundry;

· prepare the necessary supplies for hand treatment for surgery (basins, solutions, napkins);

· be able to handle everyday used devices (turning on and off lamps, electrocoagulator, giving the operating table different positions);

· assist in positioning and removing the patient from the operating table;

· during the operation, the nurse is directly subordinate to the operating nurse, with whom she works in the operating room, but immediately carries out all orders of the operating surgeon.

· log of bacteriological control of instruments, dressings, surgical linen and hand washes;

· journal of histological examination results;

· inventory log;

· alcohol consumption log;

· log of dressings consumption;

· log of consumption of acutely scarce funds;

· log of safety precautions and safety instructions for operating unit employees;

· quality log of pre-sterilization cleaning;

· a logbook for recording employees for the detection of bacteria carriers, taking blood for Australian antigen, AIDS, HCV hepatitis C antigen, chest fluorography results;

· sanitary inspection log of the sanitary and epidemiological station.

To select an adequate volume of surgery and subsequent treatment, sometimes there is a need for bacteriological, biochemical, cytological, morphological, radiological, endoscopic, ultrasound and other studies. These studies are carried out when they are feasible only during surgery or a situation arises where their use is necessary.

What are the general provisions of the job description of a nurse?

The number of intraoperative studies should be reduced as much as possible and carried out in the preoperative period.

If there is an effusion, it should be taken for bacteriological, biochemical and cytological studies. Bacteriological examination is necessary to identify microflora and determine its sensitivity to antibiotics. Biochemical studies make it possible to determine whether it is exudate or transudate, enzyme activity in acute pancreatitis, and the presence of hydrochloric acid in patients with suspected perforated gastric ulcer. Cytological examination is necessary to identify atypical cells characteristic of malignancy.

Intraoperative X-ray examination is usually performed to determine the patency of the external bile ducts (cholangiography) or blood vessels (angiography). During cholecystectomy, intraoperative ultrasound examination is performed to identify stones in the common bile duct. The need for flexible endoscopy arises during video endosurgical intervention to identify a difficult-to-reach organ (esophagus) and determine the projection of the pathological focus located on the side of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract onto the anterior wall of the organ.

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Job description and responsibilities of a nurse

Job description of a nurse in the admission department

I. General part

A person with secondary medical education is appointed to the position of admission department nurse. Appointment and dismissal are made by the chief physician of the hospital upon the recommendation of the head of the department in accordance with current legislation. The admission department nurse reports directly to the senior nurse and the admission department doctor. In her work, she is guided by the orders of higher officials.

II. Responsibilities

1. Receives and registers arriving patients.

2. Conducts inspection and initial examination and diagnosis.

3. In his work he is guided by the basic rules:

Compliance with the principles of medical deontology;

Carrying out hand hygiene before and after contact with the patient, even during minor medical interventions;

Maintains calm and restraint, reassures the patient.

4. Conducts sanitary and hygienic treatment of newly admitted patients.

5. Treats medical supplies with disinfectants.

6. Provides qualified medical care, and in case of emergency - pre-hospital medical care.

7. When prescribed by a doctor, carries out the necessary manipulations.

8. Organizes the initial collection of blood and urine tests, ensures the delivery of biological material to the laboratory.

9. Maintains approved medical records and reporting documentation.

10. Transports patients to hospital treatment departments.

III. Rights

The admission department nurse has the right:

1. In the absence of a doctor, provide emergency first aid to patients.

2. Improve your professional qualifications in the prescribed manner.

IV. Responsibility

The admissions department nurse is responsible for unclear or untimely performance of duties provided for by the hospital’s internal labor regulations.

Agkatseva S.

What should a nurse's job description contain: examples and sample documents

A. — Training in practical skills in the system of secondary medical education. Algorithms of manipulation in the activities of a nurse.

III. Rights.

The treatment room nurse has the right to:

IV. Responsibility.

Bears responsibility for unclear or untimely fulfillment of duties provided for in these instructions and internal labor regulations.

Responsibilities of a guard and ward nurse

The workplace is a nurse's station in a hospital. Objectives of the activity: upon admission of a patient to the medical department, familiarizing him with the regime and structure of the department, - monitoring the condition of patients, - implementing measures to care for patients, - fulfilling medical prescriptions, - professional communication with medical staff. staff, patients, relatives of patients, etc.), - preparing patients for all types of studies, - compliance with medical, protective and sanitary-hygienic regimes in the department, - organizing and conducting sanitary and educational conversations, - maintaining documentation in the established form. THE NURSE SHOULD BE ABLE TO:

- perform all types of injections, - use a sterile table, tray, craft bags, - change the patient’s underwear and bed linen, - measure blood pressure, count pulse, pulse deficit, number of respiratory movements and record and mark the results graphically on the patient’s observation sheet, - draw up the necessary documentation (summary of the movement of patients in the hospital, portion requirements, requirements for medicines, patient observation cards; - prepare boxes for sterilization.

- take an ECG, - apply compresses, cups, mustard plasters, a heating pad, etc., - bandage a limb with an elastic bandage, - carry out measures to prevent bedsores, - wash the stomach, - perform all types of enemas, - take and return duty.

Job description of the ward nurse of the department

I. General part.

A person with secondary medical education is appointed to the position of ward nurse.

Appointed and dismissed by the chief physician of the hospital on the proposal of the head of the department in accordance with current legislation.

II. Responsibilities.

1. Provides care and monitoring of patients based on the principles of medical deontology.

2. Timely and accurately fulfills the instructions of the attending physician; in case of non-fulfillment of prescriptions, regardless of the reason, immediately reports this to the attending physician.

3. Organizes timely examination of patients in diagnostic rooms, with consultant doctors in the laboratory.

4. Monitors the patient’s condition, physiological functions, and sleep. Report any changes detected to the attending physician.

5. Immediately informs the attending physician, and in his absence, the head of the department or the doctor on duty about a sudden deterioration in the patient’s condition.

6. Participates in rounds of doctors in the wards assigned to her.

reports on the condition of patients, records prescribed treatment and care for patients, monitors the implementation of appointments.

7. Provides sanitary and hygienic services to the physically weakened and seriously ill (washes, feeds, gives drinks, washes the mouth, eyes, ears, etc. as needed).

8. Receives and places patients in the ward, checks the quality of sanitary treatment of newly admitted patients.

9. Checks packages for patients to prevent the intake of contraindicated foods and drinks.

10. Isolates patients in agony, is present at death, calls a doctor to confirm death, prepares the corpses of the dead for transfer to the morgue.

11. Assigns duty in the wards at the bedside of patients. While on duty, she inspects the premises assigned to her, the state of electric lighting, the presence of hard and soft equipment, medical equipment and instruments, and medicines. Signs for duty in the department diary.

12. Monitors the compliance of patients and their relatives with the daily regimen of the department. The nurse reports cases of violation of the regime to the senior nurse.

13. Manages the work of junior medical personnel and monitors their compliance with internal labor regulations.

14. Once a week, weighs patients, noting the patient’s weight in the medical history. All admitted patients measure body temperature 2 times a day and record the readings on a temperature sheet.

15. If signs of an infectious disease are detected in a patient, immediately inform the attending physician, upon his orders, isolate the patient and immediately carry out routine disinfection.

16. As prescribed by the doctor, counts pulse, respiration, measures the daily amount of urine, sputum, etc., and records this data in the medical history.

17. Monitors the sanitary maintenance of the wards assigned to her, as well as the personal hygiene of patients (skin care, mouth care, cutting hair and nails), timely taking hygienic baths, changing underwear and bed linen, records the change of linen in the medical history.

18. Takes care of the timely supply of patients with everything necessary for treatment and care.

19. In case of changes in the patient’s condition that require urgent measures, notify the department doctor about this, and in his absence, immediately call the doctor on duty and provide emergency pre-medical care.

20. Ensures that patients receive food according to the prescribed diet.

21. Ensures that the medicine given to the patient is taken in her presence.

22. Improves her professional qualifications by attending scientific and practical conferences for nursing staff and participating in the competition for the title “Best in the Profession.”

23. Maintains the necessary accounting documentation.

24. In the absence of the sister-housewife, together with the nurse, she is responsible for the safety of the received linen for the patients.

25. In the absence of the senior nurse, accompanies department doctors, the doctor on duty, and representatives of the administration during rounds. Enters all comments and orders made into the department diary.

III. Rights.

The ward nurse has the right:

1. In the absence of a doctor, provide emergency first aid to patients in the department.

2. Improve your professional qualifications at special courses in the prescribed manner.

3. Give orders to the nurse and monitor their implementation.

4. Obtain information necessary to perform their duties.

IV. Responsibility.

1. Bears responsibility for unclear or untimely fulfillment of duties provided for in these instructions and the internal labor regulations of the hospital.

Job description of a junior nurse for patient care

(.General part. A person who has completed courses for junior nurses in patient care is appointed to the position of junior nurse.

Directly reports to the ward nurse.

In his work he is guided by the orders of superior officials.

this instruction.

II. Responsibilities.

1. Helps the ward nurse in caring for patients.

2. Ensures that patients and premises are kept clean and tidy.

3. Changes underwear and bed linen.

4. Systematically carries out wet cleaning of premises and ventilates rooms.

5. Participates in the transportation of seriously ill patients.

6. Monitors the compliance of patients and visitors with the daily regimen of the department.

7. Ensures proper use and storage of patient care items.

8. Participates in plumbing classes.

III. Rights.

A junior nurse caring for patients has the right:

1. Make proposals to the management of the department to improve the organization of their working conditions.

2. Obtain information necessary to perform their duties.

IV. Responsibility.

Job description of a department nurse-cleaner

I. General part.

A person who has undergone individual training is appointed to the position of nurse-cleaner.

Ch 1391 The chief physician of the hospital is appointed and dismissed in accordance with current legislation.

Directly reports to the head nurse and the sister-hostess of the department.

In his work he is guided by the orders of superior officials and these instructions.

II. Responsibilities.

1. Cleans premises in accordance with established rules.

2. Helps the senior nurse in obtaining medications, instruments, equipment and delivering them to the department.

3. Receives from the housewife and ensures proper storage and use of underwear, household equipment and detergents.

4. Reports to the department nurse about all changes in the patients’ condition, their complaints, and violations of the department’s daily routine by patients.

5. Cleans bedside tables for bedridden patients after each meal. » 6. If an infectious disease is detected in a patient, he carries out current and final disinfection.

7. Monitors patients’ compliance with personal hygiene rules:

washes, washes, combs and cuts nails of patients who cannot do this due to their physical condition.

8. At the direction of the ward nurse of the department, accompanies patients to the treatment and diagnostic rooms.

9. Performs the functions of a courier.

10. Immediately informs the sister-hostess about noticed malfunctions in the heating system, water supply, sewerage, electrical appliances, etc.

11. Participates in classes on plumbing and advanced training conducted in the department for junior medical personnel.

III. Rights.

The department nurse has the right:

1. Obtain the information necessary to perform your duties.

2. Make proposals to the management of the department to improve the organization and conditions of their work.

IV. Responsibility.

Bears responsibility for unclear or untimely fulfillment of duties provided for in these instructions and the internal labor regulations of the hospital.

Job description of the department's nurse-bath attendant

A common part.

A person who has undergone individual training is appointed to the position of bath nurse.

Appointed and dismissed by the chief physician of the hospital in accordance with current legislation.

Directly reports to the senior nurse of the department.

In his work he is guided by the orders of superior officials and these instructions.

II. Responsibilities.

1. Prepares the premises and baths.

2. Systematically (after each patient) carries out sanitary and hygienic treatment of the bathtub and washcloths.

3. Provides assistance to patients when taking a hygienic bath, when undressing and dressing the patient.

4. In the absence of a junior nurse, he receives underwear and bed linen from the housewife and changes it.

5. Complies with safety precautions.

6. Participates in classes on basic plumbing and advanced training conducted in the department for junior medical personnel.

III. Rights.

The department's bathroom attendant has the right:

1. Obtain the information necessary to perform your duties.

2. Make proposals to the management of the department to improve the organization of their working conditions.

IV. Responsibility.

Bears responsibility for unclear or untimely fulfillment of duties provided for in these instructions and the internal labor regulations of the hospital.

Job description of a nurse in the dressing department

I. General part.

A person with secondary medical education and practical work experience of at least 3 years is appointed to the position of dressing room nurse.

Appointed and dismissed by the chief physician of the hospital in accordance with current legislation.

Directly reports to the head of the department and the senior nurse.

In his work he is guided by the orders of superior officials and these instructions.

II. Responsibilities.

1. Performs manipulations prescribed by a doctor and authorized to be performed by nursing staff.

2. Accompanies seriously ill patients to the ward after the procedures.

3. Strictly observes the rules of asepsis and antiseptics.

4. Prepares for sterilization and sterilizes instruments, syringes, droppers in accordance with current instructions.

5. Carries out systematic bacteriological control of the dressing room.

6. Ensures systematic replenishment, accounting, storage and consumption of medicines, dressings, instruments and linen.

7. Instructs junior medical staff in the dressing room and controls their work.

8. Maintains approved accounting and reporting documentation.

9. Systematically improves professional qualifications. 10. Conducts sanitary and educational work.

III. Rights.

The dressing room nurse has the right:

1. In the absence of a doctor, provide emergency pre-hospital medical care.

2. Improve professional qualifications at special courses in the prescribed manner.

3.. Require department staff to comply with the rules of asepsis and antisepsis when working in the dressing room.

4. Obtain information necessary to perform their duties.

5. Make proposals to the management of the department to improve the organization and working conditions.

IV. Responsibility.

Bears responsibility for unclear or untimely fulfillment of duties provided for in these instructions and the internal labor regulations of the hospital.

Responsibilities of an Intensive Care Unit Nurse (bit)

Workplace: intensive care unit.


- intensive monitoring of patients, care and treatment of patients with unstable angina, myocardial infarction and suspicion of it, - carrying out resuscitation measures if necessary, - continuous monitoring of the condition and appropriate treatment of all patients with acute coronary pathology (under the supervision of a physician).


— equipment of the intensive care unit and utility rooms, — mod. equipment and principles of its operation, safety precautions, - medications used to treat patients with acute coronary insufficiency, - clinical picture, course, complications of acute coronary insufficiency, - features of observation, care and treatment of patients in intensive care units, - principles of electropulse therapy , electrical stimulation of the heart, - primary diagnosis of cardiac arrhythmias, - basics of anesthesiology (nitrous oxide with oxygen, short-acting barbiturates, neuroleptic analgesia), - rules for admitting patients to the intensive care unit and transferring them to the rehabilitation department, - principles of the medical and protective regime in the intensive care unit , - signs of clinical death and the effects of fashion. sisters in this situation are indicators of acid-base balance.


- master the technique of working with special equipment (cardiac monitor, electrocardiograph, defibrillator, artificial respiration apparatus, gas anesthesia device - prepare it for work and participate in its use, assisting the doctor, - prepare everything for intubation and assist the doctor, - equip a mobile resuscitation cart, - prepare everything for venesection, assist the doctor, - participate in the process of catheterization of the subclavian artery and care for the patient with a catheter, - observe and evaluate the results of monitoring the patient, - evaluate indicators of acid-base status and electrolyte balance, - master the technique of infusion therapy and monitor the patient during its implementation, - assist the doctor when performing resuscitation measures, - master the technique of closed cardiac massage and breathing (mouth-to-mouth, mouth-to-nose), - use intercom, - keep a card of the resuscitated patient, - ascertain death and carry out measures for handling the corpse.

Job description of an operating nurse

A common part.

A person with secondary education who has undergone special training to work in the operating and dressing unit is appointed to the position of operating nurse.

Appointed and dismissed by the chief physician of the hospital on the proposal of the chief nurse in accordance with current legislation.

Directly reports to the senior operating nurse, in the process of preparation and during the operation - to the doctor - surgeon and his assistants, during the period of duty - to the doctor on duty of the department.

In his work he is guided by the rules and instructions for the section of work being performed, orders and instructions of superior officials, and these instructions.

II. Responsibilities.

1. Prepares the operating room and participants for the operation.

2. Monitors the timely delivery of the patient to the operating room, his correct positioning on the operating table and transportation from the operating room.

3. Provides assistance to the participants of the operation during its implementation. providing participants with the necessary tools, materials, equipment.

4. During the operation, monitors the timely return of instruments and dressings.

5. Monitors compliance with the rules of asepsis and antisepsis by all personnel in the operating room.

6. At the end of the operation, collects the instruments and counts them; carries out appropriate processing of instruments.

7. Prepares linen, dressings and sutures, clothing, masks, instruments and devices for sterilization; controls the quality of sterilization.

8. Monitors the timely referral for histological and bacteriological examination of material taken from the patient during surgery.

9. Maintains the necessary accounting and reporting documentation.

10. Accepts and passes duty on the operating unit, checks the availability of sterile linen, materials, solutions, instruments, etc., necessary for duty, the serviceability of equipment, the sanitary condition of the operating room. After the end of duty, he keeps a tally of the operating linen and materials used and what is left for the next shift.

III. Rights.

The operating nurse has the right:

1. Give orders to the operating room nurse during the operation.

2. Check the volume and quality of work performed by the nurses.

3. Monitor compliance with the rules of asepsis and antisepsis during the operation.

4. Make suggestions to the senior operating nurse and the head of the department to improve the organization of their work.

5. Obtain information necessary to perform their duties.

Responsibilities of a medical registrar in a clinic Job responsibilities of a standard setter Three-stage control of labor protection

The standard form of job description for a nurse includes the following sections:

  1. Basic provisions. This is the first section of the document, which describes the fundamental working conditions of the employee, such as:
    • necessary education;
    • experience;
    • the procedure for hiring, dismissing and replacing an employee;
    • the place of the staff unit in the overall organizational and staffing structure of the enterprise;
    • indication of the employee's immediate superior.

    Since a nurse performs simple labor functions, a candidate for this position only needs to have a high school diploma, although sometimes a certificate of completion of special courses may be required. The required work experience depends on the salary level of the specialist and may not be required at all or range from 1 to 2 years.

  2. Job rights and responsibilities of the employee.

Hospital nurse: responsibilities, functions and features


We bring to your attention a typical example of a job description for a nurse, sample 2018. The job description of a nurse should include the following sections: general position, job responsibilities of a nurse, rights of a nurse, responsibility of a nurse. The job description of a nurse belongs to the section “Qualification characteristics of positions of workers in the healthcare sector.”

The job description of a nurse must reflect the following points: Job responsibilities of a nurse 1) Job responsibilities. Cleans premises in a medical organization. Assists the senior nurse in obtaining medications, instruments, equipment and delivering them to the department.
Receives from the housewife and ensures proper storage and use of linen, household equipment, dishes and detergents.

Job description of a nurse


She reports to the senior medical staff on the physical condition of seriously ill patients, takes care of them (washes them, scrubs them, cuts their nails, combs their hair, turns them over, sits them down). In addition, the nurse must regularly improve her qualifications and attend classes held in the department for junior staff. Psychiatric hospital The responsibilities of a nurse in a psychiatric hospital are the same as in other medical institutions, but they differ in specifics.

Trained personnel, women and men over 20 years of age, are hired for this position. The main feature of working in a psychiatric hospital: nurses and orderlies must have good health, strong physical characteristics, and resistance to stress. Men are often hired for this type of work. Applicants should understand that nursing assistants in psychiatric hospitals may encounter a variety of traumatic situations.

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Job responsibilities of a hospital nurse

  • Notifying the housewife about malfunctions in electrical appliances and heating, water supply, and sewage systems.
  • Preparing premises for receiving patients.
  • Systematic (after each patient) sanitary and hygienic treatment of surfaces.
  • Assisting patients with undressing and dressing.
  • Timely informing the department management about the need to repair office equipment and inventory through the sister-owner.
  • Carrying out, in free time from the main work, by order of the head nurse, other work in the clinic, due to production needs.
  • The main job responsibilities of a ward and operating room nurse in a hospital The job responsibilities of a hospital nurse depend on where exactly she works - in the ward or operating room.

Job description of the receptionist nurse

The nurse reports directly to (the head of the department) 1.5. A nurse must know: - laws of the Russian Federation and other regulations governing the activities of healthcare institutions; — organizational structure of the healthcare institution; — rules of sanitation and hygiene, patient care; — purpose of detergents and rules for handling them; — ethical standards of behavior when communicating with patients; — internal labor regulations; — rules and regulations of labor protection, industrial sanitation, safety and fire protection; 1.6. During the absence of a nurse (business trip, vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed in the prescribed manner by an appointed person who bears full responsibility for their proper performance.

II. Job responsibilities of the Nurse: 2.1.

  • Cleaning your workplace and utility rooms.
  • Handing over dirty linen to the housewife and receiving clean linen, as well as putting the linen in bins for sterilization.
  • Helping the housewife send dirty laundry to the laundry and get clean clothes.
  • Carrying out minor repairs to linen.
  • Thorough knowledge of the structure of the operating table and how to position the patient during various operations.
  • Compliance with safety precautions when working with equipment in the operating room.
  • Knowledge of the basics of antisepsis and asepsis, strict adherence to them.
  • Compliance with the uniform adopted in the operating unit.
  • Rules for the design and application of a job description When working on drawing up a job description, you need to take into account not only the characteristics of the employee’s work activity, which affect the content, but also the rules for the external design of this document.

I. General part. A person who has completed individual training is appointed to the position of receptionist nurse. Appointed and dismissed by the chief physician of the hospital, in accordance with current legislation. Directly reports to the department nurse.

In his work he is guided by the orders and instructions of superior officials and these instructions. II. Responsibilities. 1. Accepts outerwear and shoes of patients sent to the medical department. After transferring the patient to the department, he takes outer clothing, shoes and underwear and returns them to the reception department.2.

Accompanies patients to the medical department.3. Undresses and dresses weakened patients admitted to the emergency department.4. Transports patients' belongings to the disinfection chamber and storage room.5. Performs wet cleaning of department premises. III. Rights.
The range of main work tasks of a nurse is directly dependent on the role in the institution she performs. Nurses are divided into barmaids, cleaners, and washers. Male orderlies work in physically difficult jobs (morgues, psychiatric hospitals).
The main list of responsibilities of nurses includes:

  • Ventilation of premises.
  • Cleaning wards, doctors' offices, restrooms, corridors.
  • Cleaning urinals, cleaning, serving.
  • Preparing items for patient care.
  • Change of linen.
  • Caring for seriously ill patients (transportation, shifting, bathing).
  • Carrying out instructions for the head nurse that are related to serving hospital patients.

Clinic What is the role of a nurse in a hospital? The duties of junior medical personnel relate to physical labor.

Job Descriptions


Ensures proper storage and use of linen, household equipment and detergents 2.2. Cleans premises in a medical facility in accordance with sanitary standards. 2.3. Assists the senior nurse in obtaining medications, instruments, equipment and delivering them to the department. 2.4. Accompanies patients to diagnostic and treatment rooms as directed by the nurse.


Cleans bedside tables for bedridden patients after each meal. 2.6. Performs the functions of a courier in pharmacies 2.7. Informs management about malfunctions in the heating system, water supply, sewerage and electrical appliances; 2.8.

Cleans pharmaceutical glassware. III. Rights The nurse has the right: 3.1. Make proposals to the management of the enterprise on the optimization and improvement of medical and social care, including on issues of their work activities.

Demand that the management of the institution provide assistance in the performance of their official duties and rights. 3.3. Receive information from company specialists necessary to effectively fulfill your job responsibilities. 3.4. Enjoy labor rights in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation III.

Responsibility The nurse is responsible for: 4.1. For the proper and timely performance of the duties assigned to him, provided for by this job description 4.2. For organizing your work and qualified execution of orders, instructions and instructions from the management of the enterprise. 4.3. For ensuring that employees subordinate to him comply with their duties. 4.4. For failure to comply with internal rules and safety regulations.
Impressionable people have nothing to do in such an institution. Rights Like any other employee, a nurse has rights. She has social guarantees, the right to receive special clothing, shoes and other personal protective equipment. In addition, she may require management to create comfortable conditions for the performance of professional duties, as well as to provide her with work equipment and tools that meet sanitary and hygienic requirements and standards. An employee has the right to make proposals to improve working conditions and methods, improve her qualifications, and demand that her immediate superiors observe their rights and obligations. Rights depend on the conditions of the institution in which the nurse works. In a hospital, responsibilities depend on the charter and other criteria, as well as in a private clinic, psychiatric hospital, and maternity hospital.

Job description of a ward nurse[name of organization, institution]

This job description has been developed and approved in accordance with the provisions of other legal acts governing labor relations.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The ward nurse belongs to the category of junior medical personnel and is directly subordinate to [name of the immediate supervisor].

1.2. A ward nurse is appointed to a position and dismissed from it by order of [name of the manager's position].

1.3. A person with secondary (complete) general education is accepted for the position of ward nurse without presenting any work experience requirements.

1.4. A ward nurse should know:

Rules of sanitation and occupational hygiene;

Purpose of detergents and rules for handling them;

Patient care rules;

Fundamentals of labor legislation;

Internal labor regulations;

Rules and regulations of labor protection, safety and fire protection.

2. Job responsibilities

The ward nurse is assigned the following job responsibilities:

2.1. Carrying out continuous round-the-clock monitoring of patients.

2.2. Providing assistance to medical and nursing personnel when performing diagnostic and therapeutic procedures.

2.3. Immediately notify medical personnel of a sudden deterioration in the patient's condition.

2.4. Carrying out all types of cleaning, maintaining cleanliness and order in assigned wards, sanitary room and department premises.

2.5. Ventilation and quartzing of fixed chambers.

2.6. Cleaning bedside tables for bedridden patients after each meal.

2.7. Receiving underwear and bed linen from the sister-hostess and changing it.

2.8. Timely delivery, cleaning of the vessel and urinals, emptying and disinfecting them.

2.9. Assisting patients in taking a hygienic bath, undressing and dressing.

2.10. Observe precautions when working with biological fluids and disinfectants.

2.11. Carry out regular removal of garbage and medical waste.

2.12. [Other job responsibilities].

3. Rights

A ward nurse has the right:

3.1. For all social guarantees provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

3.2. To provide free special clothing, special shoes and other personal protective equipment.

3.3. Require the creation of conditions for the performance of professional duties, including the provision of the necessary equipment, inventory, a workplace that complies with sanitary and hygienic rules and regulations, etc.

3.4. Require the management of the organization to provide assistance in the performance of their professional duties and the exercise of rights.

3.5. Submit proposals for improvement of the organization and the methods of work performed by it for consideration by the management of the organization.

3.6. Get acquainted with draft decisions of the organization’s management relating to its activities.

3.7. Improve your professional qualifications.

3.8. [Other rights provided for Labor legislation Russian Federation].

4. Responsibility

The ward nurse is responsible for:

4.1. For non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of the duties provided for in these instructions - within the limits determined by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.3. For causing material damage to the employer - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

The job description has been developed in accordance with [name, number and date of document].

Head of HR department

[initials, surname]


[day month Year]


[job title]

[initials, surname]


[day month Year]

I have read the instructions:

[initials, surname]


[day month Year]