Donald Trump think big. Donald Trump, Bill Zanker Think big and don't slow down! The Art of Systems Thinking

People are content with little when the whole world lies at their feet! The one who has learned to take advantage of all the benefits of reality has long become a famous and very rich person, and the one who continues to enjoy what is given still joins the ranks of losers. Whose ranks do you want to join? This is exactly how Donald Trump, together with Bill Zanker, tells the story provocatively and daringly in his book “Think Big and Don’t Slow Down!” The authors of this amazing business manual immediately warn you that if you have even the slightest doubt, you need to get rid of them. Does not work? Well, this world will never get rid of losers.

Don’t take it personally, but only by angering a person and pointing out his insignificance can you force an ordinary hard worker to work hard and think big. Download the book “Think big and don’t slow down!” in fb2, epub, pdf, txt – Donald Trump and Bill Zanker you can visit the site for free

What is this book about?

Why are not all people doomed to success? What prevents some from building huge corporations, while others are gaining worldwide recognition and replenishing their bank accounts with six-zero sums? The answer is simply low levels of aspiration and doubt. If you do not strive to bring this world to its knees, you are a loser. If you doubt your actions and do nothing for fear of losing, you are a loser 2. It’s rude and cynical, but this is the harsh truth of life, from which you cannot escape, no matter how much you want to do so.

In the book “Think Big and Don’t Slow Down!” Donald Trump and Bill Zanker have prepared for readers a sobering cocktail of life truths, success stories of famous people and a pinch of sarcastic insults, which will instantly make you leave the illusory world, looking into the eyes of reality. The authors are convinced that the commercial world is cruel and merciless. There is not a place for everyone. Only those who are not afraid to fight for their dreams and can deal a devastating low kick to failure in response have a chance to succeed.

What does this book teach?

You need to approach business willingly and creatively, without wanting to do this business. In the preface to his book, Donald Trump explains what led him to success and what helped Bill Zanker create Learning Annex.

In the book “Think Big and Don’t Slow Down!” Donald Trump and Bill Zanker decide to voice the true price of success and dedicate their readers to this secret. The manual reveals the main secret of all successful people and teaches you how to treat your favorite business correctly.

This book teaches:

  • calculate each subsequent step, because the world of commerce is like a minefield that cannot be stepped on thoughtlessly;
  • respond blow to blow, because strength is the best ally in the fight;
  • never give up so as not to join the ranks of losers.

Have you decided to build your own business? The green light is on for you, but get ready, there will be quite a few challenges.

Who is this book for?

This book will be useful for all those people who want to become famous. Stories of other people's successes inspire and motivate, and the audacious storytelling style evokes the healthy anger that should be enough to carry out your plans.

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To my parents Fred and Mary Trump, my brother Fred Trump Jr., my sisters Judge Maryanne Trump-Barry and Elizabeth Trump-Grau, my brother Robert Trump, my children Donald Jr., Ivanka, Eric, Tiffany and Barron, and my lovely wife Melania.

Donald Trump

This book is dedicated to my loving wife, Debbie, and my children, Ediva, Dylan, and Vera, who have always supported me in my pursuit of excellence, and to everyone at the Learning Annex who THINK BIG every day.

Bill Zanker


Over the course of many years of my business life, I have met people who have left a lasting impression on me. Bill Zanker is one of them. When I met him, I realized that he was not just a very smart and energetic person, but a dynamo in every sense of the word. I couldn't help but admire his ideas and his enthusiasm.

Creativity is an important element of success, no matter what you do. Bill is a creative person and he knows how to apply his creative energy to real work. Anyone who ever crossed paths with Bill is unlikely to forget him. He is a talented promoter and his positive outlook on life has influenced thousands upon thousands of people. He is an excellent mentor who knows his subject down to the smallest detail.

But besides that, he loves what he does - and for me this is one of the key indicators when it comes to how to achieve success. His enthusiasm has not waned over the years, and Learning Annex has achieved impressive results.

Thinking big is a credo I have practiced since my early youth, and it is a tried and true path to success. Bill also professes it, and the results are obvious. Working on this book was a good adrenaline rush for both of us, and we hope that it will not only be an interesting read, but also teach you a lot. We want each of you to realize your dream - and if you work tirelessly, your dream will come true!

Donald Trump


From small to big

Until I met Donald Trump, Learning Annex was a small company. Now this is a big company - because I have learned the principle of Donald Trump: hit the point with all my might. Twenty-eight years ago, when I was a film student at New York's New School, I needed money to support myself. And then, in 1979, at the age of twenty-six, I took the $5,000 I was given for my bar mitzvah and founded Learning Annex. At first, I saw my company as something like an informal school, where experimental film professionals could share their experience with beginners. But my then friend, a teacher of artistic ceramics, convinced me to expand the range of subjects and create a training center of a different kind, where people could learn in a short time what is not taught almost anywhere. And so the Learning Annex School was born.

In those early days, at the very beginning of my journey, I would dress up in a clown costume and go out onto the streets of Manhattan, where I would hand out catalogs of our courses to passers-by. At the same time, I explained that they needed to call the number listed in the directory and say that they were sent by a clown. For this they were guaranteed a five dollar discount. Then I ran to the office and answered calls. To my delight, many of the callers told me that some handsome clown told them about the discount. I recorded the details of the future listener and sent a confirmation letter to his address. If there were no calls, I started looking for new teachers and lecturers. The entire business consisted of one person, and I ran it from my one-room apartment on the West Side of Manhattan.

My film career never materialized, but the Learning Annex did, and I was happy. I realized that I was born a promoter and that I had finally found my calling.

I completely changed the concept of "lifelong learning" into what I called edu-tainment. These days, everything happens at incredible speed. People don't have time for formal education. MTV and the Internet have created a generation that wants things done quickly and in an entertaining way. I decided that the lectures should be given by celebrities and stars. I wanted our lecturers and teachers to be people of enormous stature.

As our list acquired a certain glamor thanks to the inclusion of celebrities, the number of people willing to attend the courses immediately increased exponentially - and more and more prominent people agreed to my requests to give lectures. Sarah Jessica Parker, Harrison Ford, Richard Simmons, Henry Kissinger, Barbara Bush, Larry King, Renee Zellweger, Deepak Chopra and Rudy Giuliani are just a few of the hundreds of celebrities who have taken the stages at the Learning Annex.

How did I manage to attract them? Since I didn’t have a lot of money, I pressed another button: their feeling of guilt. I said, “You have succeeded. Why don’t you give back to society?” I remember movie mogul Harvey Weinstein. I whined and whined, whined and whined: “You can devote one hour of your time to the students of the Learning Annex - for charity.” In the end he agreed. It was amazing to listen to him talk, full of interesting details, about how to succeed in Hollywood. It all ended with him talking for several hours! That's how we got legendary music producer Clive Davis. He not only listened to the demo recordings of our students, but also signed a contract with one of them right in the classroom. Most celebrities didn't care about money.

But not Donald Trump. He didn't even answer my calls. One day I called Trump's office and was put through to his personal secretary, Norma. I knew I wouldn't attract Trump's attention by casting my usual bait. He simply wouldn't talk to me. I decided to whet his interest with money, which is actually extremely unusual for me. But I really wanted to get him - and that’s why I dared to take such a step. I offered an amount that was fantastic for me: $10,000. His secretary responded: “And that’s all?”, immediately rejecting my offer as a bottle of cheap Chianti. After adding a short “no,” she hung up.

It took all my courage, but a few days later I called Norma again and said, “I will give Mr. Trump $25,000.” Norma replied: “No. He's not interested in that."

I was shocked. Then I finally realized that I was playing too carefully. A week later, I took a huge risk by offering $100,000. It was the largest fee I had ever offered to a guest speaker—but Norma was unimpressed. Without hesitation, she snapped: “It won’t work. Donald will not perform."

I sat down and thought: what to do next? Should we give up on luring Donald Trump - or should we keep trying? I didn't know what to do. Then I remembered what motivational guru Tony Robbins taught me: “If you want to achieve something great, you have to push yourself beyond your limits. You need to pump yourself up into a state of hyperactivity. And you have to do it yourself. No one will do this for you." I decided that I wanted to reach the maximum. Donald Trump was precisely the incarnate Mr. Maximum. Each of us has our own heroes. Mine was Donald. If I wanted to play on the same field as him, I had to push myself to the next level. I puffed out my chest, took a deep breath and gathered all my energy reserves together. Then I called Norma at Donald Trump's office and offered one million dollars for Trump to speak for an hour at the Learning Annex. At that time, our company's annual income was five and a half million dollars. Think about it for a second. I offered him a million, but our entire income for the whole year was only five and a half million! At the same time, there were rarely more than several hundred students in the hall. How I was going to get my money back - I didn’t have the slightest idea. But I knew I had to take this step. I just knew it. I listened to my instincts and called. And Norma said: “This is a very interesting proposal. I'll talk to Donald."

Think big and don't slow down! Bill Zanker, Donald Trump

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Title: Think big and don't slow down!
Author: Bill Zanker, Donald Trump
Year: 2012
Genre: Popular about business, Foreign business literature, Personal growth, Foreign psychology

About the book “Think big and don’t slow down!” Bill Zanker, Donald Trump

In his new book, the great businessman and provocateur Donald Trump brilliantly debunks the illusions associated with the world of business. According to Trump, not everyone can become rich and famous. Success and wealth go to the strong, but illusions and doubts are the lot of losers.

Donald Trump's motto in life and business is passion, healthy anger, a realistic view of the world and a creative approach to solving any problem. Life is a tough fight, and if you want to come out victorious, forget the word “no”, learn to work with your fists, return blow to blow, never give up and calculate every step you take. This is the only way to achieve big goals, and you shouldn’t set others!

The price of success is high, and if you feel you are willing to pay it, this book is for you!

On our website about books, you can download the site for free without registration or read online the book Bill Zanker, Donald Trump “Think Big and Don’t Slow Down!” in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and real pleasure from reading. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For beginning writers, there is a separate section with useful tips and tricks, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at literary crafts.

Quotes from the book “Think Big and Don’t Slow Down!” Bill Zanker, Donald Trump

The best way to learn is to study the history of successes and failures in your business.

– The more I work, the luckier I get.

Outstanding minds have always drawn positive conclusions about things and events. Get into the habit of doing the same. Start each day with the thought: “Today is a great day. I live in the best country in the world. I have a wonderful profession. It's great to be alive! I have a lot of opportunities to succeed today!”

Stop thinking - start doing! Start small - and constantly move forward, taking on new and new heights to strengthen your strength and self-confidence. This is how Olympians reach the very top. They push themselves to ever greater goals, achieving them consistently.

Trump: “If you can think at all, then nothing stops you from thinking big. This is your choice. Whatever the circumstances, no one can stop you from thinking big.”

Tony Robbins: “If you want to achieve something great, you have to push yourself to go beyond your limits. You need to pump yourself up into a state of hyperactivity. And you have to do it yourself. No one will do this for you."

When you start something new, you don't have any "charge". And during this period everything is very difficult. People don't call you, they don't invite you anywhere. You seem to be going nowhere, but if you work hard to achieve your goal, you will soon find yourself in the thick of people and events. You will have contacts, they will begin to trust you, undoubted achievements will appear on your list of works - and now everything will be much easier.

Become someone who knows how to solve complex problems, and you will become someone to whom people will willingly pay big money.

Never admit that you have lost. If you fail, that's okay. The situation may have been beyond your control. But never throw out the white flag yourself! Continue the fight! You may not know it in advance, but in the next moment a new chance may arise, a new opportunity may arise.

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