Where can a teenager really make money? How to make money quickly on the Internet as a teenager: several interesting options What can you sell on the Internet to a teenager

Children today are growing up quickly. Minors at the age of 13 are already thinking about how they can earn money quickly, without investments, and preferably, without leaving the computer.

Examples for inspiration

Teenagers are inspired by successful examples of their peers from abroad. Joshua Dziabiak started a website selling hosting when he was just over 13 years old. Then the guy promoted it and sold it. For 1 million dollars. He invested part of the profits in new projects, including a service for selling concert tickets. Today his annual income is $10 million.

American schoolgirl Katherine Cook knows firsthand where and how to make money as a 13-year-old girl. At one time, she decided to create interactive albums of graduates and asked her brother to help her. This was in 2005, when there was nothing like this on the Internet.

The following year, the brother and sister found investors, and a few months later chats for online communication and games appeared in virtual albums. 2 years after the launch, American advertisers, including Disney, became interested in the project. Katherine’s project entered the TOP 3 popular services in America and made her a millionaire.

Profitable sites

There are other examples where teenagers managed to earn substantial money on the Internet. The secret of success in each case lay in a brilliant idea that lay on the surface or was born in an unexpected place.

When traffic to the web resource increased, advertisers began to contact Furdyk. He placed advertisements and prepared reviews of equipment, for which he was paid money.

Today, making money on a blog is one of the most popular types of income among young people. A 13-year-old teenager is unlikely to be able to make money quickly this way. First, you need to promote a web resource, achieve high traffic, and then cooperate with advertisers.

The amounts received from advertising and blog reviews vary. There are bloggers who earn 10-20 thousand rubles a month, and there are those whose income is 10-20 times higher. It depends on the topic, number of subscribers, target audience coverage and other factors.

No ideas? There are tasks

What about those 13-year-old schoolchildren who don’t have million-dollar ideas, hobbies or the desire to start a personal blog, but have an incentive to earn some pocket money on their own?

There are many sites on the Internet that pay money for completing tasks. There are tasks for professional designers, copywriters, proofreaders, photographers, and there are simple ones that even a child can do.

Services offered to beginners without experience:

  • transcript of audio recordings;
  • account registration;

Doing just one thing is not financially profitable, because you can’t count on a big income. Maximum – 40-50 rubles per day. Completing various tasks allows you to earn 3-6 times more - the amount is enough for pocket expenses.

The advantage is that a student can earn money on the first day. He needs to go through a simple registration procedure, fill out the data in his personal account and start fulfilling simple orders.

Video views

A 13-year-old child is already well acquainted with YouTube and spends a lot of time watching videos. Why not combine business with pleasure and earn a small amount for current expenses?

Views are usually ordered by webmasters and video blog owners to increase their ratings, attract new subscribers and make the channel profitable.

As a rule, such orders appear on and engaged in manual and automatic markup.

The method is not complicated, but promising. At the same time, a teenager can develop his own channel, attract subscribers and receive money from advertising.

Installing applications on your phone

There are tens of thousands of mobile applications, the competition is fierce. Developers order paid downloads - the more of them, the more popular the application. For one installation they pay 10-15 rubles. You can actually download 15-20 applications a day and get 150-300 rubles.

Every developer has requirements and wishes. Some allow you to delete the application immediately after downloading, others stipulate that it should remain on the smartphone for 1-2 days. If this condition is violated, the money will not be credited to the performer’s balance.

A student can earn money from his phone in other ways:

  • By completing the tasks received via SMS. To do this, he needs to subscribe to the newsletter.


Games have been and remain the most attractive way for a child. In the virtual space there are dozens of online entertainment with economic implications.

A gamer registers in one of them and begins to build his own business - it depends on the theme of the game. Some people are closer in nature to farming, others – taxi services.

Then everything is just like in the real world. For services provided or goods sold, the player receives coins. He can then exchange the electronic currency for real money or purchase goods, equipment, cars to increase profits.

This method of generating income is good because it develops in children the ability to think outside the box and act like an entrepreneur. The skill will come in handy in adult life.

You will need

  • Of course, there are still labor exchanges and their employees who sincerely want to help everyone who has applied in search of work. But searching for a job online will be more effective and easier. You can also attend job fairs.


Are you only 14? You will have to obtain the consent of your parents for yours, otherwise the employer will not have the right to enter into either an employment or civil law contract with you. According to current legislation, consent must be expressed in writing.
In principle, there are few vacancies for teenagers, especially for those who are only 14. As a rule, at this age you can get a job as a promoter or advertiser, or less often as a courier. Be prepared for your legs to fall off at the end of your working hours. By the way, do not forget that your work is legally limited to only 24 hours a week.

15-year-olds have approximately the same prospects, with the only difference that parental consent is not required to conclude an employment contract. It’s a little easier for those who have already turned 16: they have the right to work 35 hours a week, i.e. It is more profitable for employers to take them. The catalog of positions for teenagers 16-18 is wider: waiter, telephone, consultant. Girls can also get jobs as secretaries, especially if they have a high typing speed.

Don't forget about the World Wide Web - it provides quite large opportunities to find remote, uncomplicated work for almost everyone. Copywriters, rewriters, bloggers, and programmers are always needed. Children from linguistic schools can try their hand at simple translations. As a rule, a private customer who does not have the opportunity to pay a real specialist will not be interested in how old you are or whether you have work experience if you need to write a simple text or make a short translation on a general topic.

Unfortunately, not all customers are conscientious. To definitely get money for your work, require an advance payment (for example, a transfer to YandexMoney) or transfer the work to the customer in person, upon meeting. Although here no one is immune from deception.

One of the most enjoyable ways to make money in the summer. You can arrange entertainment programs for vacationers, take photos with exotic animals, etc.

Video on the topic

A minor child is any citizen under the age of 18. According to the labor code, such a citizen cannot work in heavy industries, on night shifts or more than 20 hours a week, or 4 hours a day. A relatively small number of enterprises employ teenagers. The work offered generally cannot be qualified, since the teenager most likely does not have a vocational education. Therefore, it is quite difficult for a minor to find a job.


Cafes and restaurants. Most catering establishments hire unemployed young people as waiters. A teenager can get a job in any cafe upon reaching 14 years of age (in some restaurant chains - from 16 years of age, in accordance with the legislation of the country in which the chain is registered). Their working day will last up to 4 hours. When employed in an enterprise, a teenager issues a work book, pension insurance certificate, tax identification number and medical record.

Newspaper editoring. Journalism requires some special skills: speaking Russian, communicating with people, receiving, assimilating and quickly analyzing information. For some, these skills are given by nature, and you can try your luck on this path.

Video on the topic


How to save money for a teenager. A teenager can save money from his income sources. Usually this is pocket money from parents and relatives. When you receive money from your parents for lunch, spend the money only on normal food at school, don’t buy all sorts of sweets, beautiful notebooks, key rings, etc. just because you want to.

Helpful advice

But where can a teenager get money? You can sell newspapers on weekends, or you can get a job in your father’s company - in both the first and second cases, those parents who teach their child to work from childhood are right. Although they should be prepared for the fact that a lot of time will pass before, after spending a lot of money on movies, ice cream and computer games, the teenager learns to be independent.


  • how to work as a teenager in 2018

Most try to find work outside of school hours. But some are faced with the problem of selecting vacancies; the current employment market is available mainly to adult citizens. Therefore, we offer several job search options for young people under 18 years of age.


In every city in Russia there are youth exchanges at various public and government organizations. When applying there, the applicant will be asked for a birth certificate or passport, and a number of vacancies will be offered. The advantages of using such services are that all the work is legal and official, low-paid professions.

Another fairly popular way is to start making money. If a teenager can write competent journalistic texts, then large content sites may be interested in his services. If you are a programmer or designer, working on the global network is also enough for such masters.

You can try contacting companies that deal with public catering - McDonald's, Rostix, etc. They usually require handymen or other specialists. In such a job, you can always agree with the manager of the establishment about a flexible schedule.

Minor students can contact the dean's office of the educational institution. Typically, departments always require assistants who perform various functions in preparing educational materials, etc. With this kind of work, you will always be able to combine the process and carry out any assignments, especially since the teachers will be more lenient towards you.

Some parents have vacancies at their enterprises, for example, courier. Usually, young people are invited to such specialties, and if official employment is necessary, then such an additional rate can be paid to one of the relatives.


  • how to make money on the Internet as a minor

Tip 5: What food products are in demand during the summer?

With warm days and summer, the demand for pickles, jams, and other canned products drops sharply. They are replaced by fresh vegetables, and later by berries and fruits. Demand for citrus fruits, except lemons, is decreasing. Domestic fruits successfully replace bananas. Another category of products whose consumption is significantly reduced is salted and smoked fish. The third group is cereals and confectionery products.

Fluctuations in demand for pickles in summer

Listen to your gastronomic wishes in the spring. I want green onions and young cabbage, cucumbers and salad. It is clear that these vegetables are available online all year round, but in the spring the traditional deficiency of vitamins sends signals to the body to urgently replenish them from fresh vegetables and fruits. Consequently, pickled cucumbers and sauerkraut, lecho and eggplant caviar in the list of desired products fall to the bottom of the ranking of our requests. As a result, the purchase of these products in stores and supermarkets, markets and greengrocers is noticeably reduced. The demand for salted and pickled vegetables remains minimal until the onset of autumn.

A minor need to eat something sour can be successfully solved by preparing lightly salted cucumbers, tomatoes or zucchini.

What happens in summer to the level of demand for salted fish?

Herring. Demand is falling significantly. This product increases the feeling of thirst, and on hot days you want to drink even without herring. For this reason, the consumption of smoked fish is significantly reduced. Many people simply play it safe, avoiding spoiled food on the dinner table. In smoked fish, the degree of “spoilage” is quite difficult to determine.

Be extremely careful when buying salted and smoked fish in stores and, especially, in markets in the summer. Pay attention to the date of manufacture of preserves and packaged fish products and storage conditions.

Demand for canned fish is decreasing to a lesser extent. Lovers of hiking in the forest prefer to use canned food, which maintains the level of demand for these products. For obvious reasons, ram, fish balyk and other fish for beer do not experience fluctuations in demand.

Demand for cereals and confectionery in summer

Porridges are traditionally cooked more in winter. In the summer, they are successfully replaced with vegetable stews, casseroles, and simple young ones with dill. A slight decline in demand for oatmeal only. White or colored beans are replaced by green beans. Demand for it decreases before winter. The same thing happens with peas.

Chocolates in the summer will cause more inconvenience than pleasure. They will melt in your purse. They will be too brittle and hard in the refrigerator. Time to remember traditional oriental sweets: Turkish delight, halva. And add regular marshmallows and marmalade to your diet. Useful and safe.

The hot summer months are not the best time to buy cream cakes for safety reasons. The shelf life of such products is short. They spoil very quickly. Therefore, the consumption of cakes is falling. Incorrigible sweet lovers switch to cookies or ice cream cakes.

Everyone wants to have their own money to spend on their needs. However, in most cases, parents give several hundred rubles, and this is not enough for everything. But you can earn money with your own labor.

Hello! In this article we will discuss how you can earn money as a teenager.

Today you will learn:

  • How much can you receive per month?
  • How to avoid being scammed.

Can a teenager earn

Often teenagers do not know how to earn money. And this is a really big problem. Because even in the summer it can be quite problematic.

But with the Internet everything is different. Nobody knows who is sitting on the other side of the monitor. That is why there are a huge number of ways for teenagers to earn money, and almost everyone can choose the right option for themselves.

In the article we will look at popular ones. I will tell you how to earn money as a teenager, approximately how much you can earn and how to increase your earnings.

Ways to make money for teenagers on the Internet

First, we will look at where a teenager can make money online. These methods are available to everyone, and most of them do not require special skills.

No investment

Here I have collected for you all the methods that do not require depositing your own funds. You can get paid for performing simple actions.

Clicks, likes, viewing ads

The algorithm is as follows:

  1. Research promotion.
  2. Gain basic copywriting experience.
  3. Create a website using the WordPress engine, buy a domain, upload it to hosting.
  4. Start publishing materials.
  5. Wait for visitors.
  6. After 6 - 12 months you can add advertising.

You're unlikely to succeed the first time. But sites really bring in a lot of income, so the first, second or third will bring experience that you can monetize.

In fact, to make a high-quality website, you will need more than 2,000 rubles. But if you do everything yourself, don’t rush and work for several years, 500 - 1000 rubles a year will be enough.

Task services (Work-zilla, Youdo)

I classified this method of earning money as a paid method, because you have to pay for access to the sites. For teenagers, these two projects have simple tasks: translate audio into text, call clients, find information, write a simple article, etc.

The essence of earning money is as follows:

  1. Registration in the service.
  2. Passing the test.
  3. Payment (—month of work, Yudu—number of applications).
  4. Selecting a task and applying.
  5. If the application is approved, the task is completed.
  6. If all is well, you receive the money.

This method of earning money is extremely promising for those who want to make money on the Internet, but don’t know how to do anything. Suitable for 14 year olds.

Reselling articles

An interesting way to make money, but poorly scalable. When I worked as a copywriter on the Etxt exchange, there was a common practice there: to look for newcomers, give them cheap orders, and resell the received articles. This way, webmasters get cheap content, copywriters get first experience, and the intermediary gets profit.

The essence of earning money is as follows:

  1. Register on the Etxt exchange (you can also use others, but this is the easiest place to work).
  2. Deposit money into your account (you can start even with 300 rubles).
  3. You do several tasks for authors (you can check with experienced intermediaries).
  4. You give them all the tasks that the authors will respond to.
  5. You check the received articles, write reviews, finalize them and put them up in the store.
  6. As soon as the article is purchased, you make a profit.

It is best to start working with as much money as possible. This will make it easier to get back to normal. Personally, when I was playing with this method of earning money, I set the price at 15 rubles/1,000 characters and put it in the store at a price of 21 - 27 rubles per 1,000 characters. Profits at low volumes are minimal, but articles are bought with enviable regularity.

If you put this method of earning money on stream, you can reach an income of 10 - 12 thousand rubles in just 1 - 2 months.

But you will have to independently refine many articles, improve their uniqueness, so as not to waste time. Plus, you can also sell your own articles to increase the volume of articles in your store.

These are all popular ways for a teenager to earn money at home. Choose the one you like, try it and earn money. There are a lot of opportunities on the Internet.

Make money for a teenager without the Internet

Now about where to make money in the summer or after studying.

Help with assignments

This is a great way to earn money if you are studying at a technical school. At the age of 16-17, many are already weaned from school and prefer not to do the assignments that are given in technical schools and in the first years of college. This is used by many excellent students who take tests, give reports, etc. for money.

The method is almost the same as writing reports on the Internet. The only difference is that you already have a ready-made customer base that will contact you if something happens.

Seasonal work

There are 2 seasonal earning opportunities: summer and holidays. Let's look at each of the options.

The easiest time to earn money is before the holidays. You can either sell holiday goods that you bought or made yourself, or get a job for just a couple of days. For example, during the holidays, various attractions are put on the streets, such as “hitting a ball with a dart.” And these days their owners need workers.

Finding income in the summer is much easier. If you like fun, city parks are often suitable for teenagers. If you are already 18, then you can try yourself as a counselor at a summer camp. For teenagers aged 14-15, there is an opportunity to sell ice cream, help in the village, work at a construction site, car wash, etc.


Waiter is a fairly simple but stressful job. The cafe hires teenagers because rarely does anyone work as a waiter for a long time. If you want to earn extra money in the summer or after school, this is a good option. Just keep in mind that the work will be stressful and thankless.


I have 2 friends who started making money as a tutor at the age of 17. In the first year of the institute, they already knew English well and therefore coached schoolchildren, and one even began preparing for the Unified State Exam at 18. Quite a promising niche; it is almost entirely occupied by teachers. But if you have friends, try starting with them.

Providing small services

If you know how to do something, you can easily make money from it. For example, if you know about computers, you can post an ad on Avito about repairing computers, setting up an operating system, etc. You can find many options for what people really need. And as a platform for posting advertisements, use, for example, Vkontakte groups.

I started looking for a way to make money on the Internet at the age of 16, and the banal lack of free money saved me from many deceptions. And based on my own experience and the experience of my colleagues, I can give 3 pieces of advice.

1. Choose a profession.

If you want to really start earning money, and not limit yourself to 10-12 thousand rubles a month, then you will have to choose a specialization. You won't earn much on simple tasks. For example, a copywriter who is developing, in six months, crosses the bar of 1,000 rubles per working day.

Therefore, if you want to make money on the Internet in the future, you need to study professions. Choose the direction you like and study free manuals.

Just don't need to buy anything. Until you reach a stable income of 30 thousand rubles per month, you will not need paid information.

2. Don't count on easy money.

There used to be a lot of scammers on the Internet. They offered to make money quickly, but first you had to pay. Exchangers, betting, automatic earnings from programs, reprinting articles, etc. - I’ll say right away that all this is a lie. There are no freebies on the Internet.

A teenager will not be able to make money quickly. You will have to work and gradually integrate into a new field.

3. Work and work again.

As I said above, there are no freebies. Nobody will pay you money just like that. Therefore, you will have to really work. If you complete tasks, you will have to do them well. If you start writing text, you need to follow the terms of reference and. Your reputation on services is the basis of your earnings. Of course, you can always create a new account, but this is additional time that is best not wasted.

How much can a teenager earn?

Now to the question of how much teenagers earn. I’ll tell you right away: you won’t be able to earn a lot. No one on the internet is going to pay you 30k just to do a simple job. At the same time, you shouldn’t think about any “spend 2-3 hours a day and get 15-20 thousand in a month.”

If you do something easy, like clicks, likes, surveys, etc., you can count on 2 - 3 thousand rubles for 3 - 4 hours of activity every day. If you do something more serious - 8 - 10 thousand rubles.

It is best to focus on an income of 5-6 thousand rubles in the first few months of working on the Internet.

If you start developing in your profession at the age of 15-16, then by the age of 17 you can reach a decent income of 25-30 thousand rubles.


The main advantage of making money on the Internet is that no one knows who is on the other side of the monitor. That is why, even if you are a teenager, you can easily start earning money. It's just worth putting some effort into it and working on yourself.

Modern teenagers strive for independence. They prefer not to ask their parents for pocket money, but to earn it themselves. These aspirations must be supported. But how to make money at 15 years old? At this age, many teenagers work part-time in their free time from school. In addition, some people prefer temporary work during the summer. Employers are willing to hire young people. Next we will talk about where a teenager can earn pocket money. What jobs are available to today's youth?


How to make money at 15 years old? To get some pocket money, children get jobs in various companies. Delivery services and mail are extremely popular. You can work as a courier.

The job involves transporting and delivering letters, small cargo, pizza, and so on. Typically, delivery services employ teenagers who know their way around the city well. In addition, some employers require you to have your own vehicle for transportation. We're talking about bicycles. These devices make the work much easier.

Cafe and catering

How can a schoolchild make money? Many organizations offer hourly and shift work for today's teenagers. New workers are constantly needed in the catering and cafe industry. Schoolchildren are taken here with pleasure.

How to make money at 15 years old? You can go to any fast food cafe like McDonalds and ask for a job. The essence of such work is preparing dishes, cleaning the kitchen, preparing products for further use and taking orders from visitors. Particularly experienced schoolchildren are allowed to the cash register - their task is to pay customers.

Payment in such places is hourly. Fast food cafes are allowed to operate for 4 hours or on weekends. Payment is made by agreement - at the end of the month, shift or week.


How can a 15 year old guy make money? Boys who are in good physical shape can work as loaders. Not all companies agree to such a step - teenagers should not carry objects that are too heavy.

However, if you ask around about available vacancies in specialized services, you can find a place for part-time work. As a rule, labor is paid immediately after the services are rendered. On average, a loader is paid 150-200 rubles per order.

Minor tasks

How can a schoolchild make money? Some children prefer to do small tasks. In this case, the employment service for teenagers will help you find a job. Such companies are not found in all regions of the country.

What tasks can you do for money? Among them, the following tasks are quite common:

  • city ​​greening;
  • garbage collection;
  • care of gardens and summer cottages.

This is not an exhaustive list of jobs available for teenagers. However, the proposed tasks do not require any knowledge or skills from the child.

Summer job

As already mentioned, some children prefer to work either on vacation, or on weekends, or in the summer. It is the latter option that makes schoolchildren and their parents think about employment. In the summer, new vacancies for temporary labor appear. They are readily offered to young people.

The following summer jobs for teenagers 15 years old are suitable:

  • sale of popcorn and cotton candy;
  • sale of corn and hot dogs;
  • work as an ice cream and cocktail seller.

The only peculiarity of such employment is the need for the child to have a medical record. Some employers are ready to hire a student without this document, but this is extremely rare. To work with people and products, even a schoolchild is required to undergo a medical examination and confirm his health.

Catering business

Where to earn money at 15? Fast food cafes are not the only employers recruiting schoolchildren and students for permanent or temporary work. Restaurants and pizzerias also offer a variety of jobs for young people.

Schoolchildren are often employed as kitchen workers, cleaners or waiters in restaurants and large food courts. The last vacancy is more suitable for girls. Payment is hourly. This is the kind of work that pays well.

In order to work as a waiter, a child will have to not only have a medical book, but also have communication skills. Charm and good looks are advantages in employment. Of course, the child needs to be careful.

Important: schoolchildren and teenagers cannot be hired to work in cafes and restaurants (for any vacancy) in the evening. Such shifts (they start at 10 p.m.) are prohibited by labor law.

Knowledge is power

How to make money quickly at 15 years old? Every child at this age already has a certain amount of knowledge, skills and abilities. All this can bring money. If you're lucky, quite a lot.

How to make money on knowledge and skills? Teenagers can be tutors. For example, work with elementary school students or even peers. It is enough to have good knowledge in a particular school subject. People often go to young tutors because their services are not very expensive. Lessons can be taught at any time convenient for the student. Payment by agreement, hourly.

Another option for earning money is providing certain services. Usually this type of work is suitable for boys. They can repair, build, customize. The services of a plumber, system administrator, electrician or auto repairman are all appreciated. It is enough to offer your services to people. For example, by posting notices around the yard.

Help with homework for money, preparing essays and solving tests/tests - all this can bring a student a lot of money. Especially if the child has a good reputation.

While in the West, at the age of 15, schoolchildren officially begin their careers or business journey, Russian employers are in no hurry to attract teenagers. This is due to strict legislative frameworks that encourage companies to be attentive to the health and protection of the interests of the child. However, every year the situation changes and more and more young people begin to work, as statistics show, from the age of 15. The “peak” of employment falls on school holidays (summer), when employment funds in regions and localities are officially involved in registration in a centralized manner.

Legislative regulation of labor relations between children and schoolchildren

Article 63 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation prescribes the conditions and procedure for drawing up agreements (contracts) with teenagers. Part 2 states that persons receiving basic general education (that is, schoolchildren) who have turned 15 can perform light work that will not cause harm to their health. Part 3 obliges the consent of parents (guardians, trustees) to be provided for the conclusion of employment documents.

  • underground works;
  • performing professional tasks in hazardous/harmful production;
  • to types of work that cause moral harm (nightclubs, sale of alcoholic beverages, gambling, etc.);
  • carry (carry) heavy loads.

Article 266 obliges the employer to pay for a preliminary medical examination of schoolchildren, since Art. 69 prohibits the employment of minors without a medical certificate stating that there are no contraindications for performing certain types of operations provided for in job descriptions.

Probation for minors has been excluded (Article 70).

It is important to know! The duration of a working day is 2.5 hours, a week is 12 hours, while when calculating wages, the reduction in working hours provided for by law is taken into account.

Where and by whom to work

There are several options. Before you decide on one type of income or another, you should undergo psychological testing. Or, after consulting with parents and teachers, jointly come to a decision on the optimal start to your career. This is an extremely important point. An uninteresting or too difficult activity can form a negative attitude towards work, work in general, as a difficult, obligatory routine. On the contrary, if you find something that the child likes, is in tune with or continues his hobby, this will significantly increase self-esteem, allow him to find himself, his place in life, and avoid most of the difficulties.

Important! There are several methods and approaches that have been tested by psychologists and social educators and have proven their effectiveness.

Work according to temperament type

Professions that involve communicating with people are more suitable for extroverts. For balanced and stress-resistant sanguine people, the professions of animator, tutor, teacher, secretary, and assistant are suitable. More “explosive” choleric people prefer “indirect” contacts, but in the thick of things, in a group. For example, as a participant in shows, productions, volunteer activities.

How to make money for a 12-year-old schoolchild: important tips and recommendations


Great idea for beginners. All that is required is a good memory, good mood, goodwill. Event organizing companies willingly attract young people. Most often, two people are involved in the production; more experienced instructors help and insure schoolchildren. Payment - from 500 rubles, duration of action - 1-3 hours. The advantage is that wages are paid immediately after the performance has been completed.

“The older sister studies at the institute and works part-time as an animator. After 8th grade she took me with her. Interesting and quite unusual. We need to entertain the kids, and in the morning they can be very “small” -3-4 years old, and in the afternoon they are almost my age, guys who are 12-13 years old. It’s very cool, strong emotions.” Kirill, ninth grader.

Tutor, teacher

For those who are “good at math”. And other school disciplines. Not everyone likes to coach younger students, but those who are interested enjoy the job. The cost of 60 minutes of teaching is 200 rubles. A teacher, nanny, is hired to care for preschool children. But often parents ask for more than just the standard set - to go for a walk and play. But also exercise. For example, read a book, draw, do creative work, or perform finger gymnastics exercises. Price per hour – 200-300 rubles.


It is considered suitable for girls. Although today many young men start working as secretaries and reach great heights, becoming indispensable assistants to managers. The responsibilities of a novice secretary are the analysis and recording of correspondence, telephone conversations, making appointments and monitoring visitors, systematizing the manager’s documentation. Salary per month – 10,000 rubles.

Bankruptcy of an individual: pros and cons for the debtor

Show participant

Large-scale events require the involvement of dancers, backing vocalists, and athletes to ensure the entertainment of the show. Often teenagers (with the consent of their parents) are involved in such productions. Payment 400 rubles for 60 minutes. An additional bonus is the opportunity to meet your idol and learn about the peculiarities of concert activities from behind the scenes.

It is important to know! For introverts, working with papers, animals, and plants is suitable, depending on personal interests and preferences.

Library employee

The systematization of archives, the formation of catalogs and registers captivates those who are interested in books and reading, and prefer a calm working atmosphere, where during breaks no one bothers to dream and think about their own. Salary – 7,000 rubles per month. Often, Employment Funds offer schoolchildren just such vacancies for the summer.

“I got a job in a library through the labor exchange. This was my happiest summer! A lot of books that had to be repaired, signed, framed. After lunch, my working day ended, and until the library closed, until 8 pm, I read, read, read. I probably would have gotten a job there for free, just to have this opportunity again. After talking with my mother, I decided that in a year, after finishing ninth grade, I would go to a library technical school.” Tatyana R., Kursk.

Farm worker, veterinarian assistant

This is a critical area. But an assistant who is committed to serious business is entrusted with more serious assignments. For example, prepare medicines, record the results of examinations carried out by a livestock specialist or a doctor, show farmers how to process the ears, skins, plumage, nasal passages of animals and birds, and artificially feed baby mammals. Suitable for those teenagers who grew up in the village and understand farm concerns well from the inside. Payment – ​​4,000 rubles/month.