Law on wages of municipal employees. In addition to the increase in salaries for civil servants throughout the country, civil servants can expect other good news: Increases in wages for municipal employees

Public sector workers make up a significant part of all working people in Russia, and their wages depend on the state and today leave much to be desired. Based on this, even a small increase in salary for such people will be very important and significant. Therefore, news about salary increases for municipal employees is always of particular interest to the public.

Salaries of municipal employees in 2018 - latest news

Due to the difficult economic situation in the country, a significant part of the planned wage indexations for 2018 was frozen. According to the budget estimate and regulations for 2018, the following can count on an increase in the rate:

  • auditors;
  • deputies from regions;
  • prosecutors;
  • employees of judicial authorities;
  • ministry employees.

In order for the listed citizens to receive an increased salary, more than 47.5 billion rubles were allocated from the state budget. However, the news regarding the increase in salaries for municipal employees is not the most encouraging, since the allocated funds are not enough for all categories of workers. Therefore, the increase may be postponed until 2018. After all, it is by this period that the growth of economic indicators in the Russian Federation is planned.

General principles of remuneration for municipal employees

The wage regulations in force throughout the state, laws and regulations strictly regulate the amount of wages of employees. The formation of the wage fund for civil Russian employees, according to the salary regulations, is carried out:

  • from salaries for rank;
  • from official salaries;
  • from payment for many years of work;
  • from allowances for special conditions;
  • from prizes for certain merits;
  • from additional incentives for work with classified information;
  • from regular monthly incentives.

Workers performing their duties in rural settlements are paid in accordance with local regulations approved by city and district administrations.

What are the dynamics of remuneration for state and municipal employees?

There are a large number of problems in the area of ​​expenses for paying salaries to Russian public services. The measures provided for by the decisions, regulations and decrees of the President in 2012 and 2013 made it possible to significantly increase the income of government entities. But in 2015, the situation changed; for a number of officials, the indexation of salary was stopped and it was reduced by 10%. At the same time, in 2017 the situation remained virtually unchanged and municipal workers’ salaries were not increased.

Despite the government's promises to carry out indexation in 2018, there is no hope for a significant improvement in employee pay. This situation is due to the instability of the country’s economic system and the open question of possible job cuts. Since salary laws and regulations have mandated salary increases for 2018, public sector professionals can expect to see the promised changes implemented throughout the year.

Who determines the size and conditions of remuneration for municipal employees?

The level of wages, as well as the conditions and procedure for their calculation are regulated by local governments. At the same time, the amount of official salary, additional, monthly payments is established by municipal federal entities. In addition to determining the size and conditions for calculating wages, the Government faces the following tasks:

  • improving the conditions in which municipal and state specialists work;
  • updating of technical support;
  • introduction of new technologies;
  • increasing the efficiency of employees;
  • increasing the attractiveness of the profession for young professionals.

The government does not abandon the necessary reforms in the civil service and changes in salary regulations, but regularly postpones planned activities.

Regulations on remuneration of municipal employees for 2018

The situation in accordance with which salaries are approved and calculated for public sector employees in 2018, compared to previous periods, will not change significantly. Employees can still count on the basic and additional part of the salary, as well as due bonuses and allowances. The salary level of many government workers in all regions of the country is significantly below average and it is very difficult to live on the amount paid.

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Municipal employees are the category of civil servants who resolve administrative issues at the level of local governments. At the lower level of government power, as a rule, little money circulates. As a result, the remuneration of municipal workers is extremely meager (at the end of 2017, on average for the regions of Russia, except for Moscow, St. Petersburg and Sochi, it did not exceed 20 thousand rubles), which in turn leads to their weak motivation. People do not work, but “serve their number” for the following reasons:

  • Money for interesting, large-scale, innovative projects is still nowhere to be found.
  • At such a salary level - that you are doing something, that you are not doing anything at all - your personal financial result, most likely, will not change at all, because the level of monetary allowance is at a minimum.

Of course, this system of both motivation and remuneration needs to be changed. Fortunately, the moratorium on increasing salaries for state and municipal employees in 2019 is expiring. More about this.

Salaries of municipal employees in 2019

Fortunately, there is no need to talk about a fully implemented moratorium on the growth of incomes of municipal employees directly from 2014. Too small amounts of material allowance and the complete absence of any stimulation forced the government in 2016 to increase wages by 5.5%, slightly compensating for the inflationary decline. However, it is, of course, impossible to say that there has been a change in attitude towards work in municipal authorities. People slowly and systematically left unpromising jobs; municipal staffs experienced a significant turnover of personnel with the most qualified administrators washed out.

In 2019, it is planned to transfer all municipal civil servants to a system of “effective contracts”, which provide for a significant (at least 40%) bonus part. The latter will directly correlate with the accounting results of the employee’s activities (if the planned indicators are exceeded, of course). This will create a system of incentives, which in turn should lead to:

  • securing existing personnel in their work positions;
  • increasing the overall level of cash income received by employees;
  • increased incentives for existing employees to increase the quality of their work and output according to quantitatively measured indicators.

By the way, after the quantitative reduction in personnel in this sector has already taken place, the drafters of the program provide that the number of employees has now reached its optimal value. Well, a plus to the change in the earnings structure is the fact that the salaries of municipal employees should increase in 2019 (as federal government representatives declare).

Salary increase for municipal employees in 2019

The number of employees of municipalities and budgetary organizations in the Russian Federation at the end of 2018 was at the level of 14 million people. And whether the government will fulfill its promises (in connection with the May presidential decrees or for other reasons), that is, whether all of them will increase their salaries and whether there will be enough funds for this, is far from an idle question (the treasury continues to have the characteristics of a crisis budget). Moreover, it is proposed to increase the income of this category of civil servants by almost a quarter (!!!) from the 2016 level.

But firstly, wage rates for municipal employees are tied to the minimum wage, which has been systematically (and fairly) growing all this time. And secondly, it was ultimately tied to the subsistence level. So formally, at least a third of this increase has already occurred, which makes the implementation of the program significantly more realistic. And thirdly, in 2019 the minimum wage will rise again, and for everyone. Therefore, increasing the income of municipal employees by 25% is a very realistic measure from the point of view of the capabilities of the state budget.

Indexation of salaries of municipal employees in 2019

It is difficult to call the proposed increase in the salary of budget workers indexation. If only simply because the change will exceed the expected annual inflation rate in 2018 by more than 3.5 times.

In addition to the agreed increase, which is expected to be implemented during the first quarter of next year, the indexation of the salaries of municipal employees in 2019 is also planned in November, where “municipal workers” will join the military and other security forces, whose incomes will also be “unfrozen” after a long moratorium on their height. Here the nominal increase is assumed to be at the inflation rate, that is, no more than 5%.

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Last year the government announced an increase in salaries for municipal officials. This will be done for the first time since 2014. This was discussed back in 2016, even naming specific figures for increasing wages in municipalities. Municipal officials were to receive a salary increase of 38%. For a number of reasons, it was decided to postpone the salary increase to 2019, although according to official statistics, the income of this group of the population was not affected in any way by such a long absence of indexation of the salaries of municipal employees.

In 2019, according to the latest news from the Ministry of Finance, the salaries of municipal officials will be increased. It is difficult to say how much on average the real increase will occur, since wages in this area of ​​management are influenced by various factors.

Introduction of a new accrual principle

At a press conference, representatives of the Ministry of Finance announced a new reform, which will have to radically change the very principle of calculating salaries of officials. Instead of a general increase, a motivational component is introduced, which will make it possible to evaluate the effectiveness of each manager individually.

Again, there was talk about increasing wages in 2019 in the latest news of this year due to the large difference in wages between the top-level administration and first-category officials, most of whom work in municipalities.

Thus, the plan is not so much to increase the salaries of lower-level managers, but to compare them with the rate of inflation.

Indexation will be carried out in two stages:

  • first, 4% will be added in the 1st and 2nd quarters;
  • in October, when military wages are raised, municipal employees will receive the remaining 4%.

Wage indexation

The bulk of the salary increase will come from incentive payments. Experts are inclined to believe that in 2019 the salary corresponding to a particular position and additional payments for rank will increase. Additional payments will increase only for those managers who work in particularly difficult conditions or supervise classified organizations. Their increase for length of service can reach 60%.

According to the innovations, only those officials who fully comply with the terms of the contract will receive payments. Thus, the authors of the reform want to stimulate professional growth of young managers at the municipal level.

This will make it possible to obtain a qualified personnel reserve for the feds and ensure a more professional performance of government duties by local managers, which is especially important during the period of fulfilling the country’s development goals set by Vladimir Putin.

Vladimir Putin

Realizing that they will receive big money for developing their competence, young officials from municipalities will be more willing to receive a second and third education and improve their professionalism in general.

Rumors about unprecedented salaries of officials excite the minds of ordinary citizens. Many will be shocked by the news that from January 2019, wages will be indexed by 38% for civil servants. Rosstat indicates the average salary of officials at 99,900 rubles. If we add such a large percentage to this amount, then each civil servant will receive about 140 thousand. The size of the “addition” will exceed the entire salary of a teacher of the highest category or a physician with little experience. From the outside it may seem that this is an astronomical percentage increase in payments for officials, but there are quite objective reasons for this, and the calculation will take place somewhat differently.

Reasons for the sharp jump in officials' salaries

Starting in 2014, by decree of V.V. Putin, all civil servants were denied indexation of wages to the level of inflation. Previously issued orders obliged this indexation to be carried out, but there were no funds for it. Initially, the cancellation of salary increases for government employees was planned only for 2014-2015. Later, it was decided to extend the abolition of indexation for officials.

According to Rosstat, since 2014, the inflation rate has been observed from 5.68% to 15.58% for 12 months. The totality of these percentages over several years is the indexation value. An outrageously large 38% doesn't look too convincing when divided by the number of years without a raise. It is also worth noting that this indexation will not be a significant addition to wages for all officials.

Difference in income between employees of municipal and central authorities

This is not the first time that statisticians have drawn attention to the difference in salaries among different government employees. The media likes to discuss the income levels of ministers and the presidential administration. This category of officials is the most highly paid - their income can be several times higher than the salaries of employees of remote regional municipalities or young employees.

For example, you can compare the incomes of different categories of officials:

  • 208 thousand rubles - presidential administration;
  • 100-120 thousand rubles - regional authorities;
  • 26-40 thousand rubles - employees of the 1st category.

The list clearly shows a 5-fold difference in wages between the presidential staff and an ordinary civil servant. Indexation is aimed specifically at the ordinary category of employees, but all officials will receive it. This does not mean that everyone’s salary will increase by 38% - accruals will be made to partial income.

How much will civil servants' salaries increase?

Despite the same percentage of indexation, the level of salaries will increase unevenly. This is due to the fact that it is planned to increase only the salary part of income, without affecting other payments. For people who do not have much experience and the highest category, this approach is beneficial - the salary amount in their wages makes up the main part.

Using this approach, the government is trying to at least partially smooth out the large differences between civil servants of different departments. Even in Moscow, a novice official of the 1st category receives no more than 40 thousand rubles; in the regions, the salary is even more modest. An increase exclusively in the salary portion will allow ordinary officials to receive a higher percentage increase than employees of regional authorities, employees of the presidential staff and ministers.

Such a measure will contribute not only to a slight reduction in the difference between wages. At the same time, a more significant increase in income for municipal employees will reduce the level of local corruption. This is especially true for small towns and rural settlements remote from the central part of Russia. The principle is simple - for such employees, their salary consists almost entirely of salary, which means its growth will be almost the same 38% indexation. The total income of senior officials will increase by a much more modest amount - the salary in their wages takes up a small part, respectively, in percentage terms the increase will be quite small.

Civil servants are waiting for their financial situation to improve. We will soon find out what increase in labor benefits our officials expect by 2018. The Russian government is preparing a number of innovations to increase salaries for civil servants.

7 key news about salary increases for civil servants in 2018

  1. State labor remuneration employees will directly depend on the performance of their immediate duties;
  2. Estimated salary growth will increase by 38% in 2018;
  3. According to Rosstat, the average salary of an official is 208,000 rubles;
  4. Labor compensation for a low-paid specialist varies around 26,000 rubles;
  5. The Federal Law “On Civil Service” will be supplemented with amendments and additions by the end of 2017;
  6. In the future, new employment agreements (contracts) are envisaged with prescribed criteria, the indicators of which must be met.
  7. 2018 - massive layoffs of federal employees from government agencies are planned.

Salary increase for federal civil servants in Russia - latest news of 2018

The size of the increase in salaries of federal civil servants in Russia in 2018

The Russian government has announced that by 2018, wages for officials are expected to increase. But, as it turned out, they were talking about increasing only part of the salary, which directly depends on the high performance of each individual municipal employee.

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What do employees need to do to stay in their positions and keep their salaries? An event is planned in Russia to improve the civil service. The action plan is limited to a two-year period, where it has been calculated: the increase in salaries for civil servants in 2018 will be thirty-eight percent.

Finance experts say this measure is necessary—the salaries of this category of workers have not been indexed since 2014.

The performance of a civil servant is an important criterion for a salary increase in 2018

Increase in salaries for officials - compensation for inflation in 2018

The average remuneration of municipal employees in Russia as of 2016 was 99,900 (ninety-nine thousand nine hundred) rubles. A project has been adopted where wage growth will not exceed thirty-eight percent.

Hence the conclusion: labor remuneration, taking into account indexation, will be 140,000 (one hundred and forty thousand) rubles. However, only part of the salary will increase, and an increase in the entire salary was not discussed at all. But I wonder what kind of profitability the increased share will receive.

The head of the Agency for Communication Policy and Economics, D. Orlov, put forward an opinion: to increase the salaries of officials by paying compensation due to the inflation that has occurred.

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The deposit register is expected to be launched in the summer of 2018.

In general, many politicians agree with him that it is not worth putting all performers on the same line: some receive small rewards for their work, others are “rowing with a shovel.”

Rosstat provided data on how specialists from the presidential apparatus received money. Thus, it turns out: the average salary for an employee is 208,000 (two hundred eight thousand) rubles.

However, the labor income of young high-category specialists fluctuates around 26,000 (twenty-six thousand) rubles. With today's rising prices, it is quite difficult for young professionals to survive on their own and support their families.

To solve this problem, low-paid workers get out of the situation by obtaining additional income “from the outside.” Thus, a decision is made to increase wages for low-paid specialists.

Municipal workers had high wages in 2014, and then, due to the current economic situation in the state, their remuneration decreased by twenty percent.

Latest news on civil servants' salaries - video

Dependence of salary increases on the performance of a civil servant in 2018

To receive full payment, including additional payments, in 2018, an employee of a state-owned enterprise will need to regularly follow the relevant job descriptions. Thus, it turns out: the remuneration of an official should directly depend on the quality and quantity of the result of his activities.

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Calculation of pregnancy benefits in 2018: list of benefits and payments to expectant mothers

The Government of the Russian Federation proposed to prepare additions and amendments to the Federal Law “On the State Civil Service” by the end of 2017.

These additions provide for the drawing up of an employment agreement (contract) with officials, which outlines the criteria that require the employee to master them within a certain period of time. The contract will also indicate individual performance indicators of its activities.

The increase in the salary of an individual civil servant directly depends on the quality of implementation of the clauses of the employment contract. Funds will be issued either in full upon fulfillment of all terms of the contract, or not.

Since we are talking about the growth of monetary remuneration for government officials, in order to motivate employees to perform their work duties with all professionalism and zeal, a clause will also be written in the law providing for bonuses for their conscientious work.

To many experts on economic activity, this proposal seems more acceptable in order to provide an incentive for the official to work responsibly.

Today the remuneration for government work. employee has several components:

  • salary as an official;
  • salary as an official (divided by class);
  • increase in length of service;
  • special conditions for performing civil service;
  • working with secret cases;
  • allowances, supplements, bonuses;
  • bonuses, other payments.