What does the e-book read? ShopoTam - delivery of goods from online stores and from the eBay auction The history of the eBay online auction

As you probably already know, the world's largest online store, in addition to its main division in the United States, also has several branches around the world. The largest of them are located in France, Great Britain, Italy, Spain, Germany, Canada, China and other countries.

Each branch has its own website in the language of the country it belongs to and operates in the currency corresponding to that country. If you have an Amazon.com account, you can use it on Amazon sites in other countries (except for the Chinese branch).

Amazon's largest division in Europe is German. His website is on the domain Amazon.de. And buying goods here with delivery to Russia, Ukraine and other CIS countries is often more profitable in terms of delivery than doing it on an American website.

The same principles apply on the German Amazon as on the American Amazon. Here you can find both offers from Amazon itself and from third-party sellers. Therefore, if you know how to work with an American site, then there will be no difficulties with a German one - everything is the same here. If you are a beginner, check out our website dedicated to working with Amazon.

Product prices are displayed in Euros. Payment for orders on Amazon.de can also be made by credit card. it doesn’t work here, which is understandable - after all, PayPal belongs to eBay, and this is a direct competitor of Amazon. Prices for some goods are similar to prices on the American site, but still most of the goods are sold here at a higher cost. In addition, all goods purchased through Amazon.de are subject to VAT, which adds another 19% to the price tag. The tax itself is already included in the price tag by default.

If the American site allows you to order some goods with direct international delivery to Russia, then the German Amazon does not support direct delivery to the Russian Federation - you will have to turn to the help of intermediaries or forwarding companies. One of the largest such companies is Mist-Germany. Yes, some sellers are still ready to send goods to Russia by direct delivery ( Internationale und Inlandsversandkosten), but there are very few of them.

It would seem, given all of the above, the German branch should not be popular among our compatriots. But this is not true at all. Why?


1. As already mentioned, the representative office in Germany is the largest in Europe. This means that here you can find any goods sold and produced in Europe. The assortment is incredibly rich, and among the products there are real exclusives that can only be bought here.

2. Even taking into account VAT, buying on amazon.de is often more profitable than doing it in Russian or Ukrainian stores.

3. All delivery problems can be easily resolved through forwarding companies. And thanks to Germany’s geographical proximity to our countries, delivery times are minimal, and delivery costs are lower than from the USA.

4. Buying household appliances in a German branch is more rational than in an American one. This is due to the fact that on Amazon.de the equipment is designed for a power supply voltage of 220 V, and on the American site - for 110 V. And the power cords here have a Euro plug, which saves us from the need to use adapters, as is the case with American equipment . This remark is true for products such as vacuum cleaners, irons, microwave ovens, etc. Portable electronics (mobile phones, laptops, tablets, electric shavers) are equipped with their own power supplies, so they can be purchased in the USA.

Articles on the topic

Detailed instructions for ordering from Amazon.com via Shipito. We order goods that do not have direct delivery to Russia through a forwarding company.

How to buy on Amazon, detailed instructions with a graphic description of each step.

Special offer from Amazon - participation in the Amazon Prime program. Features of the free trial period, instructions for disabling renewal.

A detailed description of all possible delivery methods from Amazon

How to buy on Amazon.de

Amazon.de is an online platform of Amazon in Germany, the distinctive feature of which is more favorable conditions and delivery options for Russia. Thus, only on the German Amazon you can order various game consoles, as well as additional peripherals and games for them, sometimes at almost half the price than in Russia.

All prices on Amazon.de include value added tax of 19%. When making a purchase to an address in Russia, this tax is not charged. To calculate the price before taxes, multiply by 0.84. VAT for Russian citizens will be deducted from the price automatically at the last step of the purchase process, you will not have to take additional actions.

All you need to order a product from Amazon.de is:

  1. Wish;
  2. Electronic mailbox;
  3. A plastic card.

It also doesn’t hurt to have the Google Chrome browser, which automatically offers translations of the pages you view into Russian.

Follow these instructions, it describes absolutely all the steps of the purchase so that you do not have any difficulties. Don't be afraid to order from Amazon.de - it's profitable, safe and not at all difficult.

How to order from amazon.de

If you know exactly what you want order from Amazon.de, then in order to save time it is best to use the search system. Enter the name of the product (Amazon will likely provide suggestions based on the most common searches) and click the " LOS».

In our example, we are ordering a new PS Vita portable console.

Most often, already in the first lines of the search results is the product that we need, in this case it is a PS Vita console with a Wi-Fi module.

Click on the product name to go to its more detailed description.

This page provides a detailed description of the product: characteristics, equipment, warranty conditions and other useful information. Press the button " In den Einkaufswagen" to add the item to your cart.

Product added. To confirm this, you will see the following information message.

Special offers and discounts

Special offers and there are almost always various discounts, so information on how to find such offers and take advantage of them is included in the instructions.

First of all, return to the product page: if you followed the instructions and did not close the windows, you can simply click the “ Back» in the browser, otherwise you can re-enter the product through the search.
In the product description you need to find the heading “ Hinweise und Aktionen", it is in this tab that various special offers are described.

For example, in the case of PS Vita, if you use the translation from the Google Chrome browser, it will already become clear that you can get an 8Gb memory card absolutely free, but it is better to familiarize yourself with this offer in more detail by clicking on the link “ Mehr erfahren» (More details).

Having translated the text of the detailed description of the promotion using Google Chrome, you understand that the point of the promotion is that, as already mentioned, you can get an 8GB memory card absolutely free, but in addition you can get free headphones, and also if you order the game to the console, you will receive a discount of 15 euros on it.

A little below the description, you are offered the opportunity, without leaving the page, to add the items missing to qualify for the promotion. More precisely, the page displays the most popular products that people added for this promotion. This means that you can find and add, for example, another PS Vita game that is not included in the list, and also get a 15 euro discount on it.

Check the boxes next to the products and press the button to add them to your cart.

The next window will provide information that there are already 4 items in your cart, and their total cost will also be provided. This cost is calculated by simply summing up all prices of goods, excluding shares, and also includes a 19% tax, which you do not have to pay.

Proceed to checkout by clicking the " Zur Kasse gehen».

For security purposes, you must re-enter your registration data and log in to the system. If you haven't registered yet, please do so. Registration is simple and can be completed in a few clicks; additional information and help with registration can be found in these instructions.

Proceed to checkout.

information about delivery

The first step in placing an order You must fill in information about the delivery address, enter all data in Latin letters.

  • Vor- und Nachname– first and last name;
  • Firmname– company name, do not fill in;
  • Straße und Hausnummer- street, house number, apartment;
  • Stadt- city;
  • Bundesland/Canton- region;
  • Postleitzahl– your mail index;
  • Land– country, select Russische Föderation (Russian Federation);
  • Telefonnummer für Rückfragen– feel free to write your phone number; in practice, the chance that it will ever be used tends to zero.

To continue, press the button " Weiter».

The next step is to select the type of delivery; it is represented by only one option - standard delivery (7-21 days), carried out by state post offices. In Russia it is received either through a courier (EMS) or through a post office.

Also, in this menu you are asked to choose how the parcel will be formed (“Wählen Sie eine Versandeinstellung”), there are two options:

  • Standard formation - the delivery department will wait for the receipt of all goods of the order, collect them together and send them in one parcel;
  • Dispatch without waiting - the delivery department ships each item from the order immediately as it becomes available, without waiting for the remaining items. The disadvantage of this type of sending is that many parcels are generated and you will have to pay for each of them separately.

Leave everything unchanged and press the “ Weiter" to continue.

Payment on Amazon.de

In the next window you must enter your payment information. You can pay on Amazon.de using a plastic card, using a gift certificate, or using a special Amazon credit card, but this can only be obtained by German citizens.

Choose the option that is most suitable for you - payment using a plastic card. To add information about your card, click the “Kreditkarte hinzufüge” button, then enter:

  • Your card number is 16 digits on the front of the card;
  • The owner's name is indicated just below the card number;
  • The expiration date is indicated on the front side.

Read the article if you have any difficulties entering payment information.

Press the button " Ihre Karte hinzufügen" to save the changes.

To continue, press the button " Weiter».

The following page contains absolutely all the information regarding your order:

  • Delivery address;
  • Payment information;
  • Selected products;
  • Delivery type;
  • Price for goods;
  • Delivery price;
  • Discount amount for promotions;
  • Actually a list of the shares themselves;
  • Total amount to be paid.

You may notice that in addition to deductions for special offers, German VAT, which is not charged to Russian citizens, was automatically deducted from the amount payable. Residents of Germany would pay 19% more for the same order.

Check all the points again and press the “ Bestellung abschicken» to confirm and pay for the order.

You can experiment by selecting different order options to view the final price. Don't be afraid until you press the button Bestellung abschicken", the order will not be processed.

Amazon.com- One of the largest online stores in the world. It sells goods of all categories, as well as quality products under its own brand. Almost all manufacturers and brands have their own departments on Amazon. If you are planning to buy any product, start your search on Amazon. A large selection often allows you to purchase goods at prices lower than those from the manufacturer. When purchasing on Amazon.com through the service site, you get the following benefits:

  • the ability to buy goods that are not supplied to your country;
  • the ability to purchase goods and pay using methods that are not accepted on Amazon;
  • carrying out inspection of goods before shipment from the USA, Europe;
  • saving on shipping costs by combining many orders into one package.

It’s very easy to buy products on the official Amazon website with our help.

We offer you two options:

Find the product on Amazon.com
and order through us

You can find the required product on the official website www.amazon.com and then place an order on our website. We have integrated and Russified Amazon.com for you here, but it is impossible to copy all the functionality of Amazon, so we advise you to go to Amazon.com and select the goods are there, and then place an order with us.

Use our search to
find products from Amazon.com

You can start searching for products featured on Amazon.com and place an order directly on our website. We have created Amazon.com in Russian for you. If you are looking for a specific product, simply enter its name, model or brand and click "Find". Or, use navigation through the main categories presented on this page and gradually refine your search criteria

The American Amazon is known throughout the world for its almost unlimited selection of goods of all types and excellent prices. However, its European branches offer an equally huge selection. The largest of the European ones is the German Amazon.de - on it you can find almost all goods produced in Europe.

If you often buy on the American Amazon.com, there should be no problems with the German version, however, we have nevertheless collected several important clarifications for you, and we are also happy to remind you that Banderolka will deliver all purchases directly to your home - to Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan.

What to do with the German language?

If you don't speak German, it's important to know that Amazon.de is easy to switch to English - there's a special option for this right below the search bar.

Do I need to create a separate account?

If you have already registered and made purchases on the American (or any other except Chinese) Amazon, you can also log into your account on Amazon.de without creating a new one - to do this, you just need to find the Sign in option and enter your email address and password , which you used when registering your account.

Delivery address

Now that you have logged into your account, all that remains is to add a new delivery address in Berlin.

If you have already registered on the Banderolka website and you have an American address, then you also have a European one - just log in to the site and click the “Berlin” button in the upper left corner of the screen.

If you are just starting to buy in Europe and America, you can register here - https://qwintry.com/ru/user/register, and you will immediately receive American and European addresses for ordering goods!

So, now that you have your personal address for delivery to Berlin, you need to add it to your Amazon account. To do this, go to your account and find Settings, and in this window - Add a New Address.

*In Address line 2, instead of W20XXXX, each user will have different numbers. They indicate the cell number in our warehouse.

All that remains is to choose a product and make a purchase!

Products from the European Union

On German Amazon, customers have access to products from all over Europe, however, when making a purchase, we recommend not to forget about European shopping rules through the Parcel warehouse in Berlin. Parcels from countries outside the European Union are subject to customs duties and we will not be able to accept them. Therefore, we advise you to check with the seller where the parcel will be sent from. Amazon also indicates which country the item is being shipped from.

New to Amazon?

And most importantly, if you have not purchased on Amazon yet, we advise you to go to the English version of Amazon.de as indicated in point 1 and study our detailed

After I was banned from the official Amazon affiliate program and was not paid the money I had earned for 2 years (I wrote about this), I began to look for other options for working with Amazon to monetize the site. And I found an excellent service, the super-aggregator of affiliate programs Skimlinks.com ( Skimlinks com), with which I continue to work to this day.

I’ll tell you in more detail how it works. After registering in the system and adding a site or sites, a special java code is issued for each of them, which is implemented on the site. This code automatically converts all found links into affiliate links if this affiliate program is found in the Skimlinks database.

And their database is simply huge and includes more than 20,000 affiliate programs, including major players such as Amazon.com, Ebay.com, Aliexpress.com, ASOS.com, Lamoda.ru and many others. But they are mainly represented All foreign brands and marks, there are almost no Russian ones. Since the service is designed mainly for foreign-English-speaking traffic. Therefore, a minimum knowledge of English is necessary to work with the system, since the interface is only in English and Japanese.

At one point, I thought about monetization options on this site. After walking around the Amazon website and searching the Internet, I found out that there is a special affiliate program. If a person follows an affiliate link to the Amazon website and makes a purchase, then the partner who posted the link receives a reward in the amount of 4% per purchase.

I signed up for the Amazon affiliate program and started working with it, placing affiliate links and widgets on the site.

Since not many people visit the site and the traffic is mainly from Russia and the CIS countries, the earnings were not big at first, it was from 0 to 10 $, over time, as new articles were added to the site and traffic increased, the income increased to 30- $50. This is quite good, considering, again, that the Amazon affiliate program is more focused on foreign traffic. Over the first one and a half to two years, a more or less decent amount has accumulated, something like $200). There are three options for getting the money you earn:

Using this service, all Amazon buyers (and by the way, there are a considerable number of them: 250 million people, and these are only active buyers) can use bank card data stored on amazon.com for payment. And you can pay not only for goods, but also for services from third-party suppliers.

So, using Amazon Payments, you can pay your phone bill, utilities, or purchase a subscription to a music service or any other site. It is possible to arrange automatic payment (for sites with a monthly subscription) and automatic payment of bills that are issued automatically. Also, system users will be able to transfer money to each other.

Science fiction, classical literature, modern prose, journalism, all kinds of magazines, newspaper articles can be viewed in Kindle and PDF format. Among other things, Kindle allows you to read scanned unique books in the DJVU format. This format mainly contains textbooks. The Kindle reader gives you the opportunity to have a truly university library in your pocket.