Merchandiser rules for displaying digital equipment. Functions and main responsibilities of a merchandiser. Actions in non-standard situations

Some believe that a merchandiser is a loader who delivers products to the sales floor. Others are sure that this job has a lot in common with the position of a merchandiser. In fact, this term implies a multidisciplinary specialist, on whom the comfort of customers and the level of sales of a particular organization directly depend. The direction is suitable for energetic and ambitious people who are committed to career growth in the field of trade. To get a job, it is not necessary to have a higher education; it is enough to know what qualities the applicant must have and what he will have to do.

Merchandisers are employees of retail outlets who are responsible for the passive promotion of the product offered.

The development of this trend in Russia began at the end of the 20th century. Specially trained people began to lay out goods on the shelves in a special way, attracting the attention of consumers. Today, the principles of direction are used not only by hypermarkets or sophisticated boutiques, but also by very small economy-class stores.

Classification of employees in the field of merchandising:

  • a stationary merchandiser works in one place, being responsible for a specific store, its area or certain brands (one or more);
  • During the working day, a mobile merchandiser moves between different retail outlets, performing the necessary manipulations at each of them;
  • a mixed specialist combines the characteristics of two main types.

A merchandiser is not just a loader or a merchandiser who monitors the filling of the assortment on the shelves. This is the person on whom the sales level of the outlet and the attitude of customers towards it largely depend.

Merchandising is a dynamic science. It does not stand still and requires a quick response to changing trends.

Employee's area of ​​work

From the outside, it seems that the merchandiser’s job responsibilities are limited to unloading goods onto empty shelves. Many are sure that any loader could handle this, and there is nothing difficult about it. In practice, a specialist of this profile has many more functions, tasks and goals. The quality of an employee’s work directly affects the sales performance of a particular outlet.

Basic responsibilities of a merchandiser:

  • display of products according to a specific scheme developed by marketers;
  • assessment of inventory of specific items, tracking and timely replenishment of balances;
  • decorating counters and other parts of the store with promotional products;
  • carrying out promotions or assistance in organizing them;
  • training sellers in the specifics of promoting entire products or individual brands;
  • assessing product quality, checking the integrity of packaging, expiration dates;
  • often the merchandiser actually works as a loader, bringing products from the warehouse;
  • preparation of sales reports.

Large companies additionally include in an employee’s job responsibilities an assessment of the work of direct competitors. This means tracking their price dynamics, the emergence of new products, promotions and other important events from a marketing point of view. Everything a merchandiser does is aimed at increasing sales and increasing consumer interest in certain brands.

Requirements for applicants

Passive product promotion is not for everyone. A person in this position is forced to work a lot physically and at the same time pay attention to a list of important nuances. The ability to multitask is the main requirement for job applicants.

The merchandiser must also have the following qualities:

  • activity, energy, physical endurance;
  • ability to communicate with a variety of people;
  • presentable appearance;
  • openness and willingness to answer product-related questions;
  • stress resistance;
  • readiness for business trips and trips within the city or its region;
  • desire to learn in order to improve the quality of work;
  • in some cases, a health certificate or a personal car is required.

Depending on what merchandisers do in the workplace, the applicant may need skills in using a computer and modern gadgets. Companies often adhere to strict age limits when recruiting employees and give preference to young people. In some cases, a mandatory condition for reviewing a resume is having a higher education in the field of marketing, advertising or trade.

Pros and cons of the specialty

Often young people become merchandisers in order to earn money during the holidays or gain experience in the trade field. They call the main advantages of the direction that it usually does not require a higher education, and the schedule is flexible or free.

The profession of a merchandiser has many more advantages:

  • experience is usually not required, and many companies even specifically recruit very young employees in order to teach them everything from scratch, rather than retrain them;
  • there is no need to constantly sit in an office or warehouse;
  • The mobile version of work implies dynamics and a constant change of environment;
  • with proper organization of the working day, a merchandiser earns more than a loader or salesperson with less physical activity;
  • career prospects;

Such an employee is usually dedicated to himself and very rarely has to communicate directly with customers. Trainings are often organized for passive sales employees at the company's expense, which allows them to raise their level of qualifications and learn something new.

Disadvantages of the specialty:

  • most of the day is spent on your feet, and in the case of a mobile type of work without a car, you have to walk a lot in any weather;
  • transporting heavy goods from a warehouse and displaying them lead to serious physical exertion;
  • when working in a dirty warehouse, you have to breathe dust, displaying dairy products requires staying near the refrigerator, contact with household chemicals creates a risk of developing dermatitis;
  • a vague definition of an employee’s job responsibilities and a lack of understanding of his place in the hierarchy of store employees provokes conflicts;

All of the listed disadvantages of the destination are relative and with the right approach to organizing the day, they can actually be avoided. The main thing is to initially study the nuances of the job description and ask the manager questions of interest, so that there are no misunderstandings later.

Where to study to become a merchandiser?

There are no universities training directly for the profession of merchandiser yet. Organizations are happy to hire school graduates and students if they meet basic requirements. There are companies that give preference to applicants who know what the basics of marketing are.

Employee salary and career prospects

The salary level of a merchandiser is influenced by the characteristics of his schedule, workload, list of responsibilities, availability of a car, and employee mobility. A beginning specialist receives 10–15 thousand rubles, subject to a variable schedule and part-time work. To increase your salary, it is recommended to get a job in 2-3 companies at once, which is not prohibited. Work experience, completing specialized courses, and acquiring useful skills stimulate profit growth. There are often cases when a mobile merchandiser adheres to a free schedule and at the same time earns 50 - 70 thousand rubles.

Over time, the product placement employee may move to the company's central office and continue working in the marketing department. Specialists assigned to the store become product managers, supervisors, and even occupy leadership positions. The position of merchandiser provides equally good chances for career growth in the field of trade or commerce.

Merchandiser (merchandiser) (eng. merchandiser - trader) - a merchandiser or assistant merchandiser, a person representing a trading company in retail chains (most often super- and hypermarkets). Responsible for displaying goods, installing related necessary equipment (refrigerators, additional display cases, promotion trays), and placing POS materials. The main task is to control the availability of the company’s entire assortment on store shelves and its location in the most favorable places for purchase.

History of the profession

Planning and promotion of product sales, that is, the direct functions of a merchandiser, became a separate position only about 20 years ago. Then companies tried to come up with new moves in order to survive and gain a foothold in the market, stimulate buyers and not get lost among competitors. This is how the position of merchandiser appeared, who makes the product more visible and attractive to the buyer.

What exactly does a merchandiser do?

The main task of a merchandiser is to attract customers’ attention to products using:

  • decoration of trading floors;
  • favorable placement of products on store shelves;
  • ensuring constant availability of goods for sale.

The merchandiser is engaged in advertising support of the product at the point of sale. To do this, at least once a week he visits several stores and in a special document describes the sales situation for these products: demand, prices that competitors set for similar products, etc.

After the analysis, the merchandiser prepares a proposal for more profitable promotion of goods. Such an offer may include:

  • replacement of similar products;
  • alternative distribution of retail space;
  • increase (reduction) in the quantity of goods for a particular store.

The responsibilities of a merchandiser may also include:

  • drawing up orders for the supply of goods;
  • adjustment of retail prices for goods;
  • maintaining the presentation of packaging;
  • maintaining the image of the trademark (brand);
  • organization of various promotions.

Requirements for a merchandiser

Requirements are formed depending on the field of activity. Usually, there are no special requirements for the candidate, since it is assumed that the newcomer will learn while working in the company.

The basic requirements for a merchandiser are:

  • Age from 18 years.
  • PC knowledge at user level.
  • Citizenship of the Russian Federation (sometimes employers allow citizenship of Belarus).
  • Registration of a health certificate if you have to work with food products.
  • Willingness for physical exertion if you have to work with large and heavy goods.

If you plan to visit several retail outlets, companies require the ability to drive a car as a merchandiser's responsibility and look for candidates with personal transport, since it is simply unrealistic to visit 6-8 stores a day on public roads and do the necessary work there. In addition, the merchandiser often delivers goods to retail outlets in his car.

Merchandiser salary

Salary depends on region, employment (full or part-time) and company. The average salary is approximately 30,000 rubles, but it happens that a merchandiser’s salary is 8,000-15,000 rubles for part-time work. As a rule, such an employee works in 2-3 companies. Also, what salary a merchandiser has will depend on the availability of a car, education and additional skills - in this case it can be 35,000-70,000 rubles.

Demand for the profession

Representatives of the merchandiser profession are quite in demand on the labor market. Despite the fact that universities produce a large number of specialists in this field, many companies and many enterprises require qualified merchandisers.

What kind of education is needed?

Primary vocational education (vocational school, PU, ​​PL). As the results of the survey show, it is not at all necessary to receive a special education at a university or college to become a merchandiser... Merchandisers undergo the necessary training directly when applying for a job or at the workplace during a probationary period. To work as a merchandiser, all you need is desire, satisfactory health and the presence of the personal qualities recommended for this profession.

Features of career growth

The merchandiser profession is characterized by career growth. He can climb the career ladder in the marketing department or becoming a sales manager. In most cases, merchandisers begin their careers with the position of senior merchandiser. The next step on the career ladder is the position of supervisor. After a few years, the supervisor may advance to become a sales representative for the company in the area. The highest level is the head of a trade representative office of an international company in a country or group of countries. A merchandiser can also achieve career growth in the field of advertising and marketing.

What should a merchandiser know?

The merchandiser must know:

  • basics of organizing work to generate demand and increase sales volumes;
  • current legislation governing commercial activities;
  • basics of management and marketing, types of advertising and methods of organizing advertising activities;
  • principles of organizing retail space and sales, buyer psychology, methods for assessing the effectiveness of placing goods on shelves;
  • the main quality and consumer properties of the goods sold;
  • product prices, fundamentals of market economics, sociology of psychology, ethics of business communication.

In addition to the required knowledge, the merchandiser must have skills such as diligence, observation, creative thinking, communication skills, persuasiveness, and self-confidence. In many cases, these character traits can outweigh work experience and become decisive for an employer.

What does a merchandiser do in a supermarket?

Supermarket and hypermarket are the most popular and promising sales formats in the retail sector. Self-service stores, according to various sites that post advertisements for open vacancies and job searches, most often require merchandisers.

Everything is logical, since it is in such trading conditions that the work of a merchandiser (subject to high-quality performance) is one of the key guarantees of increasing sales volume and promoting specific products on the market.

For comparison: in smaller retail outlets that do not offer self-service (small shops, kiosks, pavilions), the method of displaying goods is not particularly important. This is due to the fact that the main goal of following a certain display technology is a psychological impact on the buyer (location of more expensive goods at eye level of the visitor, ensuring the effect of having an assortment, etc.), and with a different sales format, the costs of merchandiser services, as a rule, do not have economic justification.

What is the job of a merchandiser in an online store?

Often on specialized sites you can find advertisements for an open vacancy for a merchandiser in an online store. A logical question arises: if a merchandiser is a specialist serving a retail area, then how can he be useful in the field of distance selling?

Based on the name of the profession, then nothing. In these cases, the employer simply substitutes concepts, declaring that he is looking for a merchandiser, although in fact he needs a marketer. The responsibilities of these specialists are generally similar - at least in terms of strategic interests.

Therefore, if you want to get a job as a merchandiser and study the relevant offers, you need to pay attention to the sales format declared by the employer.

Merchandiser supervisor: tasks and responsibilities

The profession of a supervisor seems even more exotic to the uninitiated than a merchandiser. But in fact, they have the most direct relation to each other, since the supervisor is none other than the head of merchandisers.

The work of a merchandiser supervisor (the correct job title is “merchandising supervisor”) is primarily analytical in nature. His tasks include collecting data on the dynamics of sales growth in the retail outlets under his control. Responsibilities for transmitting such information lie with the merchandisers serving the specified points.

However, despite the fact that the supervisor is a manager, he usually does not have the right to hire, fire, or impose disciplinary sanctions on his subordinates. Its functions are limited to systematizing the information received and transferring the analysis results to senior management with conclusions and recommendations for the further organization of sales promotion work.

Sometimes supervisors’ responsibilities include the development of a planogram – a diagram for displaying goods on store shelves. But this rarely happens and generally contradicts the essence of the position: such actions require a professional approach and are within the competence of marketing specialists.

Mobile and stationary merchandiser - what is the difference?

Based on the methods of performing duties, the content of the job description and place of work, merchandisers can be divided into two categories:

  • mobile merchandiser;
  • stationary merchandiser.

The differences between them are obvious and follow from the very title of the position. So, mobile merchandiser(aka business card) is not assigned to a specific outlet. His responsibilities include sequential visits to various stores of the network to alternately perform work functionality in each of them.

Stationary merchandiser, on the contrary, only serves one store on a permanent basis. Of course, it is possible to move an employee from one outlet to another, but this will also be permanent.

There is another type of merchandiser that combines the features of both categories - universal. It is characterized by a flexible work schedule, providing for the performance of the functions of both a mobile and stationary employee, depending on the task.

Communication tools in merchandising

The key merchandising tools are:

  • store design (both external and internal);
  • store planning (more precisely, planning customer flows):
  • advertising and other tools at the point of sale;
  • color blocking;
  • merchandise ranges:
  • comprehensive measures.

The importance of communication merchandising is this. that it helps to establish contact with the visitor. The atmosphere of the store, the psychological attitude and qualifications of the staff, the ability to communicate unobtrusively - all this determines the success of communication with the buyer.

Many studies show that 65-70% of purchasing decisions are made by visitors directly in the store. This means that the lion's share of retail profits comes from impulse ones, i.e. unplanned purchases. When making such purchases, buyers are guided not by reason and logic, but by feelings and emotions. It is these factors that formed the basis of the concept of communication merchandising.

In any communications that merchandising operates, one can distinguish image and information components.

What is visual merchandising?

Visual merchandising is the activities that retailers carry out to organize the retail space and present the product in such a way as to maximize sales.

Visual merchandising is about more than just eye-catching window displays. It includes so much more! Store layout and product display, lighting and music, advertising and navigation elements, color scheme of the sales area. All this together, if organized competently and harmoniously, creates that unique and friendly atmosphere in a retail outlet, which helps to increase sales.

Visual merchandising represents rules and laws that are applicable and work for any store, regardless of the type of goods it sells, groceries, clothing and shoes, medicines or office supplies. If you have a retail outlet, and you have opened the doors of the store and are waiting for customers, then you are already engaged in Visual Merchandising and the only question is how effectively.

The practice of visual merchandising requires creativity, inspiration, logic and organization. This is a mix of science and art. When a retail space acquires “visual meaning”, it begins to attract the attention of customers and make them want to enter the store, get acquainted with the assortment and, most importantly, make a purchase! This is what Visual Merchandising can do for a store.

What are visual merchandising specialists responsible for?

  1. Organization of retail space. Using their knowledge and experience, attention to detail and imagination, they make the product “pleasant to the eye” and make visitors want to buy it!
  2. Graphic arts. Graphics and large posters create an additional emotional background for the product, also performing a navigational and informational function.
  3. Display of goods. To effectively present a product, a visual merchandising specialist works in conjunction with a retailer specialist (buyer, category manager, etc.). This is necessary to understand the strategy and target audience of the retail outlet.
  4. Lighting. Proper lighting plays a big role in the visual perception of a product by the buyer. Adjusting the level and type of lighting is also part of the visual merchandiser’s arsenal.
  5. Retail store equipment. A visual merchandiser, in collaboration with a designer, helps select or develop retail equipment that will best suit a particular product.
  6. Design of a trading floor. A visual merchandiser is always involved in the process of creating a new store or updating an existing store. Collaborating at this stage with the interior designer and the store opening project manager. It keeps the interests of both the retailer and customers focused.
  7. Price tags and POS materials. A visual merchandiser works closely with the marketing department to deliver the marketing message accurately and in the right place to customers on the sales floor.

A motivated student aiming to build a career in marketing or sales can easily become a merchandiser. The profession of a merchandiser is one of the most accessible for young people, since initially it does not require special skills - everything can be learned on the job.

Profession merchandiser: job features

Whatever you say, a specialist in this specialty will always find a job. Look, the economic crisis continues in the country, and retail chains continue to actively enter new territories, new regions and cities. And every store requires merchandisers. Another plus for those who want to find a job or part-time job near home.

The word “merchandiser” can be translated from English as “product specialist”, “merchandiser” or assistant merchandiser. But in our country, such specialists are more likely to be associated with the arrangement of goods and their sales, rather than with merchandising. Although, to some extent, these functions are also present.

Now let's talk about what the daily job responsibilities of a merchandiser are. Those who work or have previously worked in this position note that the main functions they performed were arranging goods on store shelves in accordance with a planogram based on the requirements of the marketing specialists of the manufacturing company, dealer or seller. They also had to monitor the presence of a set amount of product on the shelves and add it if necessary.

Merchandisers often place company advertising materials on shelves, place products in priority places in order to attract the attention of customers, stimulate product sales and increase sales volumes.

Another task of the merchandiser is to create and maintain a positive image of both the manufacturing company (seller) and the product. In addition, the employee tries to “punch” the best shelves in the store for his goods, maintaining contacts with the administration of the outlet and sellers, periodically giving them small gifts or souvenirs on behalf of the employing company.

The employee also monitors the movement of competitors’ goods and their pricing policies, the activity or passivity of demand among the population between their own goods and those of competitors, monitors the marketing and advertising moves of players in the market for similar goods.

The merchandiser visits assigned stores at least once a week and, based on the results of the visit, fills out a special “passport”. According to the “passports”, at the end of each week a report is filled out and submitted to the supervisor or the marketing department.

Who is a supervisor? As a rule, a supervisor is the head of a group of merchandisers who controls the sales dynamics in the stores assigned to the merchandisers. Sometimes the supervisor independently develops a planogram - a plan for displaying goods on shelves, but such functions should be carried out by marketing department employees, not supervisors.

So, let’s summarize what exactly a merchandiser does:

  • Studies consumer demand depending on various factors: time of year, advertising campaign, target population group, etc.
  • Controls the assortment of goods in retail outlets.
  • Designs display cases, counters and areas of the sales floor in accordance with company requirements.
  • Analyzes compliance of product display with company requirements.
  • Monitors competitors' products and promotional activities.
  • Prepares reports on his work and the results of sales of goods.

It's simple. The better the employee does his job, the better the product is promoted in retail chains, the higher the sales of this product and the more profit the company receives.

How to become a merchandiser and what is needed for this?

This job is perfect for young people without work experience, students or novice professionals. Therefore, the presence or absence of experience will not be a decisive factor in the interview. When hiring a young person, the employer pays more attention to the image side, namely, what impression the employee will make on the store staff and customers. For the recruiter, your applicant’s appearance, learning ability, efficiency, and activity will be important. Large firms and representative offices of foreign companies often mention knowledge of a foreign language, a driver’s license or a car among their requirements.

After passing the selection process in large companies, specialists undergo a week or two weeks of training, during which they study the assortment list of goods, marketing campaigns, and learn to find a common language with store staff. But the learning doesn’t end there—companies often hold seminars to share experiences, especially if a new product is entering the market.

Merchandisers usually work on a salary and their average salary is approximately 20-25 thousand rubles per month. Agree, for beginners without work experience it’s not bad at all.

This video will tell you more about how to become a merchandiser:

Merchandiser- sounds very mysterious and unusual to the Russian ear, and some are completely put off by such an incomprehensible name. In fact, the position of a merchandiser is the position of a company representative who is involved in promoting the company’s products and maintaining a positive name for the promoted brand.

A student or a beginner without work experience can become a merchandiser, and within a year or two they will acquire the necessary skills for successful career advancement. This is a creative job that allows you to realize your abilities and gain new opportunities for professional growth.

The specialty of a merchandiser is in demand in any company that is engaged in wholesale or retail sales - be it clothing, power tools or food.

History of the profession

Planning and promotion of product sales, that is, the direct functions of a merchandiser, became a separate position only about 20 years ago. Then companies tried to come up with new moves in order to survive and gain a foothold in the market, stimulate buyers and not get lost among competitors. This is how the position of merchandiser appeared, who makes the product more visible and attractive to the buyer.

Responsibilities of a Merchandiser

What does a merchandiser do? His main responsibilities:

  • monitor the display of goods in stores and supermarkets;
  • for arranging display cases and additional equipment;
  • control of the availability of the entire range of company products in the store.

In addition, the merchandiser’s job responsibilities may include placement of POS materials (price tags, wobblers, posters, etc.) that help attract attention to products, arrangement of goods in accordance with the company’s corporate policy, and increasing the share of shelf space for goods. In addition to what is directly the responsibility of the merchandiser, he can also perform additional functions such as:

  • placing orders;
  • regulation of retail prices;
  • maintaining packaging in salable condition;
  • replenishment of inventory in the store.

Requirements for a merchandiser

Requirements are formed depending on the field of activity.

Usually, there are no special requirements for the candidate, since it is assumed that the newcomer will learn while working in the company. The basic requirements for a merchandiser are:

  • Age from 18 years.
  • PC knowledge at user level.
  • Citizenship of the Russian Federation (sometimes employers allow citizenship of Belarus).
  • Registration of a health certificate if you have to work with food products.
  • Willingness for physical exertion if you have to work with large and heavy goods.

If you plan to visit several retail outlets, companies require the ability to drive a car as a merchandiser's responsibility and look for candidates with personal transport, since it is simply unrealistic to visit 6-8 stores a day and do the necessary work there on public transport. In addition, the merchandiser often delivers goods to retail outlets in his car.

Merchandiser resume sample

Resume sample

How to become a merchandiser

A student or a person without special education can get a job as a merchandiser, although sometimes employers invite only graduates of economic universities. However, most companies prefer to recruit newcomers and impart skills to them on their own, teaching them “to suit themselves,” since the list of what a merchandiser should know is different for each company, depending on the specifics of the product.

Merchandiser salary

Salary depends on region, employment (full or part-time) and company. The average salary is approximately 30,000 rubles, but it happens that a merchandiser’s salary is 8,000-15,000 rubles for part-time work. As a rule, such an employee works in 2-3 companies. Also, what salary a merchandiser has will depend on the availability of a car, education and additional skills - in this case it can be 35,000-70,000 rubles.

Merchandiser – who is he and what does he do?

How often have you wondered who this merchandiser is and what he does? In fact, not everything is as complicated as it might seem.

A merchandiser is a company representative who specializes in product promotion and maintains a positive reputation of the promoted brand. This is a creative profession that allows you to realize your potential and gain new opportunities for career development.

Even a person without experience can become a merchandiser, and within a couple of years they will acquire the necessary skills to further master the profession.

Often employers prefer to hire people who have received an economic education. But there are also those who specifically recruit students and newcomers, who are easier to impart the skills necessary for the successful operation of the company.

Almost every company specializing in wholesale and retail trade has such a position. Any product needs to be promoted, and this is exactly what the job of a merchandiser is.

What are the responsibilities of a merchandiser?

The work of a merchandiser is quite specific, and his job responsibilities directly depend on the specifics of the enterprise and the products sold. Thus, a supermarket merchandiser does not just put goods on shelves, but also improves sales and increases sales volumes. In general, the job responsibilities of a merchandiser include a whole range of activities. This:

  1. Studying the demand for a product, identifying the target audience, analyzing seasonality indicators and other factors.
  2. Formation and maintenance of the assortment of the outlet assigned to the merchandiser, management of inventory and remaining goods.
  3. Organizing the design of a retail outlet (sound, lighting, placement of goods, etc.).
  4. Ensuring unlimited movement of customers around the hall, ensuring the ability to select the required product without the help of a seller.
  5. Analysis of the competitiveness of a product, improvement of its promotion.
  6. Drawing up reports on sales results, making proposals to increase sales.

What are the functions of a merchandiser?

The functions of a merchandiser include:

  • working with consumers and customers to achieve optimal sales volumes and solve problems related to product quality;
  • organizational events aimed at promoting goods, such as product presentations, tastings, promotions;
  • maintaining relationships with existing and potential customers, tracking their orders;
  • search for new clientele.

What should a merchandiser know?

The merchandiser must know:

In addition to the required knowledge, the merchandiser must have skills such as diligence, observation, creative thinking, communication skills, persuasiveness, and self-confidence. In many cases, these character traits can outweigh work experience and become decisive for an employer.

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What does a merchandiser do?

The main goal of the merchandiser is to increase sales of goods from retail outlets in the assigned territory without the help of a store salesperson. He must know methods of stimulating product sales. Therefore, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., you need to visit your stores according to a weekly plan, display goods in each store (to improve the situation in terms of representation), place several advertising materials in each outlet in the right place, sometimes draw up reports for each outlet (what has been done for a given visit) and learn new techniques for increasing sales with your manager. Believe me, to master all the successful techniques in merchandising, an ordinary employee often needs from one to one and a half years.

What companies hire merchandisers?

First of all, manufacturers whose products are presented in chain stores. Imagine a factory for the production of sausages, frankfurters, and delicacies. Usually, one chain store offers at least 50 items that you need to correctly place yourself or teach a full-time seller to do this. I know many people who independently found the phone numbers of such companies, called the personnel department and came for an interview. Today these are in-demand employees serving one or more hypermarkets (for example, Metro, Magnit).

Secondly, distributors, because

they are exclusive representatives in the city and region. They typically sell products from 20 or more manufacturers. For those of you who want to find their contact information, you can get it here, or from a sales representative at any retail store. Store managers are happy to help with this.

Thirdly, large chain stores. They are ready to take older people. How to get a job? Go to the manager of any store and ask for the address and phone number of the HR department employees. Call, come for an interview, get a job.

How is a merchandiser paid?

There is always a salary and a variable part for completing the company's tasks. For example, a merchandiser working for a manufacturer has a salary of 15,000 rubles, which he will always receive, and a 5,000 ruble bonus if he achieves his goals (usually 2-3 tasks).

What should a merchandiser know and be able to do?

Let us remember the reason for the appearance of such specialists. 20 years ago, most companies were wondering what to do to survive in an increasingly competitive environment, especially noticeable in huge stores where competitors' products are located in one place. During this time, a large number of successful methods for displaying products in small, medium, large and hyperstores have accumulated to make the product more noticeable and attractive to the buyer. These are the techniques you need to know and be able to implement. In one phrase - in-store merchandising.

What do they ask at an interview, what should you prepare for?

During your first interview with an HR manager, many questions arise. What did you do in your previous jobs? Tell us what actions you will perform at each point of sale? How trainable are you? What are your salary wishes? What are your career aspirations? If the HR manager likes the answers to most of the questions, he will introduce you to your future manager. And with him you will conduct a second interview, the results of which will determine whether you will be hired or not. Know that when you answer questions, you are assessed on the following characteristics: responsibility, dedication, learning ability, communication skills.

Who trains novice merchandisers?

Most often, novice merchandisers are trained by a manager. Yet every employer expects you to demonstrate self-learning skills.

For those who want to increase their chances of finding employment as a merchandiser, We invite you to independently study the theory of “Effective merchandising”. For those of you for whom it is important to be successful from the first days at a new place of work, we suggest taking an adaptation course according to the plan presented below. The certificate issued at the end of the training demonstrates to the future employer the seriousness of your intentions.

With respect to you,

business coach Alexander Bochkarev

Training program.

Part 1 of training for Merchandisers.

No. Topics in - 20 Duration 4 hours Cost 1500 - pay

Responsibilities of the merchandiser (provide the necessary stock, correct location, best design).

Product sales channels. Research on purchasing behavior. We set SMART goals. We draw up a schedule for visiting retail outlets and prepare for the working day. Role-playing game. Handing out homework.


Part 2 of the training for Merchandisers.

No. Topics in - 21 Duration 5 hours Cost 1900 - pay

We influence the creation of an effective assortment. We ensure the required level of stock (we develop an application sheet for each TT). We determine priority places in the sales area and at the point of sale. Increasing shelf space. We agree on additional sales locations. Role-playing game. Handing out homework.

Fill out an application for corporate participation or declare yourself when paying.

Part 3 of the training for Merchandisers.

No. Topics in - 23 Duration 4 hours Cost 1500 - pay

We create the best product design. We offer a list of addresses of retail outlets that qualify for branding. We place POS materials (price tags, posters, leaflets, etc.). Valuable knowledge from the science of merchandising. Role-playing game. Ceremonial presentation of the certificate.

Fill out an application for corporate participation or declare yourself when paying.

In general terms, everyone knows the essence of a merchandiser’s work. At the same time, not everyone fully understands all the specifics of this position. In the article we will discuss what exactly the responsibilities of a merchandiser are, and what qualities will help such a specialist in career growth.

What does a merchandiser do?

Merchandisers are employees who are involved in the competent presentation of goods at the point of sale to end consumers. That is, they display products in stores, supermarkets, hypermarkets and other points of sale. In this case, everything is done in such a way that the buyer: ● sees the product; ● became interested in a specific offer; ● could immediately find out all the necessary information about the product (price, current promotions, etc.); To do this, you need to know certain rules in order to correctly combine products by color, shape, assortment and other characteristics. The more a merchandiser understands the basics of display, the higher the demand for a certain product will be. This can be beneficial both for enterprises producing and supplying products, and for the retail outlet itself (to increase sales in general). But merchandisers do more than just display. In addition, their responsibilities also include the development and layout of POS materials, checking the availability of specific products, quality control of goods in the display case and warehouse (packaging integrity, expiration date), preparing various reports and much more. All this makes the merchandiser a fairly versatile specialist who must possess several skills and abilities at the same time.

What qualities will help a merchandiser in career growth?

To become a good merchandiser, you will need the following qualities: ● responsibility and focus on results. How successful sales will be largely depends on the work of the merchandiser. So if you do your work on time and with the highest quality, your employer will immediately notice; ● analytical skills. These employees must analyze not only the situation at the outlet (sales level, cyclical demand for goods, etc.), but also study the methods of marketing policies of competitors, draw up a plan for optimizing sales, and much more. All this requires the employee to be able to think analytically and comprehensively assess the situation; ● communication skills. One of the responsibilities of such specialists should include consulting customers. In addition, the merchandiser must be able to solve local problems with the administration and employees of the outlet; ● creative skills. The display of products should be beautiful, attractive, and original. To do this, you need not only to know certain rules, but also to have a good sense of taste. Finally, if a merchandiser must visit several retail outlets in one day, then he must have driving skills, a license and a personal car (as a rule, companies do not provide their own vehicle). This way you can get from one store to another as quickly as possible. If all this can be said about you, then on the website you will find merchandiser vacancies in Moscow and other cities of the country.