Job description for an operator of electronic computers in a clinic. Job description of a computer operator Job description of a computer operator qualification requirements

Job description
computer operator[name of organization, enterprise, etc.]

This job description has been developed and approved in accordance with the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other regulations governing labor relations in the Russian Federation.

1.1. A computer operator belongs to the category of technical workers.

1.2. A person with [enter the required] education and work experience of at least [value] years is appointed to the position of computer operator.

1.3. Appointment to the position of computer operator and dismissal from it are made by order of the manager upon submission of [fill in what is required].

1.4. The computer operator must know:

— orders, instructions, instructions, instructions and other regulatory and administrative documents regulating the work of a computer operator;

— rules for computer operation and copier maintenance;

— rules for drawing up documents, including business documentation using standard forms;

— rules of spelling and punctuation;

— rules of record keeping;

— software (rules for working with Windows, Microsoft Office, etc.)

— means of computer technology, communications and communications;

— work culture and ethics of business communication;

— fundamentals of labor and labor protection legislation of the Russian Federation;

— the charter of the enterprise, its staffing table, internal labor regulations;

— rules and regulations of labor protection, safety precautions, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

1.5. The personnel computer operator reports to [fill in as appropriate].

2. Job responsibilities

Computer's operator

2.1. Carries out technical preparation of documentation necessary in the course of the company's work.

2.2. Copies documents using a copier.

2.3. Types various texts in compliance with the rules of spelling and punctuation, as well as standards for the design of organizational and administrative documentation.

2.4. Handles email, receives incoming emails and ensures outgoing emails are sent on time.

2.5. Prints and organizes necessary documents.

2.6. Enters various information into computer databases that is important and necessary for the operation of the company.

2.7. Monitors the condition of the computer and copy equipment.

2.8. Timely informs management about the need to purchase materials directly related to the production process.

2.9. The computer operator is obliged to:

2.9.1. timely respond to requests from other employees in the area of ​​professional activity, provide the required information in full;

2.9.2. comply with established deadlines for completing tasks and instructions;

2.9.3. provide assistance to work colleagues in solving problems of their activities in the event that assistance can lead to a qualitative improvement in performance results;

2.9.4. honestly and conscientiously fulfill the duties assigned to him;

Computer operator job responsibilities

2.9.6. keep official and commercial secrets;

2.9.7. comply with the rules of internal labor regulations, labor protection, safety precautions, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

3. Rights

The computer operator has the right:

3.1. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the company's management relating to its activities.

3.2. Submit proposals for improvement of work related to the duties provided for in this job description for management’s consideration.

3.3. Interact with employees of all structural divisions.

3.4. Request personally or on behalf of the immediate supervisor from employees of other divisions of the company information and documents necessary to perform their job duties.

3.5. Require the management of the enterprise to provide assistance in the performance of their official duties and rights.

4. Responsibility

The computer operator is responsible for:

4.1. failure to perform or improper performance of one's job duties as provided for in this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation;

4.2. offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation;

4.3. causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

The job description has been developed in accordance with [name, number and date of document]

Head of structural unit

[initials, surname]


[day month Year]


Head of the legal department

[initials, surname]


[day month Year]

I have read the instructions:

[initials, surname]


[day month Year]

Introduction to the profession “Computer operator”

Introduction to the profession “Computer operator”
Sabirova Zulfiya Akramovna,

additional education teacher,

Lesson objectives:


  • introduce students to the content of activities in the profession “Computer Operator”
  • contribute to the formation of students’ cognitive interest in the specialty “Electronic and computer operator”.
  • instill interest in this profession,


  • develop students’ abilities to analyze and compare,
  • develop skills and abilities to work with text;
  • educational:
  • formation of aesthetic taste.
  • Instilling the skills of diligence, accuracy, diligence, independence, respect for working people and their future profession.

Type: combined.

Lesson plan:

  1. Organizing time:
    a) getting to know the group;
    c) general information about students (questionnaire);
  2. Communicating the Topic and Goals
  3. Learning new material.
  1. history of the profession “Computer operator”
  2. Who is a Computer Operator?
  3. What does a computer operator do?
  4. What should a computer operator know and be able to do?
  5. what should a computer operator be like?
  6. medical contraindications?
  7. application area
  8. career prospects
  1. Practical work:
  1. creating a text file
  2. writing a file to media
  3. printing a file
  1. Consolidation of what has been learned
  2. Summarizing

During the classes

  1. Organizing time:
    The teacher greets and gets to know the students.
  2. Communicating the Topic and Goals
  3. Learning new material

History of the profession “Computer operator”

The profession has gained relevance quite recently. Before the advent of computers, there was no need for it. Then all information was stored in folders, written down in notebooks, and complex calculations were carried out by scientists. Nowadays no one bothers familiar professors to calculate any formulas - there are computers and computer operators...

The machines of the first generations were enormous in size; the computer centers of factories, factories, and enterprises occupied large areas. Each new generation of computers had greater capabilities compared to the previous one, and at the same time the dimensions of the machines decreased. Personal computers (PCs) appeared, for which the term “personal computer” (PC) was soon introduced.

Computer operator responsibilities

Currently, the content of the profession “Computer Operator”, by and large, means the activity of a PC operator.

Operator (lat. operator - worker) - an employee who manages or maintains any device, equipment.

Man's first assistant in counting was the abacus, an instrument used to count using pebbles. Rulers became a further improvement of the counting tool. The next stage in the development of calculating devices is the creation of calculating machines. And after them came the turn of computers (electronic computers).

The responsibilities of a computer operator include:

  • conducting the information input process: input-output of information from data carriers, communication channels and processing of this information; recording, reading, copying information and rewriting from one medium to another;
  • using the capabilities of operating systems (OS), loading OS and managing their operation;
  • working in shell programs;
  • working with databases;
  • working with text and graphic editors;
  • working with spreadsheets;
  • ensuring compliance with labor safety standards and regulations;
  • search for information;
  • identifying the causes of failures in the information processing process, analyzing and deciding on further actions.

Thus, the main goal of the computer operator’s activity is the automated input, production, processing and storage of various information.

What should a computer operator know and be able to do?

should be able to:

  • conduct the process of processing information on a computer,
  • enter information into the computer from data carriers, communication channels and output it from the machine
  • prepare storage media on data preparation devices,
  • write, read, copy and rewrite information from one type of media to another,
  • ensure the conduct and control of the computing process in accordance with the order of processing user programs on the computer,
  • establish the causes of computer failures in the process of information processing,
    document the results of the work performed,
  • comply with occupational safety and fire safety requirements;

must know:

  • composition of a computer: functional components of a computer, their purpose and principles of operation.
  • Algorithmic programming languages ​​and operating systems used in computers.
  • Rules for technical operation of computers.
  • Peripheral external devices used in computers, functional units, their purpose.
  • Types and causes of computer failures.
  • Norms and rules of labor and fire safety.
  • Basic information on complex automation and production management.

What should a computer operator be like?
a) the requirements of the profession for the individual abilities of a specialist:

      1. neuropsychic stability;
      2. physical endurance;
      3. logical thinking;
      4. ability for high distribution and stability of attention;
      5. good long-term and operational memory;
      6. perseverance;
      7. endurance of the visual analyzer;
      8. accuracy and speed of coordination of movements of the hands and fingers.

b) requirements of the profession for the personal abilities and qualities of a specialist:

  • personal organization;
  • efficiency;
  • tolerance;
  • attentiveness;
  • responsibility.

Medical contraindications

      1. neuropsychic;
      2. musculoskeletal system (disease of the hands and fingers);
      3. visual and auditory analyzers.

Areas of application of the profession

  • enterprise computer centers;
  • — research organizations;
  • — commercial companies;
  • — industrial enterprises;
  • — all kinds of scientific and educational structures.

Working in offices, printing houses, advertising agencies and publishing houses, providing services as a secretary and clerk, advertising and selling computer equipment and programs, consumables, office and network equipment can also become the scope of activity of a computer operator.

Currently, there are many courses, and mastering the profession of a computer operator will not be difficult. The career growth of a computer operator depends on the category of specialist (2-4) and work experience in the field of information processes. Professionals in their field can be promoted to senior computer operator.

Career prospects are associated with a change of profession or position in the same place after additional training.

  1. Practical work:
  1. creating a text file
  2. editing a text file
  3. writing a file to media
  4. printing a file
  1. Consolidation of what has been learned

Answer the questions:

  1. How long ago did the profession of Computer Operator appear?
  2. What is included in the activities of a Computer Operator?
  3. What qualities should a person who wants to become a computer operator have?
  4. Who is this profession contraindicated for?
  5. Name related professions?
  1. Summarizing.
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Job responsibilities of a computer software engineer

Software Engineer:

1. Participates in the creation of catalogs and file cabinets of standard programs, in the development of forms of documents subject to machine processing, in the design of programs that allow expanding the scope of application of computer technology.

2. Provides support for the implementation of programs and software.

3. Conducts adjustments to the developed program based on analysis of the output data.

4. Performs work on preparing programs for debugging and carries out debugging.

5. Determines the volume and content of these test cases, providing the most complete verification of the compliance of programs with their functional purpose.

6. Launches debugged programs and enters initial data determined by the conditions of the assigned tasks.

7. Determines information to be processed by computer technology, its volume, structure, layouts and schemes for input, processing, storage and output, methods of its control.

8. Develops instructions for working with programs, draws up the necessary technical documentation.

9. Selects a programming language to describe algorithms and data structures.

10. Determines the possibility of using ready-made software products.

11. Develops and implements systems for automatically checking the correctness of programs, standard and standard software, and develops information processing technology.

12. Performs work on unification and typification of computing processes.

13. Based on the analysis of mathematical models and algorithms for solving economic and other problems, develops programs that provide the ability to execute the algorithm and, accordingly, the assigned task using computer technology, tests and debugs them.

Job responsibilities of a PC operator

The PC operator must:

· Receive daily work assignments from the head of the electricity sales department.

· Carry out inspections of subscriber's metering devices and draw up a report. If necessary, recalculate the consumed electricity. Ensure that the amount of electricity consumed by the subscriber matches the data from the metering devices.

· Take measures to fulfill contractual obligations by the subscriber.

· Ensure timely full payment of consumed electricity by the subscriber.

· Take measures to prevent unaccounted consumption by the subscriber.

· Check the correct operation of metering devices.

· Check that the metering devices are turned on correctly.

· Check the correct sealing of metering devices.

· Monitor compliance with state inspection intervals.

checking metering devices.

· Reconcile metering data with registration data.

· Check the installation locations of metering devices with the data provided by the “subscriber”.

· Ensure that the “subscriber” takes measures to prevent unauthorized access to metering devices.

· Check the condition of metering devices and their correct operation.

· When performing official duties, present identification when visiting subscribers. Be polite, tactful and reserved.

· Know and correctly apply legislative acts and regulatory documents on energy supply.

· Know the location of subscribers.

Occupational health and safety when working on a PC

When starting to work on a computer, it is advisable to:

· It is not recommended to place the monitor near a bright light source because it is necessary to increase the brightness and contrast, which entails: increased eye strain, radiation, the phosphor of the screen burns out, and the service life of the monitor is reduced.

· Select the height of the chair.

· The monitor should be positioned at eye level and perpendicular to the viewing angle.

· The monitor screen and protective screen (both sides) must be clean.

· Lighting must comply with SanPiN standards.

· Inspect the workplace (location of blocks and their condition...).

· There should be no glare or strong contrast with external lighting on the monitor.

· The mouse is positioned so that it is convenient to work with it.

Job description of a computer operator of a medical institution

The wire should lie freely. When working with the mouse, there should be a space of at least 2-5 centimeters around the perimeter of the mat.

· The keyboard should be placed directly in front of the user working on the computer. A free space of 2-5 centimeters is left around the perimeter.

Safety requirements during operation

1. To protect against the harmful effects of a switched on video monitor on the body of a PC user, the following requirements must be observed;

· At the workplace, be located at a distance of at least 600-700 mm from the screen to the eyes;

· use screen filters of the “Full protection” type;

· observe a rational regime of work and rest during the working day, depending on the type and category of work activity.

2. When working with a PC, in order to avoid accidents, the following labor protection requirements must be observed:

· turn on and off connectors of connecting cables of devices only when the mains voltage is turned off;

· do not open covers, casings and protective screens of devices; this can only be done by specialists servicing the devices;

· do not search for or eliminate faults in the electrical network, for these purposes you should contact an appropriate specialist;

· do not leave the PC turned on without supervision.

3. Particular care should be taken when handling the video monitor, as It has a glass kinescope and if hit, it can be damaged and cause damage to someone working on a PC.

4. While printing devices (printers, ADCPs) are operating, it is not allowed to correct skewed paper or cartridge (ink ribbon). To fix them, you must first stop the device.

5. To avoid failure of PC devices, it is allowed to turn off their power supply no earlier than 30 seconds after it is turned on.

During a thunderstorm, all PC devices must be turned off.

7. To avoid failure of PC devices, you should not allow them to be turned on and off frequently during the working day.

Safety requirement after completion of work

1.After finishing work, you must turn off the PC devices in the following sequence. Work only with dry hands:

· turn off the power to the video monitor and other PC devices;

· turn off the power to the PC system unit;

· turn off the uninterruptible power supply units of PC devices (if any are included in the PC devices);

· remove the PC network cable plugs from the electrical outlets;

· turn off the general power switch for PC devices.

Job description of a computer operator

1.1. A computer operator (hereinafter referred to as operator) belongs to the category of technical workers, is hired and dismissed by order of the director, and is a materially responsible person.
1.2. A person with secondary specialized education without requirements for work experience, secondary education and special training according to an established program or with work experience in the relevant specialty of at least 1 year is appointed to the position of operator.
1.3. The operator reports to the head of the department, deputy director and directly to the director of the enterprise.
1.4. In its activities, the operator is guided by:

Regulatory documents and methodological materials on the work performed;
Charter of the enterprise;
Internal labor regulations;
Orders and instructions of the director;
This job description.
1.5 The operator is guided by the established working hours. A break from work for rest according to the established schedule of breaks from work.

2.1 Control of the work of the document processing department (senior operator)
2.2. Receiving applications for the supply of products from customers and company managers.
2.3. Timely issuance of invoices and invoices, as well as relevant
accompanying documents.
2.4. Before releasing goods from the warehouse, strictly check the accuracy and compliance of the accompanying documents in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the internal rules of the enterprise.
2.5. Systematization, archiving and storage of shipped, correctly executed and corrected invoices and invoices in accordance with the established procedure at the enterprise.
2.6. Follow all management orders directly related to the production process, in general, and to your direct responsibilities.
2.7. Strict control of timely shipment of goods to customers. Maintaining necessary logs, reports and other documentation (including in electronic form) to assist in the performance of one’s job duties in accordance with established requirements for their maintenance and storage.

Know all the company's products and advise customers on the range and prices. Direct all your activities towards strengthening the customer base, the company’s image and ultimately increasing the company’s profit.
2.9. Know all the job responsibilities of a cashier-operator, a certificate specialist and, in case of production need, fill the above position.
2.10. Maintain computer and office equipment, other office equipment assigned to him or for general use, and his workplace in proper condition.
2.11 Timely inform management about the acquisition of necessary materials directly related to the production process.
2.12. In case of failure to fulfill labor duties or improper control resulting in a failure in the production process or loss of profit of the enterprise, or other indirect material or moral losses, he is obliged to fully cover the costs or pay a fine in the amount established by the management of the enterprise.
2.13. Observe labor discipline, safety precautions and comply with internal regulations established in the company.


The operator is responsible:
3.1. For the proper performance of their job duties as provided for in this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation and the internal rules of the enterprise.
3.2. For committing an offense in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current labor, administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
3.3. For causing material damage (incl.

Computer operator - nuances of job responsibilities

fines imposed on the organization by regulatory authorities relating to improper performance of their labor duties) - within the limits of the agreement on liability concluded with the enterprise.

The operator has the right:
4.1. Get acquainted with draft decisions of the enterprise management directly related to its activities.
4.2. Submit proposals for improvement of work related to the responsibilities provided for in these instructions for consideration by management.
4.3. Require the management of the enterprise to provide assistance in the performance of their official duties. Internal labor regulations established at the enterprise.

2018 © job descriptions

Job description of a computer operator

Operators of electronic computers, engaged in entering various information, prepare and transfer digital and other information from the control panel to electronic computers in accordance with work instructions.

Their responsibilities include:

— performing preparatory operations related to entering information into an electronic computer (computer);

— entering digital and other information into a computer from technical storage media and communication channels and outputting it from the machine;

— transmission via communication channels of calculated data received on machines for subsequent operations;

— preparation of technical storage media on data preparation devices;

— recording, reading and rewriting information from one type of media to another;

— control of technical storage media;

— ensuring that the information processing process is carried out in accordance with work programs;

— monitoring the operation of the computer;

— establishing the causes of failures in the process of information processing;

— registration of the results of work performed;

— performance of related duties;

— exercising control over other employees.

Examples of professions included in this basic group:

Operator of electronic computers

Computer operator.


Using the information in this article and the methodology for creating a job description, develop a job description. To evaluate your work, create a topic on the forum. We will always help and appreciate.

The computer operator must know:

Orders, directions, instructions, instructions and other normative and administrative
documents regulating the work of a computer operator;

Rules for computer operation and copier maintenance;

Rules for the preparation of documents, including business documentation using standard forms;

Spelling and punctuation rules;

Rules of record keeping;

Software (rules for working with Windows, Microsoft Office, etc.)

Computer technology, communications and communications;

Work culture and ethics of business communication;

Fundamentals of labor and labor protection legislation of the Russian Federation;

The charter of the enterprise, its staffing schedule, internal labor regulations;

Rules and regulations of occupational health, safety, industrial sanitation and
fire protection.

The staff computer operator is subordinate to

3.1. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the company's management relating to its activities.

3.2. Submit proposals for improvement of work for consideration by management,
related to the duties provided for in this job description.

3.3. Interact with employees of all structural divisions.

3.4. Request personally or on behalf of the immediate supervisor from employees
other departments of the company information and documents necessary to perform their official duties.

3.5. Require the management of the enterprise to provide assistance in fulfilling its
official duties and rights.

“Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Work and Professions of Workers”, purpose and content of ETKS

The Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Work and Professions of Workers consists of tariff and qualification characteristics containing characteristics of the main types of work by profession of workers, depending on their complexity, and the corresponding tariff categories, as well as the requirements for the professional knowledge and skills of workers.

Characteristics of the profession “Electronic computer operator”: according to ETKS.

Conducting the process of processing information on electronic computers according to work instructions from the control panel. Entering information into electronic computers
machine (computer) from technical storage media and communication channels and its output from the machine. Transmission of calculated data received on machines for subsequent operations via communication channels. Preparation of technical storage media on data preparation devices.

Writing, reading and rewriting information from one type of media to another. Control of technical storage media. Ensuring that the computational process is carried out in accordance with work programs. Monitoring the operation of the computer. Determining the causes of failures in the process of information processing. A record of the use of machine time and noticed defects in machine operation in the machine time log. Registration of the results of completed work.

Must know: the structure of the computer control panel and the rules of its technical operation; basics of programming in the scope of secondary special or general education and course training; work instructions and other information processing guidance materials; technical storage media, codes used on computers, the structure of output tables for detecting failures during computer operation.

Responsibilities of a computer operator, according to the All-Russian Classifier of Occupations, give examples of professions included in this basic group.

Computer maintenance technicians and operators carry out standard computer software, maintain and monitor the operation of computer equipment, means of receiving and transmitting information, and participate in the improvement of data processing systems.

Their responsibilities include:

Operation and control over the operation of electronic computer equipment;

Organization and efficient execution of computing operations;

Preparing computer equipment for work, drawing up information processing schemes, programs and algorithms for solving problems;

Carrying out maintenance, test checks, preventive inspections, adjustments, adjustments and routine repairs of equipment;

Keeping records of the volume of work performed, the use of machine time, and noticed defects in the operation of machines;

Perform related duties;

Supervising other employees.

Examples of professions included in this basic group:

Technician (for computer maintenance) Computer operator

Profession Operator of computers and electronic computers, characteristics of work and responsibilities, in accordance with the resolution of the Ministry of Mineral Resources of the Russian Federation “On approval of tariff and qualification characteristics for general industry professions of workers.”

Conducting the process of information processing on electronic computers according to work instructions from the control panel. Inputting information into electronic computers (computers) from technical storage media and communication channels and outputting it from the machines. Transmission of calculated data received on machines for subsequent operations via communication channels. Processing of primary documents on computers of various types by summing up the indicators of reports with folding and lining of tables, calculations according to engineering design calculations.

Issuing invoices and drawing up statements, tables, summaries, reports in a mechanized way, with information output on punched tape. Control of calculations, reconciliation of discrepancies according to the primary document. Preparing the machine for work, installing a control bus or block diagram for this work. Introduction of punching, verification, duplication, reproduction and tabulation of punched cards. Reading and punching holes of encoded information contained in punched cards based on graphic marks.

Checking the correctness of the transfer of information from primary documents to punched cards “to the light” and counting control and the correctness of interruption of incorrectly punched punched cards with correction of the corresponding indicators and totals in the tabulation chart.

Control of tabulagrams compiled in a mechanized way, comparing their final data with control numbers; carrying out selective balancing with a mark in the margins of the tabs; recording the verified tabulation results in the control numbers journal; design and release of verified tabulagrams. Setting up the machine using simple switching schemes and independently performing simple re-switching. Installation of a ruler, stops and tabulation plates for multiple passes of punched cards. Working with mathematical reference books and tables. Preparation of accompanying documents and work orders for work performed.

Must know:

Technical and operational characteristics of computers;

The design of the control panel and the rules of technical operation of the computer;

Guiding materials that determine the sequence and content of the performed operations of the technological process;

Current ciphers and codes;

Methods of carrying out calculations and computational work, monitoring technical storage media;

Basics of switching and simple block diagrams for setting up machines;

Forms of initial and issued documents;

Fundamentals of programming in the scope of secondary specialized or general education and course preparation.

The influence of PC on human health;

- Headache and eye pain;

Fatigue, dizziness;

Night sleep disturbance;

Drowsiness during the day;

Mood changes;

Increased irritability;


Decreased intellectual abilities, memory impairment;

Tension of the skin of the forehead and head;

Hair loss;

Muscle pain;

Pain in the heart area, uneven heartbeat, shortness of breath;

Decreased sexual activity.

Safety instructions, basic provisions, purpose;

1.1. This instruction applies to the following gymnasium employees:

1.2. While working with a PC, the operator may be exposed to the following dangerous and harmful factors:

a) physical:

Low frequency electric and magnetic fields;


Air ionization;

Dangerous voltage in the electrical network;

b) chemical:

Harmful chemicals released during operation of printers and copying equipment;

c) psychophysiological:

Strain of vision and attention;

Intellectual and emotional stress;

Long-term static loads and monotony of work.

1.3. The following persons are allowed to work with a PC:

At least 18 years of age, who have undergone mandatory preliminary hiring and annual medical examinations in the manner and within the time limits established by the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of Russia and the State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance of Russia, and who have no medical contraindications for working with PCs and VDTs;

Have completed a course in the principles of working with computer technology and special training in working on a personal computer using specific software;

Have completed an introductory briefing on electrical safety with assignment to the 1st qualification group;

Familiarized with the operating instructions for the office equipment used in the workplace (PCs themselves, printers, scanners, uninterruptible power supplies, etc.). 1.4. Women are not allowed to work with PCs from the time of pregnancy and during breastfeeding.

Scope and application of the safety instructions;

This instruction applies to the following gymnasium employees:

Programmers involved in PC development, testing and debugging of programs;

PC users (workers who combine the work of a PC operator with their main job).
The workers listed above are hereinafter called operators.

Study the instructions located in your computer lab. What points could be added to the instructions, what points do you consider unnecessary;

I believe that there are no unnecessary points in our instructions and there is no need to add them.

Requirements for personnel operating computer equipment and peripheral equipment;

Only specially trained personnel who are at least 18 years old and fit for health reasons and qualifications to perform the specified work are allowed to operate electrical equipment independently.

Electrical safety requirement;

1. It is necessary to constantly monitor at your workplace the good condition of electrical wiring, switches, plug sockets with which the equipment is connected to the network. If a malfunction is detected, immediately turn off the power to the electrical equipment and notify the administration. Continued operation is only possible after the fault has been eliminated.

2.To avoid damage to the wire insulation and short circuits, the following is not permitted:

a) hang something on wires;

b) paint over and whiten cords and wires;

c) lay wires and cords behind the radiators of the heating system;

d) pull the plug out of the socket by the cord, force must be applied to the body of the plug.

3. To prevent electric shock, the following is prohibited:

a) often turn the computer on and off unnecessarily;

b) touch the screen and the back of the computer blocks;

c) work with equipment with wet hands;

d) work with equipment if the integrity of the housing, wire insulation, faulty power-on indication, or signs of electrical voltage on the housing are damaged.

e) place foreign objects on the equipment.

5. To avoid electric shock, when using electrical appliances, you must not simultaneously touch any pipelines, heating radiators, or metal structures connected to the ground.

6. If a broken wire is discovered, you must immediately inform the administration about it and take measures to prevent people from coming into contact with it. Touching the wire is life-threatening.

7. The salvation of a victim in case of electric shock mainly depends on the speed of his release from the action of the current.

If a fire hazard or fire occurs, personnel must immediately take the necessary measures to eliminate it, and at the same time notify the administration about the fire.

Features of the power supply of the system unit;

All components of the system unit receive electricity from the power supply. The PC power supply is a stand-alone unit located at the top of the system unit. Safety regulations do not prohibit opening the system unit, for example, when installing additional internal devices or upgrading them, but this does not apply to the power supply. The computer power supply is a source of increased fire hazard, so it can only be opened and repaired in specialized workshops.

The power supply has a built-in fan and ventilation holes. Due to this, dust will inevitably accumulate in it, which can cause a short circuit. It is recommended to periodically (once or twice a year) use a vacuum cleaner to remove dust from the power supply through the ventilation holes without opening the system unit. It is especially important to perform this operation before each transportation or tilt of the system unit.

Video system requirements;

In the past, monitors were viewed primarily as a source of harmful radiation, primarily affecting the eyes. Today this approach is considered insufficient. In addition to harmful electromagnetic radiation (which on modern monitors has been reduced to a relatively safe level), image quality parameters must be taken into account, and they are determined not only by the monitor, but also by the video adapter, that is, the entire video system as a whole.

Workplace requirements;

The requirements for the workplace include requirements for a desktop, a seat (chair, armchair), rests for arms and legs. Despite its apparent simplicity, ensuring the correct placement of computer system elements and the correct seating of the user is extremely difficult. A complete solution to the problem requires additional costs comparable in magnitude to the cost of individual components of a computer system, therefore, both in production and in production, these requirements are often neglected.

Despite the fact that schoolchildren spend relatively little time in the computer classroom, teaching them proper occupational hygiene through a worthy example is very important so that useful skills are reinforced for life.

This is not just a hygiene requirement, but a methodological requirement:

1. The monitor should be installed directly in front of the user and should not require rotation of the head or body.

2. The desktop and seat should be of such a height that the user's eye level is slightly above the center of the monitor. You should look at the monitor screen from top to bottom, and not vice versa. Even short-term work with a monitor installed too high leads to fatigue of the cervical spine.

3. If, when correctly installing the monitor relative to eye level, it turns out that the user’s feet cannot rest freely on the floor, a footrest should be installed, preferably an inclined one. If the legs do not have reliable support, this will certainly lead to poor posture and fatigue of the spine. It is convenient when computer furniture (desk and work chair) have means for height adjustment. In this case, it is easier to achieve the optimal position.

4. The keyboard should be located at such a height that the fingers rest on it freely, without tension, and the angle between the shoulder and forearm is 100° - 110°. When using ordinary school desks, it is almost impossible to achieve the correct position of both the monitor and the keyboard at the same time. For work, it is recommended to use special computer tables that have pull-out shelves for the keyboard. If there is no such shelf and the keyboard is located on the same table as the monitor, the use of a footrest becomes almost inevitable, especially when children work with the computer.

5. Working with the keyboard for a long time may cause fatigue in the tendons of the wrist joint. A serious occupational disease is known - carpal tunnel syndrome, associated with incorrect hand position on the keyboard. To avoid excessive stress on the hand, it is advisable to provide a work chair with armrests, the height of which, measured from the floor, coincides with the height of the keyboard.

6. When working with the mouse, your hand should not be suspended. The elbow or at least the wrist should have firm support. If it is difficult to provide the necessary location of the desktop and chair, it is recommended to use a mouse pad with a special support roller. There are often cases when, in search of support for the hand (usually the right one), the monitor is placed on the side of the user (respectively, on the left) so that he works half-turned, resting the elbow or wrist of the right hand on the table. This technique is unacceptable. The monitor must be directly in front of the user.

Fire safety requirements;

It is prohibited to have flammable substances in the workplace.

The following is prohibited on the premises:

a) light a fire;

b) turn on electrical equipment if the room smells of gas;

c) smoke;

d) dry something on heating devices;

e) close ventilation holes in electrical equipment

Sources of ignition are:

a) spark due to static electricity discharge

b) sparks from electrical equipment

c) sparks from impact and friction

d) open flame

If a fire hazard or fire occurs, personnel must immediately take the necessary measures to eliminate it, and at the same time notify the administration about the fire.

Premises with electrical equipment must be equipped with fire extinguishers of the OU-2 or OUB-3 type.

Occupational safety requirements when working on a PC;

The maximum time spent working on a computer should not exceed 6 hours per shift.

It is necessary to take a break from working at the computer for 10 minutes every 45 minutes.

The duration of continuous work at the computer without a regulated break should not exceed 1 hour.

Characteristics of the enterprise

Activities of the enterprise

General provisions

Charter of the enterprise.

Operator Responsibilities



The operator has the right:

Policy of JSC "IRM" in the field of labor protection and ecology

The company strives to ensure stable operation and produce products that meet the requirements and expectations of consumers, personnel, and suppliers. Ensuring the safety and health of workers, preventing accidents and occupational diseases at work, and harmful effects on the environment are among the priorities and are an integral part of activities in the workplace.


Smoking is prohibited on the territory and in the production premises of the industrial site.

Smoking is allowed in specially designated areas, the location of which will be indicated to you by an attendant.

Security on site

Do not enter buildings or rooms to which you do not have access.

Move only along pedestrian routes indicated on the diagram for the movement of workers and vehicles.

Pay attention to traffic signals, warning signs and safety signs, and strictly follow the requirements contained therein.

There are areas on the territory of the enterprise that belong to areas of potentially hazardous production factors.

Do not stay in areas with signal or safety fences around the perimeter.

The main harmful production factor is ionizing radiation. Levels of ionizing radiation do not exceed permissible values.

Characteristics of the workplace

The workplace has natural and artificial lighting. The area with the computer is 6 m2. Partitions 1.5 m high are installed between workstations. The workplace is equipped with a chair with an adjustable backrest and seat.


Samsung laptop;

Processor Intel Core i3 2.40GHz;

RAM 4(GB);

Printer, scanner, copier HP;


OS Windows 7 SP1, x64;

Antivirus software: Kaspersky Internet Security;

Archiver: WinRAR;

Bios: Phoenix Technologies Ltd. P05RAC, 08/10/2012;


Laptop is a portable personal computer that contains typical PC components, including a display, keyboard and pointing device (usually a touchpad, or touchpad), and batteries. Laptops are small in size and weight; the battery life of laptops varies from 2 to 15 hours.

CPU is an electronic unit or integrated circuit that executes machine instructions, the main part of the computer hardware.

Core i3 This is a family of dual-core processors from Intel.

RAM(RAM) is a temporary computer memory that operates when the computer is turned on and is needed for the normal operation of programs and processes.

Printer is an external computer peripheral device designed to display text or graphic information.

Scanner is an input device that, by analyzing an object (usually an image, text), creates a digital copy of the object’s image.

Copy machine is a device designed to produce copies of documents, photographs, drawings and other two-dimensional images on paper and other materials.

Antivirus program(antivirus) is a specialized program for detecting computer viruses, as well as unwanted programs and restoring files infected by such programs, as well as for prevention - preventing infection of files or the operating system with malicious code.

Kaspersky Internet Security is a reliable and convenient anti-virus software for Internet protection.

Archiver is a program that packs one or more files into an archive or a series of archives for ease of transfer or storage, as well as unpacks archives.

WinRAR– archiver of files in RAR and ZIP formats for 32- and 64-bit Windows operating systems.

BIOS is a collection of firmware that allows you to configure individual components of the system unit, as well as the operating system loader and other configuration of important parameters.

Types of jobs

Conclusions and offers

From June 6 to June 24, I completed an internship at JSC Institute of Reactor Materials. The main activity of the enterprise is conducting research with nuclear energy and conducting reactor tests. On the first day, we were introduced to safety precautions and the job description of a computer operator.

In practice, I worked on a Samsung laptop running the Windows 7 operating system, with the standard Office suite.

In practice, I performed the following types of work:

Installation of the operating system;

Transferring data from a table to a special program;

Printing of documents;

Checking your laptop for viruses


Creation of the enterprise structure of JSC IRM

Creating an office plan

Creating a video about the internship

Characteristics of the enterprise

Joint Stock Company "Institute of Reactor Materials" (JSC "IRM") (an enterprise of the State Corporation "Rosatom") is the nuclear center of the Urals for materials science. The institute began its activities in 1966 - in April of this year the physical start-up of the IVV-2 reactor was carried out. The institute is located in the city of Zarechny in the Urals, 50 km east of Yekaterinburg.

Activities of the enterprise

Conducting reactor tests of materials and structures of nuclear power plants in stationary and maneuverable modes;

Conducting pre-reactor and post-reactor materials science studies to determine the service properties of materials of elements and structures of the active zones of nuclear and thermonuclear installations;

Conducting research in solid state physics;

Conducting analytical studies using nuclear physical methods;

Production of radioactive isotopes.

The main activity of the Institute of Reactor Materials is related to R&D in the field of nuclear energy. Along with this, the company is developing production activities related to the production of radioisotope products, 99% of which are exported to the USA and Western European countries: Great Britain, Germany, and the Netherlands.

In the structure of production activities of JSC IRM, 40% of radioisotope products are produced for the needs of industry (gamma radiation sources for flaw detection), and 60% for the needs of nuclear medicine and the pharmaceutical industry.

Job description of a computer operator

General provisions

A computer operator belongs to the category of technical workers, is hired and fired by order of the director, and is a materially responsible person.

A person with a secondary specialized education without requirements for work experience, secondary education and special training according to an established program or with work experience in the relevant specialty of at least 1 year is appointed to the position of operator.

The operator reports to the head of the department, deputy director and directly to the director of the enterprise.

In its activities, the operator is guided by:

Regulatory documents and methodological materials on the work performed.

Charter of the enterprise.

Internal labor regulations.

Orders and instructions of the director.

This job description.

The operator is guided by the established working hours. A break from work for rest according to the established schedule of breaks from work.

Operator Responsibilities

Receiving applications for the supply of products from customers and company managers.

Timely issuance of invoices and invoices, as well as relevant accompanying documents.

Before releasing goods from the warehouse, strictly check the accuracy and compliance of the accompanying documents in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the internal rules of the enterprise.

Systematization, archiving and storage of shipped, correctly executed and corrected invoices and invoices in accordance with the established procedure at the enterprise.

Follow all management orders directly related to the production process, in general, and to your direct responsibilities.

Strict control of timely shipment of goods to customers. Maintaining necessary logs, reports and other documentation (including in electronic form) to assist in the performance of one’s job duties in accordance with established requirements for their maintenance and storage.

Know all the company's products and advise customers on the range and prices. Direct all your activities towards strengthening the customer base, the company’s image and ultimately increasing the company’s profit.

Know all the job responsibilities of a cashier-operator, a certificate specialist and, in case of production need, fill the above position.

Timely inform management about the acquisition of necessary materials directly related to the production process.

In case of failure to fulfill labor duties or improper control, resulting in a failure in the production process or loss of profit of the enterprise, or other indirect material or moral losses, the employee must fully cover the costs or pay a fine in the amount established by the management of the enterprise.

Observe labor discipline, safety precautions and comply with internal regulations established in the company.


The operator is responsible:

For the proper performance of their job duties as provided for in this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation and the internal rules of the enterprise.

For committing an offense in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current labor, administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

For causing material damage (including fines imposed on the organization by regulatory authorities regarding improper performance of their labor duties) - within the limits of the agreement on financial liability concluded with the enterprise.


The operator has the right:

Get acquainted with draft decisions of the enterprise management directly related to its activities.

Submit proposals for improvement of work related to the responsibilities provided for in these instructions for consideration by management.

Require the management of the enterprise to provide assistance in the performance of their official duties.

name of organization, enterprise]

[position, signature, full name of the manager or other

official authorized to approve

[day month Year]

computer operator[name of organization, enterprise, etc.]

This job description has been developed and approved in accordance with the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other regulations governing labor relations in the Russian Federation.

1. General Provisions

1.1. A computer operator belongs to the category of technical workers.

1.2. A person with [enter the required] education and work experience of at least [value] years is appointed to the position of computer operator.

1.3. Appointment to the position of computer operator and dismissal from it are made by order of the manager upon submission of [fill in what is required].

1.4. The computer operator must know:

— orders, instructions, instructions, instructions and other regulatory and administrative documents regulating the work of a computer operator;

— rules for computer operation and copier maintenance;

— rules for drawing up documents, including business documentation using standard forms;

— rules of spelling and punctuation;

— rules of record keeping;

— software (rules for working with Windows, Microsoft Office, etc.)

— means of computer technology, communications and communications;

— work culture and ethics of business communication;

— fundamentals of labor and labor protection legislation of the Russian Federation;

— the charter of the enterprise, its staffing table, internal labor regulations;

— rules and regulations of labor protection, safety precautions, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

1.5. The personnel computer operator reports to [fill in as appropriate].

2. Job responsibilities

2.1. Carries out technical preparation of documentation necessary in the course of the company's work.

2.2. Copies documents using a copier.

2.3. Types various texts in compliance with the rules of spelling and punctuation, as well as standards for the design of organizational and administrative documentation.

2.4. Handles email, receives incoming emails and ensures outgoing emails are sent on time.

2.5. Prints and organizes necessary documents.

2.6. Enters various information into computer databases that is important and necessary for the operation of the company.

2.7. Monitors the condition of the computer and copy equipment.

2.8. Timely informs management about the need to purchase materials directly related to the production process.

2.9. The computer operator is obliged to:

2.9.1. timely respond to requests from other employees in the area of ​​professional activity, provide the required information in full;

2.9.2. comply with established deadlines for completing tasks and instructions;

2.9.3. provide assistance to work colleagues in solving problems of their activities in the event that assistance can lead to a qualitative improvement in performance results;

2.9.4. honestly and conscientiously fulfill the duties assigned to him;

2.9.6. keep official and commercial secrets;

2.9.7. comply with the rules of internal labor regulations, labor protection, safety precautions, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

3. Rights

The computer operator has the right:

3.1. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the company's management relating to its activities.

3.2. Submit proposals for improvement of work related to the duties provided for in this job description for management’s consideration.

3.3. Interact with employees of all structural divisions.

3.4. Request personally or on behalf of the immediate supervisor from employees of other divisions of the company information and documents necessary to perform their job duties.

3.5. Require the management of the enterprise to provide assistance in the performance of their official duties and rights.

4. Responsibility

The computer operator is responsible for:

4.1. failure to perform or improper performance of one's job duties as provided for in this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation;

4.2. offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation;

4.3. causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

The job description has been developed in accordance with [name, number and date of document]

Job responsibilities of a computer operator (PC)

1) The operator must know the requirements of labor protection and fire safety

2) The structure of the system unit, the rules of its operation, types and causes of failures

3) the concept of file and directory

4) the concept of a computer virus

5) basic provisions and functions of the OS

5) Windows OS, basic capabilities of the operating system, basic techniques for formatting documents

6) Standard and special Windows programs

7)Working instructions for information processing

8) know storage media

9) purposes and capabilities of working in telecommunication networks, rules for working with application software

The computer operator performs the following job responsibilities:

2.1. Handling email, receiving incoming emails and monitoring the timely dispatch of outgoing ones.

2.2. Printing and organizing the necessary documents.

2.3. Monitoring the condition of the computer and copying equipment.

2.4. Timely informing management about the need to purchase materials directly related to the production process.

2.5. Carrying out technical preparation of documentation necessary in the course of the company’s work.

2.6. Copying documents using a copier.

2.7. Entering various information into computer databases that is important and necessary for the operation of the company.

2.8. Typing of various texts in compliance with the rules of spelling and punctuation, as well as standards for the design of organizational and administrative documentation.

2.9. The computer operator is obliged to:

— comply with the established deadlines for completing tasks and instructions;

— provide assistance to work colleagues in solving problems of their activities in the event that assistance can lead to a qualitative improvement in performance results;

— keep official and commercial secrets;

— comply with the rules of internal labor regulations, labor protection, safety precautions, industrial sanitation and fire protection;

— timely respond to requests from other employees in the area of ​​professional activity, provide the required information in full;

- honestly and conscientiously fulfill the duties assigned to him;

The operator must be able to:

1) Connect a computer, practically work with the Windows OS.

2)Work with text and spreadsheet editors, DBMS, graphic editors

3) Perform document processing on a computer with printing of source data

4) Enter information from various media

5) Apply rational techniques and methods of organizing work in the workplace

Job description of a computer operator

In the structure of production activities of JSC IRM, 40% of radioisotope products are produced for the needs of industry (gamma radiation sources for flaw detection), and 60% for the needs of nuclear medicine and the pharmaceutical industry.

Job description of a computer operator

— A computer operator belongs to the category of technical workers, is hired and fired by order of the director, and is a materially responsible person.

— A person with a secondary specialized education without requirements for work experience, secondary education and special training according to an established program or with work experience in the relevant specialty of at least 1 year is appointed to the position of operator.

— The operator reports to the head of the department, deputy director and directly to the director of the enterprise.

The operator has the right:

Policy of JSC "IRM" in the field of labor protection and ecology

The company strives to ensure stable operation and produce products that meet the requirements and expectations of consumers, personnel, and suppliers. Ensuring the safety and health of workers, preventing accidents and occupational diseases at work, and harmful effects on the environment are among the priorities and are an integral part of activities in the workplace.

— Smoking is prohibited on the territory and in the production premises of the industrial site.

— Smoking is allowed in specially designated areas, the location of which will be indicated to you by an attendant.

Security on site

— Do not enter buildings or premises to which you do not have access.

— Move only along pedestrian routes indicated on the diagram for the movement of workers and vehicles.

— Pay attention to traffic signals, warning signs and safety signs, and strictly follow the requirements contained therein.

— There are areas on the territory of the enterprise that belong to areas of potentially hazardous production factors.

— Do not stay in areas with signal or safety fences around the perimeter.

The main harmful production factor is ionizing radiation. Levels of ionizing radiation do not exceed permissible values.

Characteristics of the workplace

The workplace has natural and artificial lighting. The area with the computer is 6 m2. Partitions 1.5 m high are installed between workstations. The workplace is equipped with a chair with an adjustable backrest and seat.

— Intel Core i3 2.40GHz processor;

— Printer, scanner, copier HP;

— OS Windows 7 SP1, x64;

— Antivirus software: Kaspersky Internet Security;

- Bios: Phoenix Technologies Ltd. P05RAC, 08/10/2012;

Laptop is a portable personal computer that contains typical PC components, including a display, keyboard and pointing device (usually a touchpad, or touchpad), and batteries. Laptops are small in size and weight; the battery life of laptops varies from 2 to 15 hours.

CPU is an electronic unit or integrated circuit that executes machine instructions, the main part of the computer hardware.

Core i3 This is a family of dual-core processors from Intel.

RAM(RAM) is a temporary computer memory that operates when the computer is turned on and is needed for the normal operation of programs and processes.

Printer is an external computer peripheral device designed to display text or graphic information.

Scanner is an input device that, by analyzing an object (usually an image, text), creates a digital copy of the object’s image.

Copy machine is a device designed to produce copies of documents, photographs, drawings and other two-dimensional images on paper and other materials.

Antivirus program(antivirus) is a specialized program for detecting computer viruses, as well as unwanted programs and restoring files infected by such programs, as well as for prevention - preventing infection of files or the operating system with malicious code.

Kaspersky Internet Security is a reliable and convenient anti-virus software for Internet protection.

Archiver is a program that packs one or more files into an archive or a series of archives for ease of transfer or storage, as well as unpacks archives.

WinRAR– archiver of files in RAR and ZIP formats for 32- and 64-bit Windows operating systems.

BIOS is a collection of firmware that allows you to configure individual components of the system unit, as well as the operating system loader and other configuration of important parameters.

From June 6 to June 24, I completed an internship at JSC Institute of Reactor Materials. The main activity of the enterprise is conducting research with nuclear energy and conducting reactor tests. On the first day, we were introduced to safety precautions and the job description of a computer operator.

In practice, I worked on a Samsung laptop running the Windows 7 operating system, with the standard Office suite.

In practice, I performed the following types of work:

— installation of the operating system;

— transferring data from a table to a special program;

- checking laptop for viruses

Creation of the enterprise structure of JSC IRM

Creating an office plan

Creating a video about the internship

Joint Stock Company "Institute of Reactor Materials" (JSC "IRM") (an enterprise of the State Corporation "Rosatom") is the nuclear center of the Urals for materials science. The institute began its activities in 1966 - in April of this year the physical start-up of the IVV-2 reactor was carried out. The institute is located in the city of Zarechny in the Urals, 50 km east of Yekaterinburg.

— conducting reactor tests of materials and structures of nuclear power plants in stationary and maneuverable modes;

— conducting pre-reactor and post-reactor materials science studies to determine the service properties of materials of elements and structures of the active zones of nuclear and thermonuclear installations;

— conducting research in solid state physics;

— conducting analytical studies using nuclear physical methods;

— production of radioactive isotopes.

The main activity of the Institute of Reactor Materials is related to R&D in the field of nuclear energy. Along with this, the company is developing production activities related to the production of radioisotope products, 99% of which are exported to the USA and Western European countries: Great Britain, Germany, and the Netherlands.

— This job description.

— The operator is guided by the established working hours. A break from work for rest according to the established schedule of breaks from work.

— Receiving applications for the supply of products from customers and company managers.

— Timely issuance of invoices and invoices, as well as relevant accompanying documents.

— Before releasing goods from the warehouse, strictly check the correctness and compliance of the accompanying documents in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the internal rules of the enterprise.

— Systematization, archiving and storage of shipped, correctly executed and corrected invoices and invoices in accordance with the established procedure at the enterprise.

— Follow all management orders directly related to the production process, in general, and to your direct responsibilities.

— Strict control of timely shipment of goods to customers. Maintaining necessary logs, reports and other documentation (including in electronic form) to assist in the performance of one’s job duties in accordance with established requirements for their maintenance and storage.

— Know all the company’s products and advise customers on assortment and prices. Direct all your activities towards strengthening the customer base, the company’s image and ultimately increasing the company’s profit.

— Know all the job responsibilities of a cashier-operator, a certificate specialist and, in case of production need, fill the above position.

— Timely inform management about the acquisition of necessary materials directly related to the production process.

— In case of failure to fulfill labor duties or improper control, resulting in a failure in the production process or loss of profit of the enterprise, or other indirect material or moral losses, the employee must fully cover the costs or pay a fine in the amount established by the management of the enterprise.

— Observe labor discipline, safety precautions and comply with internal regulations established in the company.

The operator is responsible:

— For the proper performance of their job duties as provided for in this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation and the internal rules of the enterprise.

— For committing an offense in the process of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current labor, administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

— For causing material damage (including fines imposed on the organization by regulatory authorities regarding improper performance of their labor duties) - within the limits of the agreement on financial liability concluded with the enterprise.

The operator has the right:

— Get acquainted with draft decisions of the enterprise management directly related to its activities.

— Submit proposals for improvement of work related to the responsibilities provided for by this instruction for management’s consideration.

— Require the management of the enterprise to provide assistance in the performance of their official duties.

Computer operator: job description. Computer operator - specialty

Let's think about who is a computer operator? The work associated with this position may involve a variety of skill areas and educational requirements for the job applicant.


Regardless of which company you submit your resume to for the position of computer operator, there are some general provisions and requirements that are typical for organizations working in absolutely any field of production. They can be separated into a separate group.

  • monitoring the condition of computer and copy equipment;
  • timely execution of instructions and tasks;
  • informing management about the need to purchase consumables;
  • assisting colleagues at work with the tasks assigned to them;
  • monitoring the safety of entrusted property;
  • storage of commercial and official secrets;
  • knowledge and compliance with safety precautions when working with computer equipment;
  • compliance with internal work regulations.

Of course, such requirements can be applied to any vacancy, but in any case, the job description should also include them. When applying for this position, a computer operator will meet them in one hundred percent of cases. General provisions must be included in any employment contract concluded between the employer and the applicant.


As already mentioned, a computer operator works with vague standards. In general, this vacancy implies only one thing - working with a personal computer, but otherwise the management organization can come up with absolutely any tasks for the employee.

One of the most common responsibilities of computer operators is maintaining the enterprise database. What, in this case, might the job description require? The computer operator is obliged to:

  • work with email;
  • exchange information with the client base;
  • print and organize documents.

As you can see, this work is not burdened with a technical component. The computer operator, whose responsibilities we have just described, must be careful when working with the database, as well as provide the necessary data on time at the request of his colleagues.

Underwater rocks

Sometimes not entirely conscientious organizations may advertise for a computer operator, but when a person comes for an interview or internship, it turns out that his responsibilities include not only standing at the reception desk and entering clients into the database or answering calls, as indicated in the job description . The computer operator in such companies must also search for new clients by calling numbers and harassing poor housewives.

Here's another case. The well-known Russian Post periodically recruits operators. It seems that it could be simpler and clearer? It is necessary to enter data from parcels into a computer and register them. However, in practice it turns out that these vacancies involve dragging heavy bags and boxes, up to 30 kilograms inclusive. After all, there are no vacancies for loaders at local post offices.

Based on the above, before submitting a resume for a PC operator vacancy, find out well about the organization and your future job responsibilities. Computer operator is a rather vague formulation that has many subtle nuances.


According to the qualification directory and federal standards (since 2014), the profession “computer operator” does not exist. However, the presence of the same skills implies the specialty “Master of Digital Information Processing”.

If you are going to submit a resume for a vacancy as a PC operator, you should know that there are usually no special educational requirements. They will test your speed of working on a computer and mastering programs, your skills in handling office products, and that’s all. Most enterprises use unique applications developed by programmers, which you still have to learn to work with on site.

In order to get a job for this vacancy, even just an A in computer science at school will do. A good bonus would be graduating from a vocational school in any computer specialty.

Additional education

A computer operator is a specialty that is quite in demand on the labor market, but low-paid. At its core, this work can become a starting point for future specialists.

For example, pharmaceutical knowledge may be useful to work as a PC operator in a pharmacy. Such work can be good practice for 3rd year medical students at universities.

\Standard job description for Electronic Computer Operator

Job Description for Electronic Computer Operator

Job title: Computer operator
Subdivision: _________________________

1. General Provisions:

  • The operator of electronic computers is directly subordinate to....................................
  • The operator of electronic computers follows instructions.................................................... .........

  • (the instructions of these employees are followed only if they do not contradict the instructions of the immediate supervisor).


  • The operator of electronic computers replaces.................................................... ....................................
  • Replaces the operator of electronic computers.................................................... ...................................
  • Hiring and dismissal:
    An operator of electronic computers is appointed to the position and dismissed from the position by the head of the department in agreement with the head of the department.

2. Qualification requirements:
    Must know:
  • design of the computer control panel and rules for its technical operation
  • basics of programming in the scope of secondary special or general education and course training
  • work instructions and other information processing guidance materials
  • technical storage media, codes used on computers, the structure of output tables for detecting failures during computer operation.
3. Job responsibilities:
  • Conducting the process of information processing on electronic computers according to work instructions from the control panel.
  • Inputting information into electronic computers (computers) from technical storage media and communication channels and outputting it from the machine.
  • Transmission of calculated data received on machines for subsequent operations via communication channels.
  • Preparation of technical storage media on data preparation devices.
  • Writing, reading and rewriting information from one type of media to another.
  • Control of technical storage media.
  • Ensuring that the computational process is carried out in accordance with work programs.
  • Monitoring the operation of the computer.
  • Determining the causes of failures in the process of information processing.
  • A record of the use of machine time and noticed defects in machine operation in the machine time log.
  • Registration of the results of completed work.
page 1 Job description Electronic computer operator
page 2 Job description Electronic computer operator

4. Rights

  • The operator of electronic computers has the right to give instructions and tasks to his subordinate employees on a range of issues included in his functional responsibilities.
  • The operator of electronic computers has the right to control the implementation of production tasks and the timely execution of individual orders by employees subordinate to him.
  • The operator of electronic computers has the right to request and receive the necessary materials and documents related to his activities and the activities of his subordinate employees.
  • The operator of electronic computers has the right to interact with other services of the enterprise on production and other issues included in his functional responsibilities.
  • The operator of electronic computers has the right to get acquainted with draft decisions of the enterprise management concerning the activities of the Division.
  • The operator of electronic computers has the right to submit for consideration to the manager proposals for improving work related to the responsibilities provided for in this Job Description.
  • The operator of electronic computers has the right to submit for consideration to the manager proposals on encouraging distinguished employees and imposing penalties on violators of production and labor discipline.
  • The operator of electronic computers has the right to report to the manager about all identified violations and shortcomings in connection with the work performed.
5. Responsibility
  • The operator of electronic computers is responsible for improper performance or failure to fulfill his job duties provided for in this job description - within the limits determined by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • The operator of electronic computers is responsible for violating the rules and regulations governing the activities of the enterprise.
  • When transferring to another job or dismissal from a position, the Operator of electronic computers is responsible for the proper and timely delivery of work to the person taking up the current position, and in the absence of one, to the person replacing him or directly to his supervisor.
  • The operator of electronic computers is responsible for offenses committed in the course of carrying out its activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • The operator of electronic computers is responsible for causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • The operator of electronic computers is responsible for compliance with current instructions, orders and regulations for maintaining trade secrets and confidential information.
  • The operator of electronic computers is responsible for compliance with internal regulations, safety regulations and fire safety.
This job description has been developed in accordance with (name, number and date of document)

Head of structural