Presentation on the topic "politeness". Presentation “Politeness is cultivated by politeness Presentation download be polite

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Lecture hall “Let's talk about politeness” Museum “History of the Development of Moscow Culture” State Educational Institution Secondary School with in-depth study of the English language No. 1371 CJSC Moscow Head: Kuzyakova G.V.

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Class topics: “Who invented etiquette?” “Do we know how to say hello?” “How to give and receive gifts” “And the curtain rises and makes noise” “Telephone etiquette” “We are going to visit” “Does a person need to be beautiful?” “They greet you by their clothes...” “Yes, a first and last name is not a piece of cake.”

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“DO WE KNOW HELLO?” “Hello!” - how easily and habitually we pronounce this phrase, and just as easily we answer it. But what would be our surprise if we were greeted with the words: “Have you eaten today?” or “Are your livestock healthy?” But these are precisely the phrases that were exchanged between the inhabitants of Ancient China, Mongolia, and Egypt who met each other. . . What kind of greetings do people use! Firework! Ciao! Salaam Alaikum! How do I do!..” This is how the lecturer of the school museum “History of the Development of Moscow Culture”, a member of the Museum Council, 8th grade student Anna Filimonenko, begins her lesson with second graders. Special cards have been prepared for classes that illustrate the story and make it more interesting and colorful.

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With the words “I see you!” exchanged when the Zulus met. And a tribe of other African inhabitants invented greetings for all occasions:

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There are greetings for sitting, standing, lying, happy and unhappy, etc. Imagine what it was like for the little Africans while they learned all this. And you can’t mix it up. This has long been considered bad manners

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Greeting business people This is how they greet relatives This is how friends greet each other This is how a man greets a lady

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Sonotrians and Ekimos greet with their noses HOW THE BRITISH SAY HEALTH Familiarity with different greetings arouses keen interest among the children. Then the lecturer invites the students to break into pairs and come up with their own greetings to each other. The guys' imagination knows no bounds

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Situational task 1 One boy complained that “these greetings” were nothing but trouble. “I,” he says, “will soon become nervous from them. On the street I just turn my head so as not to miss someone I know. As soon as I see you, “Hello!” I shout. And they also reprimand me: “How uncultured you are, Kesha, it’s just terrible!” Do you know how he greeted?... Kesha is running down the alley: hands in his pockets, cap pulled down over his eyes, collar raised, feet kicking a tin can. The school nurse is coming towards you. As he walked, he cheerfully shouted either “give” or “screw” and rushed on. And she just threw up her hands and sighed heavily: “They teach them and teach them, but it’s of little use.” Question: What did Kesha do wrong? Question: Who greets first if the youngest and the oldest meet? Boy and girl? Who gives their hand first?

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Situational task 2 You are walking down the street with a friend. He greeted a person you didn’t know and paused. Should I say hello to you? Answer: Yes. It’s also a must to greet people you often meet (a salesperson in a bakery, a resident from a neighboring building, a teacher who teaches in other classes), even if you don’t know them. Situational task 3 You entered the bus and saw that your friends were standing at the end of the bus. Should I say hello to them? If necessary, how? Answer: If you see friends on the bus, in the library, on the other side of the street, then you should greet them, provided that they noticed you. Of course, there is no point in shouting. Words are replaced with gestures, a smile, a bow.

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During the lesson, the children receive tasks on cards where they need to insert the missing greeting words

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Politeness is one of the most important qualities of a well-mannered person. The word “vezha” means “expert” - a person who knows the rules of decency and knows how to treat people kindly. Polite people are not born, but made.

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Who can you communicate with like this?

Hello! Good afternoon Hello! Great! Ciao! Bye! Goodbye! Be healthy! See you!

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A polite person is always considerate of others. He tries not to make trouble for them, not to offend them either in word or deed.

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Poetry page

1 student saw a neighbor, Nastya, on the street now. Nastya is a nice girl, Nastya goes to first grade. But I haven’t heard a word from Nastya for a long time... 2nd student I met Vitya today. It was a sad meeting. He came at me like a torpedo from around the corner. But imagine, in vain I waited for a word from Vitya... 3rd student I’ll tell you about my granddaughter. What a shame! Grandfather gave her a briefcase, Granddaughter was happy. But you can’t be silent like a fish, Well, I would say... hello! Sorry! Thank you!

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Folk wisdom

The fact that people should treat each other politely and with respect is also reflected in folk wisdom: in fairy tales, legends, proverbs, and sayings. How many of you know such proverbs and sayings?

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Proverbs and sayings

Even a block of ice will melt from a warm word……… An old tree stump will turn green when it hears… When our elders scold us for our pranks We say… Both in France and Denmark, when saying goodbye, they say to everyone………… And you know how people in other countries say hello countries? Thank you! Good afternoon! forgive us please! Goodbye!

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A smile is welcomed in different countries, but in our country it is a manifestation of joy, and among the British it is a sign of politeness, but not necessarily an expression of pleasure; for an American it is a natural rule of greeting.

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    In India, as a sign of greeting, the hands are folded together and respectfully pressed to the chest.

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    The traditional greeting in Thailand is called "wai", in which the palms folded together are placed on the head or chest.

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    When meeting, Tibetans remove their headdress with their right hand, throw their left hand behind their ear and stick out their tongue.

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    New Zealand

    The natives of New Zealand first shout words in a ferocious manner, then slap their hands on their thighs, then stomp their feet with all their might and bend their knees, and finally inflate their chests, bulge their eyes and stick out their tongues from time to time. Those who are not scared are most likely one of their own!

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    In New Zealand, for example, it is customary for the indigenous Maori people to rub noses together - this is called the breath of life (ha).

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    Three types of bows are used - saikeirei (the lowest), a medium bow - with an angle of thirty degrees, and a light bow - with an angle of fifteen degrees. The most respected and wealthy people are greeted with the lowest bow.

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    Conditions of the game: If you think that the action is polite, then clap your hands. If you think that an action is impolite, then stomp your feet. Say hello when you meet. Push, don't apologize. Help pick up a fallen item. Talk loudly in public places. Call a classmate an offensive word. Do not give up your seat to an elderly person. Answer the phone during class. Help carry a bag to an unknown old lady. Tell the secret entrusted to you. Try to speak louder than your interlocutor. Praise the hostess (mother) for a delicious lunch. Game "Polite - Impolite"

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    Let the boys and girls, all the mischievous children, say loudly and loudly today: “Always be polite!”

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    Methodological materials

    Yana Savina

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    Development of an integrated lesson and presentation for the lesson on the topic: “Politeness is an important condition for comfortable communication.”


    Rusakova O. A.


    Student: Vika Oshurkova, diagnosed with cerebral palsy (first year of study).

    Integrated lesson on familiarization with the outside world on the topic: “Rules of Politeness.”

    Lesson objectives: deepen knowledge about ethics and its importance in human life; learn to live in harmony with others; promote the development of cultural level; cultivate respect for each other; introduce the world of polite words and speech patterns; to form a spiritually and morally developed personality.

    Lesson objectives: introduction to morality; development of the child’s internal culture; developing the ability to communicate and find the right way out of a situation; expanding the child’s active vocabulary and horizons; developing a special opinion about a polite person and rules of politeness.

    Equipment: Presentation, cards on the board, handouts: dictionary of qualities, texts for analyzing problem situations, cards with proverbs “ Place the pig at the table, he and his feet on the table”, “When I eat, I am deaf and dumb”, cards with polite words, several dolls (choose two), audio recording " REMEMBER - pi - pi - nutrition" (N. Peskov - M. Libin), ball, an exhibition of books about politeness.

    Progress of the lesson:

    1. Organizational moment.

    Listening to a calm, relaxing melody for 1 - 2 minutes (for concentration).

    2. Statement of the problem:

    Teacher's word:

    Every person knows five senses that help us understand this world. These are smell, sight, hearing, taste and touch. However, there is another sixth sense, accessible to everyone, but not noticeable to everyone. Every day we come across different people: acquaintances and strangers, loved ones and strangers, peers and much older people. It's about feeling comfortable communicating with others. What helps us with this? (Ethics - norms and rules of conduct.

    (Slide No. 1.)

    What kind of person do you think is pleasant to communicate with, describe his verbal portrait. That is, you want to say that it is pleasant to communicate with a person who is neat, calm, polite, kind and well-mannered. Today we will talk and learn new polite words, complement the image of a person with whom it is pleasant to be friends and communicate, and also create rules of politeness.

    3. Work on the topic of the lesson.

    Let's play a ball game: "I know five magic words." You need to name as many five words and phrases as possible. (comes into play). Well done! (together with the teacher we perform the actions).

    What are synonyms? (the teacher reminds the concept of the word “synonym”, gives examples). Now let's start playing.

    Name synonyms for the words: hello, goodbye. Let's act out a scene using these words in which one boy wants to ask a passerby what time it is? How to do this correctly? Every person has a name. What is your name? How to meet? Let's role-play a dating situation.

    I present several dolls from the toy collection (we choose together). Our dolls also have names, but they are mixed up. Guess what their names are?

    (In front of the student I lay out several different letters necessary for the names of the dolls).

    YATAK ASHIRAM(answers: Masha, Rita, Katya, Arisha, Marisha.)

    Questions from the teacher to the student:

    How can you call them affectionately? What will the dolls be called when they grow up? How are people's first, patronymic and last names written? Is it possible to laugh at them? How will a person feel in this case? (the student answers questions with the help of the teacher with complete answers).

    Physical exercise (expressive movements)

    Together we help mom.

    We rinse the laundry ourselves.

    Stretch and bend over!

    Well done!

    Guests came to our dolls Marisha and Katya (represented in the form of heroes from fairy-tale characters from children's fairy tales). Do you recognize them? Who is this?

    As soon as Winnie the Pooh saw the pot of honey on the table, he immediately grabbed it and gobbled it all up;

    The rabbit put all 4 paws on the table and whistled loudly;

    Eeyore picked his nose and chomped;

    The owl tied a napkin around her neck, wished everyone sitting at the table a bon appetit, and folded her wings so as not to disturb anyone.

    What is the correct answer? ( Owl).

    The doll Marisha held several competitions with the guests; it is necessary to give the animals the correct answer:

    Find the extra word

    Scold, find fault, scold, praise, scold( extra word Praise, because

    The remaining words are close in meaning).

    Vowels are lost in polite words, without them the words will not be magical

    S - P - S- B -, P - F - L - J - ST - , B - D - D - B - R -, SP - K - N - J - N - H -.

    About which of the guests of the dolls can we say the proverb “Put a pig at the table, and it will put its feet on the table”? (about the Rabbit). Why? And when they say “When I eat, I am deaf and dumb”? Why do you have to be polite even at the table while eating? (explanations are given by the student).

    Fizminutka - musical pause.

    I suggest listening to the song “Sing-pi-pi-tanie”, if you know it, you can sing along. Why do you think we listen to this song in our lesson?

    How do you feel after listening to it?

    What are the rules politeness You know? (Slide number 2.)

    Each of us often uses polite words in everyday life. Name the most common ones.

    What impact do they have? polite(kind) words to people? Do they always help?

    Let's look at this issue using specific examples. Now I will read a text describing a certain situation. Your task is to analyze the situation and answer the questions posed. A dictionary of qualities will help you. (The teacher reads the text and together we explain this situation from the point of view of observing the rules of politeness. There are 5 situations in total, it is advisable to do the “Blow a Kiss” physical exercise between them. (texts in the appendix).

    Conclusion (Slide No. 3).

    Continue sentence:

    Politeness is manifested not only in words, but also ... (in the tone in which they are pronounced).

    Words of politeness must be pronounced with... (smile).

    An important quality of politeness is... (sincerity).

    Another important quality of politeness that Vitya forgot about is tact.

    Teacher's word.

    What is tact? (Slide No. 4). This is a sense of proportion, the ability to feel the mood of others, to respect their opinions, views, feelings.

    A tactful person can be immediately noticed. He will never speak disparagingly about another person, he will always listen and will not interrupt the interlocutor, and will definitely apologize if he creates inconvenience for someone.

    This person will never allow himself to be jostled at the entrance to transport, or sit indifferently when a child or an elderly person is standing next to him. The basis of the behavior of a tactful person is the ability to control oneself.

    Tactfulness and good manners must be constantly cultivated in oneself. For example, one of your classmates read someone else's note. What is this - a trifle? Of course not. At the very least, this is tactlessness. Do you have a habit of slamming doors when leaving a room? This also indicates an insufficient level of your culture. Why not give up your seat on public transport to an elderly person or a sick person? All these are manifestations of tactlessness.

    (Slide No. 5). Once upon a time, the famous Russian writer A.P. Chekhov said: “... Good education does not consist in not spilling sauce on the tablecloth, but in not noticing if someone else does it.”

    How do you understand this statement?

    So, the important elements of comfortable or pleasant communication should be (cards on the board):




    Do you think strong friendship is enough for this?

    Let's conduct an experiment.

    The teacher calls two students (Vika is helped by her younger sister Tanya), she invites one of the girls to turn their back to the other.

    Are you comfortable standing with your back to someone else?

    The teacher then asks the student with his back to the other to relax and fall, and promises that the other will catch him. What will happen?

    Why didn't she want to fall? (fears).

    What else is needed for warm communication? (confidence).

    (Slide No. 6).

    The French writer Jean La Bruyère said about trust that this is the first condition of friendship.

    4. Lesson summary (reflection).

    What did we talk about today? What did you learn that was useful for you? Let's discuss and remember the rules of politeness (the student suggests, and the teacher formulates phrases):

    Politeness is the ability to behave in such a way that others enjoy being with you.

    Always be friendly, say hello when you meet, thank you for your help, and say goodbye when leaving.

    Don’t make them worry about you, when you leave, tell them where you are going and what time you will be back.

    Don't be capricious, don't grumble. Your whim can spoil the mood of others.

    Finally, I offer you reminders about polite behavior; read and discuss their contents at home with your loved ones.

    If you follow the rules of politeness and good manners, then your wishes will definitely come true.

    Teacher: Thanks for the lesson. The lesson was very interesting, I think it benefited you. Good luck.

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    Slide captions:

    The ABC of politeness Prepared by: teacher of MKDOU "Shvartsevsky kindergarten" Nechiporovich Valentina Evgenievna

    “To give people joy, you need to be kind and polite.”

    Goal: To expand children’s knowledge about the rules of good manners, kind words and their application

    Polite words Not one or two, Remember and know These miracles are glory!

    The bright sun has risen again. And you must say... (Good morning.)

    We are not too lazy to repeat all day when we meet... (Good afternoon)

    You met a friend on the way. Walk past him, don’t be shy and don’t be disingenuous, and kindly tell him... (hello)

    You haven’t seen your friend for many years, when you meet, shout “Hello!” to him!

    If you ask for something, never forget: always be well-mannered and say... (please)

    If anyone helped you, don’t forget to say... (thank you)

    It's time for the table, everything for food is set. We wish everyone... (Bon appetit)

    Did you sneeze? Without further ado - Let's say together... (Be healthy)

    A friend must be valued and protected. When parting, say... (Until we meet again!)

    Now the time has come to say goodbye, Let's say loudly to everyone... (Goodbye!)

    If you accidentally pushed your neighbor, she dropped the net on the floor, don’t wait too long to answer, say it loudly... (Excuse me, please!)

    If the sun sets, the trees turn golden, Then when we meet everyone we know... (Good evening.)

    Evening. We really want to sleep. Let's tell everyone... (Good night.)

    Forgive me, please, Forgive me and don’t be angry, Let the symbol of peace - doves - soar high into the sky! Let's not quarrel anymore, We won't ever, Let's make peace with you for many years to come! Let the resentment be angry, what is it for? Let her not come back, she will forget us!

    Before we part and everyone goes home, I would like to say goodbye, and at the same time wish you to be polite. Don’t forget the magic words, So that you can speak with kind words to your friends.

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